Angry Birds maker apologizes for Android fragmentation issues



  • Reply 161 of 276
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    iOS also has some fragmentation, just not as bad as Android. 3 screen resolutions, 4 generations of processing power on the iPhone, a few on iPod Touches and of course 1 generation of iPads. Different memory sizes.

    Again, not nearly as bad, but there is something.

    It exists and Jobs forgets to mention it. To me it doesn't matter how much fragmentation there is, it's a matter if there is any. How many iPhone 3G users crippled their phone by upgrading to IOS 4? How many iPod Touch users couldn't figure out how to find their multi-tasking features after upgrading?

    I have a 32 gig iPod Touch (just glad my version does multi-tasking) and a Droid X. I love them both. I could care less about how fragmented either market is. If I wanted to improve anything it would be I would like to customize my Touch like you can Android or any Windows Mobile phone. It still blows me away that all you can do is put shortcuts or folders on your home screen. How about some widgets.
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  • Reply 162 of 276
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by Bruce Atkinson View Post

    It still blows me away that all you can do is put shortcuts or folders on your home screen. How about some widgets.

    Yup. Homescreen design on iOS leaves a lot to be desired.
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  • Reply 163 of 276
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Mr. H View Post

    Yup. Homescreen design on iOS leaves a lot to be desired.

    I have an unlocked iPhone specifically to use LockInfo, an app that I paid $5 for, if I recall correctly.
    I really hope that the WebOS guy Apple hired is working specifically on that task as I recall reading that he is the one that designed the great notification system for WebOS.
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  • Reply 164 of 276
    Originally Posted by kimys1022 View Post

    Well, first off, I'm not sure if you're saying Apple is bad or not, but I think you are because your title says Android Open, Android ONE. I apologize if I misunderstood you (I'm not the best reader)

    If you are being negative about Apple's decision to be "closed" and don't allow freedom, well, think about this. The article proves that too much openness is bad, but also, it's actually good that Apple is closed and not so much open. Here's an example story.

    Let's say Android is a name of a 1 year old boy. We will also say iOS is another 1 year old boy. They both go to the same kindergarden later. They later go to elementary school. Both are very good friends. They later go to middle school. As they mentally change, Android wants freedom. His parents say no. iOS wants also wants some freedom, but his parents specifically say no. They lock him up in his room just so that iOS doesn't have any change of escaping.

    In the course of the next few months, Android keeps asking for freedom. His parents say no, so Android runs away. iOS stays where is and continues his education.

    Android goes to a poor town without any money. iOS goes to one of many famous universities. iOS gets a job. Android lives on the street. Android becomes a criminal. Android becomes a bad, control-less person (maniac). Without anyone to "control" him, he doesn't know what is a right choice or a wrong choice. Android regrets having too much freedom, living outside of the control area.

    Yes, the story might sound stupid, but take this situation in your life. If you were given all the freedom in your life without any guardian, you might be lost.

    In the story, Apple is like the parent of iOS, while Google is the parent of Android. Apple strictly locked iOS up, so that he doesn't run away. It's like Apple in real world. Apple doesn't let us have so much freedom. Apple is very strict, but they are like our "parents" to protect us and guide us through our life. Google, the parent of Android, just takes freedom as not seriously. Google doesn't lock up Android. They don't believe Android will just run away for freedom.

    I hope we all get the message here. Too much freedom will make stuff, from operating systems to our life, very different. If you are a parent, will you let your kid have whatever they want? Even if it's something bad? Will you let your kid go anywhere they want? Even to somewhere illegal? NO! We care about our children, like how Apple cares about their iOS so that the customers can have a much better experience.

    Mr. Kimys, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this forum is now dumber for having read your post. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
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  • Reply 165 of 276
    Originally Posted by coolcat View Post

    Did you fall and bump your head? Or are you just stupid? The subject of the story is fragmentation of the Android OS! What you describe is NOT fragmentation of the iOS, just that there a a FEW different devices, but iOS remains the same across ALL devices with the exception of the iPad but even that is going to go away very soon. Then ALL iOS devices will run the same OS with the exception of the older devices. Android on the other hand, you can get two new phones from different providers and chances are they won't be running the same OS.

