Consumer Reports: signal issues not unique iPhone 4, no reason not to buy



  • Reply 381 of 451
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Hands Sandon View Post

    If Apple had a SW fix for this issue they would be screaming it from the mountaintops, not keeping it hidden.They likely don't have one and so are instead pretending they do.

    Okay, this just isn't making any sense anymore. First you say that if they had a fix they would "scream it from the mountaintops" which for companies means a press release. They did that!

    Then you jump into saying they don't have a solution but are pretending to (aka, lying, which makes no sense from a business standpoint. You don't make promises you can't keep; 3 weeks of sales that would already be "sold out" won't outweigh the potential brand damage and legal recoil from blatantly lying. Most importantly, you have evidence to support your theory, and as a theory that's fine, burt you are stating it as an unwavering fact.

    They did exactly when you said they would do. Stating a fix in coming "in a few weeks" is "scream[ing] it from the mountaintops" for Apple, a company who is notorious for being overly secret. I think you've made your mind on this issue and nothing Apple, I and other can say will make you look at the issue more objectively. I'm sorry your experience has been that bad and I'm glad I didn't have the same experience.
  • Reply 382 of 451
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    I bought one and it got really hot, went brown and the battery exploded...

    Put me down for $10k that the issue will seem even more devastating than this year.
  • Reply 383 of 451
    donlphidonlphi Posts: 214member
    Originally Posted by galore View Post

    I really understand Steve Job's response MUCH better now.

    Can't you just hold it a little bit differently. I mean, it's not SUCH a huge deal to NOT cover that stupid gap.

    It's really difficult to "kindly respect" you on this. Maybe if you have a physical condition that makes it impossible for you to hold the phone in a way that makes it work. Do yourself a favor and return the phone if you have so little self control as to not touch the "gap of doom".

    Sheesh - some people are just primadonnas. I mean, sure, my IP4 drops bars if I hold it "naturally" (for me). So I just move my pinky and the phone gets awesome connectivity. Is that SO difficult to do?!

    This place has gone nuts. Are you seriously telling a person to avoid touching a part of the phone?

    I'm returning my phone for the same reason everybody else having 100% data failure is. I was not informed that I would be getting an additional "end call" button on the bottom left side of the case. I have had the original iPhone and the 3GS and have lived in the same part of Seattle for 6 years. You can check previous posts. I have never said a bad thing about Apple until this phone arrived. It is a great camera. It is a great Internet device when using wifi. However, when it comes to 3G service or making a call, it is not a good phone.

    I was able to reproduce the problem on every phone in Apple stores in Bellevue and University Village (Seattle).

    I'm just shocked at how many sheeple are willing to live with it for a year until they shell out $300 for the next iteration. What will the next one bring? Don't touch the upper right hand corner of the phone, as it will deactivate th wifi. Oh just hold it upside down.... Jeeze.

  • Reply 384 of 451
    chopperchopper Posts: 246member
    "Okay, this just isn't making any sense anymore. First you say that if they had a fix they would "scream it from the mountaintops" which for companies means a press release. They did that!"

    I believe he meant that by "shouting it from the rooftops", Apple would have confirmed that the SW fix actually got rid of the problem of attenuated signal, vs the cosmetic 'bars' issue. The press release, as I'm sure you understand only too well, was damage control. Naturally, if I have mischaracterized his position, then I assume he'll correct me.

    I believe that you have been lucky in that yours is one of the "magic" iPhone 4s which has no issues. Have you thought about swapping it out to Apple so they might better understand why your phone doesn't suffer the problems that others do? Could be you have in your hands the solution to Apple's PR dilemma.

    That's a serious suggestion. I can tell that you'd rather Apple fix the issues whatever they may be and regain their stellar record of delivering top-notch hardware and software. What do you say solipsism?
  • Reply 385 of 451
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by donlphi View Post

    This place has gone nuts. Are you seriously telling a person to avoid touching a part of the phone?

