Google VP, TweetDeck CEO refute comments from Apple's Steve Jobs



  • Reply 61 of 218
    Originally Posted by Curmudgeon View Post

    If a $20 billion quarter doesn't get stockholder's attention, nothing else will. All Steve had to do was come on stage and point to a slide that says $20 billion. Point and say "We do know what we're doing". Specifically calling out competitors just comes across as a bit bush league.

    Of course Steve obviously has Turets. He can't help himself spouting off in these meeting because he's off his meds.

    Seriously, given that we are not privy to whatever preceding shareholder communications Steve has had fielding shareholder concerns, it is a trifle naive to simply toss off commentary calling his contributions "bush-league". Without a solid contextual reference, the comments need to be taken at face value. Moreover he was addressing recurring media themes that perhaps were generating an undue amount of expressed shareholder concern. We don't know.

    As for the rest the whole "whiney" thing - it is so over played as to border on silly. Anyone who has listened to Jobs, especially when he is making a point (yet again) about something, knows that his voice rises in pitch when he believes that the point has been repeatedly made and his audience isn't getting it. Exasperation, carried across compressed bandwdith phones lines, on a conference call - yeah ideal vocalizing situation. But hey, if you choose to call it whiney - knock yourself out. Personally it could just as easily been Tim Cook being a practical joker and giving him a snuggie during the call to see if he'd react. And just as valid as the whiney observation.

    Ultimately, it is Apple that is growing and expanding its influence successfully, and Google that is having the fragmentation issues. And Google whose profitability was flattening out as they matured into the traditional ad/search space and needed the mobile market to continue to grow profitability. Why else would they consistently pound the drum of Android vs. iPhone, not Android vs. iOS? Or Android phone [pick your model/OS rev] vs. iPhone [pick your OS rev]? Because it doesn't make them look as impressive as making a strawman target and beating it up.
  • Reply 62 of 218
    cpsrocpsro Posts: 3,223member
    Face it, if your product name is TweetDick, people are going to get it wrong from time to time.

    Definition of open: this guy can still access your data, even though he no longer works for Google.
  • Reply 63 of 218
    Originally Posted by LewysBlackmore View Post

    s for the rest the whole "whiney" thing - it is so over played as to border on silly.

    As a shareholder I'll take Steve's "whiney" thing and $20 billion a quarter over, "Developers, developers, developers" and the kin.
  • Reply 64 of 218
    SJ has some good points to make, but he also says some things that are not well thought out. I recall Apple pooh poohing Windows in the early days right before M$ ate them for lunch.

    Android has some issues, yes, but so does iOS. I'm not sure what SJ/Apple doesn't understand or is afraid of about open source. Andriod is open, iOS is not. It is that simple. There are different mind sets. So what? It is what it is. Android has fragmentation, and that is a separate issue. It sure doesn't seem to be hurting them though.

    Don't fool youself Steve, Android is not broken, and it's no toy. You're going to have to stay on top of your game while relaxing the iron grip on iOS a bit, if you don't, Android will do to iOS what Windows did to MacOS. There's no room for complacency here.
  • Reply 65 of 218
    applappl Posts: 348member
    Originally Posted by prof. Peabody View Post

    yeah, he's starting to sound like any other whiny idiot and the reality distortion field doesn't seem to work at all when it's audio only. I listened to his remarks and they just sounded bad to me.

    A lot of what he says is technically true, but is so terribly "spun" that it's transparently kind of not true at all. He looks ridiculous saying some of these things when they are obviously very slanted remarks. Does he really expect us to just believe everything he says when it doesn't even make sense?

    He sounds more than a bit irrational to me lately.

    +1 .
  • Reply 66 of 218
    Originally Posted by mytdave View Post

    Don't fool youself Steve, Android is not broken, and it's no toy. You're going to have to stay on top of your game while relaxing the iron grip on iOS a bit, if you don't, Android will do to iOS what Windows did to MacOS. There's no room for complacency here.

    Armchair quarterbacks... love em.

    At least 18 million iOS devices in this quarter (not sure of the exact Touch numbers)... count em... and Steve is just getting started.

    Do you really believe that Steve is being complacent.

    Oh boy...
  • Reply 67 of 218
    gwydiongwydion Posts: 1,083member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    You forget the iPad?s dimensions if we?re talking about a Universal app. All that aside, that is nothing for a developer.

    Let?s start with the first thing you mention: Doubling of the resolution on the exact same size display with the exact same aspect ratio. Wow! A developer has to recompile in the newer SDK to allow for iPhone 4 and G4 iPod Touch usage to be ideal (though the old app will work anyway) and they should use the guidelines to make their images and Springboard icon higher res (though the old icon will work anyway).

    Exactly the same occur with Android, you use the guidelines and the application will work on any resolution and device
  • Reply 68 of 218
    applappl Posts: 348member
    Originally Posted by TNSF View Post

    So Jobs spanked Google and basically said go worry about your own problems because Apple is just fine thank you very much.

    Jobs should not have spanked Google.

    Instead, he should worry about his own problems because Google is just fine thank you very much.

    Pot. Kettle. Black

    I know you are, but what am I?

    Is this the best Steve can do when he is not reciting a script?
  • Reply 69 of 218
    noirdesirnoirdesir Posts: 1,027member
    Originally Posted by Gwydion View Post

    And what says the chart about dificulties on development?

