Apple says iPhone 4 calculates bars wrong, software fix forthcoming



  • Reply 241 of 435
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by Captain J View Post

    It's great. I'm really happy they stated this in writing. It is different than their standard website written policy. Good news all around regarding this.

    i hope this shuts up all the apple is doomed crowd

    as many here said

    a simple SW fix n 3 weeks

    or simply return the phone for a palm pre

    many people here kept their heads

    many people here looked and still look real stupid

    goodbye yellow brick road

    go apple

  • Reply 242 of 435
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,946member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Yeah, and considering the small problem of its bad design.

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    There you go again making sweeping accusations you can't back up with any facts or even anecdotal experiences. Do you even wonder why your biggest supporters on this forum now are ones that get banned on a regular basis?

    Yes, Ireland, if you think there is a specific design flaw, build a case for it (no pun intended). Constant sniping in place of reason won't lead to anything positive.
  • Reply 243 of 435
    wovelwovel Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by diddy View Post

    Even if it dd happen, Apple wasn't lying anyway. Their press release said nothing about returning your phone to Best Buy.

    But you make a valid point - anybody can lie in a forum post. Especially when it involves individual experiences that cannot be verified. Heck, I could claim to be the King of Siam. But I am not...

    It is illegal not to refund Sales Tax (In the US anyway). That can not simply keep your money because they want to. His story is pretty hard to believe. Best buy would not do something that weird. I might have believed him, but he added the sales tax thing for effect and blew his own story out of the water.
  • Reply 244 of 435
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by diddy View Post

    But you make a valid point - anybody can lie in a forum post.

    That's not true.
  • Reply 245 of 435
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,946member
    Originally Posted by Wovel View Post

    It is illegal not to refund Sales Tax (In the US anyway). That can not simply keep your money because they want to. His story is pretty hard to believe. Best buy would not do something that weird. I might have believed him, but he added the sales tax thing for effect and blew his own story out of the water.

    Uhm, he specifically stated that it wasn't true. His point was that anyone can write anything they want without regard for whether it's true or not. However, as you point out, people tend to give themselves away in lies, especially if they continue to expand on them.
  • Reply 246 of 435
    appdevappdev Posts: 61member
    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    Can you even read? The new firmware will report fewer bars , not more. In trying to be snarky and cute you reveal your complete ignorance. Typical of the trolls.

    Dude his statement of "More bars in more places" completely flew over your head didn't it.

    Let me explain what he meant :P

    Part of AT&T's slogan is "More bars in more places". Apple's erroneous formula was displaying more bars that it was actually suppose to display. Hence, he was making fun of apple's erroneous formula by saying ... I guess that's one way to get "More bars in more places"
  • Reply 247 of 435
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by Aquatic View Post

    Are you suggesting that because I want to buy a working phone that comes from a company that backs it with real customer support and honesty isn't very brilliant?

    Are they going to try to cover up the proximity sensor issues, too? Perhaps after you hang a call up it will display a message saying your face is too fat, and it is your fault.

    Yeah I don't have an iPhone, yet. I've been saving big for this. I'm not going to spend a ton of money on a product that sucks, and even moreso on one from a company that sucks.

    You appear to have doubts about:

    -- Apple and its commitment to customer support

    -- the quality of the iPhone 4

    -- their honesty, and intentions to address issues that arise

    Why would you even consider buying an iPhone 4?

  • Reply 248 of 435
    fawzanfawzan Posts: 1member
    The calculation and display of signal strength is something very basic, and simply to say that they have got that wrong is highly worrying, especially by Apples standards and on a product that has been heralded as revolutionary!

    Somethings not right here!
  • Reply 249 of 435
    shadashshadash Posts: 470member
    Froyo is already out for the Nexus One. Do some research before spouting off.

    BTW - I got a Droid Incredible to replace my iPhone 3G and I love it. Came very close to signing another contract with AT&T and I could not bring myself to do it. I have been walking around all over places where my iPhone was unusable and now I have 2-3 bars and can call or surf at leisure.

