Also a "visual feedback" sometimes causes more confusion than any actual problems. Will people still think there is a signal drop if the bars don't change?
I wish Apple would just stop putting a signal strength icon on the iPhone. It is not accurate and it confuses the average user.
Just validates the fact that Steve Jobs puts profits before anything else including the customers that keep his ass in mock-turtle neck sweaters. He has proven that he is no less a money grubbing scumbag like the rest of the corporate ignorati that play hard working customers for dummies. Signal bars my ass...
Bloomberg is basically a tabloid with all the random crap rumors the put out. People will cite to anything to get their point across.
Anyways all this will be rendered moot when 4.0.1 includes a SOFTWARE fix that solves everyone's problems. Then Apple will use the Friday press conference to declare victory.
What other 'crap rumors' do they put out?
Btw, do you realize you are on a rumor site?
StLBluesFan was right..... Dr. Pavlov, meet dog...
I didn't call anyone an Apple apologist, did I? Whom did I name? Your post makes zero sense. A little touchy, aren't you? Too close to home?
Guess I'm just pointing out the obvious. Any contrary article results in the assasination of the source by numerous posters. Will happen here as a well. You don't think so?
Sometimes I think we would be better off without the internet...
Although the website and the cable channel MSNBC were launched together in 1996, they have always maintained separate corporate structures and news operations. NBC and Microsoft remain 50-50 partners in, but Microsoft has divested its stake in the television network. is also editorially and financially separate from MSN, the portal site and online service operated by Microsoft, although acts as MSN's primary news provider.
MS at best owns 50 percent of They are partners with NBC.
Sometimes an engineer's job is to communicate the business / ops reason why his or her finding is important.
When Shuttle Columbia blew up, an engineer was "concerned" but failed at communication.
When New Orleans flooded, engineers knew it would flood but they failed to communicate.
If this guy thinks he is impressing anybody, he isn't. Blame the iCEO? Unprofessional. Next time, do it right and don't hash out internal grudges in the press.
Apple's prior-to-release knowledge of the issue is consistent with producing for the first time its own iPhone case (bumpers) and omitting Field Test Mode from iOS 4.
Consistent with? I think you mean "I would like to subscribe to a conspiracy theory regarding them offering bumpers and omitting FTM from iOS4. I have nothing other than coincidence to support my claims, but that's what I think anyway."
Originally Posted by Masteric
Every area where AT&T has server is a poor reception area! lol
I love Apple and their products (and have a number of them, but no iPhone because I hate AT&T service), but I think Steve's ego is getting a bit large and his attitude towards us little people is getting out of hand. Backup away from the God complex Steve.
Oh boy, here comes the Freudian psychoanalysis. Put down your copy of "On Narcissism" and realize that Steve's ego has nothing to do with this. There is some loss of signal on certain phones, coupled with an issue with the signal reporting system. Jobs "ego." Shit.
Originally Posted by sapporobabyrtrns
Just validates the fact that Steve Jobs puts profits before anything else including the customers that keep his ass in mock-turtle neck sweaters. He has proven that he is no less a money grubbing scumbag like the rest of the corporate ignorati that play hard working customers for dummies. Signal bars my ass...
Dude. A money-grubbing scumbag? So that's how he's rebuilt Apple and delivered fantastic new products over the past 13 years--by giving a big "FUCK YOU" to Apple's customers?
Originally Posted by jragosta
If true, Apple needs to face the consequences.
Whaa...what the hell do you mean.."consequences?" I think we should stone them! Seriously, the worst case scenario is they tweak the design (probably already done) and give away free thirty-nine cent bumpers. The whole thing will cost them less than a month's fuel for the Gulfstream V.
But hasn't anyone learned anything about putting their faith in unconfirmed rumors put forward by bloggers? Maybe if someone is willing to come forward and use their name, we might have a story here. Or maybe if Ruben or someone in a position to know confirms it?
Now, there we agree. The voice of reason, at last.
Sometimes I think we would be better off without the internet...
I know what you mean. Most all of us are probably likeable folks and would get along swimmingly in a social situation. On an internet forum, not so much.
Every area where AT&T has server is a poor reception area! lol
I love Apple and their products (and have a number of them, but no iPhone because I hate AT&T service), but I think Steve's ego is getting a bit large and his attitude towards us little people is getting out of hand. Backup away from the God complex Steve.
You must be a Verizon person, Well then like my son you must say Fu**ing Verizon a lot, because Verizon Stinks compared to AT&T.
Careful. You'll be -- you are - discredited.
No doubt. No big deal.
Also a "visual feedback" sometimes causes more confusion than any actual problems. Will people still think there is a signal drop if the bars don't change?
I wish Apple would just stop putting a signal strength icon on the iPhone. It is not accurate and it confuses the average user.
C'mon, Apple. The meter just clutters up the UI!
Bloomberg is basically a tabloid with all the random crap rumors the put out. People will cite to anything to get their point across.
Exhibit One.
That website is owned by Microsoft.
Yeah, and Business Week is owned by Bloomberg, who as Mayor of the Big Apple has always held a grudge against the company that stole his city's name.
Get a grip (or go spend your time searching for the bogeyman under your bed or that alien in your tooth-filling).
Just validates the fact that Steve Jobs puts profits before anything else including the customers that keep his ass in mock-turtle neck sweaters. He has proven that he is no less a money grubbing scumbag like the rest of the corporate ignorati that play hard working customers for dummies. Signal bars my ass...
