Apple's iPad believed to be outselling Macs in the US



  • Reply 81 of 121
    postulantpostulant Posts: 1,272member
    Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss View Post

    I think you might have stumbled on Apple's next advertising slogan for the iPad!

    Featuring Ron Jeremy? Gross!
  • Reply 82 of 121
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by Jerseymac View Post

    Agreed. The MacBook pro is a perfect machine because it runs everything, even Windoze apps.

    except iPad and iPhone apps.

    except when you need to: get in, get it done, and get out in less than a minute:

    except when you want to sketch on the display.

    except when you want to watch a movie or read a book in bed or on an airplane.


  • Reply 83 of 121
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Originally Posted by Postulant View Post

    Agreed! I'm enjoying my iPad here in Cancun. In the past I've traveled with Macbooks, Macbook pros, an even an Air, nothing beats the portability of my iPad. I carry it everywhere and when I need to do any work, I just whip it out and start working. I even installed the Line2 app which allows your iPad to function as a phone - of course you'll need a wifi hotspot as Mexico doesn't have 3G yet ( or at least not Cancun).

    The iPad will work with EDGE and GPRS if no 3G is available.
  • Reply 84 of 121
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by Jerseymac View Post

    I'm happy for Apple that they are having success with this product. But I sure don't understand it. A real MacBook is such a better choice.

    For you, maybe.

    I have a MBP and the iPad is far more useful to me due to it's small size and extreme battery life.

    The iPad is definitely a better choice for my father, who finds "normal" computers frustratingly confusing.

    There are far more of him than of you and me
  • Reply 85 of 121
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by KiltedGreen View Post

    Hmm, I'm a programmer and IF I can find an app/hardware combo for the iPad that will allow me to lay down 4 MIDI/Audio tracks and transfer them to my iMac then I've just replaced my iBook. Maybe it's already there ... or maybe I need to get coding!

    Horses for courses.

    There are apps that are moving in that direction:

    Also, the latest iPhone SDK (available for the iPad this fall) has recently added a lot of media-related frameworks and APIs that go well beyond what is needed for content consumption!

  • Reply 86 of 121
    masternavmasternav Posts: 442member
    with a computer (PC or Mac makes no difference) is:


    websurfing/internet browsing/websocializing

    listening to music/watching videos (media consumption)

    looking at photos

    playing games (the odd local install, but more likely a web-based or Flash game)

    the classic computing system is vastly overpowered for these activities.

    Conversely the classic geek will be very reluctant to acknowledge anything less than a full-blown computer as being close to adequate for doing those very same things - unless it is a "netbook". For the classic geek it is all about the hardware, features and familiar keyboard/pointing device user interface. And of course being able to "get behind" the GUI into the file system and the underpinnings of the OS to "mess-around". It doesn't matter that a very small percentage of the capacity of the standard computer is utilized to do these things. The one major exception to this is gaming.

    An enlightened geek recognizes the purpose-driven aspects of each device and allows each to address the needs best met by that device.
  • Reply 87 of 121
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss View Post

    If these numbers hold up, the never used one but still don't like it crowd are going to be very confused.

    Oh, the "I never used one but still don't like it" crowd is beyond confused, they are now officially out of touch.

    I am on the last night of a 10 day international trip with my iPad. Three people out of 40 will be getting them - I am pretty confident of that as I have their email addresses since they wan't to email me if they have questions once they get them.

    Another five are on the fence, but based on the uses and applications I showed them (esp. some specialty ebook readers) they will probably be getting one. The product sells itself once people touch it and see an application or two that hits their sweet spot.

    Success is a no brainer. Oh yeah, I can confirm they lifted the ban in Israel on the iPad - my dad and I have ours with us The battery life is great for those long trans-atlantic trips.
  • Reply 88 of 121
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    not bad for a device that was declared an "eipic fail" by the resident trolls because it doesn't have a usb port. And all us, fanboys and trolls alike, need to finally realize that our preferences and opinions are meaningless in the face of the mass market. We are an ittsy-bittsy, teesy-weensy minority who would like to think we know what will sell and what will not. Calling the mass market too dumb or too stupid to know what they need only shows our own complete ignorance.

