iPhone 4 Review: 1 - Hardware Fit & Finish



  • Reply 141 of 338
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    What's all the belly-aching about?

    The positive reviews of the iPhone? it's from Apple, it's something Apple put a lot of work into, so NATURALLY there's a good chance it'll be a great product. No surprise with the iPhone 4.

    Any issues are about to be fixed. Steve just told you so, and it seems there are enough consumers happy with their iPhone to not even render this into a serious issue.

    Much ado about nothing.

    Originally Posted by Grievous Angel View Post

    but Apple definitely has the biggest religious following.

    There's a good reason for that. They've earned it. The visionless also-rans committed to churning out derivative, poorly-copied garbage would kill for this kind of a following.
  • Reply 142 of 338
    postulantpostulant Posts: 1,272member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    What's all the belly-aching about?

    The positive reviews of the iPhone? it's from Apple, it's something Apple put a lot of work into, so NATURALLY there's a good chance it'll be a great product. No surprise with the iPhone 4.

    Any issues are about to be fixed. Steve just told you so, and it seems there are enough consumers happy with their iPhone to not even render this into a serious issue.

    Much ado about nothing.

    Haven't you heard? The news is spreading and the sales are halting...
  • Reply 143 of 338
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by souliisoul View Post

    AS Apple shareholder for a long time, he better not screw up my retirement plan by giving such answers, since I want the company banks to overflow and my dividends keep coming in and share price rise steadily

    Where can I get some of these dividends of which you speak?
  • Reply 144 of 338
    Originally Posted by WasteLayer View Post

    Jesus dude, get a room. I love the product too but not enough to drool all over the eyes of everyone reading the review.

    "The new phone demands a sense of reverence, almost as if you're unworthy to use it." Really? I should feel unworthy to use a phone?

    Your delusions are out of hand. I recommend some ssrious in-patient therapy.

    Originally Posted by commun5 View Post


    And you, Dave Barnes, are practicing your "Marketing Tactics" in the hopes that you will find some gullible people who will decide not to buy iPhone 4 after finding your statement in a Google search. First tactic: claiming that, not you, but your wife, has the new iPhone. That shows so much objectivity. Second, presenting such a suave description of the reception problem; surely a sophisticated guy like you wouldn't get upset about it, but maybe someone else ought to. Great technique for trying to cultivate doubt and panic.

    Feel free to collect your Android check, but give your audience maybe just a tiny bit more credit than your "tactics" would admit. After all, there are millions of "Apple Fanboys" who are getting tired of the label.

    Yeah but you just kind of earned it. This kind of "conspiracy theory" defense? Really?
  • Reply 145 of 338
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by Postulant View Post

    Haven't you heard? The news is spreading and the sales are halting...

    No matter how much the trolls and astroturfers try, they can't take the wind out of Apple's success.

    Hiding behind protestations of "honest and legitimate criticism" is baloney. They'd do well to criticize the "competition" FIRST, for putting out GARBAGE in their attempts to match Apple's synergy between hardware+software. Criticize Dell, HP, and Microtrash before you even *think* about slagging on Apple. These other dumbass tech outfits don't even bother to make an effort, and they're asking $$ for their crap!
  • Reply 146 of 338
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    There's a good reason for that. They've earned it. The visionless also-rans committed to churning out derivative, poorly-copied garbage would kill for this kind of a following.

    There may be some truth to that. But it also causes people with real investments in them to lose any objectivity on what they do and DON'T do well.
  • Reply 147 of 338
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Postulant View Post

    Get ready to be labeled a fanboi.

    Your retorts are meaningless.
  • Reply 148 of 338
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by Grievous Angel View Post

    \\what they .... DON'T do well.

    At this point, they're doing everything well. In fact we have yet to see any major blunders or even ones worth complaining about, for the last decade.

    Their product execution and entire strategy has been dead-on for years now.

    But by all means, keep hunting for faults if it pleases you and then hid behind the "objectivity" curtain. Just remember your feet are showing.
  • Reply 149 of 338
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    There's a good reason for that. They've earned it. The visionless also-rans committed to churning out derivative, poorly-copied garbage would kill for this kind of a following.

    No company has earned a religious following, they are a company.
  • Reply 150 of 338
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Postulant View Post

    Haven't you heard? The news is spreading and the sales are halting...

    Well I personally know of a few people who have changed their mind until they know further. They sold 1.5M before people knew about the issue. I can roll my eyes too, but it's meaningless.
  • Reply 151 of 338
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Where can I get some of these dividends of which you speak?

    He clearly doesn't own shares.
  • Reply 152 of 338
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    No matter how much the trolls and astroturfers try, they can't take the wind out of Apple's success.

    This antenna issue has nothing to do with trolls and everything to do with a fault in a product. It looks like it's hardware related, but let's see. Defending Apple on this is stupid. You can like their products, but you're still actually allowed to criticize them if they fuck up, you know. Well you don't, but now you can say you do.
  • Reply 153 of 338
    postulantpostulant Posts: 1,272member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    No matter how much the trolls and astroturfers try, they can't take the wind out of Apple's success.


    Can you guess what the excuse will be when Apple shatters all previous sales records?

    I'm going with the cult, fanboi one.
  • Reply 154 of 338
    postulantpostulant Posts: 1,272member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    This antenna issue has nothing to do with trolls and everything to do with a fault in a product. It looks like it's hardware related, but let's see. Defending Apple on this is stupid. You can like their products, but you're still actually allowed to criticize them if they fuck up, you know. Well you don't, but now you can say you do.

    Why is mine working properly? Am I special? Holding it wrong?
  • Reply 155 of 338
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    At this point, they're doing everything well. In fact we have yet to see any major blunders or even ones worth complaining about, for the last decade.

