AT&T caps new iPhone, iPad data plans at 2GB, announces tethering



  • Reply 81 of 359
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    Only the true data hogs will be paying more. On another web site some poster was lamenting that he used something like 60GB/mo all the time. That's the type that needs to pay a lot more. That's a real data hog.
  • Reply 82 of 359
    masternavmasternav Posts: 442member
    let's do a quick poll of the majority user population on the iPhone on ATT. How many do you think require/want tethering? Remember the MAJORITY of users, not just you ubergeeks - anyone? Yeah that's right - only a very small percentage actually want or need tethering. Stupid ATT for playing to the majority user profile!

    OK - next question. How many current iPhone on ATT users actually need unlimited data? Anyone - OK wait - put down the "freedom for the packets" signs you geeks. Again - look at the majority of users. They gain from this. ATT is just assigning costs where costs are actually incurred, after 3 years of "unlimited" data (OK yeah we know about the actual cap - stop being such a bloody pedant). Foolish ATT for saving the majority a little change!

    Now you all should have been on one network or other for some time - while they throw discounts out from time to time - how long do you think it will take for Verizon to change their tune and start charging more for their data plans? Especially if Apple releases an iPhone for Verizon (or the other networks for that matter)? Data is a cash cow for all of them and while they throw out the odd discount now and again, as smartphones become more generally popular they are going to line up to start milking the cow big time.

    There is no savior, there is no altruism when it comes to gouging the consumer - and they all will do it, it's just a matter of when, not if. If the iPhone (or Android as well for that matter) moves across all the platforms watch your cost for data go up - especially for uberusers who are much higher than the average majority user profile.

    Use your brains. There is no free ride - everything has a cost and the carriers only offer discounts in order to get you to switch to them - so they can jack you downstream.
  • Reply 83 of 359
    hezetationhezetation Posts: 674member
    Originally Posted by Jerseymac View Post

    I keep missing he point. The iPhone's killer app is supposed to be making calls and that is what it is the worst at. The iPad's killer app is the internet and it can't see a large portion of the internet that uses the evil Flash.

    Now AT&T is charging extra for data and tethering at a time when, according to Apple, the world is moving from the desktop to cloud computing and everything is going to be on the internet.

    Okay, actually I do get the point. AT&T is positioning itself to make a lot of money. What I don't get is why this is a good thing for consumers. \

    Uh, making calls? What? That's actually the app I use least on my iPhone, which is what makes it so awesome! It isn't just a phone I can check e-mail on, it is a pocket computer that I use for a massive array of tasks. From GPS directions to RDP connections to our company servers the iPhone has replaced my laptop as the device I have to carry around for support. So much so that now I find myself weighing whether or not I really need tethering since I'd only carry it for the purpose of support anyway.

    The iPhone will be leaving it's exclusivity soon, and when it does you watch the price wars begin. I think really the tethering limitations & changes were really just a way for them to get tethering out the door ahead of their network actually being ready for the additional data load. They are encouraging tetherors to use wifi where possible. If the tether addition comes with free AT&T wifi for my laptop then I might consider it, otherwise it is a waste for me.
  • Reply 84 of 359
    yensid98yensid98 Posts: 311member
    I welcome the tiered data plans with grateful open arms. I've been wanting this for a long time. I'm almost always on a wi-fi network so my 3G data usage is shockingly low. It irked me to no end that I was required to pay so much for a service that I didn't even use. Now at least the fees are more manageable. $15 a month for 200MB is more than sufficient for my uses and I doubt I'll ever come close to reaching the limit.

    I also think these new plans will curtail usage by the fringe who are using 3G data at insane levels.

    My big gripe is that tethering costs so darn much. Why a monthly charge? Shouldn't it be like the iPad plan be an opt in at any time thing? I might be willing to pay the $20 to tether my wi-fi iPad to my iPhone 3G if I was going on a trip where I knew there wouldn't be wi-fi access. But I'm not paying $20 a month even if I don't use tethering. Also it seems insane that tethering would cost me more than the $15 a month data plan on my iPhone. Shouldn't tethering cost less than your data plan?

    So not perfect, but still a welcome change.
  • Reply 85 of 359
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by hodgkin View Post

    I really thought that ATT had gotten this whole thing "right" for the iPad. No contracts, buy on the device, reasonable rates, simple plans, easy upgrade path, blah, blah. What's surprising to me is that they're changing these plans SO soon after the introduction of the iPad. I mean, I suppose these plans are subject to change, but this is a pretty quick change -- it's barely been a month.

    Yes, it is unfortunate. Fortunately, I got my iPad 3G in April and have the unlimited plan. However, I'm not sure that I won't change, anyway. I'm almost always using my iPad where there's WiFi and I suspect that my 3G usage is minimal. The new plan might save me money, anyway.

