Piracy problems undermine Android's growth against iPhone



  • Reply 201 of 217
    daveswdavesw Posts: 406member
    Originally Posted by davesw View Post

    Note to Developers:

    Android users are Cheap Penny Pinching Freeloaders. They don't buy Apps.

    There is no money in ANDROID.

    Report: 98.9% Of Downloads On The Android Market Are Free


    Android Market a haven for cheapskates


    Male Android Cheapskates To Dominate Mobile Market


    bottom line. There's no money in Android.
  • Reply 202 of 217
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,918member
    Originally Posted by Chopper View Post

    You're simply demonstrating that your intellect isn't up to the task if you can't grasp that the conversation has been about Dilger's use of language to spin whatever 'articles' he posts in Apple's favour, regardless of the "truth". If the discussion is about what he wrote, then sticking to what he wrote is surely the point?

    But since that simple concept is apparently beyond you, I'll stop wasting my time and bail out of the conversation to let you have your parting insult. Fill your boots.

    No insult. I'll just point out that, what you want the conversation to be about, isn't necessarily what it's about.
  • Reply 203 of 217
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Wow this thread was doing alright for 3 pages then totally went to hell. \
  • Reply 204 of 217
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by davesw View Post

    bottom line. There's no money in Android.

    Which is funny because Android development and the OS seems so much in vogue...
  • Reply 205 of 217
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    Face your future, Apple.

    Mike said 5:40PM on 8-03-2010


    Jailbroke but I am thus far wholly unimpressed. What does work is buggy and my phone has crashed several times already.

    This is what I've tried

    -LockInfo: works, but buggy, just using trial and I'm not paying $5, not paying $0.01, for what's essentially beta software

    -Element: Doesn't work.

    -LockCalendar: Doesn't work.

    -WeatherIcon: Consistently crashed Springboard

    -Simple Background: Doesn't work, also crashed Springboard once

    -MakeItMine: Works

    -Winterboard: Works, but not as expected

    -Star Trek Communicator SMS Sound theme for Winterboard - works, but audio seems slightly glitchy

    -SBSettings: Not like expected, was under the impression it would add one-tap icons to the home screen.

  • Reply 206 of 217
    ckh1272ckh1272 Posts: 107member
    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    I read Android Central every day. the ONLY time they post apple releated news is when it directly has something to do with android (aka, apple's antennagate video responses, or ads android makers take out about the iPhone).

    AC editor is part of a network of blogs, including theiphoneblog and so occasionally they cross post something TiPB posts, but they've NEVER posted an article directly about iOS with no real links back to android.

    Droidforums are FORUMS, not a news site.



    They posted an article about someone changing the wallpapers in an apple store, a post about a new tshirt design (any v apple, and posts on applevandroid sales

    Again, NOTHING like the trash coming from this site in the past few days. Apple insider is posting ANDROID news with spin headlines to paint it in the worst light possible, and they're not doing it to highlights movements of iOS but rather a lame attempt to prove superiority. This is completely different from the news sites you posted.

    Please point out posts to me where they're posting against apple while ignoring the truth.

    Dont' act like there is unbiased reporting going on at Androidcentral:


    They tout these iPhone and BB users wanting an Android phone next while ignoring the fact that more BB owners want the iPhone than Android. Also, they ignore the fact that only 6% of iPhone users want an Android phone next. Following that fluff piece are loads of Android users ignoring those very same facts. My point is that stop acting like Android sites and their users are bastions of unbiased news reporting.
  • Reply 207 of 217
    ckh1272ckh1272 Posts: 107member
    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    I have yet to read a single post by android users saying apple should be sued for a software monopoly. Stop pulling stuff from your arse.

    And if the default twitter client for iOS could pass the app store approval process, so could 90% of android apps without blinking an eye (assuming they weren't one of the ones that apple doesn't allow, such as alternative launchers, etc)

    Yes, let's completely ignore the itunes ecosystem, where users could have hundreds of dollars of content locked away that could be ONLY uses on iOS devices. I'm sure that has NOTHING to do with people considering changing devices.. just like software legacy lockin has NOTHING to do with consumers choosing the same computer OS year in and year out.

    I'm not denying that iPhone loyalty is high, but saying that's all that keeps people with apple is ignoring one of the reason apple's making so much money.

    I have over $300 dollars of music and movies locked to itunes/iOS, it was painful leaving most of that on the table to choose something other than an ipod as my main media device. and I only purchased $3 in apps. Could you imagine someone who has $100 in app store purchases considering another media ecosystem? What about $200?

    It's one thing learning a new OS, it's another thing entirely having to repurchase your products in a new ecosystem.

    You say "I have yet to read a single post by android users saying apple should be sued for a software monopoly. Stop pulling stuff from your arse."