Profits before anything else? are you kidding me? He runs a business a business that is built on profits. What else is he supposed to care about?
If the customer has a problem he can either A) Not buy it If he bought one and has a problem return it or C) Shut up.
So no camera on iPad, yet clearly there appears to be a "mount" for it from tear down photos.
There is no camera because they could not get it to function properly - at all.
Fired the engineer in charge of camera.
Brought in new Engineer who within 1 week said the problem was with the Industrial Design:
- the mounting needed to change
- the material coating was causing reflections in to camera and needed to change as well
Apparently that was not well received and he was almost fired as well.
But apparently they came to their senses and realized he was right.
And your source is? Some Android fanboi?
But hasn't anyone learned anything about putting their faith in unconfirmed rumors put forward by bloggers?
It cracks me up how people will believe some unnamed source, rather than believing Apple's official announcements.
The more things change, the more they stay the same. Twas ever thus!
Bloomberg is basically a tabloid with all the random crap rumors the put out. People will cite to anything to get their point across.
Anyways all this will be rendered moot when 4.0.1 includes a SOFTWARE fix that solves everyone's problems. Then Apple will use the Friday press conference to declare victory.
What other 'crap rumors' do they put out?
Btw, do you realize you are on a rumor site?
StLBluesFan was right..... Dr. Pavlov, meet dog...
LOL, I love those "not enough posts" posts.
I didn't call anyone an Apple apologist, did I? Whom did I name? Your post makes zero sense. A little touchy, aren't you? Too close to home?
Guess I'm just pointing out the obvious. Any contrary article results in the assasination of the source by numerous posters. Will happen here as a well. You don't think so?
Sometimes I think we would be better off without the internet...
[/b] "Non-profit" is not synonymous with "moral, selfless, competent & uninterested in making money."
That is pretty much the opposite of what CR is all about. Moral? Give me a break!
That website is owned by Microsoft.
Not quite:
Although the website and the cable channel MSNBC were launched together in 1996, they have always maintained separate corporate structures and news operations. NBC and Microsoft remain 50-50 partners in, but Microsoft has divested its stake in the television network. is also editorially and financially separate from MSN, the portal site and online service operated by Microsoft, although acts as MSN's primary news provider.
MS at best owns 50 percent of They are partners with NBC.
There have also been reports that people buying iPhone 4's later in the production that are noticing that the issue has cleared up for them.
I know that I'm not about to buy another one until I know that the problem is solved.
When Shuttle Columbia blew up, an engineer was "concerned" but failed at communication.
When New Orleans flooded, engineers knew it would flood but they failed to communicate.
If this guy thinks he is impressing anybody, he isn't. Blame the iCEO? Unprofessional. Next time, do it right and don't hash out internal grudges in the press.
Apple's prior-to-release knowledge of the issue is consistent with producing for the first time its own iPhone case (bumpers) and omitting Field Test Mode from iOS 4.
Consistent with? I think you mean "I would like to subscribe to a conspiracy theory regarding them offering bumpers and omitting FTM from iOS4. I have nothing other than coincidence to support my claims, but that's what I think anyway."
Every area where AT&T has server is a poor reception area! lol
I love Apple and their products (and have a number of them, but no iPhone because I hate AT&T service), but I think Steve's ego is getting a bit large and his attitude towards us little people is getting out of hand. Backup away from the God complex Steve.
Oh boy, here comes the Freudian psychoanalysis. Put down your copy of "On Narcissism" and realize that Steve's ego has nothing to do with this. There is some loss of signal on certain phones, coupled with an issue with the signal reporting system. Jobs "ego." Shit.
Just validates the fact that Steve Jobs puts profits before anything else including the customers that keep his ass in mock-turtle neck sweaters. He has proven that he is no less a money grubbing scumbag like the rest of the corporate ignorati that play hard working customers for dummies. Signal bars my ass...
Dude. A money-grubbing scumbag? So that's how he's rebuilt Apple and delivered fantastic new products over the past 13 years--by giving a big "FUCK YOU" to Apple's customers?
If true, Apple needs to face the consequences.
Whaa...what the hell do you mean.."consequences?" I think we should stone them! Seriously, the worst case scenario is they tweak the design (probably already done) and give away free thirty-nine cent bumpers. The whole thing will cost them less than a month's fuel for the Gulfstream V.
But hasn't anyone learned anything about putting their faith in unconfirmed rumors put forward by bloggers? Maybe if someone is willing to come forward and use their name, we might have a story here. Or maybe if Ruben or someone in a position to know confirms it?
Now, there we agree. The voice of reason, at last.
Sometimes I think we would be better off without the internet...
I know what you mean. Most all of us are probably likeable folks and would get along swimmingly in a social situation. On an internet forum, not so much.
Every area where AT&T has server is a poor reception area! lol
I love Apple and their products (and have a number of them, but no iPhone because I hate AT&T service), but I think Steve's ego is getting a bit large and his attitude towards us little people is getting out of hand. Backup away from the God complex Steve.
You must be a Verizon person, Well then like my son you must say Fu**ing Verizon a lot, because Verizon Stinks compared to AT&T.
And your source is? Some Android fanboi?
Sorry to burst your bubble. But it is a fact.
Demonstrates the approach. Steve - Industrial Design - Product Design - everyone else.
Challenging Industrial Design is not a good career move.
Ok Apologists, line up to take your turn at discrediting the source.
The engineer is a communist working for Obama to destroy our country.