iPhone 4 Review: 1 - Hardware Fit & Finish



  • Reply 241 of 338
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Ireland is the same as he ever was, it's just that when Apple fucks up, which isn't too often, Ireland is not afraid to call them up on it.

    Ireland, get a grip man. Just keep your 3Gs or buy a 3Gs and wait for 4s. Or buy the iPhone 4 and try it out for a week and return it if you don't like it. You clearly don't have any friends so making phone calls should not be a big deal for you.
  • Reply 242 of 338
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Good for you.

    What's your point?

    You don't have to jump in everytime i note some truth about Daniel. If you love him that much, hang out at his site, as more than half the articles he posts are from here anyway.

    We all know how much you dislike ANYTHING posted that is even the slightest bit less than fawning about Apple. I will continue to say what I believe reflects the facts, and you don't have to like it. I notice that you never remark negitively about my comments when I'm in support of Apple.
  • Reply 243 of 338
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by Berp View Post

    A delicately tempered appreciation, and no slight for the 'caveat emptor'. Well done.

    The author writes about Jobs and Apple as I would about Einstein, Mozart and yes, Jobs. If you truly understand and feel the momentous thread of History being woven by Jobs you cannot resist being swept by it. Dilger heartily shares in it.

    The style may have shortfalls, the prose could be sharper, the breath of poetic justice underwritten, Dilger, writing on all creative cylinders, tells The Story from the inside out. He is part of the Story; and that makes him a prime witness, and an essential counterpoint to disinformation and propheteering.

    When you describe a genius and his opus, passion is more trustworthy than penmanship.

    I'm a big Apple fan myself. There are three of us here, with four Macs, and four iPhones, with, just for now, one iPad, but that number will change as well.

    I like Daniel, and converse with him on an irregular basis. But I really would prefer him to do his articles with a bit less, um, enthusiasm, you know? I get e-mails from Forbes that are much more praising of Jobs, Apple, and its products, but yet, they don't come off as fawning, just factual. We're mostly Apple product users here, and so we feel positive toward Apple as it is. I really don't think that we need that amount of reinforcement.

    It also brings trolls from other sites less well disposed about Apple, as quotes from his articles are posted there, or are linked to here. Do we really need that?
  • Reply 244 of 338
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Ive now read a fair number of reviews of this product. In only one did the reviewer mention a problem. "Problem" meaning that call quality was affected by the grip. A few others attempted to duplicate the problem and one succeeded, But noted that it was difficult to do so.

    While this does seem to be a problem, the question is how much? We can't go by people posting in forums, because those are the ones who are motivated enough to do so.

    The question is how many people who don't post, or even know about the forums, are having problems. That is something we don't know.

    The only way I was able to duplicate it myself was to bridge the connection using my shuffle. It's just proven difficult for me to duplicate with my skin
  • Reply 245 of 338
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    You don't have to jump in everytime i note some truth about Daniel. If you love him that much, hang out at his site, as more than half the articles he posts are from here anyway.

    We all know how much you dislike ANYTHING posted that is even the slightest bit less than fawning about Apple. I will continue to say what I believe reflects the facts, and you don't have to like it. I notice that you never remark negitively about my comments when I'm in support of Apple.

    You really should not get all defensive, nor should you start having to make uninformed judgments what I love or what I dislike. You have no clue about either (nor do I expect you to).

    I just find it odd -- and a tad obsessive -- that you seem to get off on a tangent whenever this guy "Daniel" (I can't even recall his last name right now) posts. I could care less about what he stands for or doesn't. In the larger mix of the set of articles here at AI, it is just interesting (and fairly benign) additional fodder.

    My question was simple, and I'll repeat it: What's your point? That you don't like him? OK, great, but not many of us give a damn. That we shouldn't like him (and therefore not read his posts)? That's none of your business. That you are somehow exalted enough to know him/email him/hang out with him/whatever? Big deal. What's your point?

    What I find truly bizarre is how people like you and Ireland suddenly go off on a tangent and don't seem to be able to control yourselves. Perhaps you guys have been around for so long that you are getting either bored or tired.
  • Reply 246 of 338
    Originally Posted by Berp View Post

    When you describe a genius and his opus, passion is more trustworthy than penmanship.

    Do post more often. And (since I missed your arrival), welcome to AI!
  • Reply 247 of 338
    Originally Posted by nht View Post

    I kept my 3G in a case and you know, before the iPhone 4 came out I took it out to see what kind of shape it was in 2 years later. Other than some light scratches on the bezel it was pristine and I had forgotten how awesome the 3G looked and felt.

    The 4 is even more impressive...I'll still probably stick it in a case though. I have to let my kids play with it at times and there's just no way it can go caseless.

