Offbeat: Steve Ballmer signs MacBook Pro - running Windows, of course



  • Reply 41 of 130
    Originally Posted by bedouin View Post

    I'd rather have Charles Manson sign my MacBook with Sharon Tate's blood than let that buffoon touch it.

    Wow, you'd rather have a convicted killer sign it than a mere businessman.

    I'd let him sign my MBP, might increase it's value!
  • Reply 42 of 130
    Originally Posted by NewMacMan View Post

    I would love to see someone take a PC to Jobs and ask him to sign it! If someone does, post that video on here, and THEN we'll have a nice discussion!

    Steve Jobs hardly makes public appearances, though. The situation might not be so fortunate if you had to make an appointment foe him to sign it. But catching him spontaneously with cameras around probably means he'll be a good sport as well and sign it. He'd basically have to, just like Ballmer.
  • Reply 43 of 130
    Judging by the laptop's physical vintage, it *could* also be running MS Virtual PC to run Windows.
  • Reply 44 of 130
    hzchzc Posts: 63member
    Originally Posted by Takeo View Post

    There are worse fetishes. LOL. Doc Johnson probably sells a product called "stick-in-the-ass"

    There really was no way to say no to the kid and not look like a total douche. He did the right thing. And by playing along and adding to the joke himself by saying "need a new one?"... I think he played it pretty well.

    I love how he chose to sign right on top of the Apple logo too!!!!!!! ARGH!!!!!! Question is... does that signature make the laptop more valuable... or less? LOL.

    Not that I would have wanted Ballmer's signature on my MBP, or at all for that matter, but seeing him sign over the logo made me cringe.

    Worse yet, I think adding "Need a new one?" screwed it up. It would have maybe looked classy if the signature, and signature only, was in the lower right. It would have been even better if that signature was Jobs'.
  • Reply 45 of 130
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    After the incident, one Microsoft employee said of the situation: "You just don't pick up the CEO of Chevy in a BMW."

    My, oh my, where to begin...

    If this comment alone doesn't demonstrate what's wrong with Microsoft, then I can't think of a better example.

    Talk about missing the point.

    The guy should have said Ford or Chrysler -- yet he chooses BMW, one of the finest automobile companies on the face of the planet!

    Sure, you don't dare expose the CEO to a BMW -- the comparison may cause a severe case of EPIC FAIL, followed by suicidal tendencies.

    (And, more importantly, shouldn't he be referring to the CEO of GM -- since, oh, I don't know, about 1917 ??!?!?)

    Update: after reading arlomedia's comment below, then maybe that employee has a really fine sense of humour!
  • Reply 46 of 130
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    After the incident, one Microsoft employee said of the situation: "You just don't pick up the CEO of Chevy in a BMW."

    Chevy=Microsoft, BMW=Apple... I wonder if this was an intentional comparison?
  • Reply 47 of 130
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    As others have said it is an Intel computer that can run his company's OS, why would he even ask if they needed a new one? Would he say that if a Dell were the computer in question? His company only makes an OS, they are supposed to be agnostic to hardware (in the computing arena). Now if he were asked to sign a boxed copy of OS X that would be the same situation of asking SJ to sign a Dell.
  • Reply 48 of 130
    Steve Ballmer should say , I hope you dont mind my sweaty and smelly hand spoils your Mac
  • Reply 49 of 130
    Originally Posted by PaulMJohnson View Post

    I think that's great - good on Steve Ballmer.

    actually from the way it was described, Ballmer was taking a dig. He didn't seem like he believed Windows was on it. or that the computer was very good (why else the comment about replacing it).

    not that that would stop me from taking my MBP down to Mission Viejo to get some Guru help putting Windows on it. Just to see what they would do when I pull it out of the box. I just need to figure out how to get it on tape without them knowing.
  • Reply 50 of 130
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Steve Jobs hardly makes public appearances, though. The situation might not be so fortunate if you had to make an appointment foe him to sign it. But catching him spontaneously with cameras around probably means he'll be a good sport as well and sign it. He'd basically have to, just like Ballmer.

    Steve doesn't allow himself or his family to get into spontaneous situations and can be quite vicious defending his privacy. So be warned.

