Apple unveils redesigned, thinner iPhone 4 with two cameras



  • Reply 21 of 507
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by thinkb4utalk View Post

    sorry, but a 2-axis gyro plus a 3-axis accelerometer does not equal a 6-axis sensor package, as this article claimed. I develop flight software around these sensors everyday. I also develop iphone apps (shatterball, balloonmaker) and i was really hoping for a 6 degree of freedom sensor package.

    3 + 3 = 6
  • Reply 22 of 507
    mhedgesmhedges Posts: 25member
    Has there been any news about the release date for the phone?
  • Reply 23 of 507
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Happy to see they actually have engineers who understand how photography works, instead of the marketing department using making the choices.

    The backlight system he describes is correct. More pixels is good but you also need more light as you add more pixels. Most phone manufacturers add more pixels which decreases the amount of light each pixel can gather. They use other tricks to make up the difference.

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    ? Glad to see Apple didn't kowtow to marketing hype by adding excessive pixels that are smaller while ignoring the rest of the camera components. Can't wait to see the 8Mpx EVO 4G camera up against the 5Mpx iPhone 4.

  • Reply 24 of 507
    sheffsheff Posts: 1,407member
    LOL Gyroscope. Nasa will soon be able to replace space shuttle avionics with an iPhone. Assuming there is an app for that.
  • Reply 25 of 507
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,121member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    ? I can't believe I never even considered the break in the frame was due to it being two antennas.

    I had a suspicion about the seams being for reception. It figures since IMHO Apple would not add such a visual break for the sake of design, so it had to have some kind of functional application for it. It's not their (current) design style.

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    ? The statement of A4 without the 1GHz clockspeed that was stated with the iPad tells me it's underclocked.

    I would not be surprised if it is underclocked. Unlike the iPad, this is a phone first and to most users, the battery life will be much more important that sheer horsepower. I believe even in its underclocked state, it will be more than fast enough to handle whatever is thrown at it.

    This is what the competition just does not get or refuses to believe. An android phone would be useless to me if the battery conks out after a couple hours. I could care less what the over-the-top hardware specs are if it cannot do the basic stuff to my satisfaction.
  • Reply 26 of 507
    asianbobasianbob Posts: 797member
    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    Unlike the landfill-destined Android phones, this iPhone is a seriously polished hardware/software combo. It works, and Apple's borderline-clinical attention to detail is what will continue to keep the iPhone the platinum-standard for everyone else to reach.

    I'll take SJ's viewpoint of what the market is like anytime compared to your perception of it is.

    And as usual, the rest of the competition is watching all the webcasts while their copy-machines are warming up. Why do any real R&D when they can get it for free from Apple?

    Even with the iOS4 coming out, I'm willing to bet they already have an early prototype of iOS5 working deep in the caves of Apple Skunkwerks. They just bring shame to the competition.

    I'm sold. The moment it's available - and the waiting lines dissipate - I'm getting one! My trusty 2g iPhone will happily retire as a iPod Touch.

    To be fair, there are a few things that have been shown that the competitors have already done. What Apple has done is polished it up and better integrated it to the OS. Not to say the iPhone 4 (now that we finally know the name ) doesn't have great specs, but wasn't anything there that made me look at my current phone in disgust. Difference of opinions in the end.

    I am interested in the gyroscope though. Would have loved to see a live video of that demo in action.
  • Reply 27 of 507
    ghostface147ghostface147 Posts: 1,629member
    Originally Posted by Hellacool View Post

    "When Jobs turned to Scott Forstall, senior vice president for iPhone software, for ideas, someone in the audience suggested they try the Verizon network."

    I would have kicked out the person who yelled that out and then banned who he is with.
  • Reply 28 of 507
    Originally Posted by thinkB4Utalk View Post

    The backlight system he describes is correct. More pixels is good but you also need more light as you add more pixels. Most phone manufacturers add more pixels which decreases the amount of light each pixel can gather. They use other tricks to make up the difference.

    It looks like the screen is dimmer than the older iPhones though, if the pictures he displayed during the conference is any indication.
  • Reply 29 of 507
    daylove22daylove22 Posts: 215member
    Video calling now a FaceTime
  • Reply 30 of 507
    cgc0202cgc0202 Posts: 624member
    Do the iAds created by Quattro work only for the iOS Apps, or will they be applicable also for the website for regular internet broswing?

