Apple engineer warned Steve Jobs about iPhone 4 reception last year



  • Reply 101 of 137
    ihxoihxo Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by Manictosh View Post

    Are you saying that anonymous sources in general have no credibility?

    anonymous source with nothing physical (like a letter or something) to prove it's existence is simply anonymous... aka unknown.
  • Reply 102 of 137
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    This news doesn't surprise me in the slightest.
  • Reply 103 of 137
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    Actually, I think the reason this was missed was due to the secrecy Apple employees to hide products. Most likely everyone doing testing on and off the campus had it hidden in a case, therefore, never experience the problem.

    I am very suspicious of this so call inside source who claim Jobs was warned and told about the issue. I think all of you can cite many examples of a product not being release of feature which we know were in early revisions did not materialize in the final release and many times it was because what we were all told was quality issues or concerns or it just did not work the way Steve wanted it to work.

    Do you real think Steve would have said screw them all that do not know what they are talking about I shipping it anyway. If they truly knew the extent of this problem and it was too late to delay or redesign, don't you think apple would have included the $0.25 bumps, trust me the material cost is not much more then $0.25 there.
  • Reply 104 of 137
    myapplelovemyapplelove Posts: 1,515member
    Originally Posted by winst View Post

    I'm not surprised. As an engineer, I always voice my "concerns" to cover my ass. Anything could have happened after the initial "concerns": different material, different orientation, different design, different software.

    Also a "visual feedback" sometimes causes more confusion than any actual problems. Will people still think there is a signal drop if the bars don't change?

    Good points.
  • Reply 105 of 137
    vince_jtvince_jt Posts: 25member
    Originally Posted by ihxo View Post

    lol you are probably one of those one hit wonders who creates an account, use it to troll for a few days and create another one.

    But anyways....

    There is a reason why none of those reviewers ever notice a problem with the antenna before launch. Because if you use it normally, under most situation no one will notice a thing.

    also you can't discredit an anonymous source, anonymous doesn't have any credit to begin with.


    And to think I like Apple products. It's just the culture of clowns that believe Apple are beyond reproach. I don't know why I am surprised. Go suck off Jobs some more. He will thank you for it.
  • Reply 106 of 137
    irnchrizirnchriz Posts: 1,617member
    Originally Posted by stst0001 View Post

    So no camera on iPad, yet clearly there appears to be a "mount" for it from tear down photos.

    There is no camera because they could not get it to function properly - at all.

    Fired the engineer in charge of camera.

    Brought in new Engineer who within 1 week said the problem was with the Industrial Design:

    - the mounting needed to change

    - the material coating was causing reflections in to camera and needed to change as well

    Apparently that was not well received and he was almost fired as well.

    But apparently they came to their senses and realized he was right.

    Erm, thought the supposed mount point in the iPad was actually where the ambiend light sensor is fitted??!?
  • Reply 107 of 137
    grkinggrking Posts: 533member
    Originally Posted by ihxo View Post

    anonymous source with nothing physical (like a letter or something) to prove it's existence is simply anonymous... aka unknown.

    I bet you would have said (or maybe still think) that Watergate never occurred.
  • Reply 108 of 137
    Originally Posted by irnchriz View Post

    Erm, thought the supposed mount point in the iPad was actually where the ambiend light sensor is fitted??!?

    it was intended to house both
  • Reply 109 of 137
    irnchrizirnchriz Posts: 1,617member
    Originally Posted by stst0001 View Post

    it was intended to house both

    Says you? Unlike with the iPod touch prototype no iPad prototype has been seen in the wild with a camera so we have no proof either way so you may as well stop with your bullcrap.

    As noted by people who have disassembled the iPad it appears that the cutout was intended for the ambient light sensor and not a camera. The only people who suggested a camera were the rumour mongers.
  • Reply 110 of 137
    Originally Posted by irnchriz View Post

    Says you? Unlike with the iPod touch prototype no iPad prototype has been seen in the wild with a camera so we have no proof either way so you may as well stop with your bullcrap.

    whatever - anger mgmt treatment might help u
  • Reply 111 of 137
    sendmesendme Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post

    I think all of you can cite many examples of a product not being release of feature which we know were in early revisions did not materialize in the final release and many times it was because what we were all told was quality issues or concerns or it just did not work the way Steve wanted it to work.

    Exactly right.
  • Reply 112 of 137
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by winterspan View Post

    Indeed. Some of the people around here are scary. How in the world could they possibly maintain anything close to objectivity when you have a significant part of their life invested in the naive worship of a corporation's products?

    You also have to love how this clown uses his post count as a means of suggesting forum "superiority".

    Other than, of course, the fact that 'naive worship' doesn't exist except in the mind of the Apple-hating trolls.

    You might, however, ask yourself what would cause someone to spend countless hours and thousands of posts bashing products that they don't own and would never even consider buying.