    Originally Posted by markbyrn View Post

    Only the most cultish of Apple fanboy will spin this ripoff as something good. The people who just purchased the iPad 3Gs with the happy promises of unlimited data plan are now finding out that Lord Jobs & AT&T have essentially lied through their teeth. Mass returns, class action lawsuits, FTC, you name it.

    Who's going to return it? Anyone who signed up for the old plan gets to keep the old plan. No reason for complaints (except the incessant whiners on AI, of course).

    New purchasers will be presented with the new plan - and make their choice of whether to buy or not. But considering that the majority of users will actually see a price cut, it's not likely to hurt Apple. In fact, if it gets some of the super-heavy downloaders off AT&T, it might HELP service for everyone.

    Originally Posted by sheff View Post

    Additional $20 for teathering to a 2GB plan? Are you shitting me ATT. Cheaper to get clear home and have 4g everywhere on your laptop and you home with (what I believe) is unlimited data plan, or at least way more then 2gb.

    Oh, yeah. I'll just never use my laptop on the road. If I'm in Japan, I'll just wait until I'm home to check my email. Real smart.

    In reality, for a very small number of people, tethering makes sense. For most, it doesn't. I can check my email on my phone or iPad without tethering. I can use WiFi in most places without tethering. If you need tethering, though, it's probably worth $20.

    Originally Posted by Lemmywinks View Post

    I don't understand why so many people are bent out of shape about this. If the new plans aren't for you then stay with what you have. If you're a light user, switch. My wife uses 350mb a month, I use about 1.5gb. I'm not switching but I might switch her to 2gb.

    It's because some people just have to complain or they're not happy. Particularly if they can complain about Apple.

    Originally Posted by brantdevlin View Post

    Why doesn't AT&T just say "GO THE F%$! AWAY!".

    If someone else does not start providing iPhone service it may be time for Droids all around!

    Yeah. Darned AT&T lowered prices for most customers and decided that the superdownloaders who are downloading hundreds of GB of data and slowing down the rest of the network should have to pay for their usage. Pure evil.

    Originally Posted by biosci View Post

    Not sure if I'm getting this right... So if I'm using an unlimited 3G plan on the iPad right now, next month will also be unlimited?

    What if I cancel at the end of the month, and then restart again in Aug? Will it be unlimited or will it be the new 2gb cap plan?

    People are able to keep their existing plans. According to AT&T, even if you switch to a new iPhone you can keep the old plan. I don't know about the iPad, though.

    Originally Posted by 1966goat View Post

    You know, its funny. My kindle still has free internet access wherever I go....

    But does it play Flash?

    Seriously, comparing the Kindle's internet access to iPad or iPhone access is absurd. Can you check your email? Browse the web? Watch a movie?

    Besides, so far, every book I've purchased for my iPad was bought at home and then read while traveling. I would rarely need to buy one somewhere that doesn't have WiFi.

    Originally Posted by mountaingrub View Post

    As a "heavy" user this upsets me tremendously. I go way over 2GB a month, and do you know why? I am buying music, movies, and apps from Apple and playing online games that I paid for.

    Then you keep your old plan. Problem solved.

    Originally Posted by zoetmb View Post

    The biggest problems with the change in costs for these plans is that you don't know how much it's going to cost you from month to month if you go over.

    Actually, you do. When you get close to your limit, you'll get a notice that you're approaching the limit and how much the charge will be.
  • Reply 86 of 359
    walshbjwalshbj Posts: 864member
    Mostly this change screams that AT&T has been overcharging 98% of smartphone users.

    My guess is that changing plans will forfeit your right to the grandfathering. Anyone know for sure?
  • Reply 87 of 359
    masternavmasternav Posts: 442member
    Originally Posted by mountaingrub View Post

    As a "heavy" user this upsets me tremendously. I go way over 2GB a month, and do you know why? I am buying music, movies, and apps from Apple and playing online games that I paid for. This is an example of how the mainstreaming of the internet is screwing the people who have been around for a long time. These companies charge an arm and a leg and then start capping the amount that people can download. That is bs. I will abandon Apple and keep switching to companies that offer true unlimited data plans. To those who cave in and say "this is the future" you are ignorant and letting companies push you around. With the amount of money these companies make it shouldn't be blamed on consumers using "too much bandwidth" - it is the company's responsibility to improve their infrastructure by updating their tech to meet the demands of the future. I can't tell you how many dropped calls I get a day on my iPhone, but I put up with the crap because I know that I at least get unlimited data. What is the point of staying with this crappy network if they don't even offer one good perk.

