Inside Apple's iPad: Adobe Flash



  • Reply 281 of 573
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by grking View Post

    I meant government in the sense of a ruling body. It is a bit of an exaggeration, true, but if HTML 5 was ruled the industry standard, how many people would bother with supporting both HTML 5 and Adobe? Probably not many, and that would have the net effect of eventually killing off Flash.


    I also think that a replacement should be found. However, I think it should be done through the market.

    Each site would make its own decisions as to what they support. No standards body can tell sites what to use or not. Flash is a plug-in using standard plug-in architecture, as long as Adobe supports Flash, it will remain available, it can't be killed except by abandonment by all those that use it.

    How HTML5 gets exaggerated to some sort of anti-capitalist thing, I don't know, especially when most of the members of the WC3 are businesses.
  • Reply 282 of 573
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Sort of joking, exposing the "whole of the Internet" myth, for what it is.

    Therefore all these "whole of the Internet" whiners are getting upset over something that doesn't exist.

    I can just use car parts, Transmission, Clutch & Handbrake to get me to where I want to go

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I know you're joking, but I thought I'd mention that the BBC's iPlayer and Hulu can be used outside their respective countries with a country specific VPN service.

    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    Because, you don't reside in the U.S.

  • Reply 283 of 573
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Damn you are right Flash is just a killer on my system. I just watched the Tiger Woods apology in 1080p on my quad core q9550 and my cpu spiked to 3%.

    What site uses 1080p? Or did you wander from the discussion regarding Flash?
  • Reply 284 of 573
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    Each site would make its own decisions as to what they support. No standards body can tell sites what to use or not. Flash is a plug-in using standard plug-in architecture, as long as Adobe supports Flash, it will remain available, it can't be killed except by abandonment by those that use it.

    How HTML5 gets exaggerated to some sort of anti-capitalist thing, I don't know, especially when most of the members of the WC3 are businesses.

    HTML 5 is not necessarily anti-capitalist. How things are proceeding are capitalist, and completely fine by me. Adobe doesn't support Mac OS to its fullest, and Apple looks for an alternative.

    I am not in the computer area, rather in the biomedical area, so it might be different. There you follow the industry standard. in any proceeding one of the first questions asked is "did you/it follow industry standard practices/standards?" If you did, you are in reasonably good shape, if not, you are screwed.
  • Reply 285 of 573
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by grking View Post

    I meant government in the sense of a ruling body. It is a bit of an exaggeration, true, but if HTML 5 was ruled the industry standard, how many people would bother with supporting both HTML 5 and Adobe? Probably not many, and that would have the net effect of eventually killing off Flash.

    There is group that ratifies HTML and other open standards but what it sounds your suggesting is to force browsers to utilize it. Check out this browser comparison chart for HTML5. You can see that the support doesn't grow evenly. Also note that unique features that are added by one browser can adopted by the standards committee.
    Supporting both is great, if each are viable for that platform. So far, Adobe hasn't delivered Flash 10.1 to mobile devices or Mac OS X. When do we can evaluate how feasible it could become.

    There won't ever be a blanket support or no support switch being made for something as complex as HTML5. aspects of HTML5 will be added when the developer sees fit. Right now, the video tag is looking great for many reasons. it's supported in every major browser, expect IE, in a partial capacity since not all values for the element are yet enabled. They may never be completely enabled.


    I should have said the "majority of Mac users" on this board. As I said, in the end, the majority of reasons for getting rid of Flash is because it stinks on a Mac. I agree. I also think that a replacement should be found. However, I think it should be done through the market.

    It is going through the market, hence these heated debates we get into about Flash.
  • Reply 286 of 573
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    What site uses 1080p? Or did you wander from the discussion regarding Flash?

