Verizon iPhone would hurt AT&T less than expected - report



  • Reply 61 of 79
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    Really? You find NO truth in any of my words?

    Individually, there's some truth in your words, but not when taken as sentences.
  • Reply 62 of 79
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    What are you, some kinda ATT fanboy?

    A lot (deliberately vague) of people want Verizon to get the iPhone. It's not about ATT vs Verizon and "who's number one", it's about everyone getting the iPhone and increasing the value of Apple's stock. And that will happen when the iPhone is opened up to multiple carriers in the USA. Not because ATT is "better" but because no carrier is everywhere.

    So put down the pom poms, okay?

    AT&T fanboy? No not really. The reason why I said that was because people were saying that once AT&T loses it's exclusivity of the iPhone, AT&T is finished, it's over for them blah blah. But according to this report, it's unlikely that will happen. But thanks for your opinion though.
  • Reply 63 of 79
    As a New Yorker, I think the Verizon iPhone adoption would be quite high here, much higher than 23%. I know so many people here that will never re-up with AT&T because of the continuing poor call reliability, even though it is a bit better now than at its worst.
  • Reply 64 of 79
    I still have a hunch that there will be a Verizon-capable 3G iPad announcement in January. Here's some evidence and rumors to support my gut feeling:

    1. Verizon's CEO will be delivering a keynote at CES in January

    2. Apple is rumored to have bought a bunch of CDMA chipsets

    3. January is when the first iPad was announced

    4. January is a terribly awkward time to announce any new iPhone

    On the other hand, we all know there will be an upgraded 2011 model iPad next year. And that's too important a product announcement for anyone but top Apple brass (Steve) to deliver. So my thinking is that the Verizon iPad will be a variant of the current 2010 model.

    Verizon would essentially get a 2010 iPad with CDMA. AT&T would get the new 2011 iPad, of course, and also continue to sell the 2010 iPad. And why would Apple want to keep the old one around? To fend off low-priced competitors. I think Apple will drop the price of the old iPad by $100, whether or not Verizon gets it. Instant Galaxy Tab killer: cheaper with a bigger screen and it works with the massive Apple ecosystem. With no extra engineering effort.

    And why would Apple want to do an iPad deal with Verizon before an iPhone deal? Because it's simpler. Especially if Verizon does a no-contract deal like AT&T's. Verizon is the "King of Lock-In" among US carriers, and we've seen what they did to Android. They replaced the Marketplace weedpatch with their own walled garden V CAST store, replaced Google search with Bing, and removed all mention of Android. So Apple may be testing the waters and seeing if Verizon will play nicely before doing an iPhone deal with them.
  • Reply 65 of 79
    Question: Do you plan to switch to Verizon should the iPhone become available?

    Answer: 23% Absolutely, I want to switch to Verizon.

    Question: Did you know you may have to pay an early termination fee as high as $325?

    Answer: 12% Yeah, I know. I still want to switch to Verizon.

    Question: Did you know you will need to buy a new iPhone that works on Verizon's network for $199-299?

    Answer: 6% Uh Yeah, I knew that. I still want to switch to Verizon.

    Question: Did you know your new iPhone V comes preloaded with the vApp Store, vTunes and vNavigator software?

    Answer: 3% Oh Really? I still want to switch to Verizon.

    Question: Did you know your new iPhone V comes preconfigured to use Microsoft's "Bing for Everything" service?

    Answer: 2% Your messing with me right? I can change that right?

    Question: Did you know you can't?

    Answer: 1% I had a feeling you were going to say that.
  • Reply 66 of 79
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    at Johnny Mozzarella’s post. He may have found a new way to do surveys.
  • Reply 67 of 79
    Originally Posted by Johnny Mozzarella View Post

    Question: Do you plan to switch to Verizon should the iPhone become available?

    Question: Did you know you can't?

    Answer: 1% I had a feeling you were going to say that.

  • Reply 68 of 79
    Originally Posted by mgl323 View Post

    AT&T fanboy? No not really. The reason why I said that was because people were saying that once AT&T loses it's exclusivity of the iPhone, AT&T is finished, it's over for them blah blah. But according to this report, it's unlikely that will happen. But thanks for your opinion though.

    From what I hear, ATT may be a different animal now than they were three years ago. Three years ago they were the same animal they were a decade ago. I guess Apple has been pressuring them into doing better as implied at the D 8 conference. Either that or they realize that this is a massive market to be in and they need to be a competitive part of that. Glad they finally smelled the coffee.
  • Reply 69 of 79
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Despite Verizon's tyrannical practices, AT&T is making it easier for them.

    A Map Of Wireless Dead Zones In San Francisco: Every Single One Is AT&T
  • Reply 70 of 79
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    No, we probably have only a few percent outright trolls, although, in some threads they may easily make up 50% of the posts. Probably another few percent angry haters, who, while not strictly speaking trolls, add nothing of value to these forums.

    Most people have better things to do with their lives then troll an Apple forum. While I agree there are some negative views on this forum most of us own Apple products in some cases like myself many Apple products and a ton of Apple stock.

    So just because everyone doesn't always agree or may say something negative about a product doesn't make them a troll or hater.

    I know I am wasting my time even bringing this up.
  • Reply 71 of 79
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Most people have better things to do with their lives then troll an Apple forum. While I agree there are some negative views on this forum most of us own Apple products in some cases like myself many Apple products and a ton of Apple stock.

    So just because everyone doesn't always agree or may say something negative about a product doesn't make them a troll or hater.

    I know I am wasting my time even bringing this up.

    Yeah, you probably are.