    Their product execution and entire strategy has been dead-on for years now.

    But by all means, keep hunting for faults if it pleases you and then hid behind the "objectivity" curtain. Just remember your feet are showing.

    You're a walking case in point.
  • Reply 156 of 338
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    No company has earned a religious following, they are a company.

    Nope. They represent far more. They're a lifestyle choice.

    And this company-like-any-other has changed the face and direction of tech more times than anyone would care to count.

    We know you like to play the contrarian and take Apple down a notch now and then (whether called for or not), but don't wade too far into the deep end.
  • Reply 156 of 338
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Postulant View Post

    Why is mine working properly? Am I special? Holding it wrong?

    Is your hand dry? Do you live in an area with perfect signal. Does it affect all iPhones. Not everything is black and white, and I never once suggested it affects every single iPhone 4. If you're going to read a thread try to recall what you've read.
  • Reply 158 of 338
    mazda 3smazda 3s Posts: 1,613member
    IMHO, iLounge's 10-page iPhone 4 review is the best out there and they praise the device (along with finding a few shortcomings) without coming across as a fanboy or unbearable critic:


    From the conclusion:


    Despite the considerable hype and subsequent excitement that surrounded iPhone 4?s official debut in June, the reality of actually using Apple?s latest device is somewhat more complicated than we had expected?it looks and in some ways feels great, but there are other parts that could have used more work before its release. Viewed objectively and directly alongside the iPhone 3GS that preceded it, iPhone 4 has far more in common than not with its predecessor, save for the upgraded screen and cameras, the shiny new chassis, and the battery improvements. Users considering an upgrade from an iOS 4-equipped iPhone 3GS to the iPhone 4 will for the most part find the screen and UI differences to be noticeable and better but not earth-shattering, as contrasted with iPhone 4?s hugely superior camera functionality and somewhat better run times, which will be killer features for some users; iPhone 3G and EDGE owners will find it to be a huge jump up in most respects. Literally all of iPhone 4?s new still and video camera capabilities are impressive, even if FaceTime is unnecessarily limited in compatibility for now?iChat integration would have been a no-brainer. Heavy users, particularly those using video recording features, will still find that they need mid-day recharging assistance, while lighter users may be able to stretch out iPhone?s life to a full work day, particularly if they?re willing to fall back to EDGE cellular performance. We wouldn?t be, but first-generation iPhone owners might.

    Even while acknowledging the physical beauty of Apple?s latest design?yet another pocketable piece of art from Jony Ive and his legendary team, worthy of awards as much for its execution as the boldness of the chosen materials?it must be said that the glass and metal iPhone 4 has a certain impracticality that will turn off some users as much as it excites others. The challenges caused by its antenna system and scratchable, glossy body are ones that many users will want to mitigate with cases, which may have been beneficial for past iPhones but seem downright necessary now. For no good reason other than to look cool, iPhone 4 feels like it has taken yet another step down the ?designed to be damaged and ultimately replaced? path, a point that Apple would surely spin as environmentally friendly due to the recyclability of its glass and metal. But if iPhone 4 was truly a nod to famed German designer Dieter Rams, as noted in the introduction to this review, it should respect his principles that good design is ?long-lasting,? ?environmentally friendly,? and ?makes a product useful.? Products should be built to last rather than disposable, and items made to be moved in and out of pockets shouldn?t break after a few drops, or suffer networking problems when held normally in one?s hand. True environmental friendliness avoids the need for product replacement and recycling rather than exacerbating it; good design also makes a product useful, rather than making the user work around its limitations. As attractive as it is, iPhone 4?s case-dependent body design is the only reason it falls short of our high recommendation, and should Apple provide a reasonable remedy to the obvious problems here, we?ll take the rare step of revisiting our rating in light of that change.

    That having been said, iPhone 4 is otherwise the best iPhone Apple has released: it surpasses every past model in horsepower, screen quality, data speeds and versatility while either rivaling or improving upon their feature-for-feature battery life, and the price points are reasonable given the quantity and quality of capabilities Apple is offering. This isn?t another G4 Cube, a product that looked incredible but didn?t outperform other Apple and competing products; it?s an incredibly powerful smartphone, so long as its body is protected. Were it not for the chassis concerns, and the variability of AT&T?s service, which continues to hold U.S. customers back from enjoying the data speeds and call stability they deserve?differentially on a city-by-city basis?this new model would be a close to no-brainer recommendation for all sorts of potential customers, including everyone from iPhone EDGE and 3G upgraders to first-time users. Instead, our advice is as follows: buy into the iPhone 4 solely if you?re in a city established to have reliable 3G coverage and are making the switch from an older phone. Get a case quickly and avoid dropping the phone. If you have an iPhone 3GS, you can probably afford to hold off on this one until next year?s update comes, but the camera and screen improvements may tempt you to jump in anyway. We?d wait, but we?d also understand if you couldn?t. Issues aside, the iPhone 4 once again inspires the kind of lust that will only seem foolish when it?s replaced.

  • Reply 159 of 338
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Nope. They represent far more. They're a lifestyle choice.

    And this company-like-any-other has changed the face and direction of tech more times than anyone would care to count.

    We know you like to play the contrarian and take Apple down a notch now and then (whether called for or not), but don't wade too far into the deep end.

    You've officially lost your mind.
  • Reply 160 of 338
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Not everything is black and white, and I never once suggested it affects every single iPhone 4. If you're going to read a thread try to recall what you've read.

    When you suggested it was a design flaw you most certainly did. I haven't seen one retraction from you stating you meant it was a production issue affecting only a subset of all units made.
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