Daily Show skewers AT&T over Verizon iPhone news



  • Reply 61 of 133
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member
    I’m so glad I don’t live in NY or some of the AT&T nightmare zones. AT&T coverage is great where I live; there’s one major hole (spotty, not dead) but Verizon shares the same hole.

    AT&T customer service is another matter... that’s a nightmare zone everywhere (I still don’t think I could give up simultaneous voice and data... but ask me again once we know the cost of Verizon’s plan with hotspot!)
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  • Reply 62 of 133
    rot'napplerot'napple Posts: 1,839member
    Originally Posted by Whozown View Post

    Where do you live? Everyone says the AT&T network coverage sucks. I live in FL and here AT&T is king, their network coverage dominates FL . I've never once dropped a call on my iPhone or had any issue. I know it's not that great in california or new York.

    Haven't you heard, Miami doesn't count, nor here in Southeast Virginia, and because we don't live in NY or CA, where there is a perception that that's all there is when talking about America. Obviously, if it ain't happening in NY or CA then it ain't happening in America...

    But I don't hold that position and will continue to enjoy my great ATT service. Does that mean that iPhone users who have problems with ATT service in NY and CA deserve better service? Of course they do and I hope with Verizon they get what they are looking for, but to cover their dissatisfaction of ATT with blanket disgruntledness is what really gets my dander up when they portend to speak on my behalf regarding ATT. If ATT sucked in my area or if I have the problems you had to deal with then believe me, I wouldn't need anyones help in expressing my dissatisfaction. I can add my own solo, to the chorus of ATT critics, thank you very much.
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  • Reply 63 of 133
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    The Daily Show isn't hard news its a comedy show on a comedy network.

    If you need a redemptive story about him. A few weeks ago he had New York City FireFighters on the show to shame congress into passing a bill that would extend federal money to pay for their healthcare problems from 9/11. If he had not have done that congress may not have passed the bill.

    Originally Posted by msimpson View Post

    Maybe Jon Stewart needs to get a life? I used to find him funny, but his routine has gotten old. If his iPhone troubles are such a top story, maybe he needs a reality check for his "news"? Flooding in Australia, US-China relations, Wikileaks, the tragedy in Arizona, our economy, the federal deficit, all of the problems in Africa, the list goes on and on - and the iPhone is that big of deal? I am surprised he hasn't blamed his iPhone problems on Rush Limbaugh. AT&T may suck in NYC, but if it is bad as people say it is, why do they still have iPhones? I would have turned mine in a long time ago. Maybe they are just posers who think they look cool with an iPhone? Most of our country seems to be slaves to media hype, and sadly Jon Stewart seems to be no better.

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  • Reply 64 of 133
    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    Dr Millmoss said it best, "Isn't that a bit like saying a rock is smarter than a brick?

    For the record, I'm not taking the side of rocks or bricks. I find Jon Stewart and his show to be very funny most of the time (this particular bit, not so much). Political satire in America might be a completely lost art but for him. Still, I would never mistake his show or network and especially not cable news for information sources. At least Stewart's show is billed as comedy. The others just play that way.
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  • Reply 65 of 133
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    I wouldn't call it comedy. Glib - liberal glib that often insults those with an IQ higher then 20. People who watch the show also enjoy reality TV, shopping at Walmart, WWE Wrestling, Fast Food, listen to Top 40 radio, think Budweiser is good beer, and have never set foot in an art gallery or museum as an adult.

    You are literally describing the demographic of Fox News.

    The demographic of The Daily Show are young, college educated, and higher than average income bracket.


    Anyways, the show is full of vitriol - He was caught blaming Bush for not responding fast enough over the Gulf Oil Spill... then he realized his folly.

    Post a link to the video clip.
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  • Reply 66 of 133
    Originally Posted by Whozown View Post

    Where do you live? Everyone says the AT&T network coverage sucks. I live in FL and here AT&T is king, their network coverage dominates FL . I've never once dropped a call on my iPhone or had any issue. I know it's not that great in california or new York.

    I live in St. Petersburg, FL and have also never had a dropped call in 2 years of iPhone ownership (3G & 4). I am also grandfathered in to the unlimited data plan, so for once, I cannot complain.
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  • Reply 67 of 133
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Playing so coy. Where exactly are you getting your demographic information?

    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    Unfortunately, you don't have access to the Daily Shows (Viacom) media buying demographics.

