While its called Appleinsider there is also an entire world going on around Apple. Other compaies produce products, so we should be able to have a rational logical debate regarding other products.
As soon as some sees BB, Android, Mirosoft or Amazon its like their head starts to spin around in circles and they go into attack mode. Trolls can be on both sides.
A crazy Apple fan is just as much of a troll as anyone else, if not more so.
Not really on this forum. In fact there are posters here who are clearly defensive about Android phones. Chronster's first post on the issue is a bit of a hoot
Completely overblown statements made by people who obviously favor the iPhone.
There isn't even a paid version of the game for Android, and the only thing that affects performance is the stupid ads! Literally, in airplane mode, the game is as smooth as silk. Turn 3g on, get ads, and watch the game's framerates drop immensely.
Defensive, much? The first claim is that the developers favour the iPhone. The second defence of the game on Android is that it works if you go to Airplane mode, thus DISABLING the device as a phone. This is the claims of a blinkered fan-boy.
Thats the kind of thing you would expect on an Android loving forum, where they are quite happy with using the term Crapple.
This forum is about Apple. By definition I assume that people here prefer OS X, or iOS. If not then I would suggest MobileInsider, or AndroidInsider. ( I make up names but you know what I mean).
There can be plenty of debates within the limited parameters of being Apple fans - what should Apple release next, how can Apple continue to grow, what do we want in iPhone 5 etc.
This kind of thing is common on the internet. Soccer forums dedicated to the Liverpool football club have plenty of frank and heated debates on the future of the club, the nature of the management, the quality of the play - but nobody posts preferring Manchester United, because there are forums for Manchester united. And general soccer forums.
The debates here would be in that fashion: if you prefer Android, or are agnostic, there are other forums for you. In a partisan forum which this is I expect when the competition is shown to have a major flaw, as announced by a major games developer is that we all pile on. What we are getting is pro-Android fan boys with excuses. Its a big internet. Find your slot.
this is how android forums look like (androidforums.com)
each phone has it's own subforum!! With different set of issues, problems, etc!!!
it's ridiculous!! --- android developers have to make sure their app runs on all of these phones!!!!!
holy crap if i were an android user i would have no idea which to choose. If it is true android is not fragmented in hardware/software (which i believe to be), it is surely fragmented in making a "choice" as to what device to choose!!
Not really on this forum. In fact there are posters here who are clearly defensive about Android phones. Chronster's first post on the issue is a bit of a hoot
Defensive, much? The first claim is that the developers favour the iPhone. The second defence of the game on Android is that it works if you go to Airplane mode, thus DISABLING the device as a phone. This is the claims of a blinkered fan-boy.
Thats the kind of thing you would expect on an Android loving forum, where they are quite happy with using the term Crapple.
This forum is about Apple. By definition I assume that people here prefer OS X, or iOS. If not then I would suggest MobileInsider, or AndroidInsider. ( I make up names but you know what I mean).
There can be plenty of debates within the limited parameters of being Apple fans - what should Apple release next, how can Apple continue to grow, what do we want in iPhone 5 etc.
This kind of thing is common on the internet. Soccer forums dedicated to the Liverpool football club have plenty of frank and heated debates on the future of the club, the nature of the management, the quality of the play - but nobody posts preferring Manchester United, because there are forums for Manchester united. And general soccer forums.
The debates here would be in that fashion: if you prefer Android, or are agnostic, there are other forums for you. In a partisan forum which this is I expect when the competition is shown to have a major flaw, as announced by a major games developer is that we all pile on. What we are getting is pro-Android fan boys with excuses. Its a big internet. Find your slot.
So only people who use EVERYTHING Apple are welcome?
So only people who use EVERYTHING Apple are welcome?
No. Most of what asdasd said is nonsense. You are free to dislike anything Apple here; however if you dislike Apple products and want to post about it, you have to make well-reasoned arguments backed up with evidence, otherwise it degenerates into nothing but trolling.
I do find the idea of being an "Apple fan" and simply unquestionably liking anything they come up with very odd.
let's review some dreadful/mediocre Apple products, shall we?