    I say go to CNET or just google AndroidFTW and you will find one big troll who does nothing but comment or anything Apple related as has stated that very thing you say nobody has done.
  • Reply 208 of 217
    ckh1272ckh1272 Posts: 107member
    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    I have yet to read a single post by android users saying apple should be sued for a software monopoly. Stop pulling stuff from your arse.

    And if the default twitter client for iOS could pass the app store approval process, so could 90% of android apps without blinking an eye (assuming they weren't one of the ones that apple doesn't allow, such as alternative launchers, etc)

    Yes, let's completely ignore the itunes ecosystem, where users could have hundreds of dollars of content locked away that could be ONLY uses on iOS devices. I'm sure that has NOTHING to do with people considering changing devices.. just like software legacy lockin has NOTHING to do with consumers choosing the same computer OS year in and year out.

    I'm not denying that iPhone loyalty is high, but saying that's all that keeps people with apple is ignoring one of the reason apple's making so much money.

    I have over $300 dollars of music and movies locked to itunes/iOS, it was painful leaving most of that on the table to choose something other than an ipod as my main media device. and I only purchased $3 in apps. Could you imagine someone who has $100 in app store purchases considering another media ecosystem? What about $200?

    It's one thing learning a new OS, it's another thing entirely having to repurchase your products in a new ecosystem.

    I am trying to ignore your selective obliviousness but can't. If someone switches from Android or BB can they take those apps with them to another OS? NO! iTunes music can be transferred to anywhere if you have half a brain. Firstly, the music is DRM free. Even if it is not, burn it to a CD, put it on another system and BINGO. It's all yours. If you actually bought a movie from iTunes, then I have no pity for you. Buy a physical disc, get Handbrake and your set to put it on whatever you want. All of your arguments have huge holes that you have selectively ignored, so how about you stop pulling things out of your arse for once.
  • Reply 209 of 217
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    Originally Posted by ckh1272 View Post

    I am trying to ignore your selective obliviousness but can't. If someone switches from Android or BB can they take those apps with them to another OS? NO! iTunes music can be transferred to anywhere if you have half a brain. Firstly, the music is DRM free. Even if it is not, burn it to a CD, put it on another system and BINGO. It's all yours. If you actually bought a movie from iTunes, then I have no pity for you. Buy a physical disc, get Handbrake and your set to put it on whatever you want. All of your arguments have huge holes that you have selectively ignored, so how about you stop pulling things out of your arse for once.

    The itunes/App store was the FIRST platform to make apps viable for smartphones. Blackberry app world etc didn't launch until later, and like people like pointing out so much, the app store is the ONLY one with significant monetization (people actually buying apps instead of only using free ones). So yes, paid apps being locked is standard across platforms, but on NO OTHER PLATFORM is this a significant barrier to moving for the average customer.

    Itunes music was NOT always DRM free. Most of the music I bought via itunes came out when it was DRM locked. And I either need to buy CD's (wasted money, lost audio quality, not to mention retagging dozens of songs) or pay apple .30 on the Dollar to convert it to their itunes plus format, which most mp3 players read. Yes, there are ways around the DRM lock, but they cost money or have other drawbacks.

    I didn't purchase movies via itunes, I purchased TV shows, because at the time it was the ONLY way to get a real copy of those shows without bootlegging them from a DVR (this was before amazon had print on demand)

    I've been using apple products for 8 years. I'm not just someone who joined once the iphone 3 game out. Don't tell me how my media is or isn't locked because obviously you have no idea how that stuff works. Yes, I know there are rippers out there, but again, we are talking AVERAGE consumers, not tech people. For average people, they believe the lies that taking their own music with them is akin to theft, or they read that those services will install spam on your computer (and some of them do).

    The fact remains that the itunes ecosystem, more than ANY other mobile phone platform, has more people USING the features that create lockin (and more reasons to lock oneself in) than anything else out there. This is why Apple's profits are so high. Sure they are selling a ton of devices, but their Real gains are those purchases. Look at app store downloads and profits YTD. Yes, my android phone has a couple dozen apps that I can't take to other platforms, but they totaly what? maybe $75.. $100 if I bought them all full price. This is a far cry from the amount someone can have locked into iOS.
  • Reply 210 of 217
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    Originally Posted by ckh1272 View Post

    Dont' act like there is unbiased reporting going on at Androidcentral:


    They tout these iPhone and BB users wanting an Android phone next while ignoring the fact that more BB owners want the iPhone than Android. Also, they ignore the fact that only 6% of iPhone users want an Android phone next. Following that fluff piece are loads of Android users ignoring those very same facts. My point is that stop acting like Android sites and their users are bastions of unbiased news reporting.