    Originally Posted by sandau View Post

    I've never had an issue, the phone is the best I've every had. Design is amazing. Software is the best in the mobile business.

    If you don't like it, take it back. Go get that Froyo phone you've been secretly wanting all along. Well, you'll probably have to wait until 2012 since Froyo is a vapor release.

  • Reply 250 of 435
    From today's headlines:

    Apple can't fix iPhone reception, will start telling truth about signal strength

    Apple's ludicrous iPhone 4 apology

    Apple admits to over inflating iPhone 4 signal strength; Steve Jobs comes under heavy criticism

    The iPhone Reception Problem: Parsing the Apple Statement

    My guess about Apple's secret formula in the iPhone reception deception

    See also:

    The ignominious fall of Dell

    Dell may never recover from the revelation that it sold faulty PCs -- and then blamed its customers
  • Reply 251 of 435
    bartbuzzbartbuzz Posts: 131member
    Originally Posted by Wovel View Post

    It is illegal not to refund Sales Tax (In the US anyway). That can not simply keep your money because they want to. His story is pretty hard to believe. Best buy would not do something that weird. I might have believed him, but he added the sales tax thing for effect and blew his own story out of the water.

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    That's not true.

    Thanks for the advice! Guess I need to practice on my lying. But you got my point. One can say anything about anything to stir the pot.
  • Reply 252 of 435
    shadashshadash Posts: 470member
    Any thoughts as to why this letter wasn't attributed directly to Steve, instead of just "Apple?"
  • Reply 253 of 435
    sambansamban Posts: 171member
    Originally Posted by sandau View Post

    I've never had an issue, the phone is the best I've every had. Design is amazing. Software is the best in the mobile business.

    If you don't like it, take it back. Go get that Froyo phone you've been secretly wanting all along. Well, you'll probably have to wait until 2012 since Froyo is a vapor release.

    Now apple replied officially after replying to so many people (so called messages from steve jobs).

    What will happen to truck loads of shit planned by the trollers, from other side of the universe separated by a black hole named "user experience" , to be dumped onto the press. What will happen to lawsuit , who will give them money now (maybe Nokia, Junka'rola etc ..,)

    But, the trolls are angry, very angry as they understand the phone they carry is a piece of shit but are not able to convince themselves that it is.

    Probably they do realize that it takes balls to accept a mistake publicly when a product is a couple weeks old only unlike nokia which took years for a battery recall
  • Reply 254 of 435
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by astroturf1 View Post

    I upgraded from a 3g as well and my issue is that when driving home, the iPhone 4 drops calls on the same hill that I never had an issue with my 3g. I am was never holding the phones, they were plugged into the car using the car's bluetooth.

    However, we could be dealing with quality control issues. All iPhone 4s that my company upgraded each have their own set of issues. Yesterday we tried replacing the some of the SIMs with new ones since that may help sometimes. I don't know if there is a benefit to that yet. Some just have straight-up hardware issues, speaker doesn't work, any call made with another has severe crackling. One will randomly stop all internet connections when the phones around it are working great, etc.

    We definitely feel like we got a bag of lemons! On the bright side, we determined that all the iPhones with battery issues have all had cases on them 100% of the time. All the "naked" haven't had a single dead battery.

    Interesting... a bag of lemons.

    I got a 1-day (early) iP4 on June 23. It has no problems.

    I have 2 more that should ship today, and another 2 that ship in a couple of weeks. Two of these will be used for development (if can ever get off these forums).

    It will be interesting to see and compare them to the current iP4, 3G and 3Gs that also don't experience any problems).

