Bill Gates unimpressed by Apple iPad



  • Reply 101 of 410
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Dear Mods,

    What is the point of deleting a user's account if they are allowed to come back with another name? It makes things worse because longtime posters won't be aware of the new alias they previously had ignored and new posters won't be able to read their posting history to get a sense of the their thread derailing habits. It's a clean slate that hurts everyone but the offender.


    Concerned AI Posters.


    Well first of all my account was never deleted- I simply changed the spelling of my name which was incorrectly spelled originally. Thank you for continueing to let me express my opinions.


  • Reply 102 of 410

    'It’s a nice reader, but there’s nothing on the iPad I look at and say, 'Oh, I wish Microsoft had done it.'

    Originally Posted by DaveyJJ View Post

    From MacDailyNews ...

    Mr. Originality strikes again. From 2004: "There's nothing that the iPod does that I say, 'Oh, wow, I don't think we can do that.'" - Bill Gates, September 02, 2004

    And we all know what a failure the iPod touch has been

    Well-spotted from 2004, DaveyJJ...

    Also, remember, from much earlier: "640K ought to be enough for anybody" (he denies this)

    And even more famously "The Internet is just a passing fad"
  • Reply 103 of 410
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Moderators: TEKSTUD's a passive-aggressive time-waster who detracts from your site in a serious way. He's simply into a catatonic restatement of the same half-dozen negative ideas in every thread.

    Can't you see the overwhelming negative sentiment about this recalcitrant?

    Please throw him out.

    Grow up. You sound like a 12 year old. If he bothers you that much put him on ignore and get over it. If you can't deal with people on the internet clearly you must have a very hard time in real life.
  • Reply 104 of 410
    This coming from the guy that made the touch table? Think about it.
  • Reply 105 of 410
    Originally Posted by bdkennedy1 View Post

    I find it hypocritical that a marketing guy that never really invented anything except DOS says "no biggie" to something he doesn't really know anything about.

    Bill Gates knows innovation like Donald Trump knows how to mop his floor.

    Actually he stands on his head and mops his kitchen floor every day.
  • Reply 106 of 410
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    You wanted another iPod touch then? It's the size it is for a reason, just as I said it would be around 10". If you want pocketable they have products for that. What's great about the iPad is the size of its screen. Just imagine a digital board game? Times are-a-changin' man.

    Totally must have games and apps will be the catalyst for the ipad. The ability to download and play games from the comfort of one's living room will become a major selling point.
  • Reply 107 of 410
    wigginwiggin Posts: 2,265member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    You wanted another iPod touch then? It's the size it is for a reason, just as I said it would be around 10". If you want pocketable they have products for that. What's great about the iPad is the size of its screen. Just imagine a digital board game? Times are-a-changin' man.

    Sure, but did you imagine it to have such a wide frame?

    But seriously... I'm not saying the iPad is a "bad" size, just that for me personally I'd prefer it was a little smaller. And as I said, I'd still get one if it offers features/applications I'd use.
  • Reply 108 of 410
  • Reply 109 of 410
    Originally Posted by TEKSTUD View Post


    Well first of all my account was never deleted- I simply changed the spelling of my name which was incorrectly spelled originally. Thank you for continueing to let me express my opinions.



    Although I find you bloody annoying, I'm also not a great fan of censorship. It's a lose lose situation
  • Reply 110 of 410
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by thompr View Post

    (He isnt lying thru his teeth wearing a green eye shade, like some overly wealth spoiled brat who take pride in injecting African kids with mercury laden vaccines, so that if they don't die of AIDS, they will become sterile or autistic at the minimum!)

  • Reply 111 of 410
    cu10cu10 Posts: 294member
    Originally Posted by tsad23 View Post

    ...Msft and the pc vendors went back to the drawing boards to play catch-up to the "meh" ipad. So now he pushes the netbooks as being superior..

    Nod. iPad will /slay/ netbooks, nothing less, IMHO.

    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    ...It's the size it is for a reason, just as I said it would be around 10". If you want pocketable they have products for that. What's great about the iPad is the size of its screen. Just imagine a digital board game? Times are-a-changin' man.

