Apple reveals long-awaited multi-touch 'iPad'



  • Reply 41 of 785
    Originally Posted by macshark View Post

    10 hours of "best case" battery life is pathetic. It probably won't even last 4-5 hours under heavy use. They should have made it a few ounces heavier to get at least 8 hours of battery life under heavy use, which would translate to 14-16 hours of "best case" battery life...

    I couldn't agree with you more on this aspect. For tablets to truly become mainstream they need to be usable for a typical office day.

    Since the powers that be chose a horrible system to handle their live updates of this event I am unable to determine this next question myself... Is the battery user replaceable or is it yet another built-in job?

    I see great promise for the device in many business environments if the battery were user replaceable and lasted a full (and then some) business day. But, you'll have to replace the batteries every year. Businesses won't want to send the devices off to get the batteries replaced or buy new ones every year.
  • Reply 41 of 785
    Originally Posted by alectheking View Post

    I am shocked they went with iPad

    I was hoping they would sounds better than iSlate!
  • Reply 43 of 785
    SUCH A DISAPPOINTMENT!! It looks ugly (huge bezel) and tastes awful... not nearly sufficiently better enough than an iPhone to justify it's bigger size!
  • Reply 44 of 785
    Full-screen FieldRunners would run pretty cool on this thing. Get ready to fork out $$$ for more levels...
  • Reply 45 of 785
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    [CENTER]So far... So Accurate on my predictions earlier in the month - iPad It Is![/CENTER]
  • Reply 46 of 785
    Originally Posted by LE Studios View Post

    I was hoping they would sounds better than iSlate!

    I personally like iSlate much more. It sounds futuristic and intriguing..
  • Reply 47 of 785
    I'm most surprised by what appears to be the lack of a camera. I was hoping it would have some cool iChat-like video conferencing.
  • Reply 48 of 785
    Originally Posted by alectheking View Post

    Also the bezel looks huge. First impressions are a bit scrambled...idk what to think yet till i see it in person. \

    I think the bezel is just right; your fingers have to go somewhere when you are holding it or handing it over to someone to look at something.
  • Reply 49 of 785
    apple stock down
  • Reply 50 of 785
    where is Ireland??? I hate to think of how he feels right now..
  • Reply 50 of 785
    Originally Posted by Ysean View Post

    Since the powers that be chose a horrible system to handle their live updates of this event I am unable to determine this next question myself... Is the battery user replaceable or is it yet another built-in job?

    I can't confirm for sure obviously, but since Apple is moving all their moble products to an integrated battery, I will bet that this will be the same.
  • Reply 52 of 785
    Originally Posted by ifail View Post

    Ugh, no flash...seriously?

    Give me a price and i'll decide if i should buy or not, looks intriguing but not a must have.

    I am going with $499 + data plan. They are going to price this slow to get volume and to position it as a gaming device.
  • Reply 53 of 785
    sandausandau Posts: 1,230member
    Originally Posted by SheldonJohnScott View Post

    apple stock is tumbling. not a good sign..

    stock always plummets after/during an event.
  • Reply 54 of 785
    I love the New York Times reader - something I was hoping for, since newspapers on my Kindle are crap.
  • Reply 55 of 785
    wigginwiggin Posts: 2,265member
    Originally Posted by alectheking View Post

    Also the bezel looks huge. First impressions are a bit scrambled...idk what to think yet till i see it in person. \

    Same. I'll reserve final judgement until I learn more and see one in person. But from first impressions it just seems too big. The bezel looks clunky by Apple's normal asthetic standards. It's also not at all what I thought the aspect ratio would be.
  • Reply 56 of 785
    Originally Posted by SheldonJohnScott View Post

    apple stock down 11.00 .. really bad news

    You must have a scum-broker if you are getting a quote for that price. The current real time quote is down 3.23 (-1.57%)
  • Reply 57 of 785
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    I watch a video in Flash and it uses 80% cpu and same video in Quicktime uses 30%. If you support Flash, you associate yourself with crap.
  • Reply 58 of 785
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    That is probably the last we'll see of Steve. I can't believe he actually thinks this is the best thing Apple has ever created. What a lame product. Maybe some people need this, not me. The functionality is pretty weak in my opinion.
  • Reply 59 of 785
    ifailifail Posts: 463member
    Originally Posted by alectheking View Post

    where is Ireland??? I hate to think of how he feels right now..

    probably smashing something.

    Such potential, still awaiting price. If its too high Apple stock will fall like a kamikaze pilot out the sky
  • Reply 60 of 785
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    That is probably the last we'll see of Steve. I can't believe he actually thinks this is the best thing Apple has ever created. What a lame product. Maybe some people need this, not me. The functionality is pretty weak in my opinion.

    Just a guess: You don't read much?
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