Wireless experts weigh in on iPhone 4 reception issues



  • Reply 241 of 380
    galoregalore Posts: 35member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Here's another opinion: Steve Jobs has set the standard for attracting and retaining top quality people and exploiting their creativity to the benefit of all!


    He also set the standard for repelling top quality people. While Apple products are quite awesome, that work culture at Apple is very unattractive.
  • Reply 242 of 380
    trajectorytrajectory Posts: 647member
    Originally Posted by galore View Post

    He also set the standard for repelling top quality people. While Apple products are quite awesome, that work culture at Apple is very unattractive.

    Um, how do you figure this? What top-quality people has Apple "repelled" recently?

    People can have differences of opinions and go their separate ways, not everyone is going to get along with everyone swimmingly. If Apple were "repelling" top quality people, they wouldn't be a leader in technology, and Apple would have gone bankrupt by now.
  • Reply 243 of 380
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by ski1 View Post

    But Apple is not saying they are investigating any issues. Or just remaining quiet. They say there are no issues. That's the issue that is pissing people off.

    What do you think "Stay Tuned" means?

    I infer that means: We understand there is an issue-- we don't have an answer, yet... but we're working on it!

    Be patient! We are less than 7 days into the release of the product... even God got more time than that!

  • Reply 244 of 380
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    Originally Posted by AppleStud View Post

    Dick Gaywood?

    Originally Posted by success View Post

    You beat me to it..

    squirt squirt

    Originally Posted by AIaddict View Post

    Depending on your views of homosexuality, I would say that is a better name than Microsoft.

    Making fun of people's names is about as childish and hurtful as you can get with attempted humor.

    Actually, it's not even humorous.
  • Reply 245 of 380
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by onhka View Post

    i ask again, show me the evidence were it implicitly show that apple claimed "there is no issue." or that no warranty work will be done.

    If it is an antenna issue, apple will be required to go back to the government fcc approved laboratories and retest the iphone before submission or face a government forced recall. And until apple is able to hone in on the problem specifically, there can't resolve it.

    Is it a design, materials, manufacturing, packaging, firmware or software problem? Is it the antenna itself? Is it the proximity sensor? Or is it something that is attached to it? Who knows? Certainly nobody here or anybody else at this point.

    And anybody that thinks that apple doesn't care is an idiot.

  • Reply 246 of 380
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by ski1 View Post

    Apple has already stated that the customer should buy a case if they have this issue. Don't you think Apple should be including these covers for free with the iPhone ? It's obvious this phone has an issue.

    Obvious to whom?

    If its shown that there is a specific problem that requires either a recall or use of bumpers, then at that point it may make sense to provide them to anyone who asks.

    But at the moment, there's nothing but rampant speculation as to cause, and indeed to symptoms.

    Only an idiot would start handing out 'fixes' without 100% certainty as to symptom and cause.

    Of course, 'idiotic' pretty well describes all of the hysteria being demonstrated here.
  • Reply 247 of 380
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by ski1 View Post

    But Apple is not saying they are investigating any issues. Or just remaining quiet. They say there are no issues. That's the issue that is pissing people off.

    So your problem is with attitude and hurt feelings, not with any specific technical issue then.
  • Reply 248 of 380
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member

    Do you understand the word purported?


    verb |pərˈpôrt| [with infinitive ]

    appear or claim to be or do something, esp. falsely; profess : she is not the person she purports to be.

    Then the links to other links... it's a big circle-jerk!


    -- a problem is determined to exist in a significant percentage of devices (over expected failure rates)

    -- a resolution to the problem is determined

    -- a fix is implemented

    anything they (Apple) does will be wrong-- why do anything?

  • Reply 249 of 380
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by ski1 View Post

    What does this imply ?


    So you're illiterate as well as hysterical then. That article says nothing of the sort. It simply says that CS reps are under instructions not to issue unproven 'fixes' to an as yet undiagnosed issue.
  • Reply 250 of 380
    ski1ski1 Posts: 251member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    What do you think "Stay Tuned" means?

    I infer that means: We understand there is an issue-- we don't have an answer, yet... but we're working on it!

    Be patient! We are less than 7 days into the release of the product... even God got more time than that!


    Well, if you accept that as a real email, which hasn't been proven, then you also need to accept the sentence he said before that one...."There is no reception issue". So what are we staying tuned for if there is no reception issue to fix ?
  • Reply 251 of 380
    boeyc15boeyc15 Posts: 986member
    Originally Posted by Jetz View Post

    Out of curiosity what's the number of posts required before somebody has standing credibility at AI?

    Was wondering the same thing. I'm sure we'll be told by the 'experts'.

    Sorry for being off topic everyone.
  • Reply 252 of 380
    ski1ski1 Posts: 251member
    Originally Posted by GQB View Post

    So you're illiterate as well as hysterical then. That article says nothing of the sort. It simply says that CS reps are under instructions not to issue unproven 'fixes' to an as yet undiagnosed issue.

    It implies there is an issue. That was my point !!! The other poster said Apple hasn't admitted there is an issue. Also, why are they suggesting to the customers to buy covers if that's an unproven fix, to an undiagnosed issue ?
  • Reply 253 of 380
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    Originally Posted by Glockman View Post

    When get you are old enough to think rationally and analyze data for yourself, instead of blindly accepting everything Jobz says and sells without scrutiny, you will understand how those of us feel. Apparently you and the other lemmings don't mind being lied to and insulted by a guy that wants your money and considers you a dope.

