Piracy problems undermine Android's growth against iPhone



  • Reply 141 of 217
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    You didn't answer my question, but I think I know the answer. As I said, your posts are entirely irrelevant to my particular criticisms, so, even if we accept that you think you were responding to one of them, you really weren't.

    What question? What criticisms.

    I responded to a SINGLE post you made. That post was wrong, I said nothing about your other posts.

    Please explain to me, in detail, how this sham of an article, citing a SINGLE APP from a SINGLE DEVELOPER holds enough weight for you to accept it as evidence and yet 5+ repostings from iOS developers "isn't sufficient data." ALL your questions in the post I quoted can be applied (without serious rewording) to the author of this AI article.

    THAT is what I was responding to. Not any of your "criticisms" in other posts. Your criticism in the post I quoted were invalidated because they don't bolster your position, they weaken both arguments (or they don't do anything to both, you can't have it only work for facts you find convenient)

    Your orignal post, question by question:


    How many iOS devices do legitimate users of these apps own?

    How many android phones do those app users listed in the article own? I'll give you a hint, neither case will have enough devices to cover piracy. I'm not denying that it was easier on android, which I said in my INITIAL post on this "article."


    Is this experience representative of all App Store developers or simply an anecdotal report from an unrepresentative sample? Did this sample present confirmed numbers or were these just casual reports?

    The apple insider article you're defending cited a SINGLE app from a SINGLE developer. How is this NOT an "anecdotal report from an unrepresentative sample"? At least the post he linked cited 5 different unique developers (so a minimum of 5 apps)

    The apple insider article isn't confirmed numbers either. In fact, both Apple and Google have yet to release any hard data on piracy, nor has a SINGLE independent research group made any study, let alone release any findings.

    Aka, you're asking a stupid question. You're asking for data that does not exist for EITHER platform, so what are you trying to get at?


    How does this compare with Android piracy rates? How reliable is the source of this report: what's their track record on this sort of analysis? What other reports are there that corroborate this? And so on, and so on, and so on...

    Again, there are NO 3rd party, or Google reports on marketplace piracy, just like there are no 3rd party or Apple reports that give a clear idea of piracy an the app store. All this article (or any like it for either market) have to go off of are independent reports from the developers themselves, or the "opinions" of people who want to call themselves "experts."

    Again, you're asking him for data that doesn't exist for EITHER party, and you're trying to do it in a way that only paints reports of apple piracy in a negative light. Yes, chances are excellent that there is more piracy among android phones (currently) than there is among iphones, but we have NO hard data to support this.


    Clearly you aren't very discerning when it comes to evaluating information. Since this seems to constitute your only evidence, since it's uncorroborated, since it isn't based on a reliable survey, it's baseless.

    Just like your criticisms of said data. You have no hard evidence to counter it. All you're doing is commenting on a report with your own conjecture.
  • Reply 142 of 217
    mornmorn Posts: 5member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    This article is about developers and software sales, not hardware sales. Do you need someone to explain the difference between software and hardware?

    This is the really funny thing about the position you Android whiners are taking. On one hand, you'll whine that Apple has a monopoly in online software sales because they have 96% of that market.

    Then, in the very next breath, you'll say "Android's software sales are doing just fine. Look at how fast their hardware sales are growing".

    If you don't get how silly that argument is, ask someone to explain it to you.

    I suspect that it's a different reason and has nothing to do with morality. For a large chunk of Americans, $1.99 for an app is so cheap that it's not worth the time to find out how to steal it. For many Asians (and a significant number of Europeans, particularly in Eastern Europe), that's a big enough number that it's worth finding a way to get it without paying.

    Oh, yes. The "it's OK to steal my music because it only makes the song more popular" argument.

    What kind of bizarre logic makes you conclude that the easier it is to steal something, the more money the developer makes?

    This article is total bullshit. The Android store has 50 000 apps in spite of these problems. And Android is rapidly gaining popularity. I don't think piracy is having any impact on the success of Android at all.
  • Reply 143 of 217
    daveswdavesw Posts: 406member
    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    Because I am a Mac OSX user as well. I started reading this site YEARS ago.

    You'll notice I only post on articles that are ONLY about android on this page. This is because they show up in my RSS feed that's set to look for ANDROID news. You want android posters to leave, stop posting trash about android that has NOTHING to do with iOS.

    why comment only about android? you're jealous that's why.
  • Reply 144 of 217
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by Morn View Post

    This article is total bullshit. The Android store has 50 000 apps in spite of these problems. And Android is rapidly gaining popularity. I don't think piracy is having any impact on the success of Android at all.

    What does the number of apps have to do with anything? (ignoring, of course, that the average app quality on Android is far worse since many Android apps are things that weren't good enough for Apple).