    I'm returning my phone for the same reason everybody else having 100% data failure is. I was not informed that I would be getting an additional "end call" button on the bottom left side of the case. I have had the original iPhone and the 3GS and have lived in the same part of Seattle for 6 years. You can check previous posts. I have never said a bad thing about Apple until this phone arrived. It is a great camera. It is a great Internet device when using wifi. However, when it comes to 3G service or making a call, it is not a good phone.

    I was able to reproduce the problem on every phone in Apple stores in Bellevue and University Village (Seattle).

    I'm just shocked at how many sheeple are willing to live with it for a year until they shell out $300 for the next iteration. What will the next one bring? Don't touch the upper right hand corner of the phone, as it will deactivate th wifi. Oh just hold it upside down.... Jeeze.


    Right on.
  • Reply 386 of 451
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,948member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    ... I think you've made your mind on this issue and nothing Apple, I and other can say will make you look at the issue more objectively. ...

    He's clearly got an agenda that is independent of the truth and it's pointless to attempt to reason with him even when he pretends to be reasonable for a couple of posts. The only point of responding to him is to point out his errors of fact and logic. If he were really affected by iP4 issues, and as concerned that they won't be resolved as he professes, he'd have already returned any devices he had.
  • Reply 387 of 451
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Okay, this just isn't making any sense anymore. First you say that if they had a fix they would "scream it from the mountaintops" which for companies means a press release. They did that!

    Are you even awake? This doesn't fix the issue. They have yet to address the actual issue.

    Where's the software fix AI spluttered about that changes the frequencies when the phone is held, eh? Nowhere. What a load of crap that was. All this "fix" will do, if we can call it that, is display less bars. It won't stop calls dropping by touching a spot on the phone. Many people who get the dropped calls can make them fine from the same area on a non-iPhone 4 iPhone.

    The iPhone 4 has a much better antenna design, as long as you like to not hold your phone. Denial is that place where you live.
  • Reply 388 of 451
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    I bought one and it got really hot, went brown and the battery exploded...

    ...oops, sorry I was looking at last years calendar.

    Hey do you think the bookies of Vegas will take bets on what it will be next year?

    What are you talking about?
  • Reply 389 of 451
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,948member
    Originally Posted by Chopper View Post

    ... I believe that you have been lucky in that yours is one of the "magic" iPhone 4s which has no issues. Have you thought about swapping it out to Apple so they might better understand why your phone doesn't suffer the problems that others do? Could be you have in your hands the solution to Apple's PR dilemma.

    That's a serious suggestion. I can tell that you'd rather Apple fix the issues whatever they may be and regain their stellar record of delivering top-notch hardware and software. What do you say solipsism?

    No it's not a serious suggestion. It's just you pretending to be sincere while you imply that solipsism's iP4 is the only one out there that doesn't have any issues; an implication that is obviously false.
  • Reply 390 of 451
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by bulk001 View Post

    I think you meant "Yes, Larry"

    No I didn't.
  • Reply 391 of 451
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Hands Sandon View Post

    I haven't been aware of who writes the articles here, though I know he did the iPhone 4 review, that I thought was compelling and accurate.

    There's no good reason not to include a CR update or a follow up article or both. If you're right and that doesn't happen I think, even here, most people aren't going to like it.

    Most won't even notice. Should, but won't.
  • Reply 392 of 451
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    No it's not a serious suggestion. It's just you pretending to be sincere while you imply that solipsism's iP4 is the only one out there that doesn't have any issues; an implication that is obviously false.

    If you read he comment properly you'd notice he said: "one of". As in: one of a few, one of several or one of many.
  • Reply 393 of 451
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,948member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Are you even awake? This doesn't fix the issue. They have yet to address the actual issue.

    Where's the software fix AI spluttered about that changes the frequencies when the phone is held, eh? Nowhere. What a load of crap that was. All this "fix" will do, if we can call it that, is display less bars. It won't stop calls dropping by touching a spot on the phone. Many people who get the dropped calls can make them fine from the same area on a non-iPhone 4 iPhone.