  • Reply 255 of 435
    iamiendiamiend Posts: 10member
    Originally Posted by BartBuzz View Post

    I hate to be drawn in on this. But let's assume for a moment that Apple is telling the truth. If the iPhone's calibration/calculation of signal strength gives a false reading, then what the user "sees" as a strong signal is a false reading. That would explain why signal bars drop when the antenna is physically blocked from what little signal it "sees." If the iPhone has a strong signal, the user will not experience the bar drop anomaly. Now, let's assume Apple is lying. Do you really think they want to open up that can of worms for the lawyers? Poor reception causes dropped calls...not a false calibration. There is a silver lining. Because of all the attention given to this perceived issue, Apple discovered a formula error in how signal strength has been calculated for all iPhone models. Of course I could be wrong and Apple is deliberately covering up a design flaw. But that's only wishful thinking for all the Apple haters.

    So I guess the take away here is that Apple is saying your reception has always sucked, they were just telling you it didn't?

    I really don't see how this software fix solves anything other than reminding us how crappy AT&T is.
  • Reply 256 of 435
    djintxdjintx Posts: 454member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Consider this....

    What if Apple already knows that there is a rogue subroutine in the software which will teleport you to Mars if you type a certain sequence of numbers? After all, if we're going to imagine all sorts of bizarre scenarios and conspiracy theories, we might as well make them interesting.

    I didn't suggest any conspiracy theory. I have no idea what Apple knows. Either they have gotten to the bottom of the alleged reception issue or they haven't. But if they have, there is good reason to not announce it. I don't think what I said was anywhere near a bizarre scenario.
  • Reply 257 of 435
    applezillaapplezilla Posts: 941member
    I knew it. I have been getting all around better network performance and call sound quality with my iPhone 4.

    Good to know.
  • Reply 258 of 435
    winterspanwinterspan Posts: 605member
    This is an unfortunate response coming from Apple. Based on the dozen or so anecdotal reports from individuals/bloggers/engineers that I've read, the half-dozen youtube videos I've seen, friends that I know first-hand experiencing the issue, and even quantitative testing from, this issue does NOT appear to be a simple case of "signal bars" being display incorrectly. While a problem with the visual display of signal strength may account for the perceived loss of "bars" on the screen, it certainly cannot account for the real, detrimental effects people are experiencing.

    Many of those affected report dropped calls, major reduction in data transfer speeds, and other immediate signs of actual, severe signal attenuation when holding their iPhones in a way that "bridges" the antennae.

    At this point, I'm confused as to whether Apple is acting nefariously to spin and down-play a serious defect in the iPhone design, or if they literally cannot consistently reproduce the issue in testing. I do find the latter explanation hard to believe given the widespread customer reports of this problem. If so, and Apple is intentionally minimizing this issue and deceiving customers to save face (and $$$$ from recalls/repairs), shame on them.
  • Reply 259 of 435
    Originally Posted by shewy View Post

    If I grip my original iPhone around the bottom (where the black plastic covers the antennas) I can make my reception go from 3 bars with Edge to NO SERVICE - takes about fives seconds. I have learned not to hold my phone that way in areas where signal strength is poor. I don't really consider this to be a defect in the original iPhone.

    I never had this problem with my iPhone 3G. And you'll notice in the video the signal strength is not poor in my area. It shows 3 Mbs down. Sometimes I get 4. But if I hold the phone, NO CONNECTION.
  • Reply 260 of 435
    bartbuzzbartbuzz Posts: 131member
    Originally Posted by RationalTroll View Post

    From today's headlines:

    Apple can't fix iPhone reception, will start telling truth about signal strength

    Apple's ludicrous iPhone 4 apology

    Apple admits to over inflating iPhone 4 signal strength; Steve Jobs comes under heavy criticism

    The iPhone Reception Problem: Parsing the Apple Statement

    My guess about Apple's secret formula in the iPhone reception deception

    See also:

    The ignominious fall of Dell

    Dell may never recover from the revelation that it sold faulty PCs -- and then blamed its customers

    Please! Stop! Telling a lie a thousand times doesn't make it the truth. Most of these stories come from sites that regularly attack Apple. And the third link continues to propagate those fake Steve Jobs emails.
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