Angry Birds maker apologizes for Android fragmentation issues



  • Reply 181 of 276
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    iOS has a larger api than android. It is desktop quality. If the app is a tableview, this would not be obvious.

    Yes and no. When programming on Android you use Java and the API count that is available goes up dramatically. If the size of the API mattered then Windows would win. Also on Android a single URL to access a record in a database takes a lot more effort in IOS. You can't compare size. They are different. I like and hate them both.
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  • Reply 182 of 276
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    It isn't.

    All Google has done is flood the market. In the US, the iPhone is available on only one carrier. It took oodles of Android phones to compete with Apple's ONE (or at most, two) phone. It's what you do when you can't compete on quality. Churn out as much junk as you can and you'll gain share by virtue of pushing sheer volume.

    Consumers who want iPhones but are on a different carrier have to settle for a touch-screen Apple knockoff until the iPhone arrives - as we've seen in the news lately many would rather have an iPhone. No surprise there.

    Google's biggest worry is the iphone spreading to other US carriers.

    Believe it or not, not everyone wants to put up with everything that comes with owning an iphone. Even if the iphone went to other carriers, Android phones would still sell.

    Even Windows Mobile phones were selling more than they ever had when iphone appeared to be dominating.
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  • Reply 183 of 276
    daveswdavesw Posts: 406member
    which one of these JUNK Android phones can run Angry Birds?

    Originally Posted by davesw View Post

    this is how Android Forums look like (

    Each phone has it's own subforum!! with different set of issues, problems, etc!!!

    IT'S RIDICULOUS!! --- Android Developers have to make sure their app runs on ALL OF THESE PHONES!!!!!

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  • Reply 184 of 276
    Originally Posted by White Rabbit View Post

    Gee, now those that favour the Android platform are complaining about those that like/prefer Apple products, as never having used an Android product or for an insuffcient amount of time.

    But its okay for M$/Windows apologists to snipe away at Mac users since the dawn of time ?

    At least many Mac users have had the misfortune to have use/used Windows, the opposite same can hardly be said, can it ?

    Now you know how we feel, not nice is it ?

    I have never used an Android product and never intend to, not because of their poor quailty, at the mercy of the Carrier for OS updates, Apps don't run proeprly etc, etc.

    But because I am happy with my Apple devices/products.

    Its my choice, its really that simple.

    I appreciate products where people have taken the time and effort to get it right, be it a car, piece of furniture or something else. Apple certainly fits this description.

    There are many people who are unwilling or incapable of appreciating athestic beauty, where the the only consideration for them is the all mighty dollar.

    Its so easy to argue against shoddy M$ and Android based products, but it would be a waste of my valuable time, those who appreciate Apple, know why, the others, simply refuse to listen to other people's opinions let alone open their brains to facts and logical arguments

    To this day, I still cannot understand those Apple bashers, what is their agenda ?

    Having read thousands of comments and articles, it is obvious that the anti-Apple brigade constantly bashes Apple, but a majority of Apple supporters don't stoop to this level.

    We may make comment which most of the time holds true, sure there are those that may be blinded and don't articulate themselves that well. But the vile and spite I read from the anti-Apple group (a sizable majority mind you), is plain rubbish, and easy to refute.

    Its like a constant bombardment, when will it stop !

    So before you go off complaining about us, perhaps you should seriously take stock of the real world, and not some fantasy place you live in.

    Do you even have a clue what you are talking about? Take stock of the real world? LOL, I think its you that is living in a fantasy world. Or you need to up your medication.
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  • Reply 185 of 276
    Originally Posted by davesw View Post

    which one of these JUNK Android phones can run Angry Birds?

    Dave thanks for posting that list again.
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  • Reply 186 of 276
    Originally Posted by White Rabbit View Post

    Having read thousands of comments and articles, it is obvious that the anti-Apple brigade constantly bashes Apple, but a majority of Apple supporters don't stoop to this level.

    This hasn't been my experience. I find a lot of Apple users bash non-Apple products. On my desktop right now I have a PC (home built Windows 7), a Mac Mini (OSX 10.6), Dell laptop, an iPod Touch, an iPod 30 gig, a Droid X, an Axim X51v, and a Samsung i760. Both my PC and laptop dual boot into Ubuntu. I'm kind of OS agnostic and I'm not a fan boy of any particular platform. It has been my experience that the typical Apple user believes their products are superior and logic or reason cannot be brought into play.

    Which desktop I favor (the one I built) or phone I choose as my daily driver (Droid X) is driven by my needs and not by the opinions of others. Just because they meet my needs does not mean they will meet others. I have no reason to bash others for choosing different devices for their use. I would like the same in return.
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  • Reply 187 of 276
    Originally Posted by davesw View Post

    I know why android is open. so you can replace junk with junk.

