Windows Phone 7 developers fear platform flop



  • Reply 81 of 291
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by a-maze View Post

    I know you've been promoted to GM but you should really think before posting! Your description of dispassionate just proved him right!

    If I understood what you just said, I might agree. But I don't.
  • Reply 82 of 291
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    Not not, knot.

    Who isn't there?
  • Reply 83 of 291
    boogabooga Posts: 1,082member
    Originally Posted by hittrj01 View Post

    No one was disputing that Apple had some bumps in the road along the way, but there is and always has been good sales analytics and timely payments on Apple's part regarding their devs. Plus, there's also, you know, a viable market for said developers, unlike literally everything Microsoft has thrown out in the mobile space over the past 3 years.

    Plus, what "vaporware" has Apple announced and not delivered? And no, simply a different color of an identical product that is out already and is uber-popular does not count.

    Actually in the very beginning the sales information was pretty sparse on the Apple Store, too. It's true that Apple didn't withhold payment like Microsoft is apparently doing, but the daily/weekly stats weren't available on day 1. Of course, we're not on day 1 now and Microsoft has to compete with the big boys if they want to play.
  • Reply 84 of 291
    Originally Posted by screamingfist View Post

    sorry but android is a 'real' os not a a filler. and i left att for the nexus one and android. am very happy with it and eagerly awaiting 2.3

    it can do anything the iphone does except for 'facetime' and i could care less about that.

    its funny to 'hear' the Balmer monkey boy style shrieking around here when it comes to Android and the iphone.

    Then why are you hanging out here and comparing your android phone to the iphone. and why are you waiting for 2.3 so it can do anything the iphone can, sounds like iphone envy if you ask me. Go troll on your androidinsider forum where you can be happy.!
  • Reply 85 of 291
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Partial quote:

    90% of iPhone users will get another iPhone, and that 73% of Android users will get another Android phone, only 44% of BB users said they would get another BB.

    I'd like to see an extrapolation of these numbers graphed over time.
  • Reply 86 of 291
    jmmxjmmx Posts: 341member
    WP7 will get its break when a big Android data scam comes along - an app that really does some damage.
  • Reply 87 of 291
    Originally Posted by bettieblue View Post

    Do you have any data to report or just rumors? How about iPad sales, do you have them? Apple Desktop sales? How about Air sales, Apple TV sales? All of that is APPLE STUFF that I would think I would see at Apple Insider.

    Apple must have something to hide.

    Better not or the SEC, not to mention the IRS, will want to speak with them. The only thing I can't figure out, is why would someone report to the government entities MORE of an item sold and thus MORE income actually made?

    Now, I get it... It's all a hoax just to drive the stock price up. Better cash your Apple stock before it is worth as much as Enron's. Of course Steve and Company look forward to prison time. But only if they are imprisoned at Camp Gitmo in Cuba. Closing it was one of Obama's first achievements several years back, right? But it's still open for business I hear! They sure know how to cater to prisoner requests down there!

    Or maybe those quantities and profit are correct because Apple did sell all those iPhones, iPads, apps from the app store and yes, Macs, that it said it did when it filed their quarterly report.

    Facts and figures and numbers, oh my! Well let us take the time to look... "Apple, Inc. SEC filing"... Hmmm, hmmm, hmm ah there is the link I'm looking for. Time: 10 seconds, or about the time it takes you to do half a post!

    Here is a link to the SEC filings. Enjoy all that easy reading! Is that enough proof?

    My only other question to you, would be, 'Will you be the next driver of the hearst the next time Redmond "buries" a phone?'



  • Reply 88 of 291
    Does it surprise anyone, really, that WP7 will probably fold in less time than did Kin..!!

    Microshaft does NOT understand the competition model in the smartphone world and how there is LESS TOLERANCE with vendor screw ups and mis-steps than in any market they have ever been in... Because they have 'dominate' the desktop and laptop market for so many years they have grown complacent or worse yet, just don't understand what they have to do DIFFERENTLY in this mobile market than in the desktop/laptop Business IT world... They WILL fail... Having Balmer still around is the guarantee that will happen.

    Ray Ozzie leaving sealed it...By June, 2011 - NO M/S in the smartphone business - limited success and fading in the tablet market... Gonna take a lot of good folks down with him...
  • Reply 89 of 291
    sheffsheff Posts: 1,407member
    I'm pretty surprised it is doing as well as it is. I was ready to bury wp7 before it even came out based on Pre release screens and videos of the device in action. Tiles never made sense too me and social integration I just never cared about. Not that that is bad. But I would rather Facebook and twitter live inside their apps, not on my home screen.

