Apple projected to ship 130M iOS devices in 2014 as Android hits 259M



  • Reply 41 of 247
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by Wurm5150 View Post

    The iPhone is already on multiple carriers in most countries it's available. The big one of course where it isn't is the US. Even if (or I should say when) it goes multiple carrier here, Android is still going to outsell it. It won't be about carrier availability but quantity of models. Gazillion Android models to 1.

    The number of models doesn't translate into sales. Look at Creative. They had a couple of dozen mp3 players out, but it didn't help them be successful.

    One reason why people have been buying Android phones on other carriers is because the iPhone wasn't available, according to several surveys. We'll see.
  • Reply 42 of 247
    apple needs to innovate some hardware feature that closely integrates with the os to accentuate the hardware and software fragmentation inherent in the android platform.
  • Reply 43 of 247
    Originally Posted by Vatdoro View Post

    Gartner is way off on this one.

    First off, I'm still a little skeptical Android has sold so many phones this year. I just don't see the phones. Everyone in my work, church, neighborhood, everywhere I go, people are using iPhones. I hardly ever see someone using an Android phone. It seems very strange to me. Where are all these supposed Android phones in the wild?

    I have the exact opposite view that you do. Everyone around me are starting to replace their phones with an Android device of some sort. Kind of odd, but most of the ones I come across have Droids.

    I've only seen a few people at work with iPhone 4s (the rest with iPhones seem to be holding onto the 3GS) and only a few of my friends upgraded to them.
  • Reply 44 of 247
    And FoxNews has more viewers, doesn't make them an actual news channel.
  • Reply 45 of 247
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    It's easy to try to play off anyone who thinks that Apple is doing the right thing as being a rabid fanboy. I suppose you are an Android rabid fanboy then as you're defending them. All you're doing is bringing the conversation down to a worthless level. If you're going to continue to troll in that way, I suggest you do it somewhere else.

    I am not an Android fanboy, I don't have an Android phone. I am an Apple guy, I have nearly everything Apple makes. I am high functioning with the iPhone for the most part because I live in an area that has reasonable coverage with ATT. But I'm not stubborn enough to think the whole earth has the same experience.

    The topic of this thread is who is going to ship more phones. I suggest opening the phone up to other carriers to increase sales. That doesn't make me a troll. It makes me a smart person. Do you disagree? Well, then you are a poor businessman and by definition, an Apple fanboi.

    Lastly it is not your business to tell me or anyone to "do it somewhere else." You don't own this forum and neither do I. If you don't like my opinion, explain to me WHY I am wrong. Stop being so self absorbed in your opinions that you have no tolerance for anyone else.

    I honestly don't know how you fanboys live with yourselves. You are such tech bigots.
  • Reply 46 of 247
    Originally Posted by Newtron View Post

    Well, I for one care a bit more about Gartner's projections than your projections.

    Got anything behind your analysis that beats the data Gartner relied upon?

    what about oracle lawsuit re android?

    not to mention google saying android is going away (merge with Chrome OS)? does he count chrome os as = android?

    waaaay too up on the air right now to make these 2014 predictions seems to me.

    i disagree with him about windows phone percentage i think it will increase not decrease. just MY hunch.
  • Reply 47 of 247
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by Newtron View Post

    I am not talking about every business enterprise. I am talking about Apple.

    OK - so "Yes and No - profits are important but to think that profit is the only driver for Apple... etc"
  • Reply 48 of 247
    Originally Posted by addicted44 View Post

    I am confident you will see at least some deflection on the part of the HW makers from Android to WP7.

    I agree. Android/Google has more to fear from a successful WP7 than Apple does. Why? Microsoft and Google are using the same hardware vendors, and - it seems to me - that Microsoft is already trying to make things uncomfortable for them to use Android.

    MS strong-armed HTC and now they pay MS royalties on every Android phone they produce. And MS did a deal with Verizon to wipe Google search off of the Samsung Fascinate Android phone. Both of these things I find hilarious.

    And if history is any indicator, they're just starting to apply the pressure. If WP7 is even a medium success, MS has the money and resources to have all the hardware vendors shouting uncle very shortly.
  • Reply 49 of 247
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    This is the fanboi's response. Unfortunately this is probably the attitude in the board room at Apple. And this attitude will bite the Apple's ass in a really big way.

    One really easy way to increase iPhone sales is to...get ready, you knew someone was gonna bring this the phone to other carriers. The public wants it, it will make everyone money and it's a good business decision.

    But when you have a CEO with an ego as big as the North American continent you just don't do that. And if your a rabid fanboi you support that decision.

