Daily Show skewers AT&T over Verizon iPhone news



  • Reply 21 of 133
    Just because a few New Yorkers think that AT&T has some issues (and AT&T does have issues there) doesn't mean that the same problem exists for the 98% of the rest of us.

    When Jon Stewart takes his next trip to Europe, he'd better keep his AT&T phone.....cause the Verizon one won't work.
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  • Reply 22 of 133
    penchantedpenchanted Posts: 1,070member
    Originally Posted by Whozown View Post

    Where do you live? Everyone says the AT&T network coverage sucks. I live in FL and here AT&T is king, their network coverage dominates FL . I've never once dropped a call on my iPhone or had any issue. I know it's not that great in california or new York.

    I would expect good coverage in FL. As I recall, Cingular was based in FL.
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  • Reply 23 of 133
    rainrain Posts: 538member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    I've never watched that show before. Is it a comedy?

    I wouldn't call it comedy. Glib - liberal glib that often insults those with an IQ higher then 20.

    People who watch the show also enjoy reality TV, shopping at Walmart, WWE Wrestling, Fast Food, listen to Top 40 radio, think Budweiser is good beer, and have never set foot in an art gallery or museum as an adult.

    Anyways, the show is full of vitriol - He was caught blaming Bush for not responding fast enough over the Gulf Oil Spill... then he realized his folly.
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  • Reply 24 of 133
    Originally Posted by msimpson View Post

    If his iPhone troubles are such a top story, maybe he needs a reality check for his "news"?

    Were he the host of a news show, you would have an excellent point. Somehow, however, I think that Apple Fanatics may be funnier to most normal folks than Australian flood victims.

    In fact, for what tickles MY particular funnybone, I think that Apple wins hands down.
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  • Reply 25 of 133
    Originally Posted by msimpson View Post

    Maybe Jon Stewart needs to get a life? I used to find him funny, but his routine has gotten old. If his iPhone troubles are such a top story, maybe he needs a reality check for his "news"? Flooding in Australia, US-China relations, Wikileaks, the tragedy in Arizona, our economy, the federal deficit, all of the problems in Africa, the list goes on and on - and the iPhone is that big of deal? I am surprised he hasn't blamed his iPhone problems on Rush Limbaugh. AT&T may suck in NYC, but if it is bad as people say it is, why do they still have iPhones? I would have turned mine in a long time ago. Maybe they are just posers who think they look cool with an iPhone? Most of our country seems to be slaves to media hype, and sadly Jon Stewart seems to be no better.

    You do realize that the Daily Show isn't an actual news show? It's a parody.

    Personally I love it. Thought the segment with John Oliver was very funny last night.
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  • Reply 26 of 133
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    How many people said that about smartphones in general? How many of them are now smartphone users? Like all good technology, what is irrelevant in one epoch can be a necessity in the next.

    I know, can you imagine that the Internet has only been around a little more than 15 years (for the general public). Handheld cell phones have been around about 20 years.

    Now everyone has the Internet in their pocket and can't live without it. I once made the comment that I forgot my cell phone at home. The other person said OMG I was trying to get in touch with you - how could you forget your phone?
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  • Reply 27 of 133
    Verizon user: "Can you hear me now?"

    AT&T user: "I can hear you, and I sent you an important email just now."

    Verizon user: "Let me check my email, I'll call you right back."

    AT&T user: "...errr... yeah. It's like 1998 all over again."
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  • Reply 28 of 133
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    I wouldn't call it comedy. Glib - liberal glib that often insults those with an IQ higher then 20.

    People who watch the show also enjoy reality TV, shopping at Walmart, WWE Wrestling, Fast Food, listen to Top 40 radio, think Budweiser is good beer, and have never set foot in an art gallery or museum as an adult.

    Anyways, the show is full of vitriol - He was caught blaming Bush for not responding fast enough over the Gulf Oil Spill... then he realized his folly.

    Wow! So much stereotyping makes you sound like the rancorous one. I think you would have had a decent argument if you hadn?t resorted to pigeonholing.
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  • Reply 29 of 133
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    I know, can you imagine that the Internet has only been around a little more than 15 years (for the general public). Handheld cell phones have been around about 20 years.

    Now everyone has the Internet in their pocket and can't live without it. I once made the comment that I forgot my cell phone at home. The other person said OMG I was trying to get in touch with you - how could you forget your phone?

    Reading the Steven Wright comments on another thread made me realize something. Before cellphones we would talk to people on the phone mostly at home. Now, I only call people when I?m not at home. I use the time I?m in motion to do this additional task.
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  • Reply 30 of 133
    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    Sorry to burst your bubble AT&T haters, but to be frank, you don't know how good you've got it. Try using an iPhone 4 in the UK, where I live. True we have a wide choice of carriers, and it's been that way for a long time, but it's really only the illusion of choice. Prices are largely the same, coverage is largely the same, and with the exception of a network called 'Three', speeds are utterly miserable. I mean, really, really, really miserable.

