$100 increase for Apple's redesigned Mac mini seen as disappointment



  • Reply 121 of 274
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    That is the worst prediction I've ever heard.

    Say what you will, i respect that. But i don't think it's any coincidence that the aTV and Mac Mini keep getting closer and closer to converging into a HTPC product. They took the HDMI from the aTV and put it on the Mini, they Put Front Row on the Mac, which is essentially the aTV UI. Now they are making the phyical devices almost identical in size (save for the height). They are even marketing the Mini on the Apple site as a HTPC; as well as adding a TimeMachine/Capsule features built-in.

    If you look at the Progression of the iDevices Apple offers.

    2001 - First was the iPod - music

    then video in 2003-04

    Then in 2007 the iPHone - phone, internet, music video

    Then in 2010 the iPad - larger form factor (Close to netbook screen) music, video, interent, books, iWork

    throw-in the aTV inbetween

    The product's screen gets bigger, they put more and more OSx Functionality in it. Every 3-4 years they make a major hardware/software update that's "game changing". I'm telling you, perhaps you haven't looked into thier update schedules historically, but i'm going to safely bet we'll see a iOSx aTV or a dumbed-down Mac Mini HTPC in the next 2-4 years. The two platforms WILL converge at some point in the near future; either as seperate ideas or a whole new device called "iHome" or "iTV".

    Apple makes small incremental steps, so say what you want, it's coming.
  • Reply 122 of 274
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    I'm just wondering if part of the price hike is the result of massive pay raises in China. The only other explanation is the unibody case which has to be more expensive than the old one.

    I'm just looking for a reasonable explanation as it is a rather stiff price increase. The price is currently stiff but not totally unreasonable.


    Well, 'stiff'. Not 'unreasonable'.


    *Wipes tears from eyes.

    Sure. Whatever you say Dave.

    Yeah. Blame it on the Chinese.

    Blame it on the PPC.

    I didn't think it would be Apple's fault... And I thought McVities digestive biscuit Christmas 'tins' were expensive...

    Lemon Bon Bon.
  • Reply 123 of 274
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    It's been pointed out that the new Mini, at $699, out-specs the old $799 Mini. So this isn't a price hike, it's a $100 price cut on an upgrade, despite what the title of the article implies.

    The "price hike" is just an illusion based on elimination of the low-end model. One can argue that the entry price has been "hiked", which is a valid point, but the Mini price, based on specs, has been cut.

    There you go.

    Just an 'illusion.' (*Looks at the sky.)

    I think that's a good idea. Let's eliminate all the entry models. So that way we can just buy Apple's 'top of the line.' In effect the 'top end' becomes the entry model... *Looks blankly.

    Lemon Bon Bon.
  • Reply 124 of 274
    hezetationhezetation Posts: 674member
    Originally Posted by jeffreytgilbert View Post

    maybe i'm just the jerk that keeps hammering at dead horses, but where the hell is the IR port on the mini? The old one had an IR port for the remote. The new one doesn't. What the hell, apple? This isn't a media center if it doesn't have a tiny remote!!!!!


    iPad FAIL.

    Mini FAIL.

    Stop going backwards!


    Turns out it's just REALLY really well hidden this time. It still exists. I rescind my inflammatory reply.

    I wish the mini could learn a remote the way ATV does.
  • Reply 125 of 274
    sxpertsxpert Posts: 8member
    well, 100$ more is not so much, when you consider it's 250€ more over here in europe (previous basic model was 549€)

    for the record, google tells me 250€ is 308.15$ !!

    I'm very happy that I bought my first mac mini this week end... the previous model 2.26 GHz, 2GB ram, 160GB disk
  • Reply 126 of 274

    Apple makes small incremental steps, so say what you want, it's coming.[/QUOTE]

    Well, the 'mini' is evidence of that. 'Less' spec for even more money.

    Add that to the glacial pace of GPU cards in Mac machines. And the glacial nature of the Open GL drivers in the OS.

    Incremental. Glacial. Just semantics, I guess.

    Lemon Bon Bon.
  • Reply 127 of 274
    Originally Posted by sxpert View Post

    well, 100$ more is not so much, when you consider it's 250? more over here in europe (previous basic model was 549?)

    for the record, google tells me 250? is 308.15$ !!

    I'm very happy that I bought my first mac mini this week end... the previous model 2.26 GHz, 2GB ram, 160GB disk

    I'm happy I'm not paying £649 for a 'tin' with crap specs.

