Apple's iPad believed to be outselling Macs in the US



  • Reply 61 of 121
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by str1f3 View Post

    I wholly agree and it's similar to putting a round peg in a square hole.

    There are certain instances where a mouse might be a better solution than touch and the same situation exists between a stylus and a mouse. For things like precise movie editing in pro apps, I believe there can be sufficient workarounds with a properly thought out UI.

    As for drawing/photo editing solutions, I would never rule out a stylus-based solution which is generally better than using a mouse. Apple may want the primary input to be touch but it is quite possible that they will create other solutions. The only issue, from videos I've seen, is that you need to use a glove on that hand so it doesn't get recognized by the touchscreen when you rest your hand to draw or edit.

    I won't ever expect hard keyboards to go away since there isn't a better way for text entry but I do see the mouse disappearing.

    I do expect hard (physical) keyboards to go away, and probably mice*. What I don't expect to see go away for workstations is the separation of display and control, even if the form factor changes and workstation touch becomes a viable interface.

    * I think a virtual keyboard/control device that operates via touch and haptic feedback, with the actual keys/controls context sensitive and controlled by software are the future.

    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    I suspect one day an Apple product with a large format screen laid back at a comfortable angle that does allow such apps as Final Cut Studio to be controlled by touch will exist. Accuracy for precise point of contact is easily achieved by zooming which is so simple in the touch interface. Plus there is no reason why for pros a stylus couldn't be used in addition for dealing with fine detail although zooming and contextual awareness will allow for many needs to be met such as adding a new point on a spline or similar fine detailed operation. I will eat my hat if this doesn't come to pass in the next few years. I will nip out and get a rice paper hat just in case

    Such uses are, I think limited, and zooming in and out to get the detail required for precision would, I think, become rather tiresome. But, when you consider that the bulk of the work most people do at workstations is text based -- working with word processors, spreadsheets, code editors, etc. -- a touch model isn't ideal when a separate control panel (keyboard+mouse, virtual keyboard/trackpad, etc.) serves the purpose better. Sure, for specialized applications, a full on touch interface would be great, but for a lot of things it would add little benefit.
  • Reply 62 of 121
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    I am often curious are the 'SpotOffs' et al here to annoy, total idiots or paid to disrupt the possitive energy

    The scary thing is that I thing he is completely sincere in his beliefs regarding what he writes
  • Reply 63 of 121
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by Stevie View Post

    Eventually, there will be no such thing as a "Mac".

    Nonsense. Apple has sold far more iPhones than iMacs - yet the iMac isn't going anywhere. Apple realizes that no one product suits everyone. the iPad is not intended as a Mac replacement; although some people will certainly be able to use it that way, they will be balanced by the others who only buy a Mac after using an iPad.

    Originally Posted by Aizmov View Post

    This wont last long, the Hanvon TouchPad is coming to destroy Apple and the iPad.

    Just like the 10,000 iPhone killers you've been promising for years.

    The Hanvon is vapor at this point. If it ever becomes a real product, we can discuss it.

    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    I am often curious are the 'SpotOffs' et al here to annoy, total idiots or paid to disrupt the possitive energy

    You have to wonder about those people. You can understand someone who likes a product and wants to talk about it. But what drives someone to spend hours on a board criticizing a product they have never used, would never buy, and don't know anything about? I'm guessing;

    a. Massive insecurity with their own selections.

    b. They wanted their mother to buy them a Mac and she got them a Dell POS instead.

    c. They are tech support people or Flash 'developers' who make their living on crappy products and would starve if the world ever developed the taste for quality products

    d. Steve Jobs stole their girlfriend

    Choose one.
  • Reply 64 of 121
    Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss View Post

    Is this supposed to be a joke? If so I don't get it.

    FWIW, half of my tens days traveling with the iPad were onboard a cruise ship. Not sure how it goes on other cruise lines, but the one we sail with provides pretty poor wifi signal levels in the staterooms which only complicates using the very pokey satellite internet they make available to passengers. The reception is far better in the public areas on the ship, so that's where I used the iPad mainly.

    Yes, it was supposed to be a joke. See, I saw the sentence " retired to my stateroom" as a euphemism for masterbation. Not saying it was high-larious.
  • Reply 65 of 121
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Nonsense. Apple has sold far more iPhones than iMacs - yet the iMac isn't going anywhere. Apple realizes that no one product suits everyone. the iPad is not intended as a Mac replacement; although some people will certainly be able to use it that way, they will be balanced by the others who only buy a Mac after using an iPad.