    Yes, but can you actually make and receive phone calls? If so, you're doing better than us.
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  • Reply 31 of 133
    dm3dm3 Posts: 168member
    Originally Posted by sandor View Post

    ...just wait till 6 million iPhone users crowd onto Verizon's CDMA 3G network...

    Repeating ATT marketing line.

    Verizon is the biggest carrier. They have tons of android phones which use more data than iPhones. iPhone on verizon is a nonevent to their data network.
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  • Reply 32 of 133
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member
    Originally Posted by BrooksT View Post

    Yes, but can you actually make and receive phone calls? If so, you're doing better than us.

    Only sometimes. Honestly, cell coverage in the UK is abysmal.
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  • Reply 33 of 133
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Reading the Steven Wright comments on another thread made me realize something. Before cellphones we would talk to people on the phone mostly at home. Now, I only call people when I?m not at home. I use the time I?m in motion to do this additional task.

    I like talking w/o people eaves dropping in on my calls. I use my phone mostly at home.
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  • Reply 34 of 133
    Originally Posted by PaulMJohnson View Post

    You do realize that the Daily Show isn't an actual news show? It's a parody.

    Personally I love it. Thought the segment with John Oliver was very funny last night.

    Sure, it is a comedy show, but sadly for many people - it is their main source of "news". Not sure what that says about our other "news sources" like CNN, Fox, MSNBC, etc. Or what it says about our average citizen. Things that Jon Stewart says on his shows get repeated as if they were facts. Many of his viewers can't distinguish between reality and comedy.
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  • Reply 35 of 133
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    I like talking w/o people eaves dropping in on my calls. I use my phone mostly at home.

    I use my headphones or jawbone. I like to be on the move like I?m Jack Bauer. I have an alarm that informs at the top of the hour that the following takes place between that time and the next hour. It makes life seem more exciting than it really is.
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  • Reply 36 of 133
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    AT&T should have done whatever was necessary, and I mean whatever was necessary, to insure to notch service in New York and SF.

    Instead, and bizarrely, those are two of their worst service areas. One, the media capital of the nation, the other, the tech capital of the nation. The biggest news outlets and the biggest tech pundits all hate AT&Ts guts and say so all the time.

    Hence the cognitive dissonance of many, if not most of AT&T's customers having perfectly fine to excellent service while being told, over and over again, that it's absolutely wretched.

    If it had been the other way around-- if Manhattan and SF had been great, and great swaths of the midwest had been so-so to lousy-- do you think AT&T would be a punch line?

    Really, what were they thinking? They could have invested heavily in a few square mile of coverage and improved their public image a thousand fold.
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  • Reply 37 of 133
    bageljoeybageljoey Posts: 2,008member
    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    I wouldn't call it comedy. Glib - liberal glib that often insults those with an IQ higher then 20.

    People who watch the show also enjoy reality TV, shopping at Walmart, WWE Wrestling, Fast Food, listen to Top 40 radio, think Budweiser is good beer, and have never set foot in an art gallery or museum as an adult.

    Anyways, the show is full of vitriol - He was caught blaming Bush for not responding fast enough over the Gulf Oil Spill... then he realized his folly.

    Niiiiicccee! Anybody who doesn't agree with you or see the world like you is a slobering idiot. Must be nice to be you...
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  • Reply 38 of 133
    bageljoeybageljoey Posts: 2,008member
    Originally Posted by msimpson View Post

    Sure, it is a comedy show, but sadly for many people - it is their main source of "news". Not sure what that says about our other "news sources" like CNN, Fox, MSNBC, etc. Or what it says about our average citizen. Things that Jon Stewart says on his shows get repeated as if they were facts. Many of his viewers can't distinguish between reality and comedy.

    I agree. It is sad. The same thing happens when people try to get their news from FOX...
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  • Reply 39 of 133
    ktappektappe Posts: 825member
    Originally Posted by Gunslinger View Post

    I do find it interesting that people continue to complain about the AT&T network. It is the best network I have ever had and I live in a small town.

    That is why you are happy with AT&T. It's more often those of us in large towns that have complaints because AT&T refuses to add capacity to its urban towers. Here in Wilmington DE AT&T is often unusable for data between 9AM and 5PM. Then once all the workers leave it's suddenly functional again. You'll find similar complaints about San Francisco and NYC.
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  • Reply 40 of 133
    Originally Posted by johnwhite1000 View Post

    It really is no joke. Service really IS that bad.

    In New York I hear it is horrible, not in the city where I live though. Even works good downtown amongst all sky scrapers.

    I'm on the fence. Service for me really has been just fine, in fact my wife's Verizon drops way more than mine. What interests me is the free tethering, but then I'd be giving up simultaneous voice & data (which I use a lot).

    Waiting to see how AT&T responds, hoping they throw in tethering too.
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