    Jobs did not say the developers of TweetDeck reported difficulties, he said two things:

    1) TweetDeck was beta-testing on more than a 100 different versions of Android.

    2) Different hard- and software versions present developer with daunting challenges.

    Both things are true, although how important they are is hard to specify and everybody will judge the situation somewhat differently. Unless you get a representative survey of developers and of how users judge the quality of their apps, we all run on anecdotal evidence and conjecture.
  • Reply 70 of 218
    applappl Posts: 348member
    Originally Posted by View Post

    So the TweetDeck CEO is making stuff up about his own software whereas Jobs knows the truth? I understand what Jobs is trying to say about Android fragmentation, but he could have probably used a better example.

    He just made it all up out of whole cloth. He didn't even get the name right. he was just spouting bullshit. He had zero actual knowledge about the subject of his statement. He was expressing an unsubstantiated opinion by means of making up "facts" which involve a little bit of truthiness, but which are at their base, bullshit.

  • Reply 71 of 218
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Gwydion View Post

    Exactly the same occur with Android, you use the guidelines and the application will work on any resolution and device

    Oh yeah?! So the Nexus One came out in January 2010. It got updated with v2.2 Froyo sometime later. Great! Now if what you say is true, that it’s EXACTLY THE SAME as on the iPhone, then every single Android device that is released after that will come withe HW that is equal to or greater in functionality in both HW and OS version than any other Android phone. Exhibit A (again): Dell Streak.
  • Reply 72 of 218
    noirdesirnoirdesir Posts: 1,027member
    Originally Posted by mytdave View Post

    Andriod is open, iOS is not. It is that simple.

    Apart from the obvious hardware variety, is there a lot you can do with Android you cannot do with a jail-broken iOS device? I am sure there plain feature differences but who apart from the handset manufacturers is really modifying the Android source code?
  • Reply 73 of 218
    gwydiongwydion Posts: 1,083member
    Originally Posted by noirdesir View Post

    Jobs did not say the developers of TweetDeck reported difficulties, he said two things:

    2) Different hard- and software versions present developer with daunting challenges.

    And this is true because...
  • Reply 74 of 218
    Originally Posted by bloggerblog View Post

    This industry would be sooo boring without Mr. Jobs

    That's cuz we'd all be using v7 RAZRs.
  • Reply 75 of 218
    applappl Posts: 348member
    Originally Posted by Mister Snitch View Post


    '"Did we at any point say it was a nightmare developing on Android?" Dodsworth wrote...'

    Well, then - did Jobs at any point use the word 'nightmare'? It's not in the transcript.

    Lying about the other guy to 'prove' the other guy is lying about you doesn't inspire a whole lot of trust.

    Do you choose to believe Steve when he claims that iOS is "NOT CLOSED" because Android is "fragmented"?

    Is that being honest? Is that an example of a cogent point?

    IMO, given all the history, it is not advisable to believe anything Steve says unless and until it is corroborated. He uses words to mean things that few other people realize. So he can claim, for example, that because Android is "fragmented", that means that iOS is indeed "open". Or something like that, if you don't really listen or think.
  • Reply 76 of 218
    noirdesirnoirdesir Posts: 1,027member
    Originally Posted by appl View Post

    He just made it all up out of whole cloth. He didn't even get the name right. he was just spouting bullshit. He had zero actual knowledge about the subject of his statement. He was expressing an unsubstantiated opinion by means of making up "facts" which involve a little bit of truthiness, but which are at their base, bullshit.

    I'd say 99.99% of what is posted here is unsubstantiated opinion.
  • Reply 77 of 218
    gwydiongwydion Posts: 1,083member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Oh yeah. So the Nexus One came out in January 2010. It got updated with v2.2 Froyo. Great! Now you say that it occurs EXACTLY THE SAME as on the iPhone so that the next Android HW that comes past the date the Nexus One was updated with Froyo will have equal to or greater than HW functionality and be equal to or greater than Froyo in the OS. Exhibit A (again): Dell Streak.

    Ein? No, I have said that it's exactly the same the way to make apps working in any device on Android than iOS.

    What's with Dell Streak?
  • Reply 78 of 218
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    This is what happens when you get up on the soap box... people get to argue your claims.

    As mentioned... never a dull moment with Steve.

    $20 billion a quarter... hey, I'd give any guy a great deal of latitude with that record.

    Actually, when you give arrogant people any sort of latitude, they think they can become even more arrogant--as is evidently the case here.
  • Reply 79 of 218
    applappl Posts: 348member
    Originally Posted by noirdesir View Post

    I'd say 99.99% of what is posted here is unsubstantiated opinion.

    No argument.

    But that does not justify the CEO of a public company spouting palpable bullshit.
  • Reply 80 of 218
    noirdesirnoirdesir Posts: 1,027member
    Originally Posted by appl View Post

    Do you choose to believe Steve when he claims that iOS is "NOT CLOSED" because Android is "fragmented"?

    Is that being honest? Is that an example of a cogent point?

    Jobs never claimed that iOS is 'not closed', he merely said the issue of fragmentation vs. integrated is much more important for most customers. Of course, one can dispute this but there is no need to put words in Jobs mouth he did not say.
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