First look: Apple's Mac App Store simplifies buying, updating software



  • Reply 141 of 163
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    Let me know when they show up.

    Well, let's see, there's NCLI who apparently registered specifically to defend the honor of Ubuntu, Camroid v27 who's freaking sig is "Go Linux, Choose a Flavor!", various anybody-but-Apple sorts using Linux as a stalking horse to establish the usual "Apple never innovates" tedium, and you, who have seen fit to link to Linux usage statistics in a thread about the Mac App Store, for reasons best known to you.


    I've seen no "partisans" here (I can't even say with any confidence that I know what a "partisan" is in the context of computer operating systems. Ah, how I miss the early Mac community).

    Then you don't know what the word partisan means. Perhaps you found the early Mac community to be a little vague on vocabulary?


    What I've seen is a couple of Mac users who also use Linux and enjoy them both.

    Then you're both not paying attention and making things up.


    All OSes have at least some merit, and none of them are completely innovative, each drawing from the others and what came before them.

    Use what you like to use. Enjoy.

    I do use what I like to use. What does that have to do with people bleating about Linux on a thread on a Mac enthusiast site about the opening of the Mac App Store? Many Mac users citing usage numbers on Linux boards?
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  • Reply 142 of 163
    umijinumijin Posts: 133member
    Originally Posted by esummers View Post

    I love how you can easily install your software on multiple machines that you own. It is also nice not to deal with serial numbers. Now I just have to wait for new versions of all my apps so I can buy them through the AppStore. The implementation is better then the iPad because it lists all of your apps, then you can just hit install. Using the buy button to reinstall iPad apps is very unintuitive.

    Uh, I actually WANT my serial numbers. Have to see if indeed I can install what I bought on my other machines.

    And the listing of all your apps doesn't work, because it isn't show installed apps (even paid ones I own licenses for) as 'installed".
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  • Reply 143 of 163
    himokohimoko Posts: 32member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Dealbreaker for some.

    Why the heck would you think Apple would ever allow third-party channels in their App Store?

    Oh, yeah, I really want to redownload tens of gigabytes of apps. Sounds like a real picnic.

    Hey, Tallest Skil, Ya're REALLY TROLL, Aren't Ya!!!!!!!!!!!?????????

    Ya Another Name MUST BE " Blackintosh " Zombi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And Ya Haven't Answered YET My Last Question!

    What Was Ya Estimate of i-Pad Selling Before Its Actual Launch, EHHHHHHHHHHHHHh?????????????
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  • Reply 144 of 163
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    Which banks? A good friend of mine makes ATM software for one of the biggies, and he says they don't let Windows anywhere near anyone's money because it's just not safe enough.

    You'll find a few here if you scroll down:-
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  • Reply 145 of 163
    nclincli Posts: 5member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Interesting, assuming it's accurate. Linux growth is slowing down though. Their marketshare increase is coming from Windows.

    It's safe t assume that it is accurate. And yes, the growth is coming from Windows, who have the biggest marketshare, so that makes sense. I don't see growth slowing much though.
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  • Reply 146 of 163
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member
    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    Mac people talking about Linux in 2011 sound like Windows people talking about Mac in 1997.

    Google: linux dependency hell

    Result: 125K results

    Google: ubuntu dependency hell

    Result: 21,100 results.

    Google: ubuntu sound broken

    Result: 1.2M results

    At least in 1997 sound actually worked on Macs.

    If there is a Linux equivalent of Steve that just took over (like Jobs did for Apple in '97) the Linux mothership that would be great. But Shuttleworth is no Jobs...and WTF do the 300 people actually DO at Canonical? Reskin Gnome to yet another crappy shade of brown?

    Yeah, sure it's better than you average basement distro but comparison NeXT had 540 employees AND they built hardware. Look what THEY built. Give me Jobs and six people in blue jeans over RMS or Shuttleworth and the FOSS horde of coders any day of the week.
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  • Reply 147 of 163
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member
    Originally Posted by camroidv27 View Post

    I remember software repos before the iOS devices and their App Store.

    Linux folks claiming ownership of repos is interesting given that BSD ports came into being around the same time frame. The first commit of ports to the FreeBSD CVS repository was around '93. Not sure when pre-compiled packages first appeared in ports.
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  • Reply 148 of 163
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Wow, with the linux, BSD and OS X lovers on board this thread could get real dangerous real fast.

    thats fighting talk. Right there.
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  • Reply 149 of 163
    daveyjjdaveyjj Posts: 120member
    Originally Posted by Onhka View Post

    Could you let us know on what Mac and current OS are you attempting this?

