Apple says white iPhone 4 won't arrive until later this year



  • Reply 181 of 223
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 4,045member
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    Time to put down the Kool Aid and face facts.

    Time to put down this clichéd metaphor once and for all and come up with something original.
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  • Reply 182 of 223
    naboozlenaboozle Posts: 213member
    Originally Posted by SendMe View Post

    No way Apple will replace that under Warranty. Physical abuse is not covered.

    It will cost you $200 for the new piece of glass, but it will be better than the cheap ones on eBay where you don't know if it will really hold up like the authentic Apple OEM glass. And unless you pay the $200 to Apple, you will loose your Warrenty completely.

    Don't worry, it is worth it still because the iP4 uses special Gorilla Glass.

    Your best bet is to get a case for her because that improves reception too.

    Actually, glass can have manufacturing defects, improper tempering and built-in stress that causes the glass to fracture spontaneously. A crack in and of itself is not proof of abuse.
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  • Reply 183 of 223
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 4,045member
    I'm going to go way out on a limb here and propose something strange just for the sake of argument. Let's suppose Apple is actually telling the truth here. Maybe they really are having technical problems in production and just need time to work out a solution. I know it's not as much fun as speculating as to all manner of ulterior and nefarious purposes, but someone (probably a detective) once said: "The simplest explanation is most often the correct one."

    Besides, for those whose point of view is that Apple is incapable of honesty: even a stopped clock is correct twice a day.

    Have a nice Friday fellow posters!
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  • Reply 184 of 223
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 4,045member
    Originally Posted by Naboozle View Post

    Actually, glass can have manufacturing defects, improper tempering and built-in stress that causes the glass to fracture spontaneously. A crack in and of itself is not proof of abuse.

    Andy Ihnatko recently reported results of his quick poll which showed him that many who have had cracked glass got instant exchange for a new iPhone 4 at Apple Stores. Don't know if such great customer service will extend beyond the basic warranty, but it speaks well for Apple so far.
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  • Reply 185 of 223
    gristangristan Posts: 25member
    Originally Posted by danacameron View Post

    uh, gristan? i appreciate your enthusiasm, but i do believe you have the same model iphone 4 in japan as we have here in the us. I think the issue may have to do with the fact that the four countries you mentioned all have better 3g networks in place than we have here in the us with at&t.

    Iphones outside the us are probably just less susceptible to the perceived problem because there aren't that many areas of poor reception in those countries. You don't see a reception drop with a "death grip" because there is no drop, because your 3g networks are awesome!

    I personally have had no reception/antenna problems at all with my iphone 4 and contend, as i have from the beginning, that the "problem" was blown completely out of proportion (and still is by a couple of apple-bashing idiots on this board) by overzealous people who, for whatever reasons, don't like apple's success.

    so it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • Reply 186 of 223
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post

    Wow, this thread got of hand quickly. Guess it's time for me to pull out my Glock and start making brain slushies!

    Good point. Now, whenever my son, nephew or grandsons want to come over and use their gaming console with my plasma, I can tell them that the mindless opposition on whatever first person shooter games they are playing will forever be called "Blackintosh".
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  • Reply 187 of 223
    cgc0202cgc0202 Posts: 624member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Dear gristan-san,

    That was an example of American sarcasm. Not a troll.

    Too bad, it seems to be a lost art or mode of imparting a thought. Not too many takes the time to read more carefully, and if unsure, to go back to the previous positions of posters.

    It reminds me of the recent incident when the African-American USDA employee was fired based simply from a snippet of her whole presentation. EVen the NAACP was snookered to condemn her, only to retract their position the following day.

    Many now now respond simply to code words or terms, rather than the entirety of the words or even actions of the people we talk to.


    N.B. I cringe when one has to write "sarcasm", or has to place smileys just to convey that they are not being serious, or what they wanted to convey must be read "in between lines".

    Having stated this, gristan-san, might have missed the nuance due to language differences.
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  • Reply 188 of 223
    cvaldes1831cvaldes1831 Posts: 1,832member
    Originally Posted by Naboozle View Post

    Actually, glass can have manufacturing defects, improper tempering and built-in stress that causes the glass to fracture spontaneously. A crack in and of itself is not proof of abuse.

    Yes, this seems to happen a lot with beer bottles at my house.

    The top seems to weaken to the point where the cap falls off and all the beer evaporates. In the morning, there are just a bunch of empty bottles all over the kitchen counter.

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  • Reply 189 of 223
    ravedogravedog Posts: 33member
    Originally Posted by Aerv View Post

    Where did apple say that it won't come out till later this year?

