Windows Phone 7 developers fear platform flop



  • Reply 121 of 291
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    Apple hasn't made any big strides into this sector

    1) Companies move slow

    2) OS 4.2 adds significant features

    3) User demand will force IT shops to offer it eventually

    RIM is on borrowed time. They won't go away wholly or immediately, but once a few high profile roll-outs happen that's it - the proverbial flood gates will open.

    And for those who claim the iPhone isn't as manageable as the Blackberry, for the cost of a BB Server, TSupport and the per user CALs I can get a third party management system that not only matches BB management functionality, but exceeds it - while integrating the iPhone into other management technologies like SCOM I might own. In this aspect, RIM is on the outside looking in.
  • Reply 122 of 291
    Originally Posted by timgriff84 View Post

    The payments and sales data sent anything surprising though. Its been on MS's site for months that the first payments will be in feburary, along with details on how you get stats on sales data. This articles basically quoted 2 people who didn't bother to read the process details when they signed up.

    As for the reports of slow sales, they also sit next to reports of a lack of devices making them meaningless.

    Best FACT post so far. So instead of Apple Insider doing even 5min of research to find out that this was known BEFORE any developers could sign up, they just posted this Link Bait article.

    Here is the actual real information from 10/04 which is before any apps could be submitted.

    In that some key information....

    "Shortly after new Windows Phones become broadly available, Marketplace will begin providing developers with individual insights on their app’s performance within Marketplace. The reporting will soon become more automated and self service"

    "And perhaps most importantly, developers can expect the first payout of sales to date to take place in February."

    This is from a blog post anyone can read. I have no doubt that if you registered as a developer there would be some kind of information with this blog info and way more provided to you.

    So my guess is that these people complaining in this blog post, simply did not read it. To them I suggest....

    Now I never thought the fine bloggers at AI came up with this information on their own....instead they just regurgitated this from other posts on the internet..

    The only real questions left are....

    Is there some central Anti-MS site that all of you bloggers copy and paste from?

    Is there some round robin deal, where its your turn to do no real research, spew some Anti-ms BS and then the others copy off of you? Then its passed on to the next blogger to do their part?
  • Reply 123 of 291
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by screamingfist View Post

    if oracle wins, they lose. in the long run. they already look like schmucks and people in a place to choose (like me) won't choose them anymore.

    Yes, as a consumer you are a valuable customer that Oracle is worried about loosing....

  • Reply 124 of 291
    Man, three pages of bashing. Anyway I just took the plunge and bought a WP7. I had a 3G for almost 2.5 years and was ready for a change. My wife just upgraded to the iPhone 4 and she loves it. I figured I would take a different route. With the BOGO going on and a $100 upgrade credit from AT$T I got two for $99. Not bad. Anyway with just 4 days under my belt I have to say I really like it. I can't say it is better that an iPhone, it isn't, it is different. Different I like. The Facebook integration and Xbox live integration is first rate. If these are things someone uses allot (I do) then this phone is a no brainer. The way the WP7 integrates the cloud into one handheld is what makes this thing shine. Of course I had no idea it could do all this until I got my hands on it and I have no idea why MS doesn't push this information. An example of the cloud integration is pictures. When I open up my pictures it shows me my film roll, saved pictures and my Facebook friends shared albums, seamlessly. I can browse all of it and it is smooth. This type of thing carries over into everything. Hardware wise I picked up the Samsung Focus. The screen is awesome, I think even better than my wife's. It feels a bit cheap compared to my old iPhone so time will tell. As for apps, so far it had everything I wanted. Slacker radio, Ebay stuff like that. If people give it a chance they will like it. Have an open mind and you may be surprised.

    Oh the wireless sync is cool. 10min after I plug the phone into AC power and it is on my network it is available to sync wirelessly. Pretty neat.
  • Reply 125 of 291
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by screamingfist View Post

    free beer....

    Is that like Old Milwaukee?