    Lemon Bon Bon.
  • Reply 128 of 274
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,948member
    Originally Posted by Lemon Bon Bon. View Post

    There you go.

    Just an 'illusion.' (*Looks at the sky.)

    Eh, if the title of this article were "Apple upgrades top-end Mac Mini and drops price $100, eliminates low-end Mini" the comments in this thread would be entirely different. You're just being subjected to emotional manipulation by the media, inflaming your passions and all that.
  • Reply 129 of 274
    ssquirrelssquirrel Posts: 1,196member
    Originally Posted by Bregalad View Post

    I'm shocked at the price increase. They'd better not do that with the next iMac.

    I started a thread pondering just what impact the Mini's changes will have on the next iMac bump over here: http://forums.appleinsider.com/showt...66#post1653366

    Lemon>Yeah man, they clearly didn't read any of those threads full of us talking about a bigger Mini with i5s 400 going up to 649 is a 62.25% increase
  • Reply 130 of 274
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Eh, if the title of this article were "Apple upgrades top-end Mac Mini ahd drops price $100, eliminates low-end Mini" the comments in this thread would be entirely different. You're just being subjected to emotional manipulation by the media, inflaming your passions and all that.

    £649 for a biscuit tin. Fcuk me.

    I agree.

    If I buy that, I'm being emotionally manipulated by Apple's media.

    Lemon Bon Bon.
  • Reply 131 of 274
    williamlondonwilliamlondon Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by camroidv27 View Post

    I wonder if this means there is an aTV refresh in the wings?

    Looking at the price of this thing, the same thing struck me. If there is an aTV in the wings, and if they were to price this machine cheaper, they couldn't charge a premium for the new aTV. And they did just release a phone for pre-order today that rivals the price of this.

    Still, though, it's a bit pricey.
  • Reply 132 of 274
    ssquirrelssquirrel Posts: 1,196member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    It's been pointed out that the new Mini, at $699, out-specs the old $799 Mini. So this isn't a price hike, it's a $100 price cut on an upgrade, despite what the title of the article implies.

    The "price hike" is just an illusion based on elimination of the low-end model. One can argue that the entry price has been "hiked", which is a valid point, but the Mini price, based on specs, has been cut.

    It's been pointed out yes, but poorly, and incorrectly.

    Late 2009 Mini:

    Middle: 2.53GHz 4GB RAM 320GB hdd 9400M OS X $799

    Mid 2010 Mini:

    Base: 2.4GHz 2GB RAM 320GB hdd 320M OS X $699

    Slower cpu, less ram, faster GPU. <sarcasm>Yes, OH so improved </sarcasm>
  • Reply 133 of 274
    Originally Posted by SSquirrel View Post

    I started a thread pondering just what impact the Mini's changes will have on the next iMac bump over here: http://forums.appleinsider.com/showt...66#post1653366

    Lemon>Yeah man, they clearly didn't read any of those threads full of us talking about a bigger Mini with i5s 400 going up to 649 is a 62.25% increase

    That's it. I aint sleeping a wink tonight.

    250£ extra. Where's the fekking quad core and a 4850 in a slightly bigger Mini?

    *greed. The stench of it I smell.

    Lemon Bon Bon.
  • Reply 134 of 274
    Originally Posted by antkm1 View Post


    7.7" x 7.7" x 1.4" => new Mac Mini

    7.7" x 7.7" x 1.1" => current Apple TV

    Coincidence? I think Not! My prediction is that the aTV will be shelfed at some point and Mac Mini will offer a "Mac Mini - HTPC". It will cost probably $499, and run iOSx instead of SL OSx. AND (as some may complain) will NOT have a BD drive. It will be like the Server option, no optical drive.

    You heard it here first!

    apple currently sells an iPod Touch for $199(30% profit margin).

    remove the display(glass, touch membrane, LCD, backlight).

    remove the headphone jack and dock connector.

    add an HDMI port, A4 chip.

    BOOM! new AppleTV $99 (Apple will sell the device at cost and make the profit on increased app, music, movie, and miscellaneous hardware sales)

    Yes, the current AppleTV's days are numbered.

    We will probably see the new AppleTV this Fall before the holidays.