Hockey-puck mouse. Hang on. Any mouse with just one button for that matter.
Not really on this forum. In fact there are posters here who are clearly defensive about Android phones. Chronster's first post on the issue is a bit of a hoot
Defensive, much? The first claim is that the developers favour the iPhone. The second defence of the game on Android is that it works if you go to Airplane mode, thus DISABLING the device as a phone. This is the claims of a blinkered fan-boy.
Thats the kind of thing you would expect on an Android loving forum, where they are quite happy with using the term Crapple.
This forum is about Apple. By definition I assume that people here prefer OS X, or iOS. If not then I would suggest MobileInsider, or AndroidInsider. ( I make up names but you know what I mean).
There can be plenty of debates within the limited parameters of being Apple fans - what should Apple release next, how can Apple continue to grow, what do we want in iPhone 5 etc.
This kind of thing is common on the internet. Soccer forums dedicated to the Liverpool football club have plenty of frank and heated debates on the future of the club, the nature of the management, the quality of the play - but nobody posts preferring Manchester United, because there are forums for Manchester united. And general soccer forums.
The debates here would be in that fashion: if you prefer Android, or are agnostic, there are other forums for you. In a partisan forum which this is I expect when the competition is shown to have a major flaw, as announced by a major games developer is that we all pile on. What we are getting is pro-Android fan boys with excuses. Its a big internet. Find your slot.
First of all I can't defend what others decide to say, like I said its needs to be adult conversation from both sides of the fence.
Also I am not a defender of anything Apple, Android, MS, Adobe or anything else. If someone puts out a good product I call it that if its shit I call it that also.
I use a MBP and iPad daily, I also happen to own an Android phone (Evo). While there are things about the hardware and software that I like there are also things I have beat up on, even on this forum.
You call it like you see it and peopld shouldn't bash products they don't use. We have guys on here that bash Windows and haven't touched a Windows system in over a decade. Its a joke to even listen to them.
The internet is big and anyone that owns an Apple product has a right to be here. If they they don't then you are right the shouldn't be posting on a forum when they have no vested interest.
holy crap if i were an android user i would have no idea which to choose. If it is true android is not fragmented in hardware/software (which i believe to be), it is surely fragmented in making a "choice" as to what device to choose!!
Yes you would. Most of those phones are so old they aren't even sold anymore. If you look at that list based on the post counts is pretty easy to see what Android phones everyone is using.
There is more then one TV brand out there does that mean because there is more then one you can't go to the store and figure out what TV you should buy?
holy crap if i were an android user i would have no idea which to choose. If it is true android is not fragmented in hardware/software (which i believe to be), it is surely fragmented in making a "choice" as to what device to choose!!
It all depends on the type of app you make. Obviously if youre making a game and you need a good amount of graphical processing power, you wont be considering what a g1 is capable of. In fact, like with pc games, you may only offer smooth performance on the latest and greatest hardware at release, with next year's cheaper entry to mid level hardware running it smoothly later on (entry level 5 years from now could blow flagship phones of today out of the water for example.)
If you make something like an rss reader, you can broaden your list of supported phones...
Specific hardware code, like controlling the radio instance, will require the developer to focus on specific chipsets, and that results in some being supported and others not.
Yes you would. Most of those phones are so old they aren't even sold anymore. If you look at that list based on the post counts is pretty easy to see what Android phones everyone is using.
There is more then one TV brand out there does that mean because there is more then one you can't go to the store and figure out what TV you should buy?
How about a car?
TVs and cars aren?t good arguments because they are independent of future OS updates and apps.
TVs have standard inputs so the purchase comes down to specs, most of which starts with the size of the display for most people. Cars rarely get updated unless there is a recall, and they use a very standard and limited set of fuel types, so the decision mostly comes down to other factors.
With any device being purchase because of the OS users will expect that OS to work the same across the devices and that newer devices will be faster and more capable. People have come to expect this from desktop OSes and they will expect this from smartphones that are marketing the OS, such as Android. Since the models for different this may not always be the case, and what made Windows a a huge profit center for MS, will not necessarily work the same way for Android.