    I'm not saying all Daily Show viewers are what has been described as the 'Failing college student' demographic.

    Try watching the commercials some time... you will see what I mean.

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  • Reply 68 of 133
    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    I wouldn't call it comedy. Glib - liberal glib that often insults those with an IQ higher then 20.

    People who watch the show also enjoy reality TV, shopping at Walmart, WWE Wrestling, Fast Food, listen to Top 40 radio, think Budweiser is good beer, and have never set foot in an art gallery or museum as an adult.

    Anyways, the show is full of vitriol - He was caught blaming Bush for not responding fast enough over the Gulf Oil Spill... then he realized his folly.

    Well, I am certainly not one of the people you describe above. I have been a loyal viewer of The Daily Show for years, yet I despise reality TV, I also despise shopping at Walmart, have not enjoyed pro wrestling since I was 8-years old, am vegetarian so never eat fast food, listened to literally 1-hour of top 40 radio in the past decade (that was just 2 weeks ago for some reason) and have been a lifelong non-drinker. I am a professional photographer and have set foot in numerous art galleries/museums, not just in the U.S. but in many other countries as well.
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  • Reply 69 of 133
    frankiefrankie Posts: 381member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    I've never watched that show before. Is it a comedy?

    You're joking right? About the daily show and never seeing or hearing of it....

    USA has landed on the Moon, FOX news has become the real comedy show, and the Bible is just a mythological book...

    What else do you need to know?
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  • Reply 70 of 133
    The guy is to complete buffoon. I think I'd rather be waterboarded that have to watch his pathetic TV show.
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  • Reply 71 of 133
    rot'napplerot'napple Posts: 1,839member
    Originally Posted by Bageljoey View Post

    I agree. It is sad. The same thing happens when people try to get their news from FOX...

    Must be nice to be you too!

    The Daily Show is the Microsoft of Rush Limbaugh...

    Rush set-up his Parody, Comedy, Opinion TV Show with occasional guests and it ran from 1992 through 1996, while still doing his radio gig. Just like Microsoft, The Daily Show was the Liberal's "me-too" answer and their show began in 1996 where they wouldn't have to compete against Rush. We all know what happened to Air America, the Liberal's Microsoft "me-too" answer to Rush's EIB radio program when it tried to go head to head.

    Rush Limbaugh's show was Parody and comedic satire of the times just as The Daily Show is today, but Rush tv show was geared more to politics and it's associated groups like NOW, etc. and although Rush's program was more pointing out the Democratic Party antics, Jon Stewart will do a segment on the lunacy of a Democrat just as much as a Republican if the situation was absurd enough and would get a good laugh. Of course Stewart doesn't have the onus of going up against the Machine that is the Main Street Press print and tv regarding what needs to be corrected. If there ever was a need for the "Fairness Doctrine"!

    If you weren't paying attention back in the early 90's then you might not appreciate what is going on in these clips. However, much has not changed in almost 20 years....

    View at your own discretion...

    View if you are brave enough! Hey If I can watch The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and survive, then you should be able to handle this, unless you are not as open and enlightened as "your side" proclaims to be...

    I care more

    Boy sent to Principal for Reading book

    Katie Couric cooks a lobster

    Thanks for the Memories - I love the quote in here of Rep. Dan Rostenkowski, D. from IL, who says in the clip, "I'll do a big of bill as I possibly can do, and I'll ask you to pay for it too! Dan Rostenkowski, was chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, just like Charlie Rangle (what is it with this H&W position that corrupts men?), defrauded the taxpayer and was formally charged with 17 counts of abusing his Congressional payroll by paying at least 14 people who did little or no official work; trading stamp vouchers for at least $50,000 in cash; misusing his office's expense accounts to charge Congress for $40,000 in furniture and fine china and crystal; misusing personal vehicles and paying for them with $70,000 in House funds; and obstruction of justice. Hmm, TEA Party would be after his a$$! Our tax dollars hard at work! But the government will clear up fraud and abuse in the medical system!

    The Daschle Memo that could be applied in today's environment

    Clinton inaugural poem

    Rush first tv show

    Flaming to commence in 5, 4, 3, 2...



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  • Reply 72 of 133
    Originally Posted by Rot'nApple View Post

    View if you are brave enough! Hey If I can watch The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and survive, then you should be able to handle this, unless you are not as open and enlightened as "your side" proclaims to be...