    Also consider Steve's comments about a "go to market strategy" at the All Things Digital conference recently.
  • Reply 135 of 274
    I don't think Jobs wants any moving parts. One of the first to drop the 3 1/2 floppy. He'll move to solid state drives as soon as the technology lets him.
  • Reply 136 of 274
    ilogicilogic Posts: 298member
    $100 is a lot of money when buying a computer. The Mac mini needs to be at $499, the cheapest MacBook $799, everything else less Benji.
  • Reply 137 of 274
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
    Originally Posted by Johnny Mozzarella View Post

    apple currently sells an iPod Touch for $199(30% profit margin).

    remove the display(glass, touch membrane, LCD, backlight).

    remove the headphone jack and dock connector.

    add an HDMI port, A4 chip.

    BOOM! new AppleTV $99 (Apple will sell the device at cost and make the profit on increased app, music, movie, and miscellaneous hardware sales)

    Yes, the current AppleTV's days are numbered.

    We will probably see the new AppleTV this Fall before the holidays.

    ok, maybe $299, this is Apple we're talking about. The current aTV is $229, for about as much functionality as the iPod plus YouTube and iTunes music Store. With the Cost of the iPad between $499 and $829, that's close to the Mac Mini currently is.
  • Reply 138 of 274
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by Lemon Bon Bon. View Post

    £649 for a glorified door stop.

    Oh dear. *Puts head in hands.

    Apple. What is this?

    Well it is not a door stop. What it is is an ultra compact and low power desktop.


    £649 for a core 2 duo. No quad. 2 gigs of ram. Integrated crappics. It's a very expensive foot warmer in Winter. It's stuff like this that gives Apple it's over priced, rip-off boutique reputation.

    It is not a ripoff by any stretch of the imagination, there are plenty of Core 2 PCs being sold in the USA right now. While I agree about the RAM, the rest of the machine is pretty much exactly what I expected.

    I actuAlly see it as a solid interim upgrade until the SoC processors come out from Intel and AMD. When gazing upon this new case I can't help but to think this is what they are going for next year.


    Jeeze, what were they thinking?

    Thinking about the expense of the new Unibody chassis for one and the big pay raises handed out in China. Shareholders are likely in their thoughts too.


    Couldn't they put a cheap ass quad in there? And the cheap ass 4850? No. That would over shadow the entry level Mac 'Pro' (drips with sarcasm...)

    What do you mean here, they have more in the box than ever before. Further the upgraded GPU is far more important than the CPU.


    Couldn't they have made the design bigger and given us a 'Cube' mini-tower..?

    Hell no. Think about it two of theses will sit side beside in a rack mount tray with no problems. This is a great physical design if you ask me, great for implementing as embedded PCs or totally out of the way under a desk.


    Instead we get an expensive 'cheap ass' computer.

    Nothing I've seen yet implies a cheap ass computer. It actually looks well built and rugged.


    I'm sure someone will buy it.

    It won't be me.

    A backwards step in Apple's desktop 'policy.' I'd hate to call it a strategy. If it is the latter, it's insidious.

    I don't know what you are whining about here it is a great upgrade over the previous model. It will serve the Mini market very well indeed. It is not an XMac and never will be. It would make more sense to be sitting here demanding an XMac rather that foolish improvements to the Mini.



    Lemon Bon Bon.

    For a Mini update this isn't that bad.

  • Reply 139 of 274
    kenburgkenburg Posts: 24member
    How does this compare spec-wise to the former $799 model. Perhaps instead of saying that it costs $100 more it may be more accurate to say that they discontinued the $599 model and improved and dropped the price of the $799 model.
  • Reply 140 of 274
    ssquirrelssquirrel Posts: 1,196member
    Originally Posted by kenburg View Post

    How does this compare spec-wise to the former $799 model. Perhaps instead of saying that it costs $100 more it may be more accurate to say that they discontinued the $599 model and improved and dropped the price of the $799 model.

    Check post # 133

    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    I don't know what you are whining about here it is a great upgrade over the previous model. It will serve the Mini market very well indeed. It is not an XMac and never will be. It would make more sense to be sitting here demanding an XMac rather that foolish improvements to the Mini.

    Since you mentioned the XMac:

    Shuttle PC: 13x8.5x8 884

    Old Mini: 6.5x6.5x2 84.5

    New Mini: 7.7x7.7x1.4 83

    XMac: 10x10x6 600

    This would keep the XMac as a very small unit, but still smaller than competing small designs. There would still be room for most discrete GPUs as well.
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