    you don't get unlimited data - you just haven't hit the real cap. And what percent of the market do you represent? a very, very small one. What will you do when they all are charging and arm and a leg - because you know very well that that is where this is going to go. Period. So go ahead and abandon Apple. It's your choice and bounce all you want - but know in the end your choices will eventually run out. Why don't you start up an UBERUSERS consumer group and start petitioning the FCC for pricing regulations on the carriers? If enough highend data users make enough noise you will attract some attention from the politicos and bureaucrats. Be proactive instead of reactive? Oh wait that would require some effort on your part - sorry - what was I thinking....
  • Reply 88 of 359
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
    well, i know everyone is calling foul at the part of ATT. And I know it's not going to kill me to have a hard cap on my iPhone, should I upgrade to the Gen 4. And yes, I know this is total BS to have a hard cap on data. BUT...Have any of you out there actually checked your data usage stats on your iPhone account? I'm a pretty average to regular user of Mobile data for work and home use on the go. Today is my 28th out of 31st day of my billing cycle and my data usage is 161 mb! I was as shocked as you might be if you knew me. My work doesn't have WiFi available to anyone so i have to use the iPhone in 3G mode all day and my battery is nearly dead every day. So, much to my suprise, I'm happy to upgrade because it's going to mean a 15$/mo. decrease in my phone bill. For all you that think you need more than 2GB, you might not. Either way your bill would drop by $5/mo. regardless. So quit with the winning already. If you need more than 2GB and you are NOT teathering, you have a serious problem or need to switch to the Enterprise plan, which it $45/Mo. and i think it does have unlimited usage, but i could be wrong on that.
  • Reply 89 of 359
    jeshaw81jeshaw81 Posts: 6member
    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post

    This might save me a bit of money. My wife barely goes over 150MB or so and she surely won't go over 2GB on her iPhone 3GS. I could just drop her data plan to 200MB or switch it to 2GB on demand and save some bucks. Hell, a $15 savings a month is a big flippin' deal.

    Hell, I could probably even drop down to the 2GB plan myself and save another $5 a month. I think the most I ever used in a month was 1GB, and that was because I was tethering in Las Vegas because the hotel Wi-Fi during CES 2010 was absolutely horrible.

    I know that a lot of people will bitch about this, but it works for me

    Same here. My wife and I can save $30/month combined. Vast majority of my data is via wifi anyway. I rarely come close to 200MG, and if I do, I can retroactively bump up to the $25 plan in any given month.

    Seems reasonable for me.
  • Reply 90 of 359
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
    Originally Posted by mountaingrub View Post

    As a "heavy" user this upsets me tremendously. I go way over 2GB a month, and do you know why? I am buying music, movies, and apps from Apple and playing online games that I paid for. This is an example of how the mainstreaming of the internet is screwing the people who have been around for a long time. These companies charge an arm and a leg and then start capping the amount that people can download. That is bs. I will abandon Apple and keep switching to companies that offer true unlimited data plans. To those who cave in and say "this is the future" you are ignorant and letting companies push you around. With the amount of money these companies make it shouldn't be blamed on consumers using "too much bandwidth" - it is the company's responsibility to improve their infrastructure by updating their tech to meet the demands of the future. I can't tell you how many dropped calls I get a day on my iPhone, but I put up with the crap because I know that I at least get unlimited data. What is the point of staying with this crappy network if they don't even offer one good perk.

    Maybe instead of using your unlimited downloads for entertainment purposes you should actually do some work? You got yourself into this mess, i'm sure you'll find an unsatisfying way out of it.
  • Reply 91 of 359
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by Tulkas View Post

    Those sound like incredibly shitty plans. So, not only will there be a hard cap, but on top of the cap you will have to pay significantly more for tethering?

    I hate my carrier (Rogers/Fido) but damn I am glad for them right now. I pay $30 for 6GB and no extra for tethering.

    Agreed. A buddy of mine just got a Palm Pre Plus on Verizon. He can make a free WiFi Hot Spot with his phone and tether several devices at once. For free.
  • Reply 92 of 359
    Originally Posted by Zendolphyn View Post

    Great observation.

    I think AT&T is making a grab for as much extra cash as they can get away with before a mass exodus once another/any carrier comes into play.

    And you think another carrier, um...Verizon?, is going to offer more generous terms? That's a little naive on your part.
  • Reply 93 of 359
    jeshaw81jeshaw81 Posts: 6member
    Originally Posted by ruel24 View Post

    Yep, what a ripoff! I was considering moving from Verizon to AT&T just to get an iPhone, but now I'm definitely going to stick with Verizon and hope they get the iPhone soon. If not, Droid here I come... This just proves there's no real competition out there in the mobile wireless market. It's Verizon, AT&T, and pretty much all the non-players in the market who don't have enough infrustructure - and we all suffer.