    Slightly smaller (and much lighter!) but bigger than iPod Touch would be more convenient, at least for me.

    Originally Posted by AdamIIGS View Post

    This coming from the guy that made the touch table?..

    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    Wow, competitor unimpressed with new product. News at 11.

    Exactly, deja vu ala iPod, with Apple taking the lead (again).
  • Reply 112 of 410
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Dear Mods,

    What is the point of deleting a user's account if they are allowed to come back with another name? It makes things worse because longtime posters won't be aware of the new alias they previously had ignored and new posters won't be able to read their posting history to get a sense of the their thread derailing habits. It's a clean slate that hurts everyone but the offender.


    Concerned AI Posters.

    Very well said.

    I have the abuser on my ignore list, but he still seems to infect every thread in a negative way.

    Nothing is ever constructive or positive, just vicious posts.
  • Reply 113 of 410
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Grow up. You sound like a 12 year old. If he bothers you that much put him on ignore and get over it. If you can't deal with people on the internet clearly you must have a very hard time in real life.

    Oh, I am plenty grown up, thanks. For instance, I am able to tolerate your rants rather well. At least, you (occasionally) have something to say. Tek, otoh, is a stuck record, and it just gets tiresome after a while.

    It is just that I think it affects AI and its quality, that's all. I could care less.
  • Reply 114 of 410
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by designguybrown View Post

    Silly Billy - always computer geek, never businessperson, never artist, never dreamer.

    You got the businessperson part wrong. He's a ruthless businessperson, is sheep's clothing.
  • Reply 115 of 410
    ifailifail Posts: 463member
    Originally Posted by tsad23 View Post

    Totally must have games and apps will be the catalyst for the ipad. The ability to download and play games from the comfort of one's living room will become a major selling point. whom? The people who own game consoles are already doing that and have better content to boot.

    Right now the iPad is a giant iPod touch that has slightly beefed up hardware, with an e-book/iworks app and thats about it.

    This discussion is round about, there is zero reason to really buy one unless you want an e-book reader or feel the need to stroke your e-peen by having the latest Apple tech. I was mostly sold on buying one but now im second guessing my decision simply because 500 bucks is quite a price for something where i still need an added keyboard and it cant outperform my 299 10v Hackintosh.
  • Reply 116 of 410
    Originally Posted by sandau View Post

    quit hijacking threads with this. you are resorting to what you are 'concerned' about. thanks.

    On the contrary, it is an eloquent and very timely post, and I welcome it.

    It is about time someone took the vandal to task.
  • Reply 117 of 410
    Originally Posted by monstrosity View Post

    Although I find you bloody annoying, I'm also not a great fan of censorship. It's a lose lose situation

    He was deleted, don't be fooled :-)
  • Reply 118 of 410
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member
    Originally Posted by steviet02 View Post

    You do know Steve Jobs never developed, engineered, or designed anything right? Is he a hypocrite too for saying something isn't up to snuff?

    At least Gates actually designed, engineered, developed, SOMETHING!

    Well, Gates BOUGHT DOS from a small Seattle company.

    Windows was a bi-product of the original Mac OS which still took them a while to get it right (Win 95).

    Ok, Jobs never engineered anything but he sees what people want even before people even know they need it.
  • Reply 119 of 410
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by thompr View Post

    But one might want to check their implied premise, which is that a large iPod Touch would suck.

    That's a good point. But to add to it you can't run iWork on an iPod touch. So I think to say it's a large iPod touch isn't wrong per se, but it is missing the point. This is like a computer for the average person with some fringe benefits. When you take the large touchscreen, the speed of the device and its price into consideration it turns out to be a great product. For me it would be a luxury item, but for my brother--for example--it could be his [only] computer.
  • Reply 120 of 410
    Originally Posted by TEKSTUD View Post



    Hey TEKSTUD, just out of curiosity, quick question...

    Do you really think the things that you say on Appleinsider...? Or do you just get a kick out of winding people up?
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