Verizon iPhone would hurt AT&T less than expected - report



  • Reply 41 of 79
    This report is literally attempting to for tell the future. Which of course is a big part of analysis. But its impossible to know at this point to know all of what is going to happen and how this will impact AT&T.

    I believe if Verizon really can simply deliver clear static free calls with voice and data at the same time. Which after 3 years AT&T has not been able to do. AT&T may well see a significant amount of lost business.
  • Reply 42 of 79
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    ... I belong to many forums and I always find it interesting on this forum somehow thinks it has a ratio of 50% trolls. We have other members that most of of the time they post is simply to try and get another member banned.

    No, we probably have only a few percent outright trolls, although, in some threads they may easily make up 50% of the posts. Probably another few percent angry haters, who, while not strictly speaking trolls, add nothing of value to these forums.
  • Reply 43 of 79

    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    Here's their website

    The first article only discussed smartphones but I think the second one has it right. Both VZW and Sprint sell a boatload of broadband cards and I would attribute that heavy data usage to those cards.

    Your attribution of heavy data usage to broadband cards is also, apparently, what the research report cited in your links claims. However, ATT claims they are not seeing the same usage patterns. I suppose that could be due to radically different customer usage patterns on different networks, or maybe ATT is lying to justify poor performance. Or maybe the report got it completely wrong.

    Interestingly, the synopsis of another research report from the same group claims the following:

    "In 2009, AT&T's mobile network experienced a huge surge in mobile data traffic. iPhone data usage was the primary contributor to the traffic surge that year causing AT&T to carry more data traffic than any other operator."

  • Reply 44 of 79
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    No, haven't you heard? Apple is Doomed? ... The phone wars are over, Apple and iOS lost, Android won. It's too little, too late. Apple missed the Verizon boat. Maybe their best hope is to ditch iOS and come out with Android phones and tablets, people are abandoning Apple and AT&T in droves.

    That pretty much encapsulates most of the flaming fandroid comments here!!

  • Reply 45 of 79
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Android may already be doomed. The latest "Android" phones aren't even Android phones.

    They're just not Google phones.
  • Reply 46 of 79
    Originally Posted by Newtron View Post

    How so? This is a poll of people to whom Android is unavailable: ATT customers.

    Android is available on ATT. Dur.
  • Reply 47 of 79
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    No, we probably have only a few percent outright trolls, although, in some threads they may easily make up 50% of the posts. Probably another few percent angry haters, who, while not strictly speaking trolls, add nothing of value to these forums.

    Do rabid fanboys add anything of value to the forums? How helpful are comments like "I've got my wallet ready!! Or "Go Apple!" or Woot!!"

    I personally think this forum is very well balanced now that I am here. I bring that missing tasty ingredient to the stew of meaningful discussion.

    Seriously, before I came along, this forum was made up of about a dozen fanboys who posted the obvious and were met with a chorus of "spot on" and "totally agree." And if any "outsider" tried to join the discussion by saying anything positive whey were utterly ignored. If they said anything negative, they were dismissed with a "completely wrong" or "you're a troll, go away."

    This forum is much better now. You just needed some leadership.

    Keep it up everyone.
  • Reply 48 of 79
    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    They're just not Google phones.

    No, they're no longer "Android" phones. Google has definitely used up its three wishes, and it's not likely to be able to stuff the genii back into the bottle.
  • Reply 49 of 79
    Originally Posted by LewysBlackmore View Post

    Android is available on ATT. Dur.

    Yeah, sort of. They've got the Backflip. Did they bow anything decent yet? Anything of a Droid X caliber?

    I'm waiting for a great ATT Android phone. The Nexus One tempted me sorely, but I screwed up and didn't investigate eBaying my 3GS until after the prices had fallen off the cliff.

    Does ATT have any hot Android phones at all? They didn't used to. Even the rumored ones, with the exception of something by Dell, weren't very exciting, IIRC.
  • Reply 50 of 79
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    No, they're no longer "Android" phones. Google has definitely used up it's three wishes, and it's not likely to be able to stuff the genii back into the bottle.

    Are you referring to the Samsung Galaxy S line of phones? Then run Android with Samsung's Touch Wiz UI but Samsung eliminated all the Google services. No navigation, Bing is the default search, not even Google maps is installed. So it's technically a Android phone just without all the Google services which even VZW is starting to eliminate.
  • Reply 51 of 79
    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    Are you referring to the Samsung Galaxy S line of phones? Then run Android with Samsung's Touch Wiz UI but Samsung eliminated all the Google services. No navigation, Bing is the default search, not even Google maps is installed. So it's technically a Android phone just without all the Google services which even VZW is starting to eliminate.

    Well, no, technically, it's not an "Android" phone unless Google says it is, that's why these are not marketed as Android phones, because they aren't.

    EDIT: And, technically, any report on mobile OS share that includes these phones under "Android" is incorrect. They should be included under "Linux", or "Other".
  • Reply 52 of 79
    xsuxsu Posts: 401member
    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    Are you referring to the Samsung Galaxy S line of phones? Then run Android with Samsung's Touch Wiz UI but Samsung eliminated all the Google services. No navigation, Bing is the default search, not even Google maps is installed. So it's technically a Android phone just without all the Google services which even VZW is starting to eliminate.

    Without Google services installed by default, and not even google searches, the Android OS itself is just a giant waste of time for Google. I suspect once this becomes prevalent, Android update will slow to a trickle, and all the carriers will start to fork their own flavor of Android, with their own app market. Android on smartphone will become a messier and uglier version of Unix on PC.
  • Reply 53 of 79
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    Do rabid fanboys add anything of value to the forums? How helpful are comments like "I've got my wallet ready!! Or "Go Apple!" or Woot!!"