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  • Reply 190 of 223
    Just think how much money Apple would make if they open the IPhone to all phone providers, not just ATT. Sure at first it would cost money but I think in the end it would really widen the appeal of this phone.
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  • Reply 191 of 223
    multimediamultimedia Posts: 1,061member
    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post

    Wow, this thread got of hand quickly. Guess it's time for me to pull out my Glock and start making brain slushies!

    Yes I found an Apple Store near me that has a short enough queue to almost promise me they'll have one for me on Sunday if not tomorrow. Online store orders are still 3 weeks long. So looks like I got lucky to find an Apple Store with a short queue in South San Jose known as the Oakridge Apple Store after this news forced me to forgetaboutit in the White department.
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  • Reply 192 of 223
    citycity Posts: 522member
    I'm planning on getting both a black and a white iPhone. Then I will swap one side of the phones and then have two black and white iPhones No I'm not a cop.
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  • Reply 193 of 223
    blursdblursd Posts: 123member
    Well, all I know is I'm not buying a iPhone 4 until the white ones come out, and while I wish it would have happened sooner rather than later, I'm not losing any sleep over it. Really, there's nothing wrong with my white 32GB 3GS, and waiting a couple months to throw down another $300 isn't going to kill me ... in fact, it will probably be better for me.
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  • Reply 194 of 223
    gooddoggooddog Posts: 93member
    If the white paint job is not do-able, then I have The World's Greatest Idea and will share it with everyone now:


    With laser engraving INSIDE THE GLASS BACK (not on the surface -- you've seen those crystal ornaments with 3D interior laser etching of dolphins, hummingbirds, etc?) of text and /or objects.

    BTW, the white iPhone4 has tiny holes for the proximity sensor, so it must work OK.

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  • Reply 195 of 223
    Originally Posted by justflybob View Post

    Good point. Now, whenever my son, nephew or grandsons want to come over and use their gaming console with my plasma, I can tell them that the mindless opposition on whatever first person shooter games they are playing will forever be called "Blackintosh".

    I am honored.
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  • Reply 196 of 223
    Apple has been misleading their loyal customers who wants the white iPhone for their press releases. Before the iphone 4 launch, Steve Job mentioned that the iphone 4 will be available in black & white. Then the black iphone 4 came, no whiteness came to the scene. During the latest press conference on the antenna issue, again Mr. Job said that the white iPhone will start shipping by the end of July. Just earlier today, Apple released a report that the controversial white iPhone will not materialise until the end of this year. So, my friend & I are not buying this BS no more, to wait then what? be mislead again. They lied the third time and they got away with it and they'll lie over and over again. Because "we want our users to be happy."
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  • Reply 197 of 223
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by therealjammer View Post

    Apple has been misleading their loyal customers who wants the white iPhone for their press releases. Before the iphone 4 launch, Steve Job mentioned that the iphone 4 will be available in black & white. Then the black iphone 4 came, no whiteness came to the scene. During the latest press conference on the antenna issue, again Mr. Job said that the white iPhone will start shipping by the end of July. Just earlier today, Apple released a report that the controversial white iPhone will not materialise until the end of this year. So, my friend & I are not buying this BS no more, to wait then what? be mislead again. They lied the third time and they got away with it and they'll lie over and over again. Because "we want our users to be happy."

    Because it?s all a shrewd plan to not make money by not selling you a phone.
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  • Reply 198 of 223
    sendmesendme Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by HammerofTruth View Post

    How about discussing real news like if Verizon is selling so many Droid phones, why are they loosing money?

    Good question!

    It MUST BE that Verizon is not selling so many Droid phones.
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  • Reply 199 of 223
    sendmesendme Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by Tulkas View Post

    The suggestion that they were taken unaware and had no idea just 7 days ago and two weeks before launch, is even more stupid than the suggestion that they were stunned and surprised that their bars algorithm over stated the signal strength (you know, the algorithm they released 2 years ago who's only change was to purposely overstate the signal strength).

    That is not surprising at all. They did not know about the signal strength issue until after release of the iPhone 4. That's why Steve said that they had only 22 days to work on it. He said that several times. And they fixed it in less time than that!
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  • Reply 200 of 223
    sendmesendme Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by Naboozle View Post

    Actually, glass can have manufacturing defects, improper tempering and built-in stress that causes the glass to fracture spontaneously. A crack in and of itself is not proof of abuse.

    Har! Good luck...

    Apple uses the best glass. They have QA.

    Improper tempering? Its Gorilla Glass! It is the best glass in the world, made under the strictest manufacturing specification in the business. IT CAN BEND!
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