RIM, Nokia respond to Apple's "Antennagate" press conference



  • Reply 541 of 547
    shadashshadash Posts: 470member
    Another pathetic response from a typical Apple fanboy. I won't be shutting up, but I will be ignoring you.

    Originally Posted by SendMe View Post

    So you don't own an iPhone. Problem solved. Now STFU.

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  • Reply 542 of 547
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by shadash View Post

    Another pathetic response from a typical Apple fanboy. I won't be shutting up, but I will be ignoring you.

    Well you can't expect much better from site like this. Number of people around here seem to be existing only to worship Apple and The Leader. I said time ago there are more extremists here than fans.

    Anyway, your previous post was brilliant.
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  • Reply 543 of 547
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by radster360 View Post

    This is what this all adds up to -

    Consumer Report - 0

    Media - 0

    RIM, Nokia, HTC, Samsung and all SmartPhone markers - 0

    iPhone 4 Customer - 1

    Apple - 1

    Excellent job by Steve - Apple was pushed into this by Media and when Steve came back with a solid comeback everyone is now complaining that he isn't playing fair! Everyone go back to what you were doing - The show is over! Move along!

    Unless, of course, everyone starts actually doing scientific compare tests between their phones and iPhone. In that case, show might be over... for Steve. \
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  • Reply 544 of 547
    shadashshadash Posts: 470member
    I am sure the irony of SendMe proving the point about the rabid, mindless fanboyism on this site with his post is lost on him. Oh well.

    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    Well you can't expect much better from site like this. Number of people around here seem to be existing only to worship Apple and The Leader. I said time ago there are more extremists here than fans...

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  • Reply 545 of 547
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    False analogy, and hopefully you see that. You're just looking at the numbers and not the performance. Even Anandtech, which is credited for publishing dBm numbers as reported by the phone has said that iPhone 4 is able to perform better and hang on to calls at much weaker signals. They also said that just measuring signal strength from the tower's output is not that meaningful because it isn't the only factor that affects real world performance. It doesn't show how well the tower receives the phone, nor the signal-to-noise ratio.

    In car brakes, stopping distance is the main performance metric that matters, but in cell phones, it's perhaps more useful to measure the frequency of call drops, and the frequency of being able to place and hold calls. Unfortunately, you give people this little bar graph and on iOS4, Apple's signal formulas were screwed up, and the next thing you know, Consumer Reports is screaming, "The sky is falling!" there must be a defect in Apple's design, and we know better cuz the bar graph goes from 5 bars to 1 bar! Never mind that the phone works in places that a 3GS would fail to place a call.

    So, when you say "Problem Solved?" which problem are you referring to? The problem that the iPhone 4 antenna performs better than the 3GS and Nexus One in more real world low signal situations? Or the perception problem caused by the miscalculated bar graph?

    Of course analogy is over the top, I was exaggerating in order to make point. But I don't think it is false.

    I believe Anand said iP4 is holding onto signal better than 3Gs, not Nexus. However, on second test (http://www.anandtech.com/show/3821/i...-41-signal-fix) they said iP4 is sometimes showing better, sometimes same and sometimes worst signal than 3Gs. And SJ did admit iP4 will drop call more often than 3Gs, even if by a very small margin.

    That being said, it is hardly a secret that Apple phones in general aren't the best phones in the market, even if they are (arguably) best PDAs/pocket computers. iP4 is not available here in NZ, but 3G and 3Gs are. We have a couple of 3Gs units around - mine, my wife's, one colleague, 2 friends and a few customers - and they all have very bad signal reception compared to anything else I had in my hands (BBs, Nokia smart and dumb-phones etc). I still like my 3Gs as a multifunctional device, but would not recommend it to people for whom phone functionality is mission critical. Simple fact that iP4 can not differentiate against 3Gs reception wise - in fact, 3Gs never had this sort of criticism on it's shoulders regarding signal reception - is very disappointing.
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  • Reply 546 of 547
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by shadash View Post

    I am sure the irony of SendMe proving the point about the rabid, mindless fanboyism on this site with his post is lost on him. Oh well.

    Hear, hear!

    I was always thinking trolls are quickies to see a troll in others. One needs to be of a certain mindset to see same qualities in others.

    It is not unlike a mad man thinking everyone around him are actually mad ones, him being only one normal.
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  • Reply 547 of 547
    radster360radster360 Posts: 547member
    Apple is "Red Hot". The quarterly report proves it! Now the analyst are saying that maybe next quarter will be weak because of this iPhone 4. But, they are missing that iPad started to ship to 19 more countries yesterday. iPhone 4 still got the demand. The Droid X got some respectable response, but it sold 1/3 what iPhone 4 sold over 3 days.

    All this other mobile guys should be thankful to Apple for not making their device available on Verizon. Apple is playing it safe, because it is trying to stay away from being a monopoly. If and when it comes to Verizon, most of this other mobile manufacturer will just have it to hang it up, because all this people who are complaining here will end up moving to iPhone 4 for Verizon.
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