    YouTube started adding 1080p playback for applicable uploads a few months ago. The bitrate isn't great but for a 'free' internet streaming service it's pretty nice.

    edit: Looks like it might be 5Mbps, about the same as iTunes Store 720p. Anyone wanting to test different qualities can do so here:
  • Reply 287 of 573
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by grking View Post

    I am not in the computer area, rather in the biomedical area, so it might be different. There you follow the industry standard. in any proceeding one of the first questions asked is "did you/it follow industry standard practices/standards?" If you did, you are in reasonably good shape, if not, you are screwed.

    I see where you're coming from, I understand that. Web site technologies are very different. When a web site goes down or doesn't work properly, usually people don't die. Biomedical processes going wrong can hurt people. That, and I think it spreads the liability pretty thinly, and gives the impression that you're using the best knowledge available at the time.
  • Reply 288 of 573
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I see where you're coming from, I understand that. Web site technologies are very different. When a web site goes down or doesn't work properly, usually people don't die. Biomedical processes going wrong can hurt people. That, and I think it spreads the liability pretty thinly, and gives the impression that you're using the best knowledge available at the time.

    No people don't die, but a lot of money can be lost if a site goes down. Plus, and again I very well may be wrong, if your site got hacked, I would think a defense would be "i followed the industry standard."
  • Reply 289 of 573
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    YouTube started adding 1080p playback for applicable uploads a few months ago. The bitrate isn't great but for a 'free' internet streaming service it's pretty nice.

    edi: Looks like it might be 5Mbps, about the same as iTunes Store 720p.

    I didn't realize that. I didn't see any YouTube above 720p until you pointed it out, though it seems unnecessary given the bitrate. Not bad, though 5Mbps is skimpy for 1080p, I'd argue that it's often pushing it for 720p, even with h.264. It really depends on the footage.
  • Reply 290 of 573
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I didn't realize that. I didn't see any YouTube above 720p until you pointed it out, though it seems unnecessary given the bitrate. Not bad, though 5Mbps is skimpy for 1080p, I'd argue that it's often pushing it for 720p, even with h.264. It really depends on the footage.

    LOL I just tested two 1080p videos. One is 3.3Mbps and the other 3.7Mbps. That is well below iTS HD but it's the number before the little 'p' that is marketable, not bitrate.

    edit: For another point of reference it looks like the iTunes Store SD content I have ranges from 1.5Mbps to 2.2Mbps.
  • Reply 291 of 573
    90% of you on here are complete morons and are blinded by what Jobs/Apple dictates.

    Soooo let's get this out of the way first, I think Apple computers are superior, I think the company is the best out there, but come on...

    Flash/Flex is a development platform and a superior one at that. Have fun doing this w/W3C Compliant XHTML/CSS or javascript:

    or this:

    or this:

    and there are hundreds of other examples out there as good as these that use Flash/Flex as their chosen development platform.

    So many of you on here are like "NOOOOOOOOOO FLASH IS SOOOOOO BAD!!!!!" when I think a lot of you have no experience with the platform. It's not that hard to learn, unless you are stupid; Action Script has some fundamentals in Object Oriented Programming - oh, but wait, you dumb ass CSS/XHTML developers have little knowledge of that don't you? C++, Java, etc. is stupid isn't it? More than likely you don't have the ability to comprehend it.

    Visual design is influenced by motion graphics, so get over it. Flash isn't the standard for web design and will never be, but admit that it will do some things better than HTML5-10-20 or whatever.

    The same people on here who bitch about Flash complain, endlessly, about Photoshop and Illustrator and these are incredible tools. Like they are too hard to use or something? I've read a lot of Adobe hate this week, well here is something positive. LEARN SOMETHING from a great resource about how awesome Adobe tools can be:
  • Reply 292 of 573
    Originally Posted by tommyrenob View Post

    90% of you on here are complete morons and are blinded by what Jobs/Apple dictates.

    Soooo let's get this out of the way first, I think Apple computers are superior, I think the company is the best out there, but come on...