    The iPhone 4 has a much better antenna design, as long as you like to not hold your phone. Denial is that place where you live.

    Clearly the "fix" that the letter refers to is related to the issue of the bars not actually being analogous to signal strength, but more so to expected call quality, with the result that signal drop from holding the phone is over-reported if viewed with the assumption that the bars are analogous to signal strength. However, even though the number of bars displayed will now be fewer in some instances, it should be noted that a number of reviewers have noted that the iP4 does a better job of holding on to calls and getting good call quality than previous iPhones. So, in fact, this is sort of a non-fix for a non-issue, but it does correct the mis-perception of what the iP4 is actually doing when the number of bars changes.

    The seam bridging issue that you refer to above in the same context as the bar display seems to be a completely separate issue that does not appear to affect all phones. (The fact this may affect only 1 of 2 phones in close proximity to each other, 2 phone that should have the same signal strength, indicates that it is not the same issue entirely as the signal drop caused by touching the antenna.) They may or may not understand what causes this, they may or may not be working on a fix for this issue, but it's not the issue the letter referred to, and it's not correct or useful to treat these as a single issue.
  • Reply 394 of 451
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,948member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    If you read he comment properly you'd notice he said: "one of". As in: one of a few, one of several or one of many.

    You can attempt apologist interpretations of his language, but it's pretty clear that he was not being sincere and that he was implying that iP4s not affected by the seam bridging issue are rare, rare to the point that Apple may not be able to find one. It's a disingenuous implication, especially when coupled with falsely professed sincerity.

    Apple hate* makes strange bedfellows but do you really want to be sleeping with the trolls?

    * You may not think you hate them, but you certainly seem to on this issue, at least.
  • Reply 395 of 451
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    You can attempt apologist interpretations of his language, but it's pretty clear that he was not being sincere and that he was implying that iP4s not affected by the seam bridging issue are rare, rare to the point that Apple may not be able to find one.

    No, he said one of. It's your reading into it that make you come up with the fact that he was actually saying that was the one and only iPhone in the world that worked correctly.

    Besides, most think at this stage that most are actually affected, but it depends on a few factors whether or not you'll actually notice it. Judging by the Macrumors poll half will notice it.
  • Reply 396 of 451
    Oh, they made the iPhone 4 a marvel! And for all that thin glorious multi-functional wonder they threw in an antenna issue. As Apple said, give it back if you dare. But haven't we people used cases since the first iPhone? As soon as the Bumpers arrive everyone will stop complaining. Why would you want to leave it unprotected? I got myself all six of them to match different outfits for different occasions (some still on their way). If you are poor any $1.99 case will do too. But no, it's all about complaining.
  • Reply 397 of 451
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Clearly the "fix" that the letter refers to is related to the issue of the bars not actually being analogous to signal strength, but more so to expected call quality, with the result that signal drop from holding the phone is over-reported if viewed with the assumption that the bars are analogous to signal strength.

    People's interpretations aren't dropping calls and slowing data, those facts aren't up to interpretation. Like I said, those that are giving out are doing so because their older model iPhones didn't have this issue, where you touch a spot and the signal dies. A speedtest is the best test and shows the speed slowing and speeding up as if that spot were a brake pedal.
  • Reply 398 of 451
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    The seam bridging issue that you refer to above in the same context as the bar display seems to be a completely separate issue that does not appear to affect all phones. (The fact this may affect only 1 of 2 phones in close proximity to each other, 2 phone that should have the same signal strength, indicates that it is not the same issue entirely as the signal drop caused by touching the antenna.)

    Now you're just making shit up.
  • Reply 399 of 451
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by AppleSwitcher View Post

    Oh, they made the iPhone 4 a marvel! And for all that thin glorious multi-functional wonder they threw in an antenna issue. As Apple said, give it back if you dare.

    I'm not disagreeing with Apple on this fact. I say give it back too.
  • Reply 400 of 451
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I'm not disagreeing with Apple on this fact. I say give it back too.

    I say put a damn case around it like you always did with every iPhone before it.
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