    Back in the era of the original iPhone, I told a buddy at work that the next iPhone would look really cool if the entire back was black and the Apple logo was chrome. BAM! The iPhone 3G dropped and I though I shared some sense of design style with Apple. The 3G was, and still is, a slick looking handset. Like yours, mine has lived in a case its entire two-year life and still looks pristine!

    I'm a case guy. iPhones are expensive investments; it doesn't make sense to me not to protect them from scratches and impacts, with a case of some kind, careful handling, and AppleCare.
  • Reply 248 of 338
    quillzquillz Posts: 209member
    See, I'm just the opposite. I'm not using any kind of case or anything on my iPhone 4 because I feel that using a case is just a waste of time. Even with a case, my iPhone 3G still got hairline scratches. All the case did was make the phone feel thicker and heavier.
  • Reply 249 of 338
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    You really should not get all defensive, nor should you start having to make uninformed judgments what I love or what I dislike. You have no clue about either (nor do I expect you to).

    I just find it odd -- and a tad obsessive -- that you seem to get off on a tangent whenever this guy "Daniel" (I can't even recall his last name right now) posts. I could care less about what he stands for or doesn't. In the larger mix of the set of articles here at AI, it is just interesting (and fairly benign) additional fodder.

    My question was simple, and I'll repeat it: What's your point? That you don't like him? OK, great, but not many of us give a damn. That we shouldn't like him (and therefore not read his posts)? That's none of your business. That you are somehow exalted enough to know him/email him/hang out with him/whatever? Big deal. What's your point?

    What I find truly bizarre is how people like you and Ireland suddenly go off on a tangent and don't seem to be able to control yourselves. Perhaps you guys have been around for so long that you are getting either bored or tired.

    You're the one who is defensive, and offensive.

    Wow! Now who is going defensive? This is quite a rant on your part. I just made a simple comment, and you go all beserker on me. You didn't need to comment on my original post at all, but there you were! And here you are! Talk about letting go.
  • Reply 250 of 338
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 4,014member
    Originally Posted by Quillz View Post

    See, I'm just the opposite. I'm not using any kind of case or anything on my iPhone 4 because I feel that using a case is just a waste of time. Even with a case, my iPhone 3G still got hairline scratches. All the case did was make the phone feel thicker and heavier.

    Cases are a little like those who cover the sofa with plastic to keep it clean. I have this fantastically designed piece of hardware and I like to admire it and show it off. It's part of the aesthetic pleasure of owning an Apple product. Typically, I trade up long before the finish has anything more than a few hairline scratches.
  • Reply 251 of 338
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 4,014member
    Think back, posters. Is this the first time Apple has sold an Apple branded case (bumper) to go along with an iPhone? At least on day one?
  • Reply 252 of 338
    Because the gadget world is so freaking predictable, repeating itself like a soap opera with a cast of Dorito munching meat bags. Headlines for next week:

    Tomorrow: iOS 4.01 Released, Fixes Reception Issue!

    Tuesday: iPhone reception: does the patch really fix it? (400 replies from user/kind of a dick Ireland insisting the fix is a fake, though he has no phone nor applied any fix)

    Wednesday: iPhone reception: was it ever an issue?

    Thursday: Revealed: iPhone 1.0 had same reception "issue" in 2007! (900 replies from all of you doubting dumb asses saying "oh yeah...", another 900 denying that they had any issue with that one)

    Friday: Revealed: Google behind massive user comment campaign to smear iPhone, paid out $1M total to 100,000 derm de derms to complain without merit for a weekend on the innernets

    Saturday: Appleinsider member Ireland consumed by his own farts

    All for your amusement, all within the realm of possibility. First one is already coming true over at http://www.macrumors.com/2010/06/27/...ue-stay-tuned/

  • Reply 253 of 338
    str1f3str1f3 Posts: 573member
    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    Cases are a little like those who cover the sofa with plastic to keep it clean. I have this fantastically designed piece of hardware and I like to admire it and show it off. It's part of the aesthetic pleasure of owning an Apple product. Typically, I trade up long before the finish has anything more than a few hairline scratches.

    While I also felt the same way you now have an even greater chance of cracking the phone. Also the back seems to be more fragile than the screen.
  • Reply 254 of 338
    thomprthompr Posts: 1,521member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Even Steve recommends them. Or, just don't hold it in that way.


    I know you've got a legitimate beef, and you've taken the bit in your teeth and are running with it. Power to you. I'm not fighting you.

    Taking a breath for a moment...

    The bumper is awesome. You should be using one even if the antenna issue weren't happening.

    How Apple solves the antenna issue when there are so many potential solutions is anyone's guess. The bottom line is, though, that since they have so many avenues, they will definitely pick one and the problem will be solved.

    I, too, am put off by Steve's statement that we are holding it wrong. That is a ridiculous statement to make while we await true resolution. The one thing I'm not sure of is whether he really made that statement. I've seen it attributed to him, usualy second or third hand. But I've never seen first hand attribution. Have you?