    Eww - beer in name only. Then again perhaps you are supposed to be drunk or stoned already before drinking it. That actually explains quite allot on multiple levels...
  • Reply 126 of 291
    Originally Posted by bettieblue View Post

    My point? Is Apple Insider is just link baiting, and they are not using any real data to back up their BS. They should stick to Apple stuff. Bashing on Microsoft stuff does what exactly at a Apple site? Fire up the fan girls? Ruffle some panties?

    I think the lack of real data regarding Windows Phone 7 sales was kinda the point here?

    But hey, if Microsofts next quarterly finance call shows that Windows Phone 7 is a runaway sales hit, I think you can expect to read about it on AppleInsider too.
  • Reply 127 of 291
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by Hellacool View Post

    An example of the cloud integration is pictures. When I open up my pictures it shows me my film roll, saved pictures and my Facebook friends shared albums, seamlessly. I can browse all of it and it is smooth. This type of thing carries over into everything.

    This is something that I am amazed at too, especially since Mac OSX on the desktop has an excellent and well integrated media browser.


    Oh the wireless sync is cool. 10min after I plug the phone into AC power and it is on my network it is available to sync wirelessly. Pretty neat.

    One of two reasons (hot spot being second) I will probably jailbreak this week. This one peeves me the most of the missing iOS features. Absolutely ludicrous...

    Then again Steve did quip "someday" in response to an email inquiry about it so who knows
  • Reply 128 of 291
    Originally Posted by Garion View Post

    I think the lack of real data regarding Windows Phone 7 sales was kinda the point here?

    But hey, if Microsofts next quarterly finance call shows that Windows Phone 7 is a runaway sales hit, I think you can expect to read about it on AppleInsider too.

    I wonder if that will be considered link baiting as well...
  • Reply 129 of 291
    Originally Posted by Garion View Post

    I think the lack of real data regarding Windows Phone 7 sales was kinda the point here?

    But hey, if Microsofts next quarterly finance call shows that Windows Phone 7 is a runaway sales hit, I think you can expect to read about it on AppleInsider too.

    If you had a chance to listen to the only real announcement from MS today, you would have heard about all the Kinects they are selling - millions in fact. Typical political answer to the question you weren't asking, from the magician who misdirects your attention. You can bet that, if they were really selling a lot of W7 phones, they would be doing handsprings to announce it. Methinks maybe they ain't, and me also thinks they be whistling in the forrest, fearing the shadows of despair.
  • Reply 130 of 291
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by bettieblue View Post

    best fact post so far. So instead of apple insider doing even 5min of research to find out that this was known before any developers could sign up, they just posted this link bait article.

    Here is the actual real information from 10/04 which is before any apps could be submitted.

    in that some key information....

    "shortly after new windows phones become broadly available, marketplace will begin providing developers with individual insights on their app’s performance within marketplace. The reporting will soon become more automated and self service"

    "and perhaps most importantly, developers can expect the first payout of sales to date to take place in february."

    this is from a blog post anyone can read. I have no doubt that if you registered as a developer there would be some kind of information with this blog info and way more provided to you.

    So my guess is that these people complaining in this blog post, simply did not read it. To them i suggest....

    now i never thought the fine bloggers at ai came up with this information on their own....instead they just regurgitated this from other posts on the internet..

    the only real questions left are....

    Is there some central anti-ms site that all of you bloggers copy and paste from?

    Is there some round robin deal, where its your turn to do no real research, spew some anti-ms bs and then the others copy off of you? Then its passed on to the next blogger to do their part?

    It's not fair!! Everybody's being mean!! STOP BEING MEAN TO MICROSOFT!!!!! YOU GUYS!!!!!!!! STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Reply 131 of 291
    Windows Phone 7 developers fear platform flop

    Either this is a bad dance scene in a disco movie, or Microsoft Bob is sitting in one bathtub on the beach, all alone, with nobody in the other tub, and with no Cialis in sight (where's Nokia, HP, or RIM when you really need them?).
  • Reply 132 of 291
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    It's not fair!! Everybody's being mean!! STOP BEING MEAN TO MICROSOFT!!!!! YOU GUYS!!!!!!!! STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Priceless. Thank you.
  • Reply 133 of 291
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Thanks for the review. Seems like it might appeal to some people, probably not many here but good info. We have not seen you around much lately but good report.