    It's really hilarious to watch the Android fans contradict themselves.

    On one hand, they say that Apple should be convicted of being a monopoly because they have 95% of online software purchases.

    In the next breath, they say "android software sales are doing just fine and we're making lots of money".

    You can't have it both ways.

    Originally Posted by davesw View Post

    you know why i know Android users are jealous of iPhone users?

    You're IN AN APPLE FORUM! what the hell are you doing here?? go to an Android forum and leave us alone you troll.

    It has nothing to do with the forum. ONly a dolt would consider responses from EITHER forum to be representative of the population as a whole.

    But when you DO survey the population as a whole, people who buy iPhones are happy to the tune of 95% or so.. Only about 70% of Android purchaser are happy - by the latest surveys done.

    Or, you could look at re-purchase rates. iPhone customers buy another iPhone for their next phone a dramatically higher levels than any other phone brand.

    Either way, the evidence is very clear that Apple iPhone customers ARE more loyal than Android customers.
  • Reply 145 of 217
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    Originally Posted by davesw View Post

    why comment only about android? you're jealous that's why.

    No, because as an ANDROID USER, that's what I know best. an android troll would be extolling android on EVERY article about mobile on this site.

    Why do you have a signature on an APPLE forum in big blue text talking about android security?
  • Reply 146 of 217
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,918member

    Just like your criticisms of said data. You have no hard evidence to counter it. All you're doing is commenting on a report with your own conjecture.

    You see, that's the thing you apparently don't understand about criticism. I don't have to prove the opposite to establish that someone's claim is an unsubstantiated, wild conjecture. (After all, I am not addressing the issue of whether he could accidentally be correct, although, I don't think he is.) All I have to do is point out the lack of foundation to his claim, the problems with citations he offers to support it, etc. It was a baseless assertion, and none of you Android boys has offered anything like acceptable support for it.
  • Reply 147 of 217
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    What does the number of apps have to do with anything? (ignoring, of course, that the average app quality on Android is far worse since many Android apps are things that weren't good enough for Apple).

    It's really hilarious to watch the Android fans contradict themselves.

    On one hand, they say that Apple should be convicted of being a monopoly because they have 95% of online software purchases.

    In the next breath, they say "android software sales are doing just fine and we're making lots of money".

    You can't have it both ways.

    I have yet to read a single post by android users saying apple should be sued for a software monopoly. Stop pulling stuff from your arse.

    And if the default twitter client for iOS could pass the app store approval process, so could 90% of android apps without blinking an eye (assuming they weren't one of the ones that apple doesn't allow, such as alternative launchers, etc)


    It has nothing to do with the forum. ONly a dolt would consider responses from EITHER forum to be representative of the population as a whole.

    But when you DO survey the population as a whole, people who buy iPhones are happy to the tune of 95% or so.. Only about 70% of Android purchaser are happy - by the latest surveys done.

    Or, you could look at re-purchase rates. iPhone customers buy another iPhone for their next phone a dramatically higher levels than any other phone brand.

    Either way, the evidence is very clear that Apple iPhone customers ARE more loyal than Android customers.

    Yes, let's completely ignore the itunes ecosystem, where users could have hundreds of dollars of content locked away that could be ONLY uses on iOS devices. I'm sure that has NOTHING to do with people considering changing devices.. just like software legacy lockin has NOTHING to do with consumers choosing the same computer OS year in and year out.

    I'm not denying that iPhone loyalty is high, but saying that's all that keeps people with apple is ignoring one of the reason apple's making so much money.

    I have over $300 dollars of music and movies locked to itunes/iOS, it was painful leaving most of that on the table to choose something other than an ipod as my main media device. and I only purchased $3 in apps. Could you imagine someone who has $100 in app store purchases considering another media ecosystem? What about $200?

    It's one thing learning a new OS, it's another thing entirely having to repurchase your products in a new ecosystem.
  • Reply 148 of 217
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    You see, that's the thing you apparently don't understand about criticism. I don't have to prove the opposite to establish that someone's claim is an unsubstantiated, wild conjecture. (After all, I am not addressing the issue of whether he could accidentally be correct, although, I don't think he is.) All I have to do is point out the lack of foundation to his claim, the problems with citations he offers to support it, etc. It was a baseless assertion, and none of you Android boys has offered anything like acceptable support for it.

    because he wasn't MAKING a claim other than iOS also suffers from piracy and it's not just from 1% of their users.

    And how is evidence from 5 iOS developers a baseless assertion?

    He replied with that article to COUNTER the article at hand.

