
  • Reply 101 of 279
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by TigerWoods99:

    <strong>It was already a given before the playoffs started that it would be Celtics-Lakers, NBA and NBC wont go back on that now unless somehow the Kings can fight through the conspiracy. Especially with Boston being good this year. My boy Paul Pizzle is in that new Nike commercial. Do that funk!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You're an idiot.
  • Reply 102 of 279
    tigerwoods99tigerwoods99 Posts: 2,633member
    Would you like to further explain that comment?
  • Reply 103 of 279
    I think what he is trying to imply is that your obsession with trying to make yourself and everyone else for that matter, believe that in some dark room somewhere, long before the season began, the NBA & NBC decided on a conspiracy to have the Lakers and Celtics in the 2002 Finals is idiotic, thereby making you an idiot.

    At least that's how I interpreted it. I could be wrong, tho.
  • Reply 104 of 279
    patmcfar8patmcfar8 Posts: 84member
    Wow! I've found a new home: Apple nuts talkin' mad ball shi*t! I love it.

    Now to enter the fray (all in good fun o' course):

    Woods 99: Why are you so bitter! I'd give you crap for it, but you sound EXACTLEY the way I used to when the Bulls where running the L. Man I hated them. I hated Jordan. And mostly I hated all of the bandwagon jumpin' fans, wearing all of the crappy-ass Bulls merch. and talkin' about how great the Bulls were, but couldn't name more than 3 players from the team. Man I hated the Bulls back then! And yes I was convinced that the NBA was behind all of their wins. All about the money, I said.

    Now in hindsight, I can actually admit that the Bulls were just the best team. I think I actually cried when they beat the Lakers in '92. But, they were the better team. Ouch, that hurt...

    No the NBA is not fixed. Yes, Stern and his officials give some calls to it's superstars. They've been doing that since they started making money again in the 90's. I can live with that. It killed me to see Jordan reap the benefits of "gettin' the calls", but I can admit that he is probably the greatest player of all time, and when he didn't get the calls he still won.

    If that's what you mean by the NBA fixing the games, then yes you're right. If you mean that before the play-offs start, Stern and the NBA powers-that-be, get togethor and figure out what big money market match-ups will get them the most money, then no, no... you're just bitter.

    And since you seem to be a Pacers fan, how do you explain the Pacers and their small market being in the Finals 2 years ago? Are you still bitter about the Lakers beating them? Thought so.

    And yes, Shaq stays in the key for more than 3 secs. sometimes. And Yes, he travels sometimes. But, so does every other player in the NBA. I don't like it either, but to single it out as only Shaq's advantage is just plain crazy talk.

    And yes, he is big and uses his body, sometimes knocking smaller players down. Wa! That doesn't mean that it's an offensive foul.

    Have you ever played basketball against a bigger player. I do. They use their size and sometimes knock my little 6'1", 190 lbs. ass down. Do I cry offensive foul? Hell no. I get up and say, "nice move." and under my breath I say, "big fat ass!"

    If I wanted to, everytime the big man came in the key and started bangin' his big body around I could fall back and make it look like he knocked me down. Do I? Hell no!

    When Tim Duncan bodies up against Shaq, and then falls back the second Shaq starts bangin' and cries when he doesn't get a O foul, it just makes me laugh.

    Tim Duncan is one best all around players in the L, but to see him play like a bitch sometimes makes me sad. That's why they can't beat the Lakers. Well that and the fact they don't have a legit second scorer. But, damn that Tony Parker is gonna be bad ass ain't he! I love GP, but he went toe to toe with him and won. Boy's got a future!

    Is it fair that Shaq's bigger than everybody else? No. That's why they call it a "size advantage". And that's why Shaq is so dominant.

    Sorry about the rant all, I'm just sick of people raggin' on Shaq and the Lakers. But, I know I sounded the exact same back during the Bulls run. Sorry, still bitter

    I'm seriously stoked about the LA/Sac. series though. I really think that with Shaq being crippled and all, plus the home court advantage, that the Kings have a serious chance of winning. Of course I thought that last year, right before they got swept.

    Game on!
  • Reply 105 of 279
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by TigerWoods99:

    <strong>Would you like to further explain that comment?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    All you have to do is look at your posts in this thread and some others.
  • Reply 106 of 279
    tigerwoods99tigerwoods99 Posts: 2,633member
    First off, glad to see a resident hoops fanatic on the boards. I wish there were more of you.

    Second, no Im not bitter just because of my views. Im already used to taking criticism for it, but I am a firm believer and will stick by my belief system. Bitter because the Pacers lost? hell no. It was the best series and Im not gonna deny the Nets arent good. I just happen to be a fan of my team and dont like player, or people for that matter, who abuse women. Its not cool. They were an 8th seed, and almost pulled it off if it werent for Kevin Ollie.