    Originally Posted by Hellacool View Post

    Man, three pages of bashing. Anyway I just took the plunge and bought a WP7. I had a 3G for almost 2.5 years and was ready for a change. My wife just upgraded to the iPhone 4 and she loves it. I figured I would take a different route. With the BOGO going on and a $100 upgrade credit from AT$T I got two for $99. Not bad. Anyway with just 4 days under my belt I have to say I really like it. I can't say it is better that an iPhone, it isn't, it is different. Different I like. The Facebook integration and Xbox live integration is first rate. If these are things someone uses allot (I do) then this phone is a no brainer. The way the WP7 integrates the cloud into one handheld is what makes this thing shine. Of course I had no idea it could do all this until I got my hands on it and I have no idea why MS doesn't push this information. An example of the cloud integration is pictures. When I open up my pictures it shows me my film roll, saved pictures and my Facebook friends shared albums, seamlessly. I can browse all of it and it is smooth. This type of thing carries over into everything. Hardware wise I picked up the Samsung Focus. The screen is awesome, I think even better than my wife's. It feels a bit cheap compared to my old iPhone so time will tell. As for apps, so far it had everything I wanted. Slacker radio, Ebay stuff like that. If people give it a chance they will like it. Have an open mind and you may be surprised.

    Oh the wireless sync is cool. 10min after I plug the phone into AC power and it is on my network it is available to sync wirelessly. Pretty neat.

  • Reply 134 of 291
    Originally Posted by timgriff84 View Post

    The payments and sales data sent anything surprising though. Its been on MS's site for months that the first payments will be in feburary, along with details on how you get stats on sales data. This articles basically quoted 2 people who didn't bother to read the process details when they signed up.

    As for the reports of slow sales, they also sit next to reports of a lack of devices making them meaningless.

    I'm not surprised. AI is great for breaking stories and finding new information about Apple products, which is the reason I'm a regular.

    When it comes to competitors though AI may as well make stories up for all the credibility they have.

    Originally Posted by SockRolid View Post

    Even Microsoft's ads for WP7 are lame. "Our phones have no compelling features. You'll want to use them as little as possible."

    Apparently we need to be nice to each other so... I can understand the point of view you are trying to express. If I missunderstood the ads as you have I would likely have the same opinion as you do.

    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    If it can't break 5,000 apps in 2 months, there will be a problem. It's too late to take a year before having a serious number of apps out there, which today would mean 50,000, at least.

    How many apps have you ever installed on your phone? Stats for the App Store show a majority of downloads are from the top few percent of the apps in the store.

    Any App Store only needs a few thousand "AAA" quality applications. The rest is just marketing bullshit.

    Originally Posted by antkm1 View Post

    MS should have integrated WP7 with Xbox Kinect

    Ballmer did mention something about that in an interview. I can't quite remember the specifics. The man rambles on about unrelated stuff like a lunatic.
  • Reply 135 of 291
    Originally Posted by Hellacool View Post

    Man, three pages of bashing. Anyway I just took the plunge and bought a WP7. I had a 3G for almost 2.5 years and was ready for a change. My wife just upgraded to the iPhone 4 and she loves it. I figured I would take a different route. With the BOGO going on and a $100 upgrade credit from AT$T I got two for $99. Not bad. Anyway with just 4 days under my belt I have to say I really like it. I can't say it is better that an iPhone, it isn't, it is different. Different I like. The Facebook integration and Xbox live integration is first rate. If these are things someone uses allot (I do) then this phone is a no brainer. The way the WP7 integrates the cloud into one handheld is what makes this thing shine. Of course I had no idea it could do all this until I got my hands on it and I have no idea why MS doesn't push this information. An example of the cloud integration is pictures. When I open up my pictures it shows me my film roll, saved pictures and my Facebook friends shared albums, seamlessly. I can browse all of it and it is smooth. This type of thing carries over into everything. Hardware wise I picked up the Samsung Focus. The screen is awesome, I think even better than my wife's. It feels a bit cheap compared to my old iPhone so time will tell. As for apps, so far it had everything I wanted. Slacker radio, Ebay stuff like that. If people give it a chance they will like it. Have an open mind and you may be surprised.

