Apple's iPad believed to be outselling Macs in the US



  • Reply 101 of 121
    dr millmossdr millmoss Posts: 5,403member
    Originally Posted by PaulMJohnson View Post

    Oh my God, you know about the conspiracy?

    Know about it? I created it.

    Originally Posted by Postulant View Post

    Featuring Ron Jeremy? Gross!

    I had to look that up. Now I wish I hadn't.

    Originally Posted by DocNo42 View Post

    Oh, the "I never used one but still don't like it" crowd is beyond confused, they are now officially out of touch.

    I am on the last night of a 10 day international trip with my iPad. Three people out of 40 will be getting them - I am pretty confident of that as I have their email addresses since they wan't to email me if they have questions once they get them.

    Another five are on the fence, but based on the uses and applications I showed them (esp. some specialty ebook readers) they will probably be getting one. The product sells itself once people touch it and see an application or two that hits their sweet spot.

    Success is a no brainer. Oh yeah, I can confirm they lifted the ban in Israel on the iPad - my dad and I have ours with us The battery life is great for those long trans-atlantic trips.

    Out of touch, literally?

    I had similar reactions on my trip, although I didn't keep score as you did apparently. Several times I wished I was on commission.
  • Reply 102 of 121
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by str1f3 View Post


    As for drawing/photo editing solutions, I would never rule out a stylus-based solution which is generally better than using a mouse. Apple may want the primary input to be touch but it is quite possible that they will create other solutions. The only issue, from videos I've seen, is that you need to use a glove on that hand so it doesn't get recognized by the touchscreen when you rest your hand to draw or edit.

    I think the glove issue can be addressed by software:

    1) you rest your hand and fingers on the surface

    2) the software recognizes the large mass and treats it as inactive

    3) You touch down the stylus (or your index finger) and the software recognizes this as an active pen/brush tool.

    I've tried the above with several drawing apps, and it works (to some extent) without a software assist.

  • Reply 103 of 121
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Plus, there is the little matter that the development tools don't, and won't anytime soon, if ever, run on iPhone OS.

    Maybe so, maybe no!

    IB certainly would work well on the iPad.

    Apple just rejected a HyperCard clone as a development tool to create app store apps.

    But, what if Apple (or someone) developed a HyperCard app that runs on the iPad and allows the user to create custom apps on his device?

    That'd be a whole 'noter 'noter!

  • Reply 104 of 121
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Originally Posted by Jerseymac View Post

    A Mac Pro is not a portable device so it's hardly a fair competitor to the iPad.

    Again, you simply wrote it was better but did not qualify why it was better.


    Why is a MacBook pro a better choice? iPad has no flash, can't play movies unless they are in Quicktime format, no VLC player support for multiple formats, no matte screen option, no third party software, no tethering, etc etc. And someday you may need to run a Windows program.

    But if one does not want to do any of thsoe things, then why is it better?


    Ultimately it comes down to what you want to do with it.

    Exactly my point!


    I just don't see the value in the limited experience you get.

    I ONLY want to check email, write a short note to the boss, watch a movie and surf the web a bit (no Flash only sites).

    Which is better?
  • Reply 105 of 121
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by Postulant View Post

    Agreed! I'm enjoying my iPad here in Cancun. In the past I've traveled with Macbooks, Macbook pros, an even an Air, nothing beats the portability of my iPad. I carry it everywhere and when I need to do any work, I just whip it out and start working. I even installed the Line2 app which allows your iPad to function as a phone - of course you'll need a wifi hotspot as Mexico doesn't have 3G yet ( or at least not Cancun).

    I'm loving this device. And It's really easy to see why they are selling like crazy. Netbooks pale in comparison to an iPad.

    Do you know that the iPad works well in a completely closed gallon zip-loc freezer bag? Even the microphone and speakers?

    Keeps out sand, water and those pesky critters... Also cuts the reflection.

    Try that with any netbook or notebook!