    Plus, there is the little matter that the development tools don't, and won't anytime soon, if ever, run on iPhone OS.
  • Reply 66 of 121
    richwlrichwl Posts: 30member
    Frankly, I find many of the people that complain endlessly every time Apple launches or revises a product to be like Veruca Salt in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. "But I want an Ooompa, Lumpa noooowwwwwww!!!" Sure, it's fine to want a given product to offer certain features, and to express that. But to think a product will fail because it doesn't meet our individual desires to the letter is pretty juvenile and ridiculous.
  • Reply 67 of 121
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Originally Posted by Jerseymac View Post

    Agreed. The MacBook pro is a perfect machine because it runs everything, even Windoze apps.

    Agreed? I wasn't talking about a MacBook Pro.

    I wrote, "Mac Pro", which would be even far better than a MacBook Pro.

    And what is it perfect for? It's a great computer yes,but at times it is overkill.

    A 50 caliber Hawken is great rifle but I'm going rabbit hunting...

    Follow along...

    You wrote;

    Originally Posted by Jerseymac View Post

    I'm happy for Apple that they are having success with this product. But I sure don't understand it. A real MacBook is such a better choice.

    A better choice why?

    I was suggesting you qualify your suggestion why a MacBook Pro is better choice than an iPad.

    It depends on what you are doing.

    What if you don't need to run Windows and have extremely limited space and weight?

    What if you only want to watch a movie and check email?
  • Reply 68 of 121
    lvdrumnlvdrumn Posts: 1member
    I've been on the iPad waiting list for over two weeks....just recently called the store in my area and found out I'm now 49th in the waiting list queue. Seems like each store is receiving only slimited numbers of iPads daily to meet waiting list demands.

    Over the last 2 days I've noticed the increased frequency of the most current iPad TV spot and find this not typical for Apple to launch without sufficient supply.

    Seems like a Wii strategy going on here.

  • Reply 69 of 121
    dr millmossdr millmoss Posts: 5,403member
    Originally Posted by richwl View Post

    Frankly, I find many of the people that complain endlessly every time Apple launches or revises a product to be like Veruca Salt in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. "But I want an Ooompa, Lumpa noooowwwwwww!!!" Sure, it's fine to want a given product to offer certain features, and to express that. But to think a product will fail because it doesn't meet our individual desires to the letter is pretty juvenile and ridiculous.

    This does seem to be the logic behind most of the criticism, otherwise phrased as: if I don't like it, nobody should.
  • Reply 70 of 121
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss View Post

    This does seem to be the logic behind most of the criticism, otherwise phrased as: if I don't like it, nobody should.

    In a word, hubris.
  • Reply 71 of 121
    richwlrichwl Posts: 30member
    Just wanted to add that for the record, I have a 15" MBP and I do some part-time web design and I'd like to think I'm not a caveman tech-wise. I decided to take only my Wi-Fi iPad (with Verizon MiFi) on a recent trip for 10 days to see if it was an adequate travel replacement for my MBP. I found that it really was for the most part (granted I wasn't doing any web design at the time). It was great to breeze through airport security with it, my already small Booq laptop backpack weighted next to nothing and I didn't have to worry about my Mac's screen getting crushed by the passenger's seat in front of my when they reclined back. I could care less about Flash so that wasn't an issue. It was great for email and web surfing as we already know. I did find that I was happy to get back to my MBP simply for screen size and its greater functionality (which I didn't need on the trip), and the touch interface definitely isn't as precise as the mouse/cursor combo, but it was certainly not bad. All and all though, my iPad served me very well (which was definitely helped by having MiFi). The overheating thing got a bit annoying at while lying by the pool, but it wasn't a huge deal. Oh, and the glare is a real problem in direct sunlight. Good luck reading a book outside unless it's titled "Let's Count How Many Nose Hairs We Can See in Our Reflection"! I should add though, my glossy screened MBP is no better in direct sunlight though.
  • Reply 72 of 121
    paulmjohnsonpaulmjohnson Posts: 1,380member
    Originally Posted by lvdrumn View Post

    I've been on the iPad waiting list for over two weeks....just recently called the store in my area and found out I'm now 49th in the waiting list queue. Seems like each store is receiving only slimited numbers of iPads daily to meet waiting list demands.

    Over the last 2 days I've noticed the increased frequency of the most current iPad TV spot and find this not typical for Apple to launch without sufficient supply.