    You don't really have much credibility claiming to own, "a ton of Apple stock," since pretty much all you do here is talk about how much Apple and Apple products suck, and how much better competing products (Windows, Android, ...) are. I suppose it's possible that you do, and you are just a self destructive or totally irrational person, but, it seems unlikely you are that irrational.

    As far as owning Apple products, your claims are equally mystifying: why would someone as relentlessly negative as you own all these Apple products? Sure, some professional trolls/astroturfers will have this stuff, so they can seem to know what they are talking about, but it doesn't make any sense that someone totally negative on Apple would spend his own money on Apple products. Yeah, I know, supposedly, they gave you an iPad at work, but, did they give you "many" Apple products? I seriously doubt it. So, why exactly are you spending all this money with a company you think sucks on products you think suck?

    Apparently, assuming they aren't paid by someone, there apparently are some number of people who don't have better things to do with their lives.

    No, just because everyone doesn't always agree or may say something negative about a product doesn't make them a troll or hater. But, when that's all they do, when they have nothing but negativity, when they behave like Newtron or Blackintosh, they aren't hanging out on an Apple focused site for any purpose besides trolling and expressing hate.
  • Reply 72 of 79
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    Do rabid fanboys add anything of value to the forums? How helpful are comments like "I've got my wallet ready!! Or "Go Apple!" or Woot!!"

    I personally think this forum is very well balanced now that I am here. I bring that missing tasty ingredient to the stew of meaningful discussion.

    Seriously, before I came along, this forum was made up of about a dozen fanboys who posted the obvious and were met with a chorus of "spot on" and "totally agree." And if any "outsider" tried to join the discussion by saying anything positive whey were utterly ignored. If they said anything negative, they were dismissed with a "completely wrong" or "you're a troll, go away."

    This forum is much better now. You just needed some leadership.

    Keep it up everyone.

    Actually its not true that this place is just Fanboyism. Every product announcement brings out the naysayers. That said, I think people like you, if you keep it civil ( which you do) are useful.

    Boring if we all agreed.
  • Reply 73 of 79
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    Actually its not true that this place is just Fanboyism. Every product announcement brings out the naysayers. That said, I think people like you, if you keep it civil ( which you do) are useful.

    Boring if we all agreed.

    Actually, no, I don't think he's useful at all. If we didn't have these trolls around, we could actually have meaningful discussions on these topics, instead of people just wasting time countering bullshit from trolls.

    We would never all agree, but, if the trolls weren't here, the disagreements could be explored in a meaningful way.
  • Reply 74 of 79
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Actually, no, I don't think he's useful at all. If we didn't have these trolls around, we could actually have meaningful discussions on these topics, instead of people just wasting time countering bullshit from trolls.

    We would never all agree, but, if the trolls weren't here, the disagreements could be explored in a meaningful way.

    I can take 'em. PM me when there is trouble.
  • Reply 75 of 79
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member
    Originally Posted by UltraSPARC View Post

    I've heard bad areas in NYC, but the DC area is just horrible. When you have service it's great! But what you may have one minute is gone the next. This is especially true when crossing any of the bridges or riding along the GW parkway. It's almost as if the Cell towers get confused on where I'm going. I'll have full bars, then none, then full bars again. This is the case with every single iPhone I've owned (3G on up to the 4). I purposely bought my iPhone 4 without renewing (paid full price - but I'll sell it when I switch) so that I could switch over to VZ as soon as possible when they get the iPhone. It's sad when my GF is talking on her 4 year old feature phone on VZ and doesn't have a single problem in the car, and I had 3 dropped calls during the same exact time.

    I don't drive the GW parkway but other than one oddball building in Arlington my iPhone 4 has been pretty solid in the DC metro area. VZW has a huge dead spot right around where I work and rumor has it that they'll be adding a tower nearby someday. I can't get a decent signal on my HTC Incredible to save my life.

    YMMV but AT&T in the northern DC metro area has been great (Rockville, Bethesda, etc).
  • Reply 76 of 79
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    From what I hear, ATT may be a different animal now than they were three years ago. Three years ago they were the same animal they were a decade ago. I guess Apple has been pressuring them into doing better as implied at the D 8 conference. Either that or they realize that this is a massive market to be in and they need to be a competitive part of that. Glad they finally smelled the coffee.

    I agree.
  • Reply 77 of 79
    Originally Posted by plovell View Post

    Prophecy is false. Steve B can't possibly last until 2015.

    Sure he can. He will just continue to suck the life out of Microsoft and therefore live forever as their Idiot in Chief.
  • Reply 78 of 79
    Originally Posted by LewysBlackmore;

    That pretty much encapsulates most of the flaming fandroid comments here!!


    Why, thank you.

    Originally Posted by solipsism;

    His post was sarcastic.

    PS: The Temherte slaqî really needs to get used more. How we can have internet forums without a sarcmark is beyond me. This type of mark will be common punctuation one day. It?s easy to use on on a Mac: Option+1 = ¡.

    It truly is strange that we have arrived at the stage of human evolution whereby sarcasm needs to be indicated as such. Ah, sarcasm, how short-lived thou were.
  • Reply 79 of 79
    tmptmp Posts: 601member
    Originally Posted by Superbass View Post

    Only 23% would switch to Verizon because they'd have to pay out the ass to get out of their 2 year contracts...

    That and there's no guarantee that the package that Verizon will offer will be as good as the unlimited one that AT&T continues to have (grandfathered in) or that Verizon wil have the bandwidth to handle all the extra traffic from new subscribers.

    Of course it would be novel to be able to use it as a phone without standing on my roof wearing a tinfoil hat..
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