    I personally think this forum is very well balanced now that I am here. I bring that missing tasty ingredient to the stew of meaningful discussion.

    Seriously, before I came along, this forum was made up of about a dozen fanboys who posted the obvious and were met with a chorus of "spot on" and "totally agree." And if any "outsider" tried to join the discussion by saying anything positive whey were utterly ignored. If they said anything negative, they were dismissed with a "completely wrong" or "you're a troll, go away."

    This forum is much better now. You just needed some leadership.

    Keep it up everyone.

    The joy of self-gratifying scoffing. SO important to any discussion - keeps that ignore list link limber...

  • Reply 54 of 79
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    In August, Shaw Wu with Kaufman Bros. said Verizon and Apple are in talks over the iPhone, but warned that a partnership could come as late as 2012.

    And we all know how in the know Wu is. which is how he can state a Verizon gig as fact and even that it is about to happen now.

    We have count papers saying the deal is until 2012. Yes it is possible that there's a clause allowing them to pay it off and get out of it. There were rumors that the wording would allow T-Mobile to get the 3gs phone as early as now and I suppose that is also possible.

    But lets look at a major fact. Apple hasn't made CDMA for anyone else. None of the countries where the deal with ATT is moot but CDMA is living large got a phone for those carriers. So it seems very plausible that Apple isn't going to make one. For anyone or anywhere.

    And lets face it, T-Mobile isn't totally suck. And folks sticking with them or going back to them still means less folks choking up ATT. Which is one of the supposed reasons for this Verizon deal in the first place
  • Reply 55 of 79
    Originally Posted by Newtron View Post

    Yeah, sort of. They've got the Backflip. Did they bow anything decent yet? Anything of a Droid X caliber?

    I'm waiting for a great ATT Android phone. The Nexus One tempted me sorely, but I screwed up and didn't investigate eBaying my 3GS until after the prices had fallen off the cliff.

    Does ATT have any hot Android phones at all? They didn't used to. Even the rumored ones, with the exception of something by Dell, weren't very exciting, IIRC.

    Actually they have a total of five Android phones: the latest which is the Captivate (rebranded Samsung Galaxy S), Motorola’s Backflip, of course the Nexus One has been spotted on ATT, the HTC Aria, and the Dell Aero. There's contrary discussion on the Moto Flipout Droid phone, but apparently also slated are the Moto Bravo and Flipside - both rumored to be Android-driven as well.
  • Reply 56 of 79
    Originally Posted by LewysBlackmore View Post

    Actually they have a total of five Android phones: the latest which is the Captivate (rebranded Samsung Galaxy S), Motorola?s Backflip, of course the Nexus One has been spotted on ATT, the HTC Aria, and the Dell Aero. There's contrary discussion on the Moto Flipout Droid phone, but apparently also slated are the Moto Bravo and Flipside - both rumored to be Android-driven as well.

    So, four Android phones and the Samsung Galaxy S.
  • Reply 57 of 79
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Android may already be doomed. The latest "Android" phones aren't even Android phones.

    Not only that, but it appears that Android and others are not hurting Apple's bottom line one iota:

    "We are also impressed with Apple's ability to monetize its innovative products through selling high-margin consumer products that drive strong earnings results and growth trends for Apple shareholders. A case in point is the mobile phone market, where most handset OEMs struggle to post a profit or even 10% operating margins (except RIM and recently HTC), while we estimate Apple boasts roughly 50% gross margin and 30%+ operating margin for its iPhone products.

    In fact, Nokia, Samsung and LG combined sold roughly 400M mobile handsets worldwide in the first half of 2010 with a combined value share of 32% of handset industry profits, while Apple sold roughly 17M units over the same time period and captured an estimated 39% of industry profits, or greater than the top three global handset OEMs combined. Apple leads the industry in every metric except for unit share..." (bold emphasis mine)

    This is an industry that Apple is leading in the only metric that counts for anything .... Bragging rights (marketshare) can easily be obtained by simply giving away your products and services. Google seems to understand this. ..... I think I'll stick with Apple on this one.
  • Reply 58 of 79
    Originally Posted by Superbass View Post

    Only 23% would switch to Verizon because they'd have to pay out the ass to get out of their 2 year contracts...

    I will gladly pay the $350 to ditch AT&T. I can then sell my iPhone 4 for $350, shell out another $200 for the Verizon iPhone plus other charges; and have a phone that works everywhere I do.

    I don't have internet connectivity at the local international airport, I don't have connectivity at my office, and when I do get a 3G signal - the data rate is pathetic. It's a 3G connection, but the data transfer rate is along EDGE speeds. When I was with Verizon, I never experienced a drop call with the frequency I have with AT&T. I've had more dropped calls in the past 6 months with AT&T than I've had with 14 yrs with Verizon.

    So, will I drop $500 to drop AT&T? In a heartbeat.
  • Reply 59 of 79
    Originally Posted by LewysBlackmore View Post

    The joy of self-gratifying scoffing. SO important to any discussion - keeps that ignore list link limber...

    Really? You find NO truth in any of my words? Then why put me on an ignore list? Can't you stand anyone else's opinion besides the core fan base here?
  • Reply 60 of 79
    Originally Posted by Newtron View Post

    How so? This is a poll of people to whom Android is unavailable: ATT customers.

    Because part of the android is doomed when the iPhone goes multicarrier is that a huge percentage of AT&T iPhone customers will jump ship to the new carriers and buy iPhones, thereby suppressing android sales. If the mass exodus does not occur then there is less suppression of android sales
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