    Seems like a Wii strategy going on here.


    Not sure this is a Wii strategy. I suspect Apple might be having difficulty getting hold of enough Flash memory. There is a big supply shortage for flash at the moment, and high iPad sales are only making things worse. It's estimated that if Apple shift 7-10 million iPads between now and the end of the year, the flash industry will need between 250,000 and 300,000 more wafers to satisfy that demand alone. Given pretty much every fab in the world is running at 100% capacity at the moment, and getting another fab on-line is both a long and difficult process, supply problems aren't going to go away any time soon.
  • Reply 73 of 121
    postulantpostulant Posts: 1,272member
    Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss View Post

    No way. I just spent ten days traveling with an iPad and it was so much more pleasurable than any notebook I've hauled around for the same purpose. If these numbers hold up, the never used one but still don't like it crowd are going to be very confused.

    Agreed! I'm enjoying my iPad here in Cancun. In the past I've traveled with Macbooks, Macbook pros, an even an Air, nothing beats the portability of my iPad. I carry it everywhere and when I need to do any work, I just whip it out and start working. I even installed the Line2 app which allows your iPad to function as a phone - of course you'll need a wifi hotspot as Mexico doesn't have 3G yet ( or at least not Cancun).

    I'm loving this device. And It's really easy to see why they are selling like crazy. Netbooks pale in comparison to an iPad.
  • Reply 74 of 121
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by Jerseymac View Post

    I'm happy for Apple that they are having success with this product. But I sure don't understand it. A real MacBook is such a better choice.

    For whom? For what use? For what price range?

  • Reply 75 of 121
    dr millmossdr millmoss Posts: 5,403member
    Originally Posted by Postulant View Post

    I just whip it out and start working.

    I think you might have stumbled on Apple's next advertising slogan for the iPad!
  • Reply 76 of 121
    richwlrichwl Posts: 30member
    Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss View Post

    I think you might have stumbled on Apple's next advertising slogan for the iPad!

    I don't know if the phrase "whip it out" is likely to appear in Apple's ad campaigns anytime soon! Particularly given Job's "freedom from porn" stance! LOL.
  • Reply 77 of 121
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by SpotOn View Post

    Looks like Apple needs to report their numbers again, the bullsh*t artists and stock manipulators are at work again.

    What was the last BS article? That Apple has sold 500,000 iPads when they acknowledged it was 300,000?

    Perhaps that's the purpose, to get Apple to report by stating something ultra-outrageous.

    Reducing supply below demand is a marketing trick.

    It can be detrimental as people get over their impulsiveness to buy a iPad and reconsider, realizing the iPads limitations and it's dependence upon a computer for it's updates/operation.

    Hmm, could Apple be restricting iPad supply to get people to buy a Mac instead?

    Apple is always upselling, always.

    Must everything be a conspiracy or have a hidden agenda?

    Likely, Apple is allocating a large portion of the iPad mfg. capacity for the foreign rollouts-- priming the pump.

    Wouldn't Apple risk an upsell to a competitive netback, laptop, if BestBuy is out of stock of iPads?

    Marketing is one thing, sales, another... "You can only sell what you have in your wagon."

  • Reply 78 of 121
    dr millmossdr millmoss Posts: 5,403member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Must everything be a conspiracy or have a hidden agenda?

    But of course, and anyone who denies it is automatically part of the conspiracy.
  • Reply 79 of 121
    kibitzerkibitzer Posts: 1,114member
    We've had our iPad WiFi + 3Gs for two weeks now and I've mentioned previously the useful things we did with them while on a long road trip. We're discovering new things to do every day. For example, I like to cook and keep about 700 recipes in word processing files. Using the Avatron app on my iPad, all of my recipes are readily accessible offline. Avatron also works on the iPhone and iPod touch, but the type is much easier to read on the iPad. We also enjoy light classical music streamed on the Internet throughout the day from an excellent station in New York. While driving, we stream the Internet feed through the iPad headphone jack to our car stereo. See details here:

    From some of the comments above, it seems that the iPad's capabilities are less limited by technical shortcomings and more by lack of imagination on the part of of iPad non-users and detractors.
  • Reply 80 of 121
    paulmjohnsonpaulmjohnson Posts: 1,380member
    Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss View Post

    But of course, and anyone who denies it is automatically part of the conspiracy.

    Oh my God, you know about the conspiracy?
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