    Flash/Flex is a development platform and a superior one at that. Have fun doing this w/W3C Compliant XHTML/CSS or javascript:

    or this:

    or this:

    and there are hundreds of other examples out there as good as these that use Flash/Flex as their chosen development platform.

    So many of you on here are like "NOOOOOOOOOO FLASH IS SOOOOOO BAD!!!!!" when I think a lot of you have no experience with the platform. It's not that hard to learn, unless you are stupid; Action Script has some fundamentals in Object Oriented Programming - oh, but wait, you dumb ass CSS/XHTML developers have little knowledge of that don't you? C++, Java, etc. is stupid isn't it? More than likely you don't have the ability to comprehend it.

    Visual design is influenced by motion graphics, so get over it. Flash isn't the standard for web design and will never be, but admit that it will do some things better than HTML5-10-20 or whatever.

    The same people on here who bitch about Flash complain, endlessly, about Photoshop and Illustrator and these are incredible tools. Like they are too hard to use or something? I've read a lot of Adobe hate this week, well here is something positive. LEARN SOMETHING from a great resource about how awesome Adobe tools can be:

    The personal attacks are uncalled for, and do not belong on this site.
  • Reply 293 of 573
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Damn you are right Flash is just a killer on my system. I just watched the Tiger Woods apology in 1080p on my quad core q9550 and my cpu spiked to 3%. Damn I thought smoke was going to start coming out of my system. By the way one issue you fail to understand is in many cases with todays GPU's the GPU is powerful enough to take most of the load off the CPU. See this is what us geeks call truly innovative technology. But hey at least you will have a cool looking calendar thats pretty innovative.

    See this is what happens when you aren't a control freak like SJ and you actually allow the OEM to handle the driver support. You get hardware and drivers that actually work correctly.

    can not believe you posted this reply and thought it was rational comment to reply to previous person's opinions/facts.

    comment about "cool looking calendar that pretty innovative" you lack the wit or humor to be actually be sarcastic. Lets stick to the discussion at hand, which is Flash is CPU hog on OSX, has never been properly optimized for OSX and now Adobe are trying to fix this, little to late.
  • Reply 294 of 573
    Originally Posted by tommyrenob View Post

    90% of you on here are complete morons and are blinded by what Jobs/Apple dictates.

    Soooo let's get this out of the way first, I think Apple computers are superior, I think the company is the best out there, but come on...

    Flash/Flex is a development platform and a superior one at that. Have fun doing this w/W3C Compliant XHTML/CSS or javascript:

    or this:

    or this:

    and there are hundreds of other examples out there as good as these that use Flash/Flex as their chosen development platform.

    So many of you on here are like "NOOOOOOOOOO FLASH IS SOOOOOO BAD!!!!!" when I think a lot of you have no experience with the platform. It's not that hard to learn, unless you are stupid; Action Script has some fundamentals in Object Oriented Programming - oh, but wait, you dumb ass CSS/XHTML developers have little knowledge of that don't you? C++, Java, etc. is stupid isn't it? More than likely you don't have the ability to comprehend it.

    Visual design is influenced by motion graphics, so get over it. Flash isn't the standard for web design and will never be, but admit that it will do some things better than HTML5-10-20 or whatever.

    The same people on here who bitch about Flash complain, endlessly, about Photoshop and Illustrator and these are incredible tools. Like they are too hard to use or something? I've read a lot of Adobe hate this week, well here is something positive. LEARN SOMETHING from a great resource about how awesome Adobe tools can be:

    Flash is BAD for OSX that is fact, not sure why you are ranting and Adobe have admitted to that fact. As for the rest of your comments, oh well hope it makes you more relaxed to get your frustrations out in open.

    Not sure if you read the discussion thread or just decided that venting was a good thing, anyway the discussion is Flash on OSX at consumer level.
  • Reply 295 of 573
    Originally Posted by souliisoul View Post

    Flash is BAD for OSX that is fact, not sure why you are ranting and Adobe have admitted to that fact. As for the rest of your comments, oh well hope it makes you more relaxed to get your frustrations out in open.

