Apple projected to ship 130M iOS devices in 2014 as Android hits 259M



  • Reply 21 of 247
    Originally Posted by cggr View Post

    Who are they kidding?

    Nokia - poor online app store, music store

    Android - Hotchpotch of versions, incompatibilities, apps and music

    This is the fanboi's response. Unfortunately this is probably the attitude in the board room at Apple. And this attitude will bite the Apple's ass in a really big way.

    One really easy way to increase iPhone sales is to...get ready, you knew someone was gonna bring this the phone to other carriers. The public wants it, it will make everyone money and it's a good business decision.

    But when you have a CEO with an ego as big as the North American continent you just don't do that. And if your a rabid fanboi you support that decision.

    So live with the results.
  • Reply 22 of 247
    I am having trouble understanding Gartner's basic numbers, which show a 2010 forecast of 41.46M units of iOS devices sold.

    Jobs, in his recent keynote, said that there were 230,000 new activations of iOS devices per day, i.e., 230,000*365 ~ 84 million per year. That does not even include the sales from upgrades.

    What am I missing?
  • Reply 23 of 247
    Is this only factoring existing carriers? One would figure that by 2012-2013 that Apple would select additional carriers: China, T-Mobile, and....... Verizon for the iPhone and possible a 4G iPad.

    I'm wondering why go to the trouble of trying to to an analysis when we're so close to determining what other players might be involved? I think the Android analysis seems like a valid approach because it's on several carriers.

    But I'm not an analyst, just a reader, my voice's furthest reach is the forum
  • Reply 24 of 247
    Originally Posted by Newtron View Post

    Apple's goal is to make as much profit as possible. Nothing else is a goal, but only a means to the goal of maximum profits.

    Apple is not a foundation or a social club or a fraternal organization. They are a business.

    Apple's first priority is to deliver the best user experience possible. Apple's historically high margins have enabled them to invest vast amounts in R&D. We see the results in terms of a quality user experience.

    People saw what Apple makes.

    They USED what Apple makes.

    Wondered WHY no other company seems capable of delivering a similar end-to-end quality experience.

    They simply got tired of crappy hardware, crappy software, malware, etc., etc., etc..

    What was the alternative to "the standard"? Apple. PERIOD.
  • Reply 25 of 247
    Originally Posted by Wurm5150 View Post

    Maybe Apple should start releasing more than one iPhone model a year and go the Samsung route with Galaxy S. Different iPhone flavors. Doubt it'll happen but just a thought.

    i see the new iPod nano as a testing ground for an iPhone nano.
  • Reply 26 of 247
    this sounds exactly the same as when they're comparing windows computers to apple computers

    apple sells the software and the hardware

    microsoft sells the software

    in this scenario, the same applies to google, which only makes the software
  • Reply 27 of 247
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by Newtron View Post

    Apple's goal is to make as much profit as possible. Nothing else is a goal, but only a means to the goal of maximum profits.

    Apple is not a foundation or a social club or a fraternal organization. They are a business.

    Yes and No - profits are important but to think that profit is the only driver of every business enterprise is overly simplistic and naive. If you are a designer and you get a kick out of designing circles but squares are more profitable, what would you do? I can think of nothing less fulfilling and less gratifying than working your ass off creating something you are not interested in. A lot of people / companies do but by no means all. The reason Apple is who they are and now hugely successful is that they design what they love. They are also shrewd business people it now turns out in spite of every Tom Dick and Harry, including a fair few within these virtual walls, having spent years telling them what they need to do in order to be successful.
  • Reply 28 of 247
    Thing is, once smartphones and tablets become commodities, Apple doesn't necessarily want a majority of the market share. People tend to forget that right now, e.g. smartphones are only a small fraction of all mobile phones. Once every mobile phone is a smartphone, a new class of entry/low-level smartphones with tiny margins will emerge and take over the majority of the worldwide market (e.g. these days Nokia sells tons of mobile phones outside the first world). And I think if Apple can get just 30% or more of the high-end market (represented today by the smartphone market) it will be very happy.
  • Reply 29 of 247

    Android will kill Symbian's share; that is a given. Microsoft is likely to gain share from their current position though. Apple as a single manufacturer will never dominate share, but Android is more likely to fragment by the time it hits 30% market share. The Samsung's of the world have too much at stake to try and compete against HTC as another variant of the same old stuff.

    The whole iOS thing really makes comps difficult. I imagine we will see applications for the Nano form factor within a year that will cause another interesting shift in consumption, playing synergies of iPad and iPhoneNano at some point. At least that is more believable that four years from now will look a lot like what we see today.
  • Reply 30 of 247
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Originally Posted by Wurm5150 View Post

    Maybe Apple should start releasing more than one iPhone model a year and go the Samsung route with Galaxy S. Different iPhone flavors. Doubt it'll happen but just a thought.

    The iPod orignally came in one flavor, I would not be surprised to to see the iPhone/iPod Touch lineup expand as well. Maybe three sizes, one on either side of the current model and a price drop on the iPod nano.