    So again, why haven't you returned your iPhone and bought something else? You still have a week left. You mustn't feel all that bad if you intend to keep the iPhone and just keep bitching about it. You responded to my reply by hurling insults but you refuse to answer WHY you are keeping the iPhone? And by the way it's spelled Kool-Aid, with a K. It's been spelled that way for over fifty years.

    Until you explain why you aren't returning the iPhone and leaving Apple for good you're just running off at the mouth.
  • Reply 254 of 380
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by Hands Sandon View Post

    Apple have made it completely clear to me, almost text book to what that leaked memo to staff read, that they will not replace the phone over antenna issues caused by holding the phone in the usual manner. I guess I could go 50 plus miles to the nearest Apple store and see what happens but on the phone they stated that position clearly as did their technician in level 2.

    It may be that your contact with Apple Support was early in the appearance of the "issue". Like most support people, Apple's technicians are trained to be wary and not overreact. They also have "policy" answers they are allowed to give out to unresolved issues.

    It might be interesting to call Apple Support, again, now that the issue has gained a certain newsworthiness. Then, if you are not satisfied with the answer, escalate to the next level... and so on, up the chain of command. Log names, badge numbers, and responses at each step.

    At some point, if you are still not satisfied with Apple Support, it may be worth a call to Public Relations in Cupertino. There you can explain the problem, the actions you've taken, and the reasons for your dissatisfaction. I would emphasize that the issue is important to you, beyond the iPhone, itself-- and that you think that the issue should be equally important to Apple

    I suspect you will get the issue resolved.

    However, resolution may be a refund/return for the iPhone.

  • Reply 255 of 380
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    I think the antenna got pushed outside. They wanted it thinner, with a larger battery, so the antenna no longer fit inside. The whole design is a series of compromises. They weighed the pluses and minuses and arrived at their conclusion. In many situations the reception is better than it was before, and others, possibly worse.

    There has always been chatter about the interference and bad reception caused by the internal antenna. Apple has gotten slammed for 'poor reception' for 3 years, and when they finally think outside the box (literally in this case) they get slammed for THAT.

    Its a no-win, hence Jobs' reply.

    My reception has improved markedly with this device, and yes, I've found occasional locations where the bars (NOT, btw necessarily actual signal strength) have reduced.

    Big F-ing deal.

    Again, the whiners = FAIL (to use their favorite cliche.)
  • Reply 256 of 380
    boeyc15boeyc15 Posts: 986member
    Originally Posted by ski1 View Post

    It implies there is an issue. That was my point !!! The other poster said Apple hasn't admitted there is an issue. Also, why are they suggesting to the customers to buy covers if that's an unproven fix ?

    I think you better give it up with these guys, they're in the Steve Jobs reality distortion field.

    But in fairness to them, Apple is saying buy a cover if the signal drop affects you. It does not affect every person. With the main point being, every cell phone drops signal when interfered with by the human body to some extent.

    The question is- is this amount interference a 'problem'(obviously not for everyone but enough that action must be taken), 'normal(hey its a cell phone, get over it)' or at least 'acceptable'(sorry its not great, but there it is) ? I dunno

    For those living on the fringe coverage... its a judgement call. for those in strong signal areas should not be a problem.

    IMO With 20-20 hindsight, after the fact quarterbacking etc- having the iphone4 antenna exposed and part of how one grips the phone seems incrediably stupid, but thats just an opinion... and you know what they say about opinions.
  • Reply 257 of 380
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by ski1 View Post

    Evidence of firings ? What evidence are you looking for ? The job openings for antenna designers seems pretty obvious to me. Sorry you can't put two and two together. Yes, this could all be a coincidence. Kinda like the coincidence Apple finally starts making iPhone cases, and this case only covers the antenna. Nobody is saying these are facts. But they are highly possible.

    Since you clearly live in your parents basement and have never actually worked for a corporation, let me 'splain something to you Lucy.

    A job posting does not show up in a week. Assuming that some antenna engineer was immediately fired for an unclearly diagnosed symptom instead of being assigned to, oh say, FIX IT, the paperwork involved in just the HR gymnastics needed to post an opening would take weeks.
  • Reply 258 of 380
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    Intelligence is something lacking in a good portion of Apples customer base.


    Actually, if the continued lines for the device are any indicator, general intelligence in the customer base is damned good.

    Its the intelligence of the pontificating tech know-it-alls on this kind of forum that is in question.
  • Reply 259 of 380
    ski1ski1 Posts: 251member
    Originally Posted by GQB View Post

    Since you clearly live in your parents basement and have never actually worked for a corporation, let me 'splain something to you Lucy.

    A job posting does not show up in a week. Assuming that some antenna engineer was immediately fired for an unclearly diagnosed symptom instead of being assigned to, oh say, FIX IT, the paperwork involved in just the HR gymnastics needed to post an opening would take weeks.

    Uhh, but Ricky, lol, what if this antenna issue was noticed weeks ago.
  • Reply 260 of 380
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by boeyc15 View Post

    IMO With 20-20 hindsight, after the fact quarterbacking etc- having the iphone4 antenna exposed and part of how one grips the phone seems incrediably stupid, but thats just an opinion... and you know what they say about opinions.

    No, putting the antenna on the outside to improve reception was a brilliant idea.

    Putting it into the hands of self-righteous idiots was the big mistake.

    Fake Steve really had it right. There are some people who shouldn't be allowed to buy Apple products.
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