Note that MS has learned that lesson from WM6 the hard way and is now regulated what the HW requirements are for vendors who wish to license WP7. Also, Dell has stated that it?s cheaper to build for a WP7 device than for Android, despite Android being ?free? and WP7 having a paid license per device.
Next time you post please be polite enough to use grammar and communicate with some eloquence. It is painful trying to decipher your posts.
Originally Posted by extremeskater
Interesting you didn't ban the guy quoted above for the vugarity. What to know what I find interesting about this forum is the amount of posts threads get. The posts that are totally unrelated to Apple products see the most hits because Apple fans somehow feel the need to bash any other product.
Take this thread for example the biggest bashers have most likel never used an Android device for more then 30 seconds if that. Why doesn't the guy that continues to post about Android in a font size of 300 in bold read letters get banned. That I find interesting.
You do realize the part that is rude is the quote from an android user bashing other android users with real issues with their phones.
perhaps if you understood context, you would see that I made the point and the exact situation I would presume to happen was illustrated on the example that TJW had for a source. He used it as an example to show how "on top" of the game Google/Verizon is(n't). They launch an update, and the vast majority of the responses stating the update went terribly wrong.
Where was I rude? Why should I get banned from what a fandroid attacking one?
Screenshot of "lightweight" Angry Birds for Android, courtesy of Daniel Sandler:
Originally Posted by crift2012
You do realize the part that is rude is the quote from an android user bashing other android users with real issues with their phones.
I?m sure people missed it, but the comment from tjw you quoted is Mr. H?s cleaned up version. tjw was well out of order in his vulgarity and personal attack.
It all depends on the type of app you make. Obviously if youre making a game and you need a good amount of graphical processing power, you wont be considering what a g1 is capable of. In fact, like with pc games, you may only offer smooth performance on the latest and greatest hardware at release, with next year's cheaper entry to mid level hardware running it smoothly later on (entry level 5 years from now could blow flagship phones of today out of the water for example.)
If you make something like an rss reader, you can broaden your list of supported phones...
Specific hardware code, like controlling the radio instance, will require the developer to focus on specific chipsets, and that results in some being supported and others not.
smartphones are NOT PCs. users Shouldnt need to care or know about any of that crap!!
With all these problems, it is very surprising that Android is so much more popular than iOS.
It isn't.
All Google has done is flood the market. In the US, the iPhone is available on only one carrier. It took oodles of Android phones to compete with Apple's ONE (or at most, two) phone. It's what you do when you can't compete on quality. Churn out as much junk as you can and you'll gain share by virtue of pushing sheer volume.
Consumers who want iPhones but are on a different carrier have to settle for a touch-screen Apple knockoff until the iPhone arrives - as we've seen in the news lately many would rather have an iPhone. No surprise there.
Google's biggest worry is the iphone spreading to other US carriers.
I guarantee you that 95% (or more) of users will NOT find replacing the GUI trivial.
Again, devices built on the Android frameworks (let's stop calling it an OS please) appeal to chronic fiddlers and their unfortunate relatives who they talk into buying them.
LOL, yeah tell me about it.
I have an uncle who uses Linux because he likes the control/openness. Sadly he's an absolute liability, because he hasn't got a clue what he's doing.
This is why the top two mobile OSes should be iOS and Win 7 Phone OS.
No. Android SHOULD be the number one mobile OS. That is because people buy it more than iOS. That is what determines what should be the number one mobile OS.
if you go to any android forum, you'll understand what "Fragmentation" means.
Dave how many times are you going ot post the same thing? Get a life.
While its called Appleinsider there is also an entire world going on around Apple. Other compaies produce products, so we should be able to have a rational logical debate regarding other products.
As soon as some sees BB, Android, Mirosoft or Amazon its like their head starts to spin around in circles and they go into attack mode. Trolls can be on both sides.
A crazy Apple fan is just as much of a troll as anyone else, if not more so.