    Oh the wireless sync is cool. 10min after I plug the phone into AC power and it is on my network it is available to sync wirelessly. Pretty neat.

    I also have a Windows Phone 7, as I got it as a company phone and I have an iPhone 4. Like you, I've been pleasantly surprised by it. The thing I tell everyone who asks me if it's better than an iPhone is that no it isn't, but it definitely is different and in some ways better than an iPhone. I feel with some updates to the software and more time to mature it will be a great phone. Unfortunately, I have to give up my Samsung Focus and have my company phone for T-Mobile now instead, so I think I'll go for the Dell Venue Pro (as much as I hate dell). The OLED screen on the focus is so amazing for video and pictures, I would hate to have to go back to a regular old LCD.
  • Reply 136 of 291
    wow. i can't believe ms goes as far as withholding payment checks to developers, and withholding analytics. isn't it completely obvious that this points to poor app sales??

    what developer in their right mind would even consider this platform?
  • Reply 137 of 291
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by zoetmb View Post

    I disagree. How many apps does one person need or even want? It doesn't matter how many apps there are as long as they're the RIGHT apps. As a matter of fact, fewer apps would be better. In the Apple app store, it's too hard to find the decent and relevant apps. One doesn't need 50 apps the likes of iFart to be successful.

    That's an old argument that's been thrown aside many times. It has nothing to do with how many apps a person needs. It has to do with how every app in a category is written. Is it good? How good? Does it have the features that I want, as opposed to what you want, or those other people want?

    We want, and need choice, because with just a very few apps in a category, we may not have any really good ones, or ones we like. So the more the better.

    It's interesting that when Apple had 10,000 or so apps, and MS had 30,000 or so for Win Mobile, Ballmer bragged that they had so many more. Then after Apple easily surpassed them, he bragged at how much better the fewer apps they had were, as though having fewer apps was a good thing suddenly, and having fewer somehow made them better.

    It's interesting to note that pretty much every article or review of phones says that not only does iOS have many more apps, but that they are better. I suppose that actually SELLING them, and making money on them is an incentive.
  • Reply 138 of 291
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by screamingfist View Post

    free beer....

    Brewed by a committee of people who don't know each other, released before its time, and with no quality control, with bugs swimming around on the top.

    Yeah, free beer!
  • Reply 139 of 291
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by mesomorphicman View Post

    So, are you saying conceding MS will never top Apple iOS or Android in the mobile marketplace yet they will (in time over several OS updates [years]) will surpass RIM? In that you are saying Microsoft is spending endless millions and resources just to move from #4 or 5 up to #3. If that is correct then that is beyond idiotic. Shouldn't the goal be to get to #1 or #2? Yeah #3 is cool - silver - but I don't anyone goes into a race hoping to walkout with silver. That makes MS look even more foolish if that is the goal and end result.

    Apple wasn't aiming to be number one. What for? It's important to have good sales and marketshare, but you don't have to be number one. And MS wasn't number one with Win Mobile. Far from it.

    So if they get to number four, at least they can stay in business with this. If they get to number three, I think they will all be wiping their brows with their hankies in relief.
  • Reply 140 of 291
    tnsftnsf Posts: 203member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    That's an old argument that's been thrown aside many times. It has nothing to do with how many apps a person needs. It has to do with how every app in a category is written. Is it good? How good? Does it have the features that I want, as opposed to what you want, or those other people want?

    We want, and need choice, because with just a very few apps in a category, we may not have any really good ones, or ones we like. So the more the better.

    I like to think of it in terms of shopping. If I need to buy a new suit I go to a shop and in that shop they have probably 100 or more suits. I might find a few that I like and i buy them. I didn't need 100 suits, but I needed 100 to choose from to find the few I liked.

    It's the same with apps. I don't need 300000 apps, but I need there to be 300000 apps so that the odds of finding the 100 I need are in my favor.

    If there are only 3000 apps then the chances of me finding the ones I need for my PVR, bank, airline, corporate citrix client etc would be very slim.
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