Angry Birds maker apologizes for Android fragmentation issues



  • Reply 241 of 276
    Originally Posted by matrix07 View Post

    Funny I had bought iPod touch just to test the water if iOS would be useful to me and you know what? It exceeded my expectation. And considering I'm here for some time my expectation should be pretty high. I don't understand what you meant by "customizing desktop". Do you mean customizing homescreen?

    I have no idea. It's often quoted as an example of how "evil" Apple is because Steve Jobs is a control freak. I don't buy the argument. A friend of mine recently told me he wasn't interested in iPhone because Apple was trying to "control everything" and that he judged that to be "wrong." I laughed and said, but you just told me how much you love the Xbox 360. Xbox is even more closed, even more of a walled garden than the iPhone. "What do you mean?" he asked. I explained that the game consoles have curated software (Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo must approve), and unlike some competing consoles, the Xbox 360 uses completely proprietary connectors (the PS3 uses regular USB and Bluetooth), and it is the only console that cannot access the Internet. It can only access a walled garden called Xbox Live. So you can't play online games with people using a PlayStation. There are no web browsers, no Flash, no keyboard or mouse, and you can't simply jailbreak an Xbox without modding it. Microsoft controls the user experience on Xbox 360; it's a locked-down appliance. Every game is digitally signed by Microsoft, and you can't do anything on it that Microsoft doesn't allow. At least on the iPhone, you can get to the Web, run web applications, even jailbreak your iPhone. There's a very active community out there writing all kinds of apps for jailbroken iPhones.

    I pointed out to my friend the hypocrisy of his double standard: he loves Xbox 360 for exactly the same reason he doesn't like iPhone. He had no justification for it, so we dropped the subject. But no, I don't think he thought his position through.
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  • Reply 242 of 276
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by Bruce Atkinson View Post

    I have bought my iPod Touch and I now want to customize the desktop to make it more usable for me. What choices do I have now?

    I dunno. I bought an Android device and I'd like to run any number of high profile, high quality apps that are available for iOS but not for Android. Because iOS makes more money for developers and has a customer base that's interest in trying out new apps doesn't mind paying for quality.

    What choices do I have now? I would say that being willing to trade a customizable desktop for a world of real functionality perfectly sums up the typical Android customer.
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  • Reply 243 of 276
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Bruce Atkinson View Post

    I have bought my iPod Touch and I now want to customize the desktop to make it more usable for me. What choices do I have now?

    Jailbreaking your iOS device is simple.
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  • Reply 244 of 276
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Jailbreaking your iOS device is simple.

    Conversely, there's nothing you can do for your Android phone to make it run apps that aren't available on the platform. What was that about choice, again?
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  • Reply 245 of 276
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Conversely, there's nothing you can do for your Android phone to make it run apps that aren't available on the platform. What was that about choice, again?

    This last month I have paid about $40 to Cydia-based developers for apps for my JB iPhone. I wonder if Cydia devs make more money in their gray market store than Android developers do in their official store.
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  • Reply 246 of 276
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Conversely, there's nothing you can do for your Android phone to make it run apps that aren't available on the platform. What was that about choice, again?

    I shouldn't have to jail break my iPod to do that. I don't have to root my Droid X to do that. In Jan when I upgraded my iPod to a iPod Touch, I did an experiment. I wanted to see if I could replace my windows mobile device with an iPhone. Once IOS upgraded to 4.0 I determined that I could, with one exception. The customization of the desktop. I wanted to be able to customize my desktop and be free to put on OS upgrades when they become available.

    Jail Breaking and Rooting was not an option for me. When it came time to replace my phone in July I got an Android device and haven't looked back. I have the iPod for my music and audio books and my Android for everything else.