    That's what you don't get. He made his point. His evidence is just as valid as ANY you can bring up about android piracy numbers, and is more valid than anything mentioned by this article, or in the thread to date. (you haven't posted anything otherwise). Aka, this entire article is baseless. So not only is it an android article on a site about APPLE, but it's a completely pointless article to boot.

    Even if hard numbers existed, why should He (or I) go through the trouble of doing your research for you? We're posting in a crap article on what's increasingly becoming a website that is a shadow of what it was. Anything posted here will fall on ears of people with their fingers snugly shoved in them. "Pearls before Swine" comes to mind.
  • Reply 149 of 217
    daveswdavesw Posts: 406member
    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    No, because as an ANDROID USER, that's what I know best. an android troll would be extolling android on EVERY article about mobile on this site.

    Why do you have a signature on an APPLE forum in big blue text talking about android security?

    then why don't you talk about "android" stuff on android forums??

    if you want to talk about Android, go to an Android forum.
  • Reply 150 of 217
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    Originally Posted by davesw View Post

    then why don't you talk about "android" stuff on android forums??

    if you want to talk about Android, go to an Android forum.

    I do talk about android stuff on an android forum.

    This is an Apple site, they should talk about Apple.

    Take your own advice, and get a new signature, or go join and android forum and post that news.
  • Reply 151 of 217
    daveswdavesw Posts: 406member
    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    I do talk about android stuff on an android forum.

    This is an Apple site, they should talk about Apple.

    Take your own advice, and get a new signature, or go join and android forum and post that news.

    who said i was talking about Android? just because i mention android in my sig.
  • Reply 152 of 217
    daveswdavesw Posts: 406member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Either way, the evidence is very clear that Apple iPhone customers ARE more loyal than Android customers.

    very true.
  • Reply 153 of 217
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,918member
    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    because he wasn't MAKING a claim other than iOS also suffers from piracy and it's not just from 1% of their users.

    And how is evidence from 5 iOS developers a baseless assertion?

    He replied with that article to COUNTER the article at hand.

    That's what you don't get. He made his point. His evidence is just as valid as ANY you can bring up about android piracy numbers, and is more valid than anything mentioned by this article, or in the thread to date. (you haven't posted anything otherwise). Aka, this entire article is baseless. So not only is it an android article on a site about APPLE, but it's a completely pointless article to boot.

    Even if hard numbers existed, why should He (or I) go through the trouble of doing your research for you? We're posting in a crap article on what's increasingly becoming a website that is a shadow of what it was. Anything posted here will fall on ears of people with their fingers snugly shoved in them. "Pearls before Swine" comes to mind.

    Perhaps you are hoping that, by the time they get this far, everyone will forget that he explicitly claimed that piracy on iOS was "just as common" as on Android. No evidence was offered by him, or by you, to support that claim. That's where things stand. If you want to argue that he was correct, you, or he, need to provide the evidence to support that claim. Since it was just a bit of bullshit thrown out by an enraged Androidie, I doubt very much if either of you can support it, or if it's even supportable. You should just admit that and move on.
  • Reply 154 of 217
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Perhaps you are hoping that, by the time they get this far, everyone will forget that he explicitly claimed that piracy on iOS was "just as common" as on Android. No evidence was offered by him, or by you, to support that claim. That's where things stand. If you want to argue that he was correct, you, or he, need to provide the evidence to support that claim. Since it was just a bit of bullshit thrown out by an enraged Androidie, I doubt very much if either of you can support it, or if it's even supportable. You should just admit that and move on.

    That's not what your response was asking. Your response was directed at the VALIDITY of his article, not of his assumptions. You were trying to discount his article which was talking about piracy in iOS. One of your questions was directed at his claim, but it was buried in a list of questions about the ARTICLE itself.

    I also don't support his claim, which I clearly stated, so don't throw both of us in the same boat. You're trying to change the conversation to avoid admitting that you either:

    1) Weren't clear, either intentionally or unintentionally.

    2) You're attempt at a red herring (go after the article to discredit the assumption) failed and you don't want to own up to it.
  • Reply 155 of 217
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    I have yet to read a single post by android users saying apple should be sued for a software monopoly. Stop pulling stuff from your arse.

    You're either lying or reading very selectively. Go back to all the threads where there were rumors that the DOJ was investigating Apple. A number of the louder Android trolls were whining about Apple's large share (commonly quoted as 96%, IIRC) of downloaded software sales for mobile devices.

    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    And if the default twitter client for iOS could pass the app store approval process, so could 90% of android apps without blinking an eye (assuming they weren't one of the ones that apple doesn't allow, such as alternative launchers, etc)

    You don't know the number and neither do I. But there ARE some public facts:

    1. Apple reported how many apps were rejected and the reasons. As I recall, the biggest reason was apps that just didn't run. Then there were other quality related reasons. IIRC, it was a very high percentage (around 30-40%) that didn't run at all.