    I think everyone is gonna respond with "Oh youre just bitter your team lost" if I cry conspiracy. The Milwaukee Bucks sure as hell aint my team, look what happened to them last year. Can anyone say SMALL MARKET? Tell me Phila was better and I'll just laugh in your face, then tell Iverson to enroll in a few English classes. Im also not a Kings fan either, nor a Blazers fan, nor a Spurs fan. In fact I pretty much hated the Jail Blazers yet I knew what was up. Small market Portland, big market Los Angeles (better known as Closs Angeles).

    I hated the Bulls too, will always hate Michael Jordan. Tell me this. When you were watching, you said it yourself you felt the league was behind them. You saw evidence correct? I saw plenty of it.

    The NBA is a business, and they practice that. The NBA WANTS to earn lots of money, so why not have teams that are popular, attract a large audience, with players that are popular, and a large city. Those teams MAKE the league the MOST MONEY.

    It goes beyond your preferential superstar treatment my friend. Why do we always see these "calls" being made at the most critical stages of games? And why are they always blatently wrong.

    Why have the Pacers been in all these Conference Finals? Hmm....theyve had some damn good squads for one thing.......and then theres that guy named Reggie Miller, the guy who torches teams in the playoffs. Reggie said it himself that the NBA doesnt like us small market teams, and Pacer players commented that the NBA and NBC wanted New York in the Finals in 99. They sure as hell did with a lockout season and the Spurs overcoming the league to make it in. Why havent the Pacers been to more Finals than 1? is because of LJ's supposed 4 pt play? LOL yeah, its because the NBA hasnt wanted them in any Finals.

    How bout the draft lottery&gt;? Wow is that ever fixed. Hmm...MJ and the Wizards getting the 31 pick? I bet Golden State wont get the 1st pick this year, even though they should. And I know the NY Dicks will get a top pick because the NBA doesnt want them to suck. Washington will probably jump way up in the lottery too. We never get to see the drawing when its on TV.

    The No Lakers (arent any big lakes in LA) had the highest ticket prices in the league the past 2 years. Bulls did in their "championship" runs.

    Its so obvious, yet people are so blind.
  • Reply 107 of 279
    tigerwoods99tigerwoods99 Posts: 2,633member
    No, Im definitely not saying they sit down and plan out each and every matchup. But they try to make sure as hell that they get an NBA Final they want. Sometimes you can overcome all the BS and refs and screw them over, but very likely it wont happen.

    The NBA tried to get Charlotte out of the playoffs first round. They dont want to see them getting far possibly NBA Finals with the team leaving Charlotte. Can you say baron Davis?
  • Reply 108 of 279
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by TigerWoods99:


    The NBA tried to get Charlotte out of the playoffs first round. They dont want to see them getting far possibly NBA Finals with the team leaving Charlotte. Can you say baron Davis?</strong><hr></blockquote>

  • Reply 109 of 279
    [quote]Originally posted by TigerWoods99:

    <strong>No, Im definitely not saying they sit down and plan out each and every matchup. But they try to make sure as hell that they get an NBA Final they want. Sometimes you can overcome all the BS and refs and screw them over, but very likely it wont happen.

    The NBA tried to get Charlotte out of the playoffs first round. They dont want to see them getting far possibly NBA Finals with the team leaving Charlotte. Can you say baron Davis?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    What does Baron Davis have to do with it? I don't understand what you are attempting to imply. Care to elucidate?
  • Reply 110 of 279
    jeffyboyjeffyboy Posts: 1,055member
    Wow, Tiger, I assumed your "the league is fixed" comments were sorta tounge in cheek this whole time.

    Economics are skewed in favor of big-market teams (that could change with the luxury tax) but I'll never believe the refs come in with some kind agenda other than keeping the better players in the game.

    EmAn- will you get to go to any games in the conf. finals?


    [ 05-15-2002: Message edited by: jeffyboy ]</p>
  • Reply 111 of 279
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member

    [ 05-15-2002: Message edited by: EmAn ]</p>
  • Reply 112 of 279
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by jeffyboy:


    EmAn- will you get to go to any games in the conf. finals?


    Hopefully. If not, then definately I'll go to the Finals if they make it.
  • Reply 113 of 279
    tigerwoods99tigerwoods99 Posts: 2,633member
    Obviously you dont watch the NBA much. Baron Davis hit a shot in the first round against the Magic that won the game. The refs called it back. The refs had already decided before the play he couldnt get a shot off, yet he clearly could. Everyone who saw that play whos not some biased idiot would tell you B Diddy got screwed big time. Fortunately, the Hornets were able to win in OT. The L wanted the Hornets out of the playoffs, just like they wanted them out of Charlotte.
  • Reply 114 of 279
    tigerwoods99tigerwoods99 Posts: 2,633member
    Come on. They've got THE opportunity to have a Celtics-Lakers Finals now, so they are gonna do everything to try and make that possible. This is so we can relive that whole Magic Bird thing, except this time with Kobe.