    It would be good if they venture into ordinary websites also, not just iOS. I was tempted to place some Google Ads in some sites, but I just do not like the policies of Google. Too many junk ads, some very dubious.

    I guess no other carrier in the US, this time around?

  • Reply 31 of 507
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by sheff View Post

    LOL Gyroscope. Nasa will soon be able to replace space shuttle avionics with an iPhone. Assuming there is an app for that.

    that would be epic lol

    Actually the idea of astronauts using an ipod touch or ipad is probably the closest thing to star trek that we'll see.
  • Reply 32 of 507
    daylove22daylove22 Posts: 215member
    On sale June 24th
  • Reply 33 of 507
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    I would have kicked out the person who yelled that out and then banned who he is with.

    Why? No free thought allowed?

    I think if there hadn't been so many rumors about it, the person wouldn't have even said it. There's just so much talk about a cdma iphone for Verizon though.
  • Reply 34 of 507
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    ... and where are all of those 'Apple would never design something that looks like that lost iPhone' naysayers from last month now?

    Anyway... Nice job Apple, though a larger display would have been better.
  • Reply 35 of 507
    maccherrymaccherry Posts: 924member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    The gyroscope, overall thinness of the device, and using the casing as the antenna, it all seems to be what sets this phone apart, but the way Jobs described this thing talking about how nothing on the market comes close, that's laughable.

    Look, it's got all the latest and greatest (like a high res screen, 720 HD video recording, a front facing camera) but the evo can be directly compared to this thing.

    It really irritates me when someone like Jobs or Ballmer acts like people don't know what else is on the market when they say there's nothing like their product.

    Overall, this is a good evolution of the iphone. Still not as revolutionary as the first though.

    But Apple can release just one phone a year that will out sell 10 phones by HTC in the same period.

    HTC can kiss my a**. By the end of the year HTC will have dropped another 40 phones onto the market while Iphone coast along kicking major tail.

    Apple is in a league all its own.

    Don't ever mention Apple and HTC in the same breath. LOL!
  • Reply 36 of 507
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Calling it the biggest leap since the original iPhone, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs introduced the new iPhone on Monday,

    It looks great.

    I wonder if the gyro will be used to as much advantage as the compass and accelerometer? It looks totally cool.
  • Reply 37 of 507
    ghostface147ghostface147 Posts: 1,629member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    Why? No free thought allowed?

    Free thought yes. Free speaking? Nope. He wants to speak, he can do it at his own show.
  • Reply 38 of 507
    icarbonicarbon Posts: 196member
    I am really excited about it -- if it was onsale today (instead of June 24), I would go get it now. rright now. Just ditch the meeting I have in 7 min and go.

    but it isn't, so I'm gonna whine about my one complaint:

    only 32G. I waited 2 years and only am getting 32G. The touch has had 64G for a year; I'd cheerfully pay an extra $50 for 64G.

    (grumble, grumble)
  • Reply 39 of 507
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    I would not be surprised if it is underclocked. Unlike the iPad, this is a phone first and to most users, the battery life will be much more important that sheer horsepower. I believe even in its underclocked state, it will be more than fast enough to handle whatever is thrown at it.

    412MHz ARM11 to a 600MHz Cortex A8 was noticeable improvement. Going from Cortex A8 to idealized Cortex A8 as an A4, even at the same speed would show a noticeable improvement if the OS was designed for the HW, which we know it is. I speculate that it's likely around 800MHz and very fast.

    Even with the battery increases and these times besting real world use of other smartphones I would like to see these times at least doubled. I can't stand how battery tech seemingly moves so slowly compared to the rest of the industry.
  • Reply 40 of 507
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    That would be nice, but its built into the OS so its doubtful iAds will be for general use.

    The crazy thing about iAds is that those are major brands most of Google's ads are from small companies or other software makers.

    Under other circumstances it would be impossible for a small software developer to get an ad and major commercial from Nissan, Geico, Targert, Direct TV, or any company of that level.

    Originally Posted by cgc0202 View Post

    Do the iAds created by Quattro work only for the iOS Apps, or will they be applicable also for the website for regular internet broswing?

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