Apple to introduce iPhone OS 4.0 on April 8



  • Reply 201 of 238
    ameldrum1ameldrum1 Posts: 255member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    Actually, To Dos are broken pretty much across the entire Apple line.

    They should fix this one at the same time.

    iCal To Dos can't be divided into projects, can't include subtasks, and can't even be printed by themselves on a sheet of paper. In the meantime, I know no-one besides Steve Jobs that emails themselves To Do items so they can be stored in their Inbox.

    yep, agree. Emailing to do items to yourself is just an absurd workaround.

    I use Notes for my To Do lists (and much else besides) on both my Mac and my iPhone, and to not be able to keep them in sync (even over USB!) because I've made changes to the note on both my Mac and my iPhone since the last wired sync is laughably bad in 2010.
  • Reply 202 of 238
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by Josh.B. View Post

    Except that I was hoping for facts instead of impressions.

    No your not, but hey whatever makes you feel good. As others have tried to point out, the magic of the iPad is it's more than the sum of it's parts. If you stopped obsessing over features, benchmarks and other such things and picked one up, your questions would be answered.
  • Reply 203 of 238
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    2) Not keen on WiFi sync, and BT sync is a definite no go. It's slow enough as it is with syncing.

    My iPhone and now iPad charge for at least 8 hours every night. Elves could appear and tap out each byte in binary morse code and they could finish syncing in that time frame. The whole "wifi is too slow" argument is irrelevant. 802.11n is faster than USB 2 anyway and g may be too I'm just to lazy to go look it up and confirm it at the moment.

    And I have a sneaking suspicion that even at g speeds I could sync an empty 32 GB iPad or iPhone overnight easily. It's just a crap argument. Palm pushes out OS updates over cellular for crying out loud...


    I'm really hoping for USB3.0 and the next iPhone to handle those faster USB data rates.

    I just wish they wouldn't have dropped firewire


    3) I haven't printed in so long so that would have likely never crossed my mind.

    The requests for printing from something that is so portable and specifically designed to be a display device are a little ironic.


    5) Along with better MM integration I'd love for them to adopt a slick system like Dropbox. That works like a Mac app/service should work. Apple has a lot of catching up to do there.

    Apple just needs to acquire them and fold their service into Mobile.Me. iDisk syncing is pretty unreliable and they need something to link the iPhone/iPad with the rest of the world.


    6) If the iPad with an A4 can load and play 720p video hopefully the next iPhone will too, if it gets the A4.

    I can play video encoded at 720p - it can't display it (internally or externally)


    Looking over the chip in the iPad 802.11n looks like a possibility this year.

    Do you mean 802.11n possible for the iPhone? I'm surfing on 802.11n with my iPad right now.
  • Reply 204 of 238
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by psylence2k View Post

    Wait you have to pay for OS upgrades? I assumed they were free since that's always the way my iphone upgrades have worked.

    Apple gets a cut of your monthly payment to AT&T and thus that covers your OS updates. The iPod Touch doesn't have the same model, and the updates have always cost.

    At least that's how it used to be due to the accounting rules. They recently changed so we will see:
  • Reply 205 of 238
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by GregAlexander View Post

    There are a few apps that do this. You turn them on every time you take a photo. You get home and load the photos and iPhone data together, it integrates GPS co-ordinates. THEN upload to iPhoto.

    Just a little too convoluted at present.

    Take a look at the way Aperture 3 does it. As long as your cameras and GPS devices clocks are synced, it does the matching automatically. It's slick as snot and the best implementation I have seen. If I forget my GPS or the battery runs down, I can snap a picture with my iPhone to capture the GPS coordinates and then sync it up in Aperture later - I don't even have to import the picture, Aperture can just suck up the GPS coordinates from the photo's without importing them. Like I said, seriously cool stuff.

    Maybe it will trickle back to iPhoto...
  • Reply 206 of 238
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    What about power consumption? If I understood correctly, iPad has huge dual battery pack inside. There is no even remotely way to fit comparable size into iPhone.

    They don't need to fit that big of a battery into the iPhone - the screen is what consumes the bulk of the power, not the chips. Watch the video of Walt Mossburg talking to Steve Jobs after the iPad announcement - Steve basically confirms as much.