    Every public appearance is calculated with Steve to create the icon image, but personally Steve is a bit odd in the genius sort of fashion.

    You want a autograph? Get Phil's, he's always popping around various Apple Stores, but be warned, you'll be buying a Mac, he's a extremely good salesperson.
  • Reply 51 of 130
    Looked like a G4 to me (front loading DVD), so I doubt it had Windows on it.
  • Reply 52 of 130
    I don't think he's being a good sport, it's his redneck way of being pseudo gallant. I even wonder is this was staged in some way. Who with an apple laptop in his right mind would ask Balmer to sign it.
  • Reply 53 of 130
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by NewMacMan View Post

    Oh, it's great that he joked about it, and funny... but it doesn't look good for his company. Maybe instead of "no class", I should have said "unprofessional". Ask any business person, and they would not sign a competitors product. And they shouldn't.

    I happen to be "a business person" and you are full of you know what. Since when does a business person have to lose touch with the consumer or display no sense of humor. Please don't go into business for yourself because with that type of an attitude you will surely fail, big time.
  • Reply 54 of 130
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    Steve doesn't allow himself or his family to get into spontaneous situations and can be quite vicious defending his privacy. So be warned.

    Every public appearance is calculated with Steve to create the icon image, but personally Steve is a bit odd in the genius sort of fashion.

    You want a autograph? Get Phil's, he's always popping around various Apple Stores, but be warned, you'll be buying a Mac, he's a extremely good salesperson.

    Good post. Agreed.
  • Reply 55 of 130
    Originally Posted by myapplelove View Post

    I don't think he's being a good sport, it's his redneck way of being pseudo gallant. I even wonder is this was staged in some way. Who with an apple laptop in his right mind would ask Balmer to sign it.

    Because Ballmer is a a celebrity, and love him or hate him, the CEO of the largest tech company on the planet. That kinda means something, any way you slice it. Plus, he's incredibly entertaining. I'd love to get his signature just because of that.

    And of course there's always the eBay option the next day.
  • Reply 56 of 130
    Does he mean a new laptop? Does he think Microsoft MAKES computers?

    They don't make computers. They make them crappy.
  • Reply 57 of 130
    This is good advertising for Microsoft and Apple.

    I'm sure there are more than a few people who will see this news story and say...

    "I didn't know you could run Windows on a Mac."

    For some people Windows is the best OS for their needs.

    Apple makes some of the best hardware available.

    Some people will discover this combination for the first time as a result of this.
  • Reply 58 of 130
    hypothetically what do you think Jobs would do if the press were surrounding him at a college event and a student walked up with a Dell Mini 9 running OSX and that had an Apple sticker over the Dell logo and asked him to sign it?

    (I know it's different as even Apple advertises that you can run Windows on a Mac, and sells Office for the Mac while this would be an "illegal" OS installation.)

    I'm sure 80% of the posters to this site would want Jobs to call campus security and have the student tasered, but honestly, if the kid asked him to sign that, with cameras flashing, what do you think he would do? Smart-ass comment, wave him off, or sign it?
  • Reply 59 of 130
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    what would make even bigger news is if a student went up to steve jobs and said " mr jobs would you sign my hp envy, its running osx, i promise.



    Originally Posted by mavfan1 View Post

    hypothetically what do you think Jobs would do if the press were surrounding him at a college event and a student walked up with a Dell Mini 9 running OSX and that had an Apple sticker over the Dell logo and asked him to sign it?

    (I know it's different as even Apple advertises that you can run Windows on a Mac, and sells Office for the Mac while this would be an "illegal" OS installation.)

    I'm sure 80% of the posters to this site would want Jobs to call campus security and have the student tasered, but honestly, if the kid asked him to sign that, with cameras flashing, what do you think he would do? Smart-ass comment, wave him off, or sign it?

    He'd have to sign it... but with some smart-ass comment about getting a legit Mac, i'm sure (much like Ballmer's "need a new one?" comment)
  • Reply 60 of 130
    bedouinbedouin Posts: 331member
    Originally Posted by PaulMJohnson View Post

    Wow, you'd rather have a convicted killer sign it than a mere businessman.

    At least Manson would write something more interesting than "Need a new one?"
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