    +++ qft
  • Reply 89 of 121
    bigpicsbigpics Posts: 1,397member
    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    Not bad for a device that was declared an "EIPIC FAIL" by the resident trolls because it doesn't have a USB port. And all us, fanboys and trolls alike, need to finally realize that our preferences and opinions are meaningless in the face of the mass market. We are an ittsy-bittsy, teesy-weensy minority who would like to think we know what will sell and what will not. Calling the mass market too dumb or too stupid to know what they need only shows our own complete ignorance.

    You get it!

    Originally Posted by Jerseymac View Post

    Agreed. The MacBook pro is a perfect machine because it runs everything, even Windoze apps.

    iPad apps??
  • Reply 90 of 121
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by Stevie View Post

    But for a general-use portable, especially for watching video and surfing the web, I'm starting to think that the whole tablet form factor is flawed.

    As the owner of one, the form factor is ideal.


    But in the evenings, when I've retired to my stateroom, I'd rather have a real computer at my disposal. Just sitting there, already booted up, and left running for the duration. The little pad can't replace that.

    You can't curl up with "a real computer". The iPad is a *very* intimate experience. If you haven't owned and used one for a few weeks, it's hard to explain just how easy it is to always have it with you and use it wherever you are. Yes, even outside (although it was a little bright today, I still managed to capture some email addresses of people who took some pictures of us and we took pictures of them).
  • Reply 91 of 121
    smurfmansmurfman Posts: 119member
    Does anyone know where there is an iPad 3G IN STOCK?? For 2 weeks now I can't seem to get my hands on one!
  • Reply 92 of 121
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by Stevie View Post

    Eventually, there will be no such thing as a "Mac".

    Sure, and eventually there will be no such thing as "windows" - but the iPad is not going to display the traditional Mac OS X machine any time soon. It compliments. It's not a zero sum game - for one to succeed, the other doesn't have to loose.

    Indeed, MS will be the big looser as the "halo affect" kicks into high gear with the iPad.
  • Reply 93 of 121
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by Stevie View Post

    Eventually, there will be no such thing as a "Mac".

    Eventually, there will be no such thing as a personal computer...

    See how easy, and utterly useless, that is to do!

  • Reply 94 of 121
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by Stevie View Post

    I question whether it might be best for me, for an everyday casual use device.

    I'd love a good/real web browser tablet on my couch. An ebook reader next to the bed.

    And in those cases it works very well.


    But for anything/everything else, for me, I prefer a full experience and the ability to have a real keyboard and the convenience of not having to hold the damn thing every second.

    How do you know? Right there you state "not having to hold the damn thing every second" - well, you don't. It's very easy - esp. with the Apple case to prop it up. Even if it's in my lap.

    This is where ownership (even at the risk of the restocking fee if you truly don't like it) wins over blind speculation

    If you are willing to accept the compromises in a netbook and are perfectly happy with them, then by all means stick with them. But the iPad is NOT a netbook - not even close. Starting with the screen, which blows away even the MacBook and earlier MacBook Pro's. The fit, finish and quality of components are evident. The iPad does not feel, look, or operate like a cheap, underpowered netbook with a slow CPU, poor display and crappy keyboard.

    Yes, you may have multiple USB ports, but I have superior apps that are tied into the 'Net so I don't need ports for everything
  • Reply 95 of 121
    masternavmasternav Posts: 442member
    Originally Posted by Kibitzer View Post

    We've had our iPad WiFi + 3Gs for two weeks now and I've mentioned previously the useful things we did with them while on a long road trip. We're discovering new things to do every day. For example, I like to cook and keep about 700 recipes in word processing files. Using the Avatron app on my iPad, all of my recipes are readily accessible offline. Avatron also works on the iPhone and iPod touch, but the type is much easier to read on the iPad. We also enjoy light classical music streamed on the Internet throughout the day from an excellent station in New York. While driving, we stream the Internet feed through the iPad headphone jack to our car stereo. See details here:

    From some of the comments above, it seems that the iPad's capabilities are less limited by technical shortcomings and more by lack of imagination on the part of of iPad non-users and detractors.