    Not sure if you read the discussion thread or just decided that venting was a good thing, anyway the discussion is Flash on OSX at consumer level.

    Point taken, but these discussion always take the turn of how bad/evil Adobe/Flash is and I don't agree. \
  • Reply 296 of 573
    Originally Posted by tommyrenob View Post

    Point taken, but these discussion always take the turn of how bad/evil Adobe/Flash is and I don't agree. \

    I can agree on the above point, but you will also read same bad/evil comments about Apple not supporting Flash from irrational people and I wonder why.
  • Reply 297 of 573
    grkinggrking Posts: 533member
    Originally Posted by tommyrenob View Post

    Point taken, but these discussion always take the turn of how bad/evil Adobe/Flash is and I don't agree. \

    You can disagree, heck I agree with you on the point, but you do not have to be insulting about it. The forum is supposedly for the rational and civil discussion of issues.
  • Reply 298 of 573
    Originally Posted by grking View Post

    You can disagree, heck I agree with you on the point, but you do not have to be insulting about it. The forum is supposedly for the rational and civil discussion of issues.

    I apologize, but I think my points are very valid. The hundreds of ADOBE SUCKS posts are overwhelming; especially this week.
  • Reply 299 of 573
    grkinggrking Posts: 533member
    Originally Posted by tommyrenob View Post

    I apologize, but I think my points are very valid. The hundreds of ADOBE SUCKS posts are overwhelming; especially this week.

    apology accepted.

    yes, the posts have been overwhelming, and I am on plenty of peoples' ignore list, and been called a troll multiple times for questioning the anti-Adobe crowd. However, I have done so to try and understand their viewpoint, and hopefully always in a respectful manner.
  • Reply 300 of 573
    Originally Posted by rnp1 View Post

    Steve Jobs has a grudge:

    1. Why aren't people all using Quicktime rather than Flash?

    2. In the 80's& 90's, only Mac's ran Photoshop and PageMaker.

    3. Microsoft hired W&K to create the Windows 95's release.

    4. It was all done on Macs, using Adobe. The Flag, the stolen Mac icons, not to mention the code itself. Even the Rolling Stones edit. All on Macs!

    5. Bill Gates found out and demanded everyone at W&K throw away their Macs and get PCs!

    6. Adobe became a traitor and rewrote all their standardized, user friendly programs for PC.

    7. Microsoft bought the Mac based Movie editor, Avid, and forced audio giant ProTools onto PCs too.

    8. Microsoft directly lifted the QuickTime code, but got caught before Paul Allan could rewrite it and bury the roots as was done to Mac's System, which became Windows 3.0.

    9. Steve Jobs regained Apple and returned the company to being a Mac maker rather than a PC cloner/copier.

    10. Adobe still writes their programs for PCs first, then makes a pseudo standardized Mac version, which is based on the cluttered, randomized PC version-so it is artistically unsatisfying, but does the job, and gives Intel a reason to build faster chips.

    11. Adobe's code is bloated and over written and as unstable as any PC program.

    12. Steve Jobs is still not a fool. "Fool me once...!"

    13. Therefore, Flash isn't on the well protected iPhone and won't be easily available on the iPad.

    14. W&K is still bullied by Nike, the purely money based charade, who has a Flashed based web site and still abuses child labor, as they pioneered over 25 years ago. Now we have WallMart and Secret Chinese Apple factories! (No Logo). Way to go Phil! (In China, he is known as, Fear Night! All the workers really do fear night, because that's when the North Korean task masters suddenly wake up and whip them for no reason). If Phil's wife ever finds out about those Illuminati/Jesuit Luciferian connections, it could cost him a very pretty Penny!

    ---The Real Insider---

    Number 14

    Who and what are you referring to when you wrote Phil, and W&K? Where did you get this information from? Can you link the source(s)? I'm really interested
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