  • Reply 106 of 121
    paulmjohnsonpaulmjohnson Posts: 1,380member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Do you know that the iPad works well in a completely closed gallon zip-loc freezer bag? Even the microphone and speakers?

    Keeps out sand, water and those pesky critters... Also cuts the reflection.

    Try that with any netbook or notebook!


    Excellent idea, but I can't help but think you must look like a bit of a nutcase when using it!
  • Reply 107 of 121
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Most users (16 percent) are interested in a faster device, with speed being their top buying reason. Another 11 percent want iPhone OS 4, while 10 percent want an improved camera. Only 4 percent were interested in multitasking, and another 4 percent in video chat, suggesting they are not major phone-selling features.

    I must start this responce by saying my reaction is to this report, hoping the information is accurate and non-bias...which might be all for not...anyway.

    I just have to give a wag of the finger to all you techies out there that keep wining and moning and bitching and complaining that "i want this and that", "multi-task this" and "forward facing camera" that...

    you guys may think what you think should be gospel, but the numbers say your idea counts for little to nothing! Haven't you thought for the smallest portion of a second that all the "geniuses" at Apple had already contemplated all the features YOU want already? They are attempting to put out a product every year that works 100% of the time that's the best they can do with current technology at an "affordable" price.

    So bitch all you want, it matters little.
  • Reply 108 of 121
    aizmovaizmov Posts: 989member
    Apple needs to add a camera, with a multitasking enabled via iPhone OS 4, it is the ideal netbook.
  • Reply 109 of 121
    jerseymacjerseymac Posts: 408member
    Originally Posted by Chris_CA View Post

    I ONLY want to check email, write a short note to the boss, watch a movie and surf the web a bit (no Flash only sites).

    Which is better?

    Are you absolutly certain you will never wish to visit a Flash website? Ever?
  • Reply 110 of 121
    dr millmossdr millmoss Posts: 5,403member
    Originally Posted by Jerseymac View Post

    Are you absolutly certain you will never wish to visit a Flash website? Ever?

    I'm not sure what you mean by a "Flash website" but I do know I never miss Flash on the iPad.
  • Reply 111 of 121
    christopher126christopher126 Posts: 4,366member
    Originally Posted by maccherry View Post

    I will buy the 2nd generation ipad next year with 3g and I will also be buying the 27 inch imac. The ipad won't stop my mac lust.

    Oh and when the new iphone comes out I;m getting that to.

    I'm right behind you on that score, maccherry....I'm not looking for one product to replace everything. Each product you mention has it's strengths! And yes, there is overlap. But so what!

    If business is good, I might even slip the next MBA into the mix, too. Just so I can sit at a restaurant and work!

  • Reply 112 of 121
    christopher126christopher126 Posts: 4,366member
    Originally Posted by PaulMJohnson View Post

    Excellent idea, but I can't help but think you must look like a bit of a nutcase when using it!

    Yep, another good idea is when you're playing tennis and it rains, put the tennis ball in a ziploc bag and you can keep playing!
  • Reply 113 of 121
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Originally Posted by Jerseymac View Post

    Are you absolutly certain you will never wish to visit a Flash website? Ever?

    For the purposes of this discussion, yes, I am ABSOLUTELUY sure I will never visit a site using Flash. (Though it's irrelevant anyway)

    So the only reason you think a MacPro is better than an iPad is because you can use Flash?

    Again, it's all about what the intended use is.

    Obviously if I needed to use Flash, I couldn't use the iPad. Likewise if I needed a mainframe, I couldn't use a MacBook Pro either.
  • Reply 114 of 121
    jerseymacjerseymac Posts: 408member
    Originally Posted by Chris_CA View Post

    For the purposes of this discussion, yes, I am ABSOLUTELUY sure I will never visit a site using Flash. (Though it's irrelevant anyway)

    So the only reason you think a MacPro is better than an iPad is because you can use Flash?

    Again, it's all about what the intended use is.