    Another approach you may want to look at is using an utility like calibre to convert your files into ePub format and import into your iBooks app on the iPad. For example, I had a series of oop* handbooks that I had scanned into pdf format to keep as digital sources. I recently used calibre to convert them to ePub and now have them on an iPad in iBooks.

    *out of print
  • Reply 96 of 121
    maccherrymaccherry Posts: 924member
    I will buy the 2nd generation ipad next year with 3g and I will also be buying the 27 inch imac. The ipad won't stop my mac lust.

    Oh and when the new iphone comes out I;m getting that to.
  • Reply 97 of 121
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by aaarrrgggh View Post

    My iPad has eliminated my need for the Netbook at home. (Still have my laptop at the office, and my wife's at home.) It is easier to use for most things, and it does a pretty good job. With my bluetooth keyboard, I can actually write a report with it. My primary uses are tracking stocks and the web.

    There are a large number of things that piss me off about the iPad, many of which will be addressed with the OS 4.0 update, and many of which require a hardware update. (Just this morning, I realized I didn't have a song I wanted to listen to on my iPad. Had to transfer it from Wife's laptop to USB memory stick, to my laptop at work, to my iPad.)

    And... I actually had a moment where the device was useless without Flash. Cursed Versus and their over-the-time-limit coverage of the Am*** Tour of California screwing with my Tivo...

    .... there's an app for that-- no not the Flash, the music and videos:

  • Reply 98 of 121
    jerseymacjerseymac Posts: 408member
    Originally Posted by Chris_CA View Post

    Agreed? I wasn't talking about a MacBook Pro.

    I wrote, "Mac Pro", which would be even far better than a MacBook Pro.

    And what is it perfect for? It's a great computer yes,but at times it is overkill.

    A 50 caliber Hawken is great rifle but I'm going rabbit hunting...

    Follow along...

    You wrote;

    A better choice why?

    I was suggesting you qualify your suggestion why a MacBook Pro is better choice than an iPad.

    It depends on what you are doing.

    What if you don't need to run Windows and have extremely limited space and weight?

    What if you only want to watch a movie and check email?

    Oh. I thought someone here finally agreed with me. I stand corrected.

    A Mac Pro is not a portable device so it's hardly a fair competitor to the iPad.

    Why is a MacBook pro a better choice? iPad has no flash, can't play movies unless they are in Quicktime format, no VLC player support for multiple formats, no matte screen option, no third party software, no tethering, etc etc. And someday you may need to run a Windows program. A real Mac grows along with you.

    Ultimately it comes down to what you want to do with it. I just don't see the value in the limited experience you get. (Please note I said limited, not crippled like in the past.)
  • Reply 99 of 121
    jerseymacjerseymac Posts: 408member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    except iPad and iPhone apps.

    except when you need to: get in, get it done, and get out in less than a minute:

    except when you want to sketch on the display.

    except when you want to watch a movie or read a book in bed or on an airplane.



    Snow Leopard boots up pretty fast. I can watch movies in many formats and read PDF books on a MacBook.

    Do you think Apple will bar the Mac from the iPad bookstore forever?
  • Reply 100 of 121
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Touch interfaces on current desktop/laptop form factors are pretty much useless, except as novelty features. For them to become generally useful, the computer form factor will certainly need to evolve. But, one has to consider that touch will never be as precise as what can be achieved with current mouse/pad interfaces, simply because one's finger is larger and tends to obscure what one is touching. So, it's a question of, what tasks does one perform at workstation computers and what sorts of input interfaces are they best served by. Physical keyboards and mice may go away, but I'm not convinced that a separation of display and input devices is destined for elimination.

    There are solutions to the precision... Just like in Photoshop, if you want to get to the pixel level, you zoom in,

    As to obscuring your view: a stylus helps! I suspect someone will implement an offset or a loupe, where the area affected is magnified, contains a pencil/brush/pointer and is offset from the physical finger-- kind of an on-screen mouse.

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