    Ok... I never said they weren't unbiased. I said that they didn't post obviously anti-apple propaganda as "news" on their sites. I expect news sites focused on a specific product to always paint that product in a positive light. That goes without saying. But please find ONE article on android central that is painting the iphone in a negative light that ISNT directly related to android in some way. AI posts articles about android security, piracy, etc that have no direct relation to iOS. The only time Android Central made an article about antennagate was when motorola/samsung released ads about it, or when Phil was on TiPB podcast.

    Again, I NEVER said they were unbiased. Maybe you should READ. It might keep you from shoving your shoes so firmly in your mouth next time.
  • Reply 211 of 217
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    Originally Posted by ckh1272 View Post

    You say "I have yet to read a single post by android users saying apple should be sued for a software monopoly. Stop pulling stuff from your arse."

    I say go to CNET or just google AndroidFTW and you will find one big troll who does nothing but comment or anything Apple related as has stated that very thing you say nobody has done.

    Ok, we're talking about THIS site, specifically THIS thread.

    Again, Reading isn't hard. DO IT. You can't come into a 6 page thread and selectively respond to posts assuming you know what they're talking about.

    The person I was responding to was implying that people in THIS THREAD were the same people who were saying apple should be sued. It clearly wasn't the case.
  • Reply 212 of 217
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,918member
    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    Ok, we're talking about THIS site, specifically THIS thread.

    Again, Reading isn't hard. DO IT. You can't come into a 6 page thread and selectively respond to posts assuming you know what they're talking about.

    The person I was responding to was implying that people in THIS THREAD were the same people who were saying apple should be sued. It clearly wasn't the case.

    Kind of an ironic post.
  • Reply 213 of 217
    ckh1272ckh1272 Posts: 107member
    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    The itunes/App store was the FIRST platform to make apps viable for smartphones. Blackberry app world etc didn't launch until later, and like people like pointing out so much, the app store is the ONLY one with significant monetization (people actually buying apps instead of only using free ones). So yes, paid apps being locked is standard across platforms, but on NO OTHER PLATFORM is this a significant barrier to moving for the average customer.

    Itunes music was NOT always DRM free. Most of the music I bought via itunes came out when it was DRM locked. And I either need to buy CD's (wasted money, lost audio quality, not to mention retagging dozens of songs) or pay apple .30 on the Dollar to convert it to their itunes plus format, which most mp3 players read. Yes, there are ways around the DRM lock, but they cost money or have other drawbacks.

    I didn't purchase movies via itunes, I purchased TV shows, because at the time it was the ONLY way to get a real copy of those shows without bootlegging them from a DVR (this was before amazon had print on demand)

    I've been using apple products for 8 years. I'm not just someone who joined once the iphone 3 game out. Don't tell me how my media is or isn't locked because obviously you have no idea how that stuff works. Yes, I know there are rippers out there, but again, we are talking AVERAGE consumers, not tech people. For average people, they believe the lies that taking their own music with them is akin to theft, or they read that those services will install spam on your computer (and some of them do).

    The fact remains that the itunes ecosystem, more than ANY other mobile phone platform, has more people USING the features that create lockin (and more reasons to lock oneself in) than anything else out there. This is why Apple's profits are so high. Sure they are selling a ton of devices, but their Real gains are those purchases. Look at app store downloads and profits YTD. Yes, my android phone has a couple dozen apps that I can't take to other platforms, but they totaly what? maybe $75.. $100 if I bought them all full price. This is a far cry from the amount someone can have locked into iOS.

    I said "Even if it is not, burn it to a CD, put it on another system and BINGO.", which means I already stated the solution to DRM music and you basically ignored it and accuse me of not reading. That goes both ways. BTW, your cheeky insults are going to get you banned around here so if you can't respond in a more civil tone, then don't be surprised as to what follows. Also, Apple makes more money off of hardware than they do the software and that is a fact.
  • Reply 214 of 217
    ckh1272ckh1272 Posts: 107member
    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    Ok, we're talking about THIS site, specifically THIS thread.

    Again, Reading isn't hard. DO IT. You can't come into a 6 page thread and selectively respond to posts assuming you know what they're talking about.

    The person I was responding to was implying that people in THIS THREAD were the same people who were saying apple should be sued. It clearly wasn't the case.

    Well you can't just come on to this site accusing everyone of slamming this or slamming that. It's a freakin' Apple site for crying out loud and you just keep on beating a dead horse (and you have 79 posts to prove it). You're the one trying to piss into the wind. BTW, AndroidCentral is not just forums (as you clearly stated). It is an Android "fluff" news site, the same as this, that has a place where users can comment (where they also ignore the obvious and slam the iPhone). Having said that, why would you keep coming here? You say that these articles show up in your RSS feed. So what! I see Android articles on my RSS feeds, yet you won't find me on there slamming Android on an Android related site. You see the problem with your arguments? I can read just fine, btw, so your condescending tone aside, maybe you should wipe that saliva off of your shoe before you have to taste your own backwash again.
  • Reply 215 of 217
    ckh1272ckh1272 Posts: 107member
    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    Ok, we're talking about THIS site, specifically THIS thread.