    That said, I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't happen either as it is easier and more efficient to support one model.
  • Reply 31 of 247
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    I live with the results everyday, you see I'm an iPhone user and I've never used AT&T, I'm on one of "other carriers" the iPhone has been opened up to, people like me make up more than half of iPhone sales.

    I'm quite happy with the results, thank you very much.

    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    One really easy way to increase iPhone sales is to...get ready, you knew someone was gonna bring this the phone to other carriers.

    So live with the results.

  • Reply 32 of 247
    This "analysis" is already worthless because it doesn't account for Windows Phone 7 at all. Windows Phone 7 is the first viable direct competition Android is getting. RIM, Apple, and Nokia are all competing with the "HW/SW single vendor" model. Windows Mobile 6 does use the Android model (SW vendor different from HW vendor) but it was never a touch OS, unlike WP7.

    I am confident you will see at least some deflection on the part of the HW makers from Android to WP7.
  • Reply 33 of 247
    Originally Posted by jeffharris View Post

    Apple's first priority is to deliver the best user experience possible.

    If you think they prioritize anything above maximizing profits, you have a very different understanding of Apple from its millions of owners.

    They capitalize all this stuff. They don't do it to "deliver the best user experience possible". They do it to make money.

    Stock buyers are rarely in the charity business or the social change business or the "improve the UI" business.

    They are investing for profit. They own Apple.

    If the BOD tried to implement some sort of social engineering program that wasn't intended to maximize profits, they would get the boot.
  • Reply 34 of 247
    Originally Posted by paxman View Post

    Yes and No - profits are important but to think that profit is the only driver of every business enterpris

    I am not talking about every business enterprise. I am talking about Apple.
  • Reply 35 of 247
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    This is the fanboi's response. Unfortunately this is probably the attitude in the board room at Apple. And this attitude will bite the Apple's ass in a really big way.

    One really easy way to increase iPhone sales is to...get ready, you knew someone was gonna bring this the phone to other carriers. The public wants it, it will make everyone money and it's a good business decision.

    But when you have a CEO with an ego as big as the North American continent you just don't do that. And if your a rabid fanboi you support that decision.

    So live with the results.

    The iPhone is already on multiple carriers in most countries it's available. The big one of course where it isn't is the US. Even if (or I should say when) it goes multiple carrier here, Android is still going to outsell it. It won't be about carrier availability but quantity of models. Gazillion Android models to 1.
  • Reply 36 of 247
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,580member
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    This is the fanboi's response. Unfortunately this is probably the attitude in the board room at Apple. And this attitude will bite the Apple's ass in a really big way.

    One really easy way to increase iPhone sales is to...get ready, you knew someone was gonna bring this the phone to other carriers. The public wants it, it will make everyone money and it's a good business decision.

    But when you have a CEO with an ego as big as the North American continent you just don't do that. And if your a rabid fanboi you support that decision.

    So live with the results.

    It's also the opinion of most analysts though. With 3.0 Google is supposedly going to address the fragmantation problem for the first time in a serious way by not allowing all the special UIs that companies have developed. So in that sense, Android will become more like Windows products in that they will look the same on all the different devices running them. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, just the opposite, but it will winnow out all the special stuff we see now.

    In addition, everywhere you read about comarisons between the apps in Apple's store with Google's, you will se that Android apps aren't considered to be as good. Developers certainly aren't making any money on them.

    It's easy to try to play off anyone who thinks that Apple is doing the right thing as being a rabid fanboy. I suppose you are an Android rabid fanboy then as you're defending them. All you're doing is bringing the conversation down to a worthless level. If you're going to continue to troll in that way, I suggest you do it somewhere else.
  • Reply 37 of 247
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    I live with the results everyday, you see I'm an iPhone user and I've never used AT&T, I'm on one of "other carriers" the iPhone has been opened up to, people like me make up more than half of iPhone sales.

    I'm quite happy with the results, thank you very much.

    I'm glad you support my argument that people would love to have an iPhone on other carriers. I appreciate the back up. Most people just insult me and avoid the issues.

    A very refreshing post. You are a stand up guy. Thank you.

    I hope the rest of you are listening.
  • Reply 38 of 247
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,580member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    I am having trouble understanding Gartner's basic numbers, which show a 2010 forecast of 41.46M units of iOS devices sold.

    Jobs, in his recent keynote, said that there were 230,000 new activations of iOS devices per day, i.e., 230,000*365 ~ 84 million per year. That does not even include the sales from upgrades.

    What am I missing?

    Just like Android activations, iOS activations have been increasing. Some of them are iPad activations which weren't around at the beginning of the year.
  • Reply 39 of 247
    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    Four years is an eternity in the tech industry. Four years ago the iPhone didn't even exist, that's what this projection is worth. And change is accelerating.


    And, if you believe this forecast, then OMG! Time to short AAPL¡
  • Reply 40 of 247
    I'm of the opinion after years of watching and being involved in the tech industry that people who make forecasts on the technology market that are 4 years into the future are either mad, stupid or both.
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