    All junk.
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  • Reply 188 of 276
    Originally Posted by Bruce Atkinson View Post

    I wish someone would make an Atari 2600 version, because that is what it would look like.

    To me even better is the Angry Birds for Blackberry. Courtesy of Dan Frommer:

    They can't be serious?!
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  • Reply 189 of 276
    Originally Posted by Bruce Atkinson View Post

    . It has been my experience that the typical Apple user believes their products are superior and logic or reason cannot be brought into play.


    But logic and reason are the way Apple users determine that their products are superior. That's why you can't use it.
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  • Reply 190 of 276
    Originally Posted by Bill-G View Post

    But logic and reason are the way Apple users determine that their products are superior. That's why you can't use it.

    You must have skipped over the part where I wrote that I am a Mac user and an iPod user! and proving my point.

    My current desktop:
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  • Reply 191 of 276
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by Bruce Atkinson View Post

    You must have skipped over the part where I wrote that I am a Mac user and an iPod user! and proving my point.

    Pay him no mind. He's a retread troll who thinks clogging threads with lots of witless affirmations is clever.
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  • Reply 192 of 276
    Some ppl say android good, apple bad. They r bad cuz they lie. Some ppl say apple good, android bad. They r good cos truth.
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  • Reply 193 of 276
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    iOS also has some fragmentation, just not as bad as Android. 3 screen resolutions, 4 generations of processing power on the iPhone, a few on iPod Touches and of course 1 generation of iPads. Different memory sizes.

    Again, not nearly as bad, but there is something.

    Except the iPhone always gets better each generation. You just need to decide the oldest device you want to support. Things like screen resolution is handled in an elegant way. Even if the developer did a poor job making their application adapt to different resolutions, Apple choosing to move to 4 times the resolution has guaranteed that pixels will be aligned property. No blurry graphics because they are drawing halfway between two points. The only meaningful fragmentation is between the iPad and iPhone/touch. That was deliberate. Sometimes fragmentation is a good thing. Although Apple still gives the option to create Universal apps if the developer chooses to target both.
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  • Reply 194 of 276
    it bothers you to see how fragmented and crappy Android is?

    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Dave thanks for posting that list again.

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  • Reply 195 of 276
    Originally Posted by fuwafuwa View Post


    That's just plain silly. Why would Google pay people that make Android owners look like a bunch of annoying wankers?

    Google don't need to pay to make them look like that, because they already are. They are paid to make silly statements to make Android looks good.

    If you insist they are shills then they belong to Apple, not Google.

    Loyal customers don't need to be paid to promote high quality product. That's why "Apple shills" doesn't make sense.

    Now that is a comment that Google would pay for!
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  • Reply 196 of 276
    With mobile contracts locking people into the same handset for ~2 years we probably won't know for a while what the impact of these fragmentation problems, carrier crapware problems, etc are going to have on Android.
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  • Reply 197 of 276
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    Originally Posted by Bill-G View Post

    I'm so happy that I have a consumer electronics company to do this for me. I never had a big brother when I was growing up.

    Your head is up your something pretty nicely if you think Google is any less, if not more, Big Brother than Apple. The only difference is they couldn't care less what junk you get provide they got your personal data daily. Heck, they even drove by to collect people's information from their wifi, didn't they?
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  • Reply 198 of 276
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    On the flip side of that, I always find it hilarious that people think they're geeks, or smarter than everyone else simply for figuring out how to work with an Android phone.

    Wow! I couldn't agree more.
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  • Reply 199 of 276
    Originally Posted by lundy View Post

    And I award you one point for making a entire post be only about the characteristics of another member. That is never an allowed subject. Refute the arguments, and do not make remarks about the other posters' intelligence, rationality, or anything else.

    Though I can appreciate you doing your job, I find it immensely odd that you would single out my post. There are loads of posts on AI which attack nothing but a person's intelligence and rational, among other things. My post was meant to add a little humor to a very vicious and personal attack thread of posts. Not sure what is is about Android articles that brings out the vampires.

    I'm beginning to think I was singled out because you are not a fan of evil clowns?
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  • Reply 200 of 276
    Originally Posted by davesw View Post

    which one of these JUNK Android phones can run Angry Birds?

    Um, my Evo plays it just fine. I don't consider it junk any more than I consider my Ipod Touch junk. I guess I'm just a poor lost soul going to hell for not using an Iphone. I would like to give you the name of my employer so that you may call and tell them how worthless of a human being I am for having the temerity to purchase a non-Apple phone unit.
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