    What the heck are you talking about. Within my family and people that sit within two cubes of me we must have 10 different IOS devices (iPods/iPhones/iPads) and there is probably 5 different OS versions on them. That is no different then Android.
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  • Reply 166 of 276
    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    Screenshot of "lightweight" Angry Birds for Android, courtesy of Daniel Sandler:

    I wish someone would make an Atari 2600 version, because that is what it would look like.

    To me even better is the Angry Birds for Blackberry. Courtesy of Dan Frommer:

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  • Reply 167 of 276
    Originally Posted by kimys1022 View Post

    . Apple doesn't let us have so much freedom. Apple is very strict, but they are like our "parents" to protect us and guide us through our life.

    I'm so happy that I have a consumer electronics company to do this for me. I never had a big brother when I was growing up.
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  • Reply 168 of 276
    Originally Posted by ATM View Post


    And that is exactly what he did.
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  • Reply 169 of 276
    Originally Posted by Bruce Atkinson View Post

    What the heck are you talking about. Within my family and people that sit within two cubes of me we must have 10 different IOS devices (iPods/iPhones/iPads) and there is probably 5 different OS versions on them. That is no different then Android.

    You're wrong, period.

    Do not insult us by trying to say that Androids software is anything like iOS. Android is whatever the phone providers (that's plural) wants it to be on any given phone at the time it is released, for better or worse. iOS is what Apple wants it to be, for better or worse, but there is only two CURRENT versions, which will soon become one, when 4.2 drops. Now if your family and friends choose not to upgrade their device, that's their prerogative.
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  • Reply 170 of 276
    Originally Posted by Pennywse View Post

    Mr. Kimys, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this forum is now dumber for having read your post. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

    +1 for Billy Madison's principal reference.. probably the funniest line in the movie..
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  • Reply 171 of 276
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Originally Posted by Bill-G View Post

    No. Android SHOULD be the number one mobile OS. That is because people buy it more than iOS. That is what determines what should be the number one mobile OS.

    naturalistic fallacy.
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  • Reply 172 of 276
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    Originally Posted by Pennywse View Post

    Mr. Kimys, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this forum is now dumber for having read your post. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

    And I award you one point for making a entire post be only about the characteristics of another member. That is never an allowed subject. Refute the arguments, and do not make remarks about the other posters' intelligence, rationality, or anything else.
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  • Reply 173 of 276
    Originally Posted by Pennywse View Post

    You're wrong, period.

    Do not insult us by trying to say that Androids software is anything like iOS. Android is whatever the phone providers (that's plural) wants it to be on any given phone at the time it is released, for better or worse. iOS is what Apple wants it to be, for better or worse, but there is only two CURRENT versions, which will soon become one, when 4.2 drops. Now if your family and friends choose not to upgrade their device, that's their prerogative.

    Why do you think IOS is so superior? I know how to program for both and I don't see the superiority in IOS. Please educate me.

    There is only one CURRENT version of Android (2.2).

    It's not a matter of choosing to upgrade. There are Apple IOS devices that can't be upgraded, and others get inferior results if you do. The same can be said for Android devices and Windows Mobile devices for that matter.

    People keep saying that the provider changes Android to whatever they want it to be. This is not true. Android OS is still the Android OS no mater what changes the provider makes. The providers provide different desktops (ie skins) and include their own widgets and themes and custom applications. I have an iPod Touch, and I'm stuck with Apples scheme. I have a Droid X and I can customize it to what I want and I could take any Android phone and customize it to be like my X. I am not forced to use what the provider puts on there by default.
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  • Reply 174 of 276
    freerangefreerange Posts: 1,597member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    Talking about public API vs private. Android isn't entirely open since there's private API that can't be accessed from the SDK, but you can access a buttload, which is why it's considered "open."

    Rooting your phone gives you access to the system's innards if you will. It's a way to do things like change themes and uninstall bloatware installed into system sub folders.

    See why some people would find your comment so stupid it's funny?

    A classic techtard remark! Hey dumbdumb, people DON"T want to do these things! They just want an exceptional device that works well right out of the box.
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  • Reply 175 of 276
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Originally Posted by Bruce Atkinson View Post

    Why do you think IOS is so superior? I know how to program for both and I don't see the superiority in IOS. Please educate me.

    There is only one CURRENT version of Android (2.2).

    It's not a matter of choosing to upgrade. There are Apple IOS devices that can't be upgraded, and others get inferior results if you do. The same can be said for Android devices and Windows Mobile devices for that matter.