Not really on this forum. In fact there are posters here who are clearly defensive about Android phones. Chronster's first post on the issue is a bit of a hoot
Completely overblown statements made by people who obviously favor the iPhone.
There isn't even a paid version of the game for Android, and the only thing that affects performance is the stupid ads! Literally, in airplane mode, the game is as smooth as silk. Turn 3g on, get ads, and watch the game's framerates drop immensely.
Defensive, much? The first claim is that the developers favour the iPhone. The second defence of the game on Android is that it works if you go to Airplane mode, thus DISABLING the device as a phone. This is the claims of a blinkered fan-boy.
Thats the kind of thing you would expect on an Android loving forum, where they are quite happy with using the term Crapple.
This forum is about Apple. By definition I assume that people here prefer OS X, or iOS. If not then I would suggest MobileInsider, or AndroidInsider. ( I make up names but you know what I mean).
There can be plenty of debates within the limited parameters of being Apple fans - what should Apple release next, how can Apple continue to grow, what do we want in iPhone 5 etc.
This kind of thing is common on the internet. Soccer forums dedicated to the Liverpool football club have plenty of frank and heated debates on the future of the club, the nature of the management, the quality of the play - but nobody posts preferring Manchester United, because there are forums for Manchester united. And general soccer forums.
The debates here would be in that fashion: if you prefer Android, or are agnostic, there are other forums for you. In a partisan forum which this is I expect when the competition is shown to have a major flaw, as announced by a major games developer is that we all pile on. What we are getting is pro-Android fan boys with excuses. Its a big internet. Find your slot.
this is how android forums look like (androidforums.com)
each phone has it's own subforum!! With different set of issues, problems, etc!!!
it's ridiculous!! --- android developers have to make sure their app runs on all of these phones!!!!!
holy crap if i were an android user i would have no idea which to choose. If it is true android is not fragmented in hardware/software (which i believe to be), it is surely fragmented in making a "choice" as to what device to choose!!
Not really on this forum. In fact there are posters here who are clearly defensive about Android phones. Chronster's first post on the issue is a bit of a hoot
Defensive, much? The first claim is that the developers favour the iPhone. The second defence of the game on Android is that it works if you go to Airplane mode, thus DISABLING the device as a phone. This is the claims of a blinkered fan-boy.
Thats the kind of thing you would expect on an Android loving forum, where they are quite happy with using the term Crapple.
This forum is about Apple. By definition I assume that people here prefer OS X, or iOS. If not then I would suggest MobileInsider, or AndroidInsider. ( I make up names but you know what I mean).
There can be plenty of debates within the limited parameters of being Apple fans - what should Apple release next, how can Apple continue to grow, what do we want in iPhone 5 etc.
This kind of thing is common on the internet. Soccer forums dedicated to the Liverpool football club have plenty of frank and heated debates on the future of the club, the nature of the management, the quality of the play - but nobody posts preferring Manchester United, because there are forums for Manchester united. And general soccer forums.
The debates here would be in that fashion: if you prefer Android, or are agnostic, there are other forums for you. In a partisan forum which this is I expect when the competition is shown to have a major flaw, as announced by a major games developer is that we all pile on. What we are getting is pro-Android fan boys with excuses. Its a big internet. Find your slot.
So only people who use EVERYTHING Apple are welcome?
So only people who use EVERYTHING Apple are welcome?
No. Most of what asdasd said is nonsense. You are free to dislike anything Apple here; however if you dislike Apple products and want to post about it, you have to make well-reasoned arguments backed up with evidence, otherwise it degenerates into nothing but trolling.
I do find the idea of being an "Apple fan" and simply unquestionably liking anything they come up with very odd.
let's review some dreadful/mediocre Apple products, shall we?
Hockey-puck mouse. Hang on. Any mouse with just one button for that matter.
iPod HiFi
The "fatty" iPod nano
iPod Shuffle with no buttons
AppleTV version 1
MacBook Air version 1
Not really on this forum. In fact there are posters here who are clearly defensive about Android phones. Chronster's first post on the issue is a bit of a hoot
Defensive, much? The first claim is that the developers favour the iPhone. The second defence of the game on Android is that it works if you go to Airplane mode, thus DISABLING the device as a phone. This is the claims of a blinkered fan-boy.