    Wait and see if Verizon follows suit. After all, these guys tend to copycat each other. Just like AT&T bumped up the cancellation charges last week, etc.
  • Reply 94 of 359
    hellacoolhellacool Posts: 759member
    Originally Posted by trumptman View Post

    The point really shouldn't be how much data you use now because as always, the technology drives the data use. How much data did you all use before the introduction of the 3G or 3GS?

    Sure many of you might have been using say, 1 gig of data before, but those were on phones that didn't have video chat, that didn't allow backgrounding of Pandora, etc.

    The reality is that when all the folks on here were using Palms, or Razrs, or whatever they had before the iPhone, they were probably lucky if they used 50 MB of data a month let alone 500 MB. The iPhone changed that past use and it is likely the new one will change it yet again. Now Apple is going to intro a new phone with many new cloud and data intensive features and the plans that allowed best use of it are going to be gone and in their place will be much more expensive plans per gigabyte.

    Exactly. The 3G iPad has been out a month, there is no way AT$T can know how much data that thing will generate. To say only 2% use more than 5 GB is old news. The technology is only getting better and faster and now AT$T is trying to slow it down. Bottom line is if another carrier had the iPhone they wouldn't try this, when your customers have no other option they can do what ever they want. As soon as another carrier gets the iPhone and offers unlimited AT$T will be stuck.
  • Reply 95 of 359
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    What did you guys expect? Free unlimited tethering?! We all knew this was coming. You want tethering then pay for it. This might save me $30/month for both iPhone on my family plan. I have WiFi everywhere and I use less than 200MB cellular data.

    To me, it sounds that AT&T will lose its iPhone exclusivity this Jun.
  • Reply 96 of 359
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    I believe it was said a while back that the rational behind the extra charge is because tethered notebook/laptop can use more data by virtue of being able to multitask - multiple simultaneous downloads/uploads unlike the iPhone thus potentially overloading the available bandwidth. Therefore they charge for that.

    I have a 3G express card for my MBP with unlimited data so I won't be tethering anyway.
  • Reply 97 of 359
    aiaddictaiaddict Posts: 487member
    Originally Posted by jetlaw View Post

    Apple is building a gigantic "cloud farm" in NC, the purpose for which is to promote the idea of always-connected cloud-based computing. Meanwhile, the exclusive provider of 3G connectivity for their mobile devises is making byte-counters out of all their users. At some point, this is going to become a genuine conflict. I suspect that when it does that we will finally have a Verizon iPhone.

    You do realize that Verizon's CEO said they are looking to do the same thing?

    I am using an average of 360mb per month over the last 18 months, my wife who is in WIFI range more often than I am is using even less. This new plan looks like it will save me $120 per year, even if the new cameras cause me to quadruple my data usage. If the new plans cause data hogs to actually turn on their WIFI antennas and make use of the hot spots available to them, perhaps the other 97% of us will see better performance. Boy this is really gunna suck huh?
  • Reply 98 of 359
    jerseymacjerseymac Posts: 408member
    Originally Posted by hezetation View Post

    Uh, making calls? What? That's actually the app I use least on my iPhone, which is what makes it so awesome!

    So you spent (whatever hundreds) for a smart phone and eighty bucks a month for a phone plan and you hardly use it for a phone?

    Originally Posted by hezetation View Post

    I find myself weighing whether or not I really need tethering since I'd only carry it for the purpose of support anyway.

    And the classic AI forum poster response to anything the we are denied (Flash, MMS, multi tasking) or overcharged for (Text, Tethering): "I don't really need it anyway."

    I'm not trying to pick on you my friend, I'm just trying to understand it all. I want to "be there" when the next revolution happens, really I do. I can't figure out if Apple is insanely great or has just gone insane lately.

    It's probably just me. No doubt people are going to stay up all night to get the new iPhone and will pay AT&T anything they want to tether it to the iPad.

    And what if your in a dead zone and can't get a cell signal? Well then, I guess you didn't really need one anyway.
  • Reply 99 of 359
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by Katonah View Post

    So... with this new plan I can pay $25 (instead of the current $30), and add $20 for tethering, and use the tethering to get 3G service on my iPad, thus allowing me to avoid paying $30 per month for the iPad 3G service? Or am I missing something?

    Are you sure that the iPad can be tethered? I've never seen any comments one way or the other, but it would not be surprising if it were somehow disabled.
  • Reply 100 of 359
    s4mb4s4mb4 Posts: 267member
    Nexus One, here i come.
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