  • Reply 255 of 338
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by thompr View Post


    I know you've got a legitimate beef, and you've taken the bit in your teeth and are running with it. Power to you. I'm not fighting you.

    Taking a breath for a moment...

    The bumper is awesome. You should be using one even if the antenna issue weren't happening.

    How Apple solves the antenna issue when there are so many potential solutions is anyone's guess. The bottom line is, though, that since they have so many avenues, they will definitely pick one and the problem will be solved.

    I, too, am put off by Steve's statement that we are holding it wrong. That is a ridiculous statement to make while we await true resolution. The one thing I'm not sure of is whether he really made that statement. I've seen it attributed to him, usualy second or third hand. But I've never seen first hand attribution. Have you?


    1) He doesn't own an iPhone .

    2) He was set off long before Jobs made a statement to the emailer about the way he was holding the device.

    3) I think the statement is likely real, and while it's been taken out of context he shouldn't have said it (assuming he did). In fact, i wish Jobs wasn't replying to any emails. i don't see it helping the company, the consumer, or shareholders.
  • Reply 256 of 338
    thomprthompr Posts: 1,521member
    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    Cases are a little like those who cover the sofa with plastic to keep it clean. I have this fantastically designed piece of hardware and I like to admire it and show it off. It's part of the aesthetic pleasure of owning an Apple product. Typically, I trade up long before the finish has anything more than a few hairline scratches.

    Why isolate the iPhone? They did a similar move with the iPad. I think they are trying to allow for people to make a choice between preserving the perfection of form vs. providing a little protection. Oh, and make some extra coin while doing so.

    Nevertheless, your analogy to sofa covers is not very good. If you actually try the bumper, you will find that it is minimalistic in the extreme. Very little gets covered, very little weight is added, and it actually manages to extend the aesthetic. It manages to protect the edges (which would naturally hit the ground first in all but the rarest of flat drops) and the surface too (by extending ever so slightly higher than the surface). The bumper is nothing like a sofa cover. I knew this before I even knew of the antenna problem. Looks like it solves something else too. I'm a happy camper.

  • Reply 257 of 338
    thomprthompr Posts: 1,521member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    1) He doesn't own an iPhone .

    2) He was set off long before Jobs made a statement to the emailer about the way he was holding the device.

    3) I think the statement is likely real, and while it's been taken out of context he shouldn't have said it (assuming he did). In fact, i wish Jobs wasn't replying to any emails. i don't see it helping the company, the consumer, or shareholders.

    I am a consumer and a shareholder. Jobs' previous responses were blunt, but surprisingly appropriate.

    This one sucked royally, and I am surprised that he was silly enough to make it.

  • Reply 258 of 338
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by thompr View Post

    I am a consumer and a shareholder. Jobs' previous responses were blunt, but surprisingly appropriate.

    This one sucked royally, and I am surprised that he was silly enough to make it.


    I agree they were accurate, succinct and laconic, but I would reserve blunt for a pejorative assessment. I do not agree they were appropriate, as stated above, as I don't think they add much to the company and have the potential to backfire.

    All the parts of the statement are there to accurately state that blocking the signal will attenuate it in varying ways based on other criteria, but it just comes across all wrong. What's interesting is now I have a great example of to back up my argument.
  • Reply 259 of 338
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    > apple keeps on hitting grand slam after grand slam

    >daniel the author here merely points out the truth in a shy poetic way

    >the iphone 4 article is a marvelous gross understatement of the real amazing recent apple phone breakthru's

    >and apple is now the largest 2nd party seller to anything msft/intel

    over seventy % of its income is too non mac OSX clients

    in effect apple is very close too msft

    which makes the real genius of the ipad is bringing full mac platform to the wintel world in a apple maee device.



    here come a hot monday!!!
  • Reply 260 of 338
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Ireland loves his iPad, his MacBook Air and his iMac. Ireland wanted an iPhone 4, but according to a poll on MacRumors over 50% of new iPhone 4's have a serious issue where you cannot hold the phone like you would normally. Call me a mad man all you want, but that's a serious, serious issue. Not buying one till I know more. Ireland is the same as he ever was, it's just that when Apple fucks up, which isn't too often, Ireland is not afraid to call them up on it.

    Unfortunately though, when Ireland calls them he's labelled a troll and told he's changed.

    When you're rabidly calling for public executions in three or four threads for the antenna issue -- including this thread, which is about fit and finish, and has nothing to do with the antenna issue -- you're trolling. Sorry but it's true.

    If you want to complain about the antenna issue (and you don't even have an iPhone 4, so one must seriously wonder how you can possibly do that subjectively) then do it in the antenna issue thread.

    It was the exact thing that you did with the Magic Mouse, which you also never owned, and felt wont to bash it in every thread any time anyone ever dared mention the device. It's the same thing SpotOn got banned for about the iPad.
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