Thats the kind of thing you would expect on an Android loving forum, where they are quite happy with using the term Crapple.
This forum is about Apple. By definition I assume that people here prefer OS X, or iOS. If not then I would suggest MobileInsider, or AndroidInsider. ( I make up names but you know what I mean).
There can be plenty of debates within the limited parameters of being Apple fans - what should Apple release next, how can Apple continue to grow, what do we want in iPhone 5 etc.
This kind of thing is common on the internet. Soccer forums dedicated to the Liverpool football club have plenty of frank and heated debates on the future of the club, the nature of the management, the quality of the play - but nobody posts preferring Manchester United, because there are forums for Manchester united. And general soccer forums.
The debates here would be in that fashion: if you prefer Android, or are agnostic, there are other forums for you. In a partisan forum which this is I expect when the competition is shown to have a major flaw, as announced by a major games developer is that we all pile on. What we are getting is pro-Android fan boys with excuses. Its a big internet. Find your slot.
First of all I can't defend what others decide to say, like I said its needs to be adult conversation from both sides of the fence.
Also I am not a defender of anything Apple, Android, MS, Adobe or anything else. If someone puts out a good product I call it that if its shit I call it that also.
I use a MBP and iPad daily, I also happen to own an Android phone (Evo). While there are things about the hardware and software that I like there are also things I have beat up on, even on this forum.
You call it like you see it and peopld shouldn't bash products they don't use. We have guys on here that bash Windows and haven't touched a Windows system in over a decade. Its a joke to even listen to them.
The internet is big and anyone that owns an Apple product has a right to be here. If they they don't then you are right the shouldn't be posting on a forum when they have no vested interest.
holy crap if i were an android user i would have no idea which to choose. If it is true android is not fragmented in hardware/software (which i believe to be), it is surely fragmented in making a "choice" as to what device to choose!!
Yes you would. Most of those phones are so old they aren't even sold anymore. If you look at that list based on the post counts is pretty easy to see what Android phones everyone is using.
There is more then one TV brand out there does that mean because there is more then one you can't go to the store and figure out what TV you should buy?
How about a car?
holy crap if i were an android user i would have no idea which to choose. If it is true android is not fragmented in hardware/software (which i believe to be), it is surely fragmented in making a "choice" as to what device to choose!!
It all depends on the type of app you make. Obviously if youre making a game and you need a good amount of graphical processing power, you wont be considering what a g1 is capable of. In fact, like with pc games, you may only offer smooth performance on the latest and greatest hardware at release, with next year's cheaper entry to mid level hardware running it smoothly later on (entry level 5 years from now could blow flagship phones of today out of the water for example.)
If you make something like an rss reader, you can broaden your list of supported phones...
Specific hardware code, like controlling the radio instance, will require the developer to focus on specific chipsets, and that results in some being supported and others not.
Yes you would. Most of those phones are so old they aren't even sold anymore. If you look at that list based on the post counts is pretty easy to see what Android phones everyone is using.
There is more then one TV brand out there does that mean because there is more then one you can't go to the store and figure out what TV you should buy?
How about a car?
TVs and cars aren?t good arguments because they are independent of future OS updates and apps.
TVs have standard inputs so the purchase comes down to specs, most of which starts with the size of the display for most people. Cars rarely get updated unless there is a recall, and they use a very standard and limited set of fuel types, so the decision mostly comes down to other factors.
With any device being purchase because of the OS users will expect that OS to work the same across the devices and that newer devices will be faster and more capable. People have come to expect this from desktop OSes and they will expect this from smartphones that are marketing the OS, such as Android. Since the models for different this may not always be the case, and what made Windows a a huge profit center for MS, will not necessarily work the same way for Android.
Note that MS has learned that lesson from WM6 the hard way and is now regulated what the HW requirements are for vendors who wish to license WP7. Also, Dell has stated that it?s cheaper to build for a WP7 device than for Android, despite Android being ?free? and WP7 having a paid license per device.