    The iPad has huge batteries because it has a huge screen
  • Reply 207 of 238
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    I personally do prefer Courier to iPad. Inspired name it isn't.

    The name of an original typewriter font? Yup, inspired...


    Courier is promised before the end of the year

    And the iPhone has been out for three and the iPad is here now. Good luck with waiting, and then for the refinements. I wonder, does the never buy the first version of something only apply to Apple or does it apply to MS too? How long are you going to be willing to wait for the second version of the courier?


    but we'll see if they will deliver

    I'm not sure why you would bother but hey, whatever floats your boat. I guess some people just love waiting for upcoming products instead of using existing ones.


    I'm betting there will be oversized Zune HD as well, a different tablet from Courier concept (which is not tablet but, er, booklet anyway).

    No doubt. And the unfocused flailing by Microsoft and others shall continue...


    Considering 4 years being late, that is nonsense. How late was Apple with iPhone..?

    I don't know how you can be late to a paradigm you created - so your question is nonsensical.


    How late was Apple with Intel based hardware?

    Not at all. Had Motorola/IBM been able to keep up and provide chips that delivered the power per watt ratio Apple required, they would have never switched. Again your question is nonsensical.


    One do have good product or don't, previous involvement in that specific market segment (or complete lack of it) is hardly important.

    Yup, Apple pretty much proved that if you focus on the important things like the user experience and ignore the kvetching about crap that doesn't matter (like endless feature lists) you will have a runaway success.

    Ahh, the siren song of the techie geeks whining about features - it's really sad there aren't more tech companies that can ignore them and focus on the overall product. Even MS understands that they have a problem, but like a moth to the flame they just can't help themselves:

    And you can find the video here:
  • Reply 208 of 238
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    Actually, To Dos are broken pretty much across the entire Apple line.

    They should fix this one at the same time.

    I gave up waiting. Things is wonderful. It only syncs over wifi today, but the developer is promising over the air sync. The iPad version is gorgeous - I'm very happy with it.

    Yes, the desktop, iPhone and iPad versions cost a little money - but it's been worth every penny as it has a very slick, powerful and easy to use interface and I always have my notes and todos with me.
  • Reply 209 of 238
    trajectorytrajectory Posts: 647member
    And another thing...

    iPad Socks!
  • Reply 210 of 238
    tomnryantomnryan Posts: 22member
    Will existing iPhone batteries be able to handle multitasking?? I'm struggling to get through the day as it is. Maybe multitasking will be aimed at iPhone 4G only??
  • Reply 211 of 238
    bergermeisterbergermeister Posts: 6,784member
    Originally Posted by tomnryan View Post

    Will existing iPhone batteries be able to handle multitasking?? I'm struggling to get through the day as it is. Maybe multitasking will be aimed at iPhone 4G only??

    If it's true, then it will be an option. You would have to launch apps A and B for them to work at the same time; you could choose to just run A or B.
  • Reply 212 of 238

    Remember NextStep/Mac OS X fat binaries where the data part of an app is the same.

    With iPad, iPhone, iPod having different resolutions and perhaps with new iPhone hardware with a 3. resolutions it would be great if the developers can add graphics for the different versions. This also require an abstraction of part of the controls so that the iPad can move the controls around the screen to adapt to your preference.

    My wise list:

    1. Some limited multitasking. E.g. 4 running apps.

    2. Widgets on locked home screen - better use of notifications

    3. Profiles based on if in car adapter and based on location.

    4. Improve the existing apps. lots to be done.

    5. Open up the api's

  • Reply 213 of 238
    myapplelovemyapplelove Posts: 1,515member
    Originally Posted by ameldrum1 View Post

    yep, agree. Emailing to do items to yourself is just an absurd workaround.

    I use Notes for my To Do lists (and much else besides) on both my Mac and my iPhone, and to not be able to keep them in sync (even over USB!) because I've made changes to the note on both my Mac and my iPhone since the last wired sync is laughably bad in 2010.

    It's horrible isn't it...just a pointer, keep the notes in the mobilmeme "folder" under notes within the mail app. doesn't automatically do that for some reason.