    The tech reviewers kept giving it pretty decent reviews, not sure why. I hope ms moves on, and fo focuses on the xbox as a media center instead. Windows phone is dead.
  • Reply 90 of 291
    It's true that dispassionate is potentially value neutral(i.e. degree of passion is orthogonal to degree of positivity), and my neurotic malapropism-detection pinged a bit on that word use. That said, reviewers don't bother to feign disinterest these days: displaying interest and excitement communicates authenticity while also making for a more interesting article. So, while it's certainly possible for a dispassionate article to be extreme in praise or censure, the colloquial reality (in the phone-review context) seems to be that dispassionate=meh.

    So, I fall firmly on both sides of the most important controversy in the thread.
  • Reply 91 of 291
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
    They probably are laughing, how true. MS should have integrated WP7 with Xbox Kinect, it would have been the perfect answer to the iTunes/Android Marketplace model. So short sighted, but who didn't see this coming? I mean, look at the UI of WP7...completely cool looking but totally impossible to navigate.
    Originally Posted by al_bundy View Post

    i bet the x-box kinect guys are laughing at the WP7 people now

  • Reply 92 of 291
    Kinda like saying some guy is wrong for your daughter because he masticates.
  • Reply 93 of 291
    irnchrizirnchriz Posts: 1,617member
    I would hope both WP7 and Android grow and become successful as this will keep the pressure on Apple to refine and grow the iOS platform.
  • Reply 94 of 291
    blastdoorblastdoor Posts: 3,528member
    MS won't allow this to be another Kin or Zune. They'll spend billions propping this platform up if they have to. They weren't willing to lose that kind of money on Zune or Kin because they didn't see either as strategically important. But they were willing to lose money on the Xbox for an extended period of time, and gaming consoles aren't nearly as strategically important as mobile operating systems.

    It would be a massive defeat for MS to give up on WP7. It's hard to imagine that they even have a plan B.
  • Reply 95 of 291
    Originally Posted by Blastdoor View Post

    MS won't allow this to be another Kin or Zune. They'll spend billions propping this platform up if they have to. They weren't willing to lose that kind of money on Zune or Kin because they didn't see either as strategically important. But they were willing to lose money on the Xbox for an extended period of time, and gaming consoles aren't nearly as strategically important as mobile operating systems.

    It would be a massive defeat for MS to give up on WP7. It's hard to imagine that they even have a plan B.

    Clearly they weren't willing to lose a lot of money on their first phone venture nor the Zune, which is a bust.
  • Reply 96 of 291
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by Blastdoor View Post

    MS won't allow this to be another Kin or Zune. They'll spend billions propping this platform up if they have to. They weren't willing to lose that kind of money on Zune or Kin because they didn't see either as strategically important. But they were willing to lose money on the Xbox for an extended period of time, and gaming consoles aren't nearly as strategically important as mobile operating systems.

    It would be a massive defeat for MS to give up on WP7. It's hard to imagine that they even have a plan B.

    It's hard to know what they could do, however, if the platform doesn't prove popular with consumers. Lobby Congress to pass a law? Arm the sales people? Drop them by the metric ton from MS helicopters?

    I agree that Microsoft has a lot riding on getting an at least competitive smartphone platform established, but all the money in the world can't make a product that people don't like successful, especially if there are appealing alternatives.

    I'm not saying that Windows 7 is doomed, necessarily-- I'm actually kind of surprised at the sales numbers, since I would have thought that we're in the midst of an historic uptake phase for smart phones and that you've got new customers walking in the door every day with no legacy baggage-- just that MS can't simply will it into people's hands.

    The Xbox had exclusive killer games to help drive adoption. Can MS get a Windows Phone only killer app?
  • Reply 97 of 291
    Apple Customers are harassed for drinking the "Kool Aid". So far, none of us have gagged on it.

    I don't know what Android users drink.
  • Reply 98 of 291
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 debut appears to have flopped with consumers,

    I predicted that....
  • Reply 99 of 291
    macnycmacnyc Posts: 342member
    Originally Posted by bettieblue View Post

    Hmm most reviews I have read like the OS and the devices. Even Walt, iFan, Mossberg liked it.

    Good thing a not a single one of these developers for the iPhone has ever had a problem with Apple, its wide open developers rules and the super quick and easy app approval process

    Apple Insider should stick to predicting future vapor Apple Hardware releases and quoting Jon Gruber.

    Welcome back DaHarder or should i say TeckStud?
  • Reply 100 of 291
    Originally Posted by Core2 View Post

    Then why are you hanging out here and comparing your android phone to the iphone. and why are you waiting for 2.3 so it can do anything the iphone can, sounds like iphone envy if you ask me. Go troll on your androidinsider forum where you can be happy.!

    yes! thats the sound that balmer makes! shriek on!
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