WSJ: Verizon to announce CDMA iPhone 4 on Tuesday



  • Reply 21 of 146
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by gcom006 View Post

    I really do wonder now what this will mean for T-Mobile and Sprint. I'm with Sprint now and planning on switching to Verizon either way most likely, but it only makes sense to me that if they're going to open the device up, then they'd open it up to Sprint at least as they wouldn't have to tweak the Verizon iPhone. T-Mobile would be a big more difficult given the nature of their 3G, but at least with the next generation, I would imagine that they'd be able to work T-Mobile in on the GSM iPhone fine.

    As great as it will be to have the iPhone on Verizon, there are still a lot of interesting questions worth wondering about. I'm half-tempted to buy a Verizon iPhone 4 outright and not sign a contract and see what happens this summer before upgrading to the 5th generation model.

    T-Mobile USA wouldn?t be hard. All it needs is the 1700MHz AWS radio. The iPhone 4 GSM has 5 bands, only 4 are currently in use. It wouldn?t be hard for Apple to replace that unused band with the AWS band or add it. The cost would be negligible per unit. Sprint would be an easy add, too.

    However, Apple likely has some contract with Verizon to be the 2nd US carrier or only CDMA carrier in the US for x-duration. Also, With a 100M subscribers and a likelihood of huge sales based on Verizon?s demographics I suspect that Apple will be selling so many more iPhones that demand will once again exceed supply that would make other US carriers a moot point, especially after the iPhone 5 is released.

    IIRC the iPhone 4 was released to 5 countries at once. The year before to 17. If that number don?t increase or if the iPhone 5 CDMA is offset from the iPhone 5 GSM release that could be seen as evidence of Apple already producing as fast as they can. Therefore, I think a year or two might be best for the other carriers in the US.
  • Reply 22 of 146
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Watch AAPL jump tomorrow.

    How about Monday, with a shorting in the afternoon and then a really big jump on Tuesday?
  • Reply 23 of 146
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    T-Mobile USA wouldn?t be hard. All it needs is the 1700MHz AWS radio. The iPhone 4 GSM has 5 bands, only 4 are currently in use. It wouldn?t be hard for Apple to replace that unused band with the AWS band or add it. The cost would be negligible per unit. Sprint would be an easy add, too.

    I wonder if they could do that with a firmware update and if it could, would they or would they require a purchase of a new phone with support baked in.
  • Reply 24 of 146
    pokepoke Posts: 506member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Watch AAPL jump tomorrow.

    I think this year is going to be crazy. Apple has 5 product lines now (iPod, iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple TV) and they're likely to update all of them. They've also got OS X 10.7 Lion coming and no doubt iOS 5 too. It's going to be announcements and product launches all year long.
  • Reply 25 of 146
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Tulkas View Post

    I wonder if they could do that with a firmware update and if it could, would they or would they require a purchase of a new phone with support baked in.

    They can enable the 5th band that appears to only be used by Japan?s largest carrier NTT DoCoMo, but the radio itself is HW that also need FCC approval.
  • Reply 26 of 146
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Watch AAPL jump tomorrow.

    Didnt take that long. How about Verizon. Surely there will be a rise until the big announcement
  • Reply 27 of 146
    macm37macm37 Posts: 41member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    T-Mobile USA wouldn?t be hard. All it needs is the 1700MHz AWS radio. The iPhone 4 GSM has 5 bands, only 4 are currently in use. It wouldn?t be hard for Apple to replace that unused band with the AWS band or add it. The cost would be negligible per unit. Sprint would be an easy add, too.

    However, Apple likely has some contract with Verizon to be the 2nd US carrier or only CDMA carrier in the US for x-duration. Also, With a 100M subscribers and a likelihood of huge sales based on Verizon?s demographics I suspect that Apple will be selling so many more iPhones that demand will once again exceed supply that would make other US carriers a moot point, especially after the iPhone 5 is released.

    IIRC the iPhone 4 was released to 5 countries at once. The year before to 17. If that number don?t increase or if the iPhone 5 CDMA is offset from the iPhone 5 GSM release that could be seen as evidence of Apple already producing as fast as they can. Therefore, I think a year or two might be best for the other carriers in the US.