That's just plain silly. Why would Google pay people that make Android owners look like a bunch of annoying wankers?
Google don't need to pay to make them look like that, because they already are. They are paid to make silly statements to make Android looks good.
If you insist they are shills then they belong to Apple, not Google.
Loyal customers don't need to be paid to promote high quality product. That's why "Apple shills" doesn't make sense.
Next time you post please be polite enough to use grammar and communicate with some eloquence. It is painful trying to decipher your posts.
Interesting you didn't ban the guy quoted above for the vugarity. What to know what I find interesting about this forum is the amount of posts threads get. The posts that are totally unrelated to Apple products see the most hits because Apple fans somehow feel the need to bash any other product.
Take this thread for example the biggest bashers have most likel never used an Android device for more then 30 seconds if that. Why doesn't the guy that continues to post about Android in a font size of 300 in bold read letters get banned. That I find interesting.
You do realize the part that is rude is the quote from an android user bashing other android users with real issues with their phones.
perhaps if you understood context, you would see that I made the point and the exact situation I would presume to happen was illustrated on the example that TJW had for a source. He used it as an example to show how "on top" of the game Google/Verizon is(n't). They launch an update, and the vast majority of the responses stating the update went terribly wrong.
Where was I rude? Why should I get banned from what a fandroid attacking one?
Screenshot of "lightweight" Angry Birds for Android, courtesy of Daniel Sandler:
You do realize the part that is rude is the quote from an android user bashing other android users with real issues with their phones.
I?m sure people missed it, but the comment from tjw you quoted is Mr. H?s cleaned up version. tjw was well out of order in his vulgarity and personal attack.
It all depends on the type of app you make. Obviously if youre making a game and you need a good amount of graphical processing power, you wont be considering what a g1 is capable of. In fact, like with pc games, you may only offer smooth performance on the latest and greatest hardware at release, with next year's cheaper entry to mid level hardware running it smoothly later on (entry level 5 years from now could blow flagship phones of today out of the water for example.)
If you make something like an rss reader, you can broaden your list of supported phones...
Specific hardware code, like controlling the radio instance, will require the developer to focus on specific chipsets, and that results in some being supported and others not.
smartphones are NOT PCs. users Shouldnt need to care or know about any of that crap!!
stop comparing smartphones to PCs!
With all these problems, it is very surprising that Android is so much more popular than iOS.
It isn't.
All Google has done is flood the market. In the US, the iPhone is available on only one carrier. It took oodles of Android phones to compete with Apple's ONE (or at most, two) phone. It's what you do when you can't compete on quality. Churn out as much junk as you can and you'll gain share by virtue of pushing sheer volume.
Consumers who want iPhones but are on a different carrier have to settle for a touch-screen Apple knockoff until the iPhone arrives - as we've seen in the news lately many would rather have an iPhone. No surprise there.
Google's biggest worry is the iphone spreading to other US carriers.
I guarantee you that 95% (or more) of users will NOT find replacing the GUI trivial.
Again, devices built on the Android frameworks (let's stop calling it an OS please) appeal to chronic fiddlers and their unfortunate relatives who they talk into buying them.
LOL, yeah tell me about it.
I have an uncle who uses Linux because he likes the control/openness. Sadly he's an absolute liability, because he hasn't got a clue what he's doing.
ANDROID = What's the point in being OPEN when your phone is JUNK?
Which phone is Android's phone?
ANDROID = What's the point in being OPEN when your phone is JUNK?
or...whores are open too
This is why the top two mobile OSes should be iOS and Win 7 Phone OS.
No. Android SHOULD be the number one mobile OS. That is because people buy it more than iOS. That is what determines what should be the number one mobile OS.
Screenshot of "lightweight" Angry Birds for Android, courtesy of Daniel Sandler:
Great screenshot.
this is how Android Forums look like (androidforums.com)
Each phone has it's own subforum!! with different set of issues, problems, etc!!!
IT'S RIDICULOUS!! --- Android Developers have to make sure their app runs on ALL OF THESE PHONES!!!!!