    Originally Posted by VulpesRex View Post

    If you were an Apple employee who had probably violated an NDA to contact the press as a whistleblower, would you want to be outed? The source is not anonymous... as the Bloomberg story clearly states, the source asked not to be identified. You can bet your asses that Peter Burrows and Connie Guglielmo confirmed the identity of the person making the allegations and confirmed that this person was in a position to know such information before they would go to press.

    OH, right. All these Apple rumors over the last 3 years were 100% true. These journalists would never publish something without fully verifying it.

    That's really good news. Now people can stop complaining about AT&T because the Verizon phone must be coming out this summer. After all, in your world, journalists always verify their facts.

    Originally Posted by VulpesRex;1675797And apologies to the fanbois/apologists, but when every mainstream media outlet is reporting this stuff as truth, and even Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is [URL=" one_4_antenna.html"

    issuing statements[/URL] calling for Apple to provide a substantive fix to the problem, this IS a legitimate issue.

    How does either of those statements prove anything? Journalism in this country died 10 years ago. Today, journalism involves nothing more than following the Internet blogs and repeating the same information over and over and over - until people start to believe it.

    And Schumer is a grandstanding hot dog. What makes you think he knows anything about the topic? Furthermore, his position is inconsistent with the bloggers you cite. They say Apple will release a fix tomorrow. He says Apple needs to start working on a fix. They can't both be right.
  • Reply 113 of 137
    It doesn't even matter what else is revealed at this point. Most meatbags have already drawn their conclusions (fact based or otherwise), and any further coverage is just affirming whatever you already believe. I'm just disappointed that the blogosphere, media, and even AI are all just one big echo chamber where signal to noise is so low, you can't tell fact from rehashed spin.

    It's simple: if you aren't satisfied with your purchase, return it. That's how the free market works. It's a product on the market.
  • Reply 114 of 137
    naboozlenaboozle Posts: 213member
    Originally Posted by SendMe View Post

    I wish Apple would just stop putting a signal strength icon on the iPhone. It is not accurate and it confuses the average user.

    C'mon, Apple. The meter just clutters up the UI!

    It's not clutter, it's vital information. The reality of wireless is that signal can change with small positional movements, even without antenna problems. In marginal areas, the user needs the feedback in order to find an area where the signal is relatively strong and stable. I'd rather "hunt for bars" for a couple of minutes instead of testing my reception with dropped calls. At one relative's house there is one spot about the size of a refrigerator where I can get a reasonable 3G signal. Signal strength icon helped me find it. I wish folks would stop extrapolating from the specific to the general. You don't find bars useful, but many do. What were you going to do with those few pixels?
  • Reply 115 of 137
    naboozlenaboozle Posts: 213member
    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    It doesn't even matter what else is revealed at this point. Most meatbags have already drawn their conclusions (fact based or otherwise), and any further coverage is just affirming whatever you already believe. I'm just disappointed that the blogosphere, media, and even AI are all just one big echo chamber where signal to noise is so low, you can't tell fact from rehashed spin.

    It's simple: if you aren't satisfied with your purchase, return it. That's how the free market works. It's a product on the market.

    They can return it, complain publicly, or to Apple, or file a lawsuit, etc. etc... That's how a free society works.
  • Reply 116 of 137
    chillichilli Posts: 40member
    Appleota iPhoneirius... \
  • Reply 117 of 137
    sendmesendme Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    You might, however, ask yourself what would cause someone to spend countless hours and thousands of posts bashing products that they don't own and would never even consider buying.


    I mean, you spend countless hours and thousands of posts defending the iPhone 4, but that is because you own it.
  • Reply 118 of 137
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Originally Posted by SendMe View Post


    I mean, you spend countless hours and thousands of posts defending the iPhone 4, but that is because you own it.

    How much of a loser would one be to visit an Android forum and pretend to be the most over the top Android fan in order to try to belittle Android fans? What would be the cause? Not enough attention from mom? Too much attention from dad?
  • Reply 119 of 137
    graxspoograxspoo Posts: 162member
    I'm revealed and encouraged that Apple had some awareness that this might be an issue. It means that they're not completely clueless when it comes to antenna design. A "concern" at an early phase of development often points to an "engineering challenge." Many issues can be overcome with a sufficient application of brilliance. When you succeed at overcoming a challenge, you're applauded.

    Apple also has a penchant for form-over-function. Remember the round iMac mouse? The way Steve waxed rhapsodic about the way the iPhone 4 was like 'a fine Leica camera' shows how in love he is with the materials design (lack of plastic). This probably trumped other concerns. The signal drop-off issue didn't seem like a big deal. Anyone suggesting putting a plastic barrier over top of the metal band was taken out back and pummeled.

    Hopefully, Apple will have a workable solution to this issue. Maybe a plastic coating, or free bumpers or something.
  • Reply 120 of 137
    grkinggrking Posts: 533member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Other than, of course, the fact that 'naive worship' doesn't exist except in the mind of the Apple-hating trolls.

    but see, it all depends on whose ox is gored. We have people (e.g., MS haters) on various threads claiming that the Xbox had a 100% failure rate, etc.

    Unfortunately there are individuals on both sides who let there biases get in the way, and then they make absurd statement.
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