    Although T-Mobile does seem like a very logical addition since people in the USA have been unlocking it to them from the very first iPhone, there are some limitations when one compares what an iPhone on T-Mobile can perform all of the same things that an iPhone on ATT can do. From what some T-Mobile employees have told me, the addition of the 1700MHz AWS would require both a hardware addition and a software fix. T-Mobile has surprisingly for some reason chose not to participate in bid for the 700MHz spectrum; and this to me seems that they will not get the iPhone until their 4G LTE is on it. "". It is good to see that they are taking the same upgrade path to LTE like ATT using HSPA+ as an intermediary; but hopefully they will be smarter to participate in the next bid for the 700MHz spectrum as the FCC will auction more on July 19. "".

    As for getting the iPhone on Sprint, that would be a harder task since they are using a different 4G technology altogether. Sprint would have to change or add LTE as well as bid on July 19 for some of the 700MHz band before being considered as a next carrier.
  • Reply 28 of 146
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Originally Posted by bmovie View Post


    Two guys tinkering in a garage.

    Who would have thought that one day the phone company would be in their hands!

    A nice perspective.
  • Reply 29 of 146
    penchantedpenchanted Posts: 1,070member
    I am really curious how long the Verizon semi-exclusive is. Even if production capacities prevent adding Sprint/T-Mobile, I'd think that Apple wouldn't want to get sucked into a long multi-year deal. Especially when a carrier can decide that your product is no longer anointed (e.g, Verizon pushing Android at the expense of BB).
  • Reply 30 of 146
    Originally Posted by macm37 View Post

    Although T-Mobile does seem like a very logical addition since people in the USA have been unlocking it to them from the very first iPhone, there are some limitations when one compares what an iPhone on T-Mobile can perform all of the same things that an iPhone on ATT can do. From what some T-Mobile employees have told me, the addition of the 1700MHz AWS would require both a hardware addition and a software fix. T-Mobile has surprisingly for some reason chose not to participate in bid for the 700MHz spectrum; and this to me seems that they will not get the iPhone until their 4G LTE is on it. "". It is good to see that they are taking the same upgrade path to LTE like ATT using HSPA+ as an intermediary; but hopefully they will be smarter to participate in the next bid for the 700MHz spectrum as the FCC will auction more on July 19. "".

    As for getting the iPhone on Sprint, that would be a harder task since they are using a different 4G technology altogether. Sprint would have to change or add LTE as well as bid on July 19 for some of the 700MHz band before being considered as a next carrier.

    WiMax and LTE are very similar. I have little doubt Sprint will be LTE in the next few years when true 4G really matters. The switchover is very easy and going with WiMax which was already approved and ready for layout allowed them to get a jump start. They've already done tests in Phoenix with LTE and gotten 90 Mbps download speeds.

    I don't think Apple will do an LTE phone until 2013 anyways. Maybe 2012, but a lot will have to change between now and then with chips and battery life.
  • Reply 31 of 146
    Originally Posted by bmovie View Post


    Two guys tinkering in a garage.

    Who would have thought that one day the phone company would be in their hands!

    Very nicely put.

    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Watch AAPL jump tomorrow.

    Would be nice to have Saturday trading......

    I don't know why they don't: that's when I have time to actually do that sort of stuff!
  • Reply 32 of 146
    Verizon and AT&T have the highest data charges. Apple would be much smarter to go with Sprint. Sprint still has unlimited data plans and can easily keep owning an iPhone under a $100 a mth, something Verizon and AT&T really can't do.
  • Reply 33 of 146
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Verizon has invited Mac journalists to the event but has notably excluded Gizmodo staff from its invitation list, a move that all but confirmed that the event involved Apple.

    Totally laughed out loud haha
  • Reply 34 of 146
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Gruber's got a good take, I think.


    So why is next Tuesday?s announcement of the Verizon iPhone a Verizon-hosted event in New York and not an Apple-hosted event in Cupertino? Here?s my theory. Apple is fully aware that when they say ?We?re having an event next week? that people expect big news and a new product. If they were hosting this event, speculation would be rampant that it would involve a new iPad and maybe an iPhone 5, in addition to the expected Verizon deal. There is no new Apple product, though. We nerds know that a CDMA iPhone 4 is a different device than the GSM iPhone 4, but from a consumer perspective, it?s the same phone but just works on a different carrier. What would Apple show? What would there be to demo?

    This is the sort of thing where Apple needs to play it cool, and act like this is just another carrier. Good news, but not big news. The bottom line from Apple is going to be something like, ?We?re delighted to add Verizon as an iPhone carrier?. That?s it.

    He goes on to mention that Apple isn't leaving AT&T for Verizon, they're just adding a carrier, so it wouldn't be appropriate for them to seem to be validating Verizon as a carrier in some way.