    People keep saying that the provider changes Android to whatever they want it to be. This is not true. Android OS is still the Android OS no mater what changes the provider makes. The providers provide different desktops (ie skins) and include their own widgets and themes and custom applications. I have an iPod Touch, and I'm stuck with Apples scheme. I have a Droid X and I can customize it to what I want and I could take any Android phone and customize it to be like my X. I am not forced to use what the provider puts on there by default.

    hes talking about the user level. Nevertheless, I am pretty sure that iOS has a richer api set the Android too.
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  • Reply 176 of 276
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    hes talking about the user level. I am pretty sure that iOS has a richer api set the Android too.

    The user interface isn't the operating system. I don't see one API any richer then the other.

    I use both IOS and Android daily and I see neither one as superior. They are different and they both have their quirks.
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  • Reply 177 of 276
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Interesting you didn't ban the guy quoted above for the vugarity. What to know what I find interesting about this forum is the amount of posts threads get. The posts that are totally unrelated to Apple products see the most hits because Apple fans somehow feel the need to bash any other product.

    Take this thread for example the biggest bashers have most likel never used an Android device for more then 30 seconds if that. Why doesn't the guy that continues to post about Android in a font size of 300 in bold read letters get banned. That I find interesting.

    Gee, now those that favour the Android platform are complaining about those that like/prefer Apple products, as never having used an Android product or for an insuffcient amount of time.

    But its okay for M$/Windows apologists to snipe away at Mac users since the dawn of time ?

    At least many Mac users have had the misfortune to have use/used Windows, the opposite same can hardly be said, can it ?

    Now you know how we feel, not nice is it ?

    I have never used an Android product and never intend to, not because of their poor quailty, at the mercy of the Carrier for OS updates, Apps don't run proeprly etc, etc.

    But because I am happy with my Apple devices/products.

    Its my choice, its really that simple.

    I appreciate products where people have taken the time and effort to get it right, be it a car, piece of furniture or something else. Apple certainly fits this description.

    There are many people who are unwilling or incapable of appreciating athestic beauty, where the the only consideration for them is the all mighty dollar.

    Its so easy to argue against shoddy M$ and Android based products, but it would be a waste of my valuable time, those who appreciate Apple, know why, the others, simply refuse to listen to other people's opinions let alone open their brains to facts and logical arguments

    To this day, I still cannot understand those Apple bashers, what is their agenda ?

    Having read thousands of comments and articles, it is obvious that the anti-Apple brigade constantly bashes Apple, but a majority of Apple supporters don't stoop to this level.

    We may make comment which most of the time holds true, sure there are those that may be blinded and don't articulate themselves that well. But the vile and spite I read from the anti-Apple group (a sizable majority mind you), is plain rubbish, and easy to refute.

    Its like a constant bombardment, when will it stop !

    So before you go off complaining about us, perhaps you should seriously take stock of the real world, and not some fantasy place you live in.
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  • Reply 178 of 276
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Originally Posted by Bruce Atkinson View Post

    The user interface isn't the operating system. I don't see one API any richer then the other.

    I use both IOS and Android daily and I see neither one as superior. They are different and they both have their quirks.

    iOS has a larger api than android. It is desktop quality. If the app is a tableview, this would not be obvious.
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  • Reply 179 of 276
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by FreeRange View Post

    A classic techtard remark! Hey dumbdumb, people DON"T want to do these things! They just want an exceptional device that works well right out of the box.

    If people don't want to root their phones, THEY WON'T. If developers want access to a buttload of API, THEY WILL.

    Seriously, what brilliant thought did you have that in your mind justified your idiocy here?
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  • Reply 180 of 276
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by davesw View Post

    smartphones are NOT PCs. users Shouldnt need to care or know about any of that crap!!

    stop comparing smartphones to PCs!

    hahaha! Right! People want to buy the cheapest phone available, and run all the best games! Of course. Who can blame them?

    But see, my comment was to explain why that's a naive point of view.

    Seriously, I find it so incredibly hilarious that you die hard apple fanboys want to call everyone morons for buying phones running an operating system that isn't made for morons!

    On the flip side of that, I always find it hilarious that people think they're geeks, or smarter than everyone else simply for figuring out how to work with an Android phone.

    And as a matter of fact, users SHOULD know what their phone is capable of before buying it. What the hell are you talking about? When someone buys a netbook, do they bitch because it doesn't play Crysis!?

    The idiocy on this topic is so absurd
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