    2. Many of the apps on Android store were rejected for lack of quality. I'm not aware of ANY app on the Apple store that was rejected from the Android store for lack of quality.

    Ergo, the AVERAGE quality on the Android store must be lower than the average quality on the Apple store - and most people concur.

    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    Yes, let's completely ignore the itunes ecosystem, where users could have hundreds of dollars of content locked away that could be ONLY uses on iOS devices. I'm sure that has NOTHING to do with people considering changing devices.. just like software legacy lockin has NOTHING to do with consumers choosing the same computer OS year in and year out.

    I'm not denying that iPhone loyalty is high, but saying that's all that keeps people with apple is ignoring one of the reason apple's making so much money.

    I have over $300 dollars of music and movies locked to itunes/iOS, it was painful leaving most of that on the table to choose something other than an ipod as my main media device. and I only purchased $3 in apps. Could you imagine someone who has $100 in app store purchases considering another media ecosystem? What about $200?

    It's one thing learning a new OS, it's another thing entirely having to repurchase your products in a new ecosystem.

    What does that have to do with anything? The facts are that iPhone users are more loyal and more likely to buy another iPhone. All you're doing is saying WHY that might be true. Frankly, I don't care why it's true. It's true - and that's enough to establish the position that was being discussed.
  • Reply 156 of 217
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    Originally Posted by davesw View Post

    who said i was talking about Android? just because i mention android in my sig.

    you mention android in your sig and every post of yours in this news article and several like it have been directed explicitly at android. Not even you comparing it to iOS, just you posting directly about android and nothing but.

    Sure you may post differently on other topics, but that's not the issue here.
  • Reply 157 of 217
    Originally Posted by davesw View Post

    Android users are Cheap Penny Pinching Freeloaders. They don't buy Apps.

    this is 100% true.

    I think Ballmer called ipod users a bunch of thieves or something to that effect if I'm not mistaken.
  • Reply 158 of 217
    daveswdavesw Posts: 406member
    Originally Posted by Groovetube View Post

    I think Ballmer called ipod users a bunch of thieves or something to that effect if I'm not mistaken.

    Ballmer must be the source of all wisdom since he's usually correct 99.999% of the time.
  • Reply 159 of 217
    daveswdavesw Posts: 406member
    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    you mention android in your sig and every post of yours in this news article and several like it have been directed explicitly at android. Not even you comparing it to iOS, just you posting directly about android and nothing but.

    Sure you may post differently on other topics, but that's not the issue here.

    just giving you a taste of your own medicine Android troll.
  • Reply 160 of 217
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    You're either lying or reading very selectively. Go back to all the threads where there were rumors that the DOJ was investigating Apple. A number of the louder Android trolls were whining about Apple's large share (commonly quoted as 96%, IIRC) of downloaded software sales for mobile devices.

    So you're going back weeks and comparing those posters to people posting in these threads. So this means because I heard an iphone fan say x before, all of them do, right? Writing all android users off with generalizations doesn't help you.


    You don't know the number and neither do I. But there ARE some public facts:

    1. Apple reported how many apps were rejected and the reasons. As I recall, the biggest reason was apps that just didn't run. Then there were other quality related reasons. IIRC, it was a very high percentage (around 30-40%) that didn't run at all.

    2. Many of the apps on Android store were rejected for lack of quality. I'm not aware of ANY app on the Apple store that was rejected from the Android store for lack of quality.

    Conjecture. There are Very few app bleed overs between the app store and the market. What are some examples of apps that were developed for the app store that instead went to the market as an also ran?


    Ergo, the AVERAGE quality on the Android store must be lower than the average quality on the Apple store - and most people concur.

    Mob mentality is about as useful for judging accuracy as a dowsing rod is at finding water.

    Again, please give an example of apps that were rejected from the app store that make it to the market? Or are you just assuming this because of all the spam apps in the market that everyone likes talking about, that they MUST'VE treid to get into apple's app store first?

    Do you have any hard evidence that this is the case, or are you just assuming it is the case because you read it once on an apple blog?


    What does that have to do with anything? The facts are that iPhone users are more loyal and more likely to buy another iPhone. All you're doing is saying WHY that might be true. Frankly, I don't care why it's true. It's true - and that's enough to establish the position that was being discussed.

    Why people are loyal to a product has EVERYTHING to do with the discussion.

    Most people who buy windows PC's continue buying windows PC's. If software was all cross platform (without additional buyins) how accurate do you think that statement would remain? Or what about people who buy iphones year after year because they love the platform.. should they also be counted as ATT loyal customers just because?

    Why customers are loyal is vitally important.
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