    So live with the results.

    You reckon Jobs and company are like you, you reckon they are not afraid of the competition, Apple is a business entity and a very fierce competitor and not worried about changing rules and plans to beat their competition.

    You reckon they will lie down and die and not fight every inch of the way.

    You are dead wrong, people are buying the iPhones and I have not seen 1 android phone in the wild.

    In spite of the ego and stuffs people are still flocking to buy the iOS family of products because they represent quality.

    As for the results I am not sure what you are referring to if it is the projection - in other words a pipe dream. Come back in 4 years, we will see who is ahead and making real money it wouldn't be goog.
  • Reply 50 of 247
    Seriously this group (Gartner) is wrong so often why do they matter. I think they just tell their control groups what the want to hear and the sheep follow.
  • Reply 51 of 247
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    I can't believe the level of defensiveness and hostility in this thread. So what if Android will be double iOS? 130 million is still a nice, big figure. That's all that matters. I don't care if iOS is still number one just like it doesn't matter to me that Windows still has by far the largest market share. As long as iOS survives and thrives, then everything is just fine by me. If Android is bigger, good for them. I know what I like and what I'll continue to use.
  • Reply 52 of 247
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    The number of models doesn't translate into sales. Look at Creative. They had a couple of dozen mp3 players out, but it didn't help them be successful.

    One reason why people have been buying Android phones on other carriers is because the iPhone wasn't available, according to several surveys. We'll see.

    i agree, most went with android cuz there wasn't much else worth a dang. i bet a lot would switch if they could.
  • Reply 53 of 247
    Originally Posted by screamingfist View Post

    just MY hunch.

    Fair enough.
  • Reply 54 of 247
    Originally Posted by paxman View Post

    OK - so "Yes and No - profits are important but to think that profit is the only driver for Apple... etc"

    I never said "Yes and No".

    I am trying very hard to stay on-topic, however.
  • Reply 55 of 247
    Well, the Symbian prediction is obviously utter nonsense, but suggests strongly that Nokia paid for this "study". Gartner have always been the worst "research" whores in the business.
  • Reply 56 of 247
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Well, the Symbian prediction is obviously utter nonsense,

    Have you examined their data and methodology? If not, how can you make conclusions about the validity of their predictions?
  • Reply 57 of 247
    I'll admit right off that I haven't read more than the headline of this post, but come on - Apple has three products a year that use iOS (iPad, iPhone, iPod touch) with the focus on mainly the iPhone. One product. Google and Nokia ship their OS on many, many more devices than that. If they're being at all competitive I'd hope they'd sell more devices running their OS.

    It's unfair to compare iPhone to Android. That's comparing a phone to an OS. To be fair and present the most accurate picture comparisons need to be made between like things.
  • Reply 58 of 247
    geekdadgeekdad Posts: 1,131member
    Originally Posted by Wurm5150 View Post

    Maybe Apple should start releasing more than one iPhone model a year and go the Samsung route with Galaxy S. Different iPhone flavors. Doubt it'll happen but just a thought.

    They already have different iPhone flavors....

    iPhone 3G

    iPhone 3GS

    iPhone 4

    iTouch old models

    iTouch new models with camera



    All of these running Apple IOS
  • Reply 59 of 247
    Originally Posted by JustReelFilms View Post

    Android is to Windows, iOS is to Mac OSX.

    Cheaper devices vs Premium devices

    Quantity vs Quality

    etc, etc.

    You can get an iPhone 4 for the same price as an Incredible or Droid X. So cheaper devices isn't the issue, or at least not the main one. If Apple could dominate the true high end of the smart phone market and relegate Android to cheapo phones that can be given away for free with a contract, Apple would be in pretty good shape. But that's not what is happening.
  • Reply 60 of 247
    Originally Posted by yensid98 View Post

    I'll admit right off that I haven't read more than the headline of this post, but come on - Apple has three products a year that use iOS (iPad, iPhone, iPod touch) with the focus on mainly the iPhone. One product. Google and Nokia ship their OS on many, many more devices than that. If they're being at all competitive I'd hope they'd sell more devices running their OS.

    It's unfair to compare iPhone to Android. That's comparing a phone to an OS. To be fair and present the most accurate picture comparisons need to be made between like things.


    The research firm said on Friday it believes that both Symbian and Android will account for 59.8 percent of all mobile OS sales by the year 2014. It sees Apple's iOS, which powers the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, coming in third place with a market share of 14.9 percent.

    Umm...the title of the thread says the article's comparing iOS to Android. OS to OS. And the paragraph above even acknowledges that iOS runs on the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.
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