    Makes sense to me.
  • Reply 35 of 146
    penchantedpenchanted Posts: 1,070member
    Originally Posted by jav1231 View Post

    Verizon and AT&T have the highest data charges. Apple would be much smarter to go with Sprint. Sprint still has unlimited data plans and can easily keep owning an iPhone under a $100 a mth, something Verizon and AT&T really can't do.

    I think Apple is looking at the potential market size. Sprint has what - one half the number of postpaids?
  • Reply 36 of 146
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    Rumor has it that Verizon will charge a $15/month surcharge for the iPhone 4 versus other phones.

    Actually, they will just add a $15 surcharge to all "smart phones" so even more people will buy the iPhone instead of the Hemorrhoid phones.
  • Reply 37 of 146
    Originally Posted by jav1231 View Post

    Verizon and AT&T have the highest data charges. Apple would be much smarter to go with Sprint. Sprint still has unlimited data plans and can easily keep owning an iPhone under a $100 a mth, something Verizon and AT&T really can't do.

    Sprint will be more than likely the last carrier to add since they have the least amount of news and rumors of them upgrading to LTE; they are one of the only carriers that I know that who is using WiMax while most of the globe is moving to LTE. It's a heck of a lot easier said than done when Sprint's employees and fans say that adding LTE to WiMax is not a hard thing to do. I guess we'll see when Apple announces a third carrier after Verizon starts selling it soon. T-Mobile is a better bet than Sprint if Apple decides to add the 1700MHz AWS radio band; with the current and past iPhones being GSM and the number of people unlocking them to T-Mobile, I would say that there is a good public demand to let T-Mobile sell it before Sprint ever does.
  • Reply 38 of 146
    penchantedpenchanted Posts: 1,070member
    Originally Posted by macm37 View Post

    Sprint will be more than likely the last carrier to add since they have the least amount of news and rumors of them upgrading to LTE; they are one of the only carriers that I know that who is using WiMax while most of the globe is moving to LTE. It's a heck of a lot easier said than done when Sprint's employees and fans say that adding LTE to WiMax is not a hard thing to do. I guess we'll see when Apple announces a third carrier after Verizon starts selling it soon. T-Mobile is a better bet than Sprint if Apple decides to add the 1700MHz AWS radio band; with the current and past iPhones being GSM and the number of people unlocking them to T-Mobile, I would say that there is a good public demand to let T-Mobile sell it before Sprint ever does.

    I have no idea how difficult it will be to move from WiMax to LTE, but a by-the-numbers approach suggest Sprint first: they have more customers than T-Mobile and, as you said, people are already finding ways of getting their iPhones on T-Mobile.
  • Reply 39 of 146
    Originally Posted by macm37 View Post

    Sprint will be more than likely the last carrier to add since they have the least amount of news and rumors of them upgrading to LTE; they are one of the only carriers that I know that who is using WiMax while most of the globe is moving to LTE. It's a heck of a lot easier said than done when Sprint's employees and fans say that adding LTE to WiMax is not a hard thing to do. I guess we'll see when Apple announces a third carrier after Verizon starts selling it soon. T-Mobile is a better bet than Sprint if Apple decides to add the 1700MHz AWS radio band; with the current and past iPhones being GSM and the number of people unlocking them to T-Mobile, I would say that there is a good public demand to let T-Mobile sell it before Sprint ever does.

    No need for rumors. They're already testing. You can read about it on Clearwire's own site. While they're not out and out talking about dropping WiMax, it has more to do with trying to manage the public perception. Both will likely exist on some level for some time as both have their advantages in different settings. They're also very, very similar. By the time it's a relevant discuss, the worst case scenario is there will be a dual LTE/WiMax radio just like dual band GSM/CDMA setups. I really don't think the 4G thing will be an issue for Apple for a couple more years. They'll wait for a better rollout and better technology than will exist in the near future. It's not like this iPhone or likely the next one will have LTE, so the concern in the near future is a bit irrelevant.
  • Reply 40 of 146
    Originally Posted by gcom006 View Post

    WiMax and LTE are very similar. I have little doubt Sprint will be LTE in the next few years when true 4G really matters.

    I don't think Apple will do an LTE phone until 2013 anyways. Maybe 2012, but a lot will have to change between now and then with chips and battery life.

    Sprint is forced to buy wi-max...don't be silly. When Sprint goes LTE...Tmobile Germany buy Sprint.
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