    Again, Reading isn't hard. DO IT. You can't come into a 6 page thread and selectively respond to posts assuming you know what they're talking about.

    The person I was responding to was implying that people in THIS THREAD were the same people who were saying apple should be sued. It clearly wasn't the case.

    Maybe, just maybe, AI has articles about the competition because they don't want to appear to have a one sided view of everything Apple. How the articles are interpreted are all a matter of opinion, some good and some bad. Also, if you are letting a couple of Apple zealots dictate what you are going to say then it's your own fault for falling for the flame bait.
  • Reply 216 of 217
    ckh1272ckh1272 Posts: 107member
    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    The itunes/App store was the FIRST platform to make apps viable for smartphones. Blackberry app world etc didn't launch until later, and like people like pointing out so much, the app store is the ONLY one with significant monetization (people actually buying apps instead of only using free ones). So yes, paid apps being locked is standard across platforms, but on NO OTHER PLATFORM is this a significant barrier to moving for the average customer.

    Itunes music was NOT always DRM free. Most of the music I bought via itunes came out when it was DRM locked. And I either need to buy CD's (wasted money, lost audio quality, not to mention retagging dozens of songs) or pay apple .30 on the Dollar to convert it to their itunes plus format, which most mp3 players read. Yes, there are ways around the DRM lock, but they cost money or have other drawbacks.

    I didn't purchase movies via itunes, I purchased TV shows, because at the time it was the ONLY way to get a real copy of those shows without bootlegging them from a DVR (this was before amazon had print on demand)

    I've been using apple products for 8 years. I'm not just someone who joined once the iphone 3 game out. Don't tell me how my media is or isn't locked because obviously you have no idea how that stuff works. Yes, I know there are rippers out there, but again, we are talking AVERAGE consumers, not tech people. For average people, they believe the lies that taking their own music with them is akin to theft, or they read that those services will install spam on your computer (and some of them do).

    The fact remains that the itunes ecosystem, more than ANY other mobile phone platform, has more people USING the features that create lockin (and more reasons to lock oneself in) than anything else out there. This is why Apple's profits are so high. Sure they are selling a ton of devices, but their Real gains are those purchases. Look at app store downloads and profits YTD. Yes, my android phone has a couple dozen apps that I can't take to other platforms, but they totaly what? maybe $75.. $100 if I bought them all full price. This is a far cry from the amount someone can have locked into iOS.

    About your TV shows, my statement still stands that if you are so knowledgable about Apple then you would also know the repercussions of the DRM involved. You were not talking about the average customer. You were talking about YOU. You act like Apple is the only one with the restrictions and then you backpedal the DRM solution by bringing "the average customer" into the argument. Any place that has video of any kind is DRM'ed. Why?? Not because of Apple but because of the studios yet you passively blame Apple for your poor buying decisions. If you have used Apple for 8 years, then you should know what the deal is with their ecosystem. You clearly either do not or choose to be selectively ignorant to the subject matter so that it suits you argument. Enjoy your Android (I know I will be enjoying it here in a month) but quit beating the dead horse already. End of story.
  • Reply 217 of 217
    ckh1272ckh1272 Posts: 107member
    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    Actually they had other methods of attempted copy protection before this. Unfortunately it artificially increased the app size, and obviously a lot of people found a workaround. And app signing has NOTHING to do with being open as an OS, it never has been. But then again, I wouldn't expect you to understand that because it requires thinking in something other than irrational absolutes.

    And you completely missed the entire point of my post which was Apple insider shouldn't be posting this trash because it has NOTHING to do with Apple except in passing, and the reason it was posted was to justify iOS, which, according to apple fans, requires no justification.

    It's just another attempt at mud-slinging "journalism." I started posting here because Apple insider started showing up in my Android RSS feeds they're posting so much about it. So I came to read. They don't even attempt at looking at android, they only post stuff if they can somehow mock it, which.. I'll say it again, is completely pointless when you're on a site called APPLE INSIDER.

    They should go back to posting apple news.

    So it isn't cool that there are "flaming" Android articles here, but flaming other users is okay ("But then again, I wouldn't expect you to understand that because it requires thinking in something other than irrational absolutes. ). Along with insulting myself, it is clear that the double standard is alive and well in your mind so enjoy talking to yourself from here on out. BTW, I read ALL six pages, so that I couldn't be accused of just "jumping into the conversation".
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