    [ 05-15-2002: Message edited by: TigerWoods99 ]</p>
  • Reply 115 of 279
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by TigerWoods99:

    <strong>Obviously you dont watch the NBA much. Baron Davis hit a shot in the first round against the Magic that won the game. The refs called it back. The refs had already decided before the play he couldnt get a shot off, yet he clearly could. Everyone who saw that play whos not some biased idiot would tell you B Diddy got screwed big time. Fortunately, the Hornets were able to win in OT. The L wanted the Hornets out of the playoffs, just like they wanted them out of Charlotte.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You're right that Davis' shot should've counted, but that doesn't mean the NBA didn't want the Hornets to win.
  • Reply 116 of 279
    Umm, yes actually... Baron Davis.

    Thanks for the welcome.

    Man, Woods... I seriously pity you now. To be so jaded is unhealthy.

    I don't even know where to begin with you.

    Quite simply put, big markets attract big-time players, so it's no coincidence that usually big market teams go the farthest in the post season. That my freind, is universal throughout sports.

    Take the Yankees for example. I hate 'em to no end, but they are one of the most storied teams in baseball in the biggest market. So they have more money and more pull to bring in the best players and that's why they are always one of the best teams in baseball.

    Hell, at least basketball has a salary cap. Kinda keeps it even.

    Look at the Lakers. Every single player on that bench could be making more money elsewhere, but they take less money for a chance at that ring. Look at Richmond, he was the leading scorer in Washington only one year ago (I know that's not saying much), and now he's taking the League minimum to play with the Lakers and get splinters in his ass sitting on the bench.

    And where is your "big-market conspiracy" for the Lakers between Magic and Kobe/Shaq? When Elden, Nick, Eddie and Ced were the big name go-to-guys and they were getting killed? What about when Kobe and Shaq got swept by, umm "big-market" Utah? Or when "big-market" Seattle beat down everybody for the mid 90's? Or even "big-market" Phoenix? Or "big-market" Utah?

    Or how about when "big-market" Indiana made it to the finals 2 years ago? Hmm?

    And yes when the Bulls ruled the L, I was bitter and sounded much like you. Now that I'm a little older and have had time to reflect without my emotion getting in the way I can see clearly that I was wrong. Hopefully you will get there sooner than later. I can't imagine that the NBA is much fun for you with your attitude.

    And don't get me started on Reggie Miller. Yes he is one the greatest clutch players of all time, but he can't carry a team. Never has been able, never will. And he wines almost as much as Vlade. And Shawn Bradley dunks harder than he does. My god, that weak ass arms-straight-up-in the air dunk. WEAK! And when he gets mad he looks like a Ferengi... OK, I'm sorry that was petty.

    Don't get me wrong, I've always liked O' Neil, and I was probably happier than anybody to see him get out of Portland. Breakout year for him in Indy, but if you've watched him for a while you knew it was coming. I'm so glad it wasn't in Portland. And that trade they made with Chicago was pure gold. They are definately a young up and coming team.

    Nets vs. Celtics will be a good series... too bad it's for 3rd place. I really can't predict the outcome. Pierce and Walker are a serious duo with plenty of role players, but Kidd is the best pure PG in the L and has Magic-like ability to make his team better. Man, it's gonna be good...
  • Reply 117 of 279
    And BTW, Woods... how is it that you live in Cleveland, yet like the Pacers and not the Cavs. I love Z, Wes and Miller. I keep waiting for them to get better, but it's slow in coming. Of course I kept saying that NJ was gonna be good when they were all healthy for about 5 years now... guess I was a little early on that.

    How 'bout Trajan Langdon? I actually played with him a few times at a rec center in Anchorage, AK back when I was in college. No, that's not a claim to fame, I'm just saying I've seen that guy play in person and I've never seen a better shot. Perfect. It's too bad that his injury has held him back in the L.

    [ 05-16-2002: Message edited by: patmcfar8 ]</p>
  • Reply 118 of 279
    [quote]Originally posted by TigerWoods99:

    <strong>Obviously you dont watch the NBA much. Baron Davis hit a shot in the first round against the Magic that won the game. The refs called it back. The refs had already decided before the play he couldnt get a shot off, yet he clearly could. Everyone who saw that play whos not some biased idiot would tell you B Diddy got screwed big time. Fortunately, the Hornets were able to win in OT. The L wanted the Hornets out of the playoffs, just like they wanted them out of Charlotte.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You're right. I don't watch it much, but it doesn't mean I don't watch it at all. Big difference there, buster.

    And B Diddy is a stupid ass name, don't call him that.

    And for what it's worth, I'd rather watch hockey. That's a real game.
  • Reply 119 of 279
    tigerwoods99tigerwoods99 Posts: 2,633member
    There was no foul on Baron Davis last night! And look, that foul put him out of the game! After that the Nets just rolled...
  • Reply 120 of 279
    [quote]Originally posted by EmAn:

    <strong>NETS WIN!!! BRING ON THE CELTICS!!!!


    BRING ON THE NETS!!!! <a href=""; target="_blank">These guys</a> say it'll be the Celtics in six.
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