    I have 181 apps and games on my iPod. On my Droid X I have 139. I'm not looking for anymore apps on my iPod and on my Droid X there is only one that I would like to find. There is one type of app that I use all the time and I can't find a good one for Android. I love CarbonFin Outliner and there is nothing like it yet for the Android.
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  • Reply 247 of 276
    Originally Posted by matrix07 View Post

    Funny I had bought iPod touch just to test the water if iOS would be useful to me and you know what? It exceeded my expectation. And considering I'm here for some time my expectation should be pretty high. I don't understand what you meant by "customizing desktop". Do you mean customizing homescreen?

    I mean more then just the main home screen. Like the icons along the bottom and the screens to the right and left of the home screen.
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  • Reply 248 of 276
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by Wovel View Post

    "easily replaced" to what... Seriously the market is fragmented, there are many Android phones that can not play Angry birds, most likely even most of them in use today. How is that not a fragmented mess?

    easily replaced with other launchers, dialer apps, contacts utility, pretty much you name it.

    I'm using Launcher Pro Plus right now. The free version doesn't come with launcher pro widgets, but all third party widgets are available to all launchers, and there are a LOT of widgets out there.

    Trust me, the differences Jobs talks about aren't a bad thing. It's insane that people blindly listen to this man about things like this. He knows what he's talking about with a heck of a lot of stuff, but here, he's just playing salesman.
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  • Reply 249 of 276
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by Bruce Atkinson View Post

    I shouldn't have to jail break my iPod to do that. I don't have to root my Droid X to do that. In Jan when I upgraded my iPod to a iPod Touch, I did an experiment. I wanted to see if I could replace my windows mobile device with an iPhone. Once IOS upgraded to 4.0 I determined that I could, with one exception. The customization of the desktop. I wanted to be able to customize my desktop and be free to put on OS upgrades when they become available.

    Jail Breaking and Rooting was not an option for me. When it came time to replace my phone in July I got an Android device and haven't looked back. I have the iPod for my music and audio books and my Android for everything else.

    I have 181 apps and games on my iPod. On my Droid X I have 139. I'm not looking for anymore apps on my iPod and on my Droid X there is only one that I would like to find. There is one type of app that I use all the time and I can't find a good one for Android. I love CarbonFin Outliner and there is nothing like it yet for the Android.

    Right. So you've got one point of differentiation, customizable desktop, that you're not willing to take trivial measures to implement on the iPhone, against which you'll cite number of apps without any concern for quality.

    Sound like you're a perfect Android customer. Knock yourself out.
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  • Reply 250 of 276
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by davesw View Post

    WTF?? ROFL!

    The Best Android Fragmentation Example: No Google Search App On Android 2.1

    So if they decided to keep their search engine built into 2.2, you wouldn't think this is a fragmentation issue?

    I guess it's just so bizarre google is giving people the choice in the default search engine isn't it?
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  • Reply 251 of 276
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    Yes. Seriously what do you think the problem is. It is basically a platform game, the "physics" of a slingshot hitting something 2D and the thing being hit having a defined weight and centre of gravity and reacting to that is not a big deal in terms of computational power. It runs on the 1st gen iPhone.

    Just talking right out of your ass is a talent of yours isn't it?

    I wonder what the developers would think seeing you here trying to simplify their work so...
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  • Reply 252 of 276
    Originally Posted by Bruce Atkinson View Post

    I have bought my iPod Touch and I now want to customize the desktop to make it more usable for me. What choices do I have now?

    what do you mean by "usable"? you can customize the desktop if you want to. you can create folders, put apps in different places, and change the background picture or wallpaper. you can play with the settings and all. you can't just throw ambiguous words out there and hope that people won't call you out on it. if you think the desktop on the ipod make the device less usable, then you need to stop drinking the android cool-aid my friend.
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  • Reply 253 of 276
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Right. So you've got one point of differentiation, customizable desktop, that you're not willing to take trivial measures to implement on the iPhone, against which you'll cite number of apps without any concern for quality.

    Sound like you're a perfect Android customer. Knock yourself out.

    You can't do it without Jail Breaking. I don't call that trivial.