    I too never use to do items in the calendar, the way they work and sync is such a huge oversight by apple, and an inexplicable one for that matter because it's not something that is hard to fix, is it?
  • Reply 214 of 238
    markbmarkb Posts: 153member
    I wonder if in introducing multitasking Apple is going to force people to implement it via blocks. That might be a great strategy for limiting the number of apps that do it and limiting the damage an app can do when they mess it up? Also would help to get more people moving apps from the iPhone OS back to the desktop and keeping that platform more viable.

    Also wonder if it is even vaguely possible they will implement garbage collection? I have gotten used to reference counting but I have to imagine memory management is going to be even more critical if more than a single app is able to run. Probably wont implement it as the old 2g and 3g probably cant handle the performance hit it would entail.
  • Reply 215 of 238
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Apple has a very broad product line, services and activities:


    --FloorTop Computers

    --DeskTop Computers

    --LapTop Computers

    --Mini Computers

    --Tablet Computer(s)

    --Mobile Computers/Portable Game Players

    --Smart Phones

    --WiFi Routers

    --Backup Devices

    --SetTop Boxes (AppleTV)



    --Server OS

    --Mac OS

    --Mobile OS

    --Speciality OS (TimeMachine, AppleTV, etc.)

    --Pro Mac Apps

    --iLife Mac Apps

    --iWork Mac Apps

    --Seed Mac Apps

    --Strategic Windows Apps

    --Seed Mobile Apps

    --iWork Mobile apps

    --Online Apple Store

    --iTunes Media (A/V) Store

    --iTunes App Store

    --iTunes eBook Store

    --iTunes Podcast Exchange

    --Physical Apple Retail Stores

    --Mobile Me Cloud

    --ASIC Semiconductor Design

    --Developer Products and Relations

    --Support Services

    --Repair Services

    --Warranty Services

    That's a whole lotta' stuff to research, develop, manufacture, integrate, maintain, upgrade, market and support by a very small number of employees.

    What appears to be happening is that Apple is trying to stagger release cycles and product refreshes to:

    --create/satisfy user demand

    --maintain product relevance

    --maintain product quality

    --maintain/increase profit margins

    --maintain growth/satisfy investers

    --meet deadlines

    --be the best at whatever they choose to do

    As a customer, user, developer and investor... I think they're doing one helluva' job!


    I would like to see APIs giving access to the calendar database and the clock.

    And support of Mobile Me's extensible Sync Services found in the Snow Leopard. Especially I'm missing tasks with start dates, contexts and projects. GTD-like.
  • Reply 216 of 238
    gregalexandergregalexander Posts: 1,401member
    Originally Posted by DocNo42 View Post

    The requests for printing from something that is so portable and specifically designed to be a display device are a little ironic.

    I'm not talking about printing something out merely because it makes it easier to read.

    If I want to leave a document with someone else to read, I'd prefer to give them paper than leave my iPad.

    Yes, can email them, mostly. Or transfer to computer and print. Just figured making it easy made sense.
  • Reply 217 of 238
    tkwleetkwlee Posts: 12member
    by the way, is it possible that Google Map will be replaced by Bing! in the upcoming OS?
  • Reply 218 of 238
    Originally Posted by tkwlee View Post

    by the way, is it possible that Google Map will be replaced by Bing! in the upcoming OS?


    Do you mean Google Search? Highly doubt it.
  • Reply 219 of 238
    josh.b.josh.b. Posts: 353member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, & yes, for the items you quoted.

    "Netbooks have more performance on paper than the iPad. They have at least 1GB RAM and an Atom CPU over ARm with a faster clock rate, but the reality is they are slower for doing pretty much every comparable task before of the OS and app overhead."

    Can you support the contentions that "they are slower for doing pretty much every comparable task"?
  • Reply 220 of 238
    josh.b.josh.b. Posts: 353member
    Originally Posted by DocNo42 View Post

    No your not, but hey whatever makes you feel good. As others have tried to point out, the magic of the iPad is it's more than the sum of it's parts. If you stopped obsessing over features, benchmarks and other such things and picked one up, your questions would be answered.

    Performance claims were made. I responded.

    But the fact is, I am not the subject of this thread. The hardware and the performance claims are the subject.

    Go away, Troll.
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