    Obviously if I needed to use Flash, I couldn't use the iPad. Likewise if I needed a mainframe, I couldn't use a MacBook Pro either.

    How can you be certain? What if there was a singer you liked and wanted to visit their site and couldn't? What if there was a movie you were interested in and you went to it's website and saw only broken links? That doesn't bother you? Really?
  • Reply 115 of 121
    kibitzerkibitzer Posts: 1,114member
    Originally Posted by masternav View Post

    Another approach you may want to look at is using an utility like calibre to convert your files into ePub format and import into your iBooks app on the iPad. For example, I had a series of oop* handbooks that I had scanned into pdf format to keep as digital sources. I recently used calibre to convert them to ePub and now have them on an iPad in iBooks.

    *out of print

    Thanks! I could make use of an app like that so will check it out. I keep lots of different user manuals handy in pdf.
  • Reply 116 of 121
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member


    A Mac Pro is not a portable device so it's hardly a fair competitor to the iPad.

    So you are only comparing them for portability? Then the MacBook Pro loses.

    And the MacBook Pro is not a competitor the iPad either. They are made for different purposes.


    How can you be certain?

    Sorry you seem to be so lost on this topic.


    What if there was a singer you liked and wanted to visit their site and couldn't?

    I don't like singers or their websites.


    What if there was a movie you were interested in and you went to it's website and saw only broken links?

    I don't like movies or movie websites.


    That doesn't bother you? Really?

    I can't watch it on my phone or my car radio or my fridge either. That doesn't bother me.

    Why not watch the movie on a Mac Pro (not MacBook), or an iMac or PC? Better yet, why not watch it on a nice home theater? (hint - It's irrelevant to this conversation)

    Stick with your original topic.


    A real MacBook is such a better choice.

    Why is it better? You did not qualify why.

    It weighs more. - Worse

    It costs more. - Worse

    It's larger - Worse

    Uses more battery. - Worse
  • Reply 117 of 121
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by Jerseymac View Post

    Are you absolutly certain you will never wish to visit a Flash website? Ever?

    I wish people would stop making fools of themselves.

    First, in the unlikely event that there's a Flash web site that I really must see, I simply fire up LogMeIn and look at the site on my home computer.

    So far, I haven't had to do that, but I could. One more pseudo-argument against iPads down the drain.

    More importantly, it's foolish to think that you know what you will ever need - or that you should plan just in case.

    Do you know for certain you're not going to be bitten by a black mamba? Better keep the antivenom in your home.

    Do you know you're never going to go somewhere with more than 7 passengers? Better buy a school bus.

    Do you know you're never going to travel to China? Better get some RMB currency just in case.
  • Reply 118 of 121
    jerseymacjerseymac Posts: 408member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    I wish people would stop making fools of themselves.

    First, in the unlikely event that there's a Flash web site that I really must see, I simply fire up LogMeIn and look at the site on my home computer.


    Bingo! That's the answer I was looking for. Only took all day to get an honest answer to my question. So you will put down your shiney new five hundred dollar iPad and use a real computer to surf a website. Thank you.

    And I am making a fool of myself. Good. I would rather be a fool in the eyes of AI forum posters than let Steve Jobs tell me what websites to visit.
  • Reply 119 of 121
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Originally Posted by Jerseymac View Post

    And I am making a fool of myself. Good. I would rather be a fool in the eyes of AI forum posters than let Steve Jobs tell me what websites to visit.

    How about Bill Gates telling you that you cannot visit a site until you purchase his software?
  • Reply 120 of 121
    tubbyteetubbytee Posts: 68member
    A PC, an iPad, a MacBook, an iPod touch for home and personal use. 2 PC's for work.

    Originally Posted by cvaldes1831 View Post

    The fact of the matter is that the typical Apple customer is buying multiple Apple products, not just one and also likely has a PC in the household as well.

    On average, Apple's customers are considerably more affluent than those of their competitors. The underaged fanboys here still living with Mommy aren't the average Apple consumer.

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