    Gizmodo quote:

    When you jailbreak or unlock a device, you're changing some fundamental aspects of the system software?you know, real low-level stuff. The tools are generally good, and if you follow directions carefully, you should be fine. But if something goes wrong?and there is more than one way this can happen?you can suffer data loss, or even brick your phone. Even worse, Apple claims that jailbreaking voids your warranty. You can restore your device to remove evidence that it ever happened, but if the device goes down while jailbroken, you could well be stuck. In addition, jailbreaking does not jibe with the DMCA, and breaks relate license agreements.

    The only apps that I put on my iPod and iPhone are ones that I use. I posted the number to show that I use a lot of apps on both the iPod and Android. I don't have any junk apps on my iPod or Droid X.
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  • Reply 254 of 276
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Right. So you've got one point of differentiation, customizable desktop, that you're not willing to take trivial measures to implement on the iPhone, against which you'll cite number of apps without any concern for quality.

    Sound like you're a perfect Android customer. Knock yourself out.

    damn, that was a bit harsh. He decided to go with an Android phone, get over it lol
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  • Reply 255 of 276
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by therealestmc View Post

    what do you mean by "usable"? you can customize the desktop if you want to. you can create folders, put apps in different places, and change the background picture or wallpaper.

    But you can't have any live information up on your iOS home page/desktop. No clock large and centre (as opposed to the tiny one in the top-right). No notifications. No RSS feeds. No to-dos. No Calendar. Oops! This is one thing that Android and Windows Phone 7 have got right relative to the iPhone. It's a relatively easy thing for Apple to fix so here's hoping they do in iOS 5.
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  • Reply 256 of 276
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Right. So you've got one point of differentiation, customizable desktop, that you're not willing to take trivial measures to implement on the iPhone, against which you'll cite number of apps without any concern for quality.

    Sound like you're a perfect Android customer. Knock yourself out.

    Some people don't like to risk bricking their phones. Once you've jailbroken, is it easy to update to future versions of iOS, or do you have to jump through hoops to do it?
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  • Reply 257 of 276
    Originally Posted by therealestmc View Post

    what do you mean by "usable"? you can customize the desktop if you want to. you can create folders, put apps in different places, and change the background picture or wallpaper. you can play with the settings and all. you can't just throw ambiguous words out there and hope that people won't call you out on it. if you think the desktop on the ipod make the device less usable, then you need to stop drinking the android cool-aid my friend.

    On Windows Mobile and Android devices you can put widgets on your devices desktop/home screen that display live information. On my Android phone I have my appointment information, weather, and todo tasks displayed on my home screen. I don't have to open an app to see them. On my Droid X I have 7 of those screens available and I can put widgets on all of them. On the screen to the left of my home screen I have the whole week of appointments displayed, and on the screen to the right I have some RSS news feeds.
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  • Reply 258 of 276
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    Are you in the wrong forum?

    Apparently you missed the sentence where I specifically mentioned that I also own an Ipod touch. Actually, I just bought a new 4th gen for my son. Is it too much to read past the word Evo?
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  • Reply 259 of 276
    gxcadgxcad Posts: 120member
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    iOS also has some fragmentation, just not as bad as Android. 3 screen resolutions, 4 generations of processing power on the iPhone, a few on iPod Touches and of course 1 generation of iPads. Different memory sizes.

    Again, not nearly as bad, but there is something.

    Actually, only 3 generations of processing power, and 2 resolutions. The original iPhone and iPhone 3G both have identical processing IIRC, and there are only 2 resolutions - 320x480, and 640x960.
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  • Reply 260 of 276
    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    GM offers far more models of car than Porsche does. I guess that means GM is a better car because you have more choice.

    Of course it does. There are more options that are better suited to the needs of more people, they are more accessible because they are available in more places and cost less, they are significantly easier to get serviced and find parts for, and they have a better track record for reliability.
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