    If the OP was using a developer beta build of 10.6.5 they might also not be able to update to 10.6.6. They'd have to grab the 10.6.5 Combo Updater (977MB) and update to the official 10.6.5 first, then move to 10.6.6. Don't know if that was his issue though, just tossing that out.
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  • Reply 150 of 163
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    Wow, with the linux, BSD and OS X lovers on board this thread could get real dangerous real fast.

    thats fighting talk. Right there.

    Nah. BSD folks typically make horrid zealots. Put is this way...if the bsd community was like the linux community there would be some asshat demanding that OS X be called BSD/OS X because, after all, the userland is all from FreeBSD...and OS X would be nothing more than a fancy desktop and the mach kernel without it.

    At most we have Theo. He's no RMS...and I mean that in a good way.
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  • Reply 151 of 163
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member
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  • Reply 152 of 163
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member
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  • Reply 153 of 163
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member
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  • Reply 154 of 163
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member
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  • Reply 155 of 163
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member
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  • Reply 156 of 163
    "It's nothing new, of course. Mas OS X has been a consistency nightmare for years now, with boatloads of different themes, and functionally identical UI elements that look entirely different from one another. Where Apple once stood at the forefront of consistent, sensible UI design (Platinum, I salute you!), the company took a left turn to bananas a few years ago."

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  • Reply 157 of 163
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    Relax. Why is it Mac folks have gotten so angry in recent years?

    Why is wondering after your resistance to simple definitions "angry"? Why are Linux fans so disingenuous?


    Partisan is normally reserved for politics, as in its root word, "party". I suppose its usage could be extended to fandom of all sorts, and no doubt you could dig up a link to some definition supporting that in a further effort to make me look foolish. Mea culpa, you win on that if that's what you like to do.

    So I see that your main rhetorical gambit is to actually argue your point, then finish by affecting this "it's all cool, don't really care" thing. If you don't really care why are you bothering to argue?

    For what its worth, "partisan" is commonly used to mean "fervent supporter" of most anything, and given the near religious zealotry of OS fandom is particularly apt in that case. I don't want to make anyone look "foolish", I just care about what words mean.


    All I'm saying is that this notion that there can only be one OS in the world for all possible needs is a bit silly. Bashing Linux in a Mac forum obviates an opportunity for partnership that can help erode Microsoft's stranglehold on the industry, with Mac taking the top end and Linux eating away at the bottom.

    Again, I don't really care about Linux one way or the other. Don't have anything against it. I just took note that it struck me as funny or odd that, in a thread on the Mac App Store, there seemed to be a lot of strenuous Linux, yes, partisanship. Seemingly out of nowhere. Which suggests a constituency that perhaps is a bit thin skinned about the status of their platform, your protestations of mellow nonsectarianism notwithstanding. Hopefully we won't have to worry about sects and religion and inapplicability.


    Let people use what they enjoy, and enjoy your own choice as well.

    Yes, right. So it shouldn't be necessary to get all marketshare-y about stuff, since we're just chillin', yes?


    IIRC those stats were in response to a post questioning market share. Had the question not been raised, no one would have taken the time to link to the stats.

    But why bother? Everybody should just use what they like, what does it matter if they get carried away with promoting their choice? You can't really keep acting like you're above the fray because it's all cool by you while policing threads for Linux Error. You know?


    You'd be surprised. Lots of Windows apologists too. Fanboi trollers show up all over the place, advocating all sorts of things. It's the Internet; merde happens.

    Yes, I would be surprised if Mac users were showing up on Linux threads at all, much less in the numbers that various "Mac people are clueless and must be schooled" types seem to haunt Mac discussions.
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  • Reply 158 of 163
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member
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  • Reply 159 of 163
    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    I would like to see VLC and Firefox on there just to make my life easier.

    I'm sure they will be on there before too long. With VLC already on iOS, it won't take long for it to hit the Mac App Store.
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  • Reply 160 of 163
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Chase R View Post

    I'm sure they will be on there before too long. With VLC already on iOS, it won't take long for it to hit the Mac App Store.

    Apple yanked that today due to licensing issues with VLC.
    That?s the problem with ?open source? it?s not exactly as open and free as people think it is.
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