    I care more

    Boy sent to Principal for Reading book

    Katie Couric cooks a lobster

    Thanks for the Memories - I love the quote in here of Rep. Dan Rostenkowski, D. from IL, who says in the clip, "I'll do a big of bill as I possibly can do, and I'll ask you to pay for it too! Dan Rostenkowski, was chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, just like Charlie Rangle (what is it with this H&W position that corrupts men?), defrauded the taxpayer and was formally charged with 17 counts of abusing his Congressional payroll by paying at least 14 people who did little or no official work; trading stamp vouchers for at least $50,000 in cash; misusing his office's expense accounts to charge Congress for $40,000 in furniture and fine china and crystal; misusing personal vehicles and paying for them with $70,000 in House funds; and obstruction of justice. Hmm, TEA Party would be after his a$$! Our tax dollars hard at work! But the government will clear up fraud and abuse in the medical system!

    The Daschle Memo that could be applied in today's environment

    Clinton inaugural poem

    Rush first tv show

    Flaming to commence in 5, 4, 3, 2...




    Thanks for the video links, they were good!
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  • Reply 73 of 133
    s8er01zs8er01z Posts: 144member
    Originally Posted by sandor View Post

    ...just wait till 6 million iPhone users crowd onto Verizon's CDMA 3G network...

    Will verizon users suddenly start seeing 'no service'?
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  • Reply 74 of 133
    Originally Posted by Whozown View Post

    Where do you live? Everyone says the AT&T network coverage sucks. I live in FL and here AT&T is king, their network coverage dominates FL . I've never once dropped a call on my iPhone or had any issue. I know it's not that great in california or new York.

    The problems largely are in New York...of course if you ask people why they think it is a problem and they will tell you the coverage sucks, when in reality it is too many users on one node (and not just iPhones). Verizon better hope they are up to the task because they will have a lot of egg on their face if they run into problems.

    Oh, and these iPhone 4 are not LTE compatible so the data speed will probably be slower, and you can't use data and voice at the same time....I'm going to stay where I am I've had a total of 5 dropped calls in the 2+ years I've been on mine. (that is better record than my land line data connection)
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  • Reply 75 of 133
    If Jon Stewart moved his show out of New York he might have better luck....
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  • Reply 76 of 133
    mazda 3smazda 3s Posts: 1,613member
    Originally Posted by roehlstation View Post

    The problems largely are in New York...of course if you ask people why they think it is a problem and they will tell you the coverage sucks, when in reality it is too many users on one node (and not just iPhones). Verizon better hope they are up to the task because they will have a lot of egg on their face if they run into problems.

    Oh, and these iPhone 4 are not LTE compatible so the data speed will probably be slower, and you can't use data and voice at the same time....I'm going to stay where I am I've had a total of 5 dropped calls in the 2+ years I've been on mine. (that is better record than my land line data connection)


    1) Verizon's #1 wireless carrier status

    2) Their heavy reliance on data-hungry Android based smartphones

    3) The fact that Android marketshare in the U.S. has overtaken the iPhone, meaning Verizon already has a s**tload of beasts hammering the network

    Verizon's network has held up quite well. The iPhone should be a piece of cake
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  • Reply 77 of 133
    Originally Posted by jcollin3k View Post

    I live in St. Petersburg, FL and have also never had a dropped call in 2 years of iPhone ownership (3G & 4). I am also grandfathered in to the unlimited data plan, so for once, I cannot complain.

    Same here ive had AT&T since 2004 and have had an iPhone since it's initial launch, I've never had issues with their coverage and i even get a discount with the company i work for. I do realize that not all states or cities have such strong coverage and that sucks, but it seems like that's all they focus on, they don't seem to mention the good. It's like that other user said, if it's not CA or NY then it doesn't matter.
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  • Reply 78 of 133
    rtm135rtm135 Posts: 310member
    Hrm... I watch the show because Jon's hilarious. Let's see how your stereotype holds up...

    IQ: 143

    Hates reality TV (esp wrestling)

    Shops at Wegman's

    Avoids fast food like the plague

    Drinks microbrews or wine

    Checked out the franklin institute over the holidays

    Ok, my turn to stereotype. Over the last twenty years the left has moved to the center, and the right has moved into a mental institution. The Republican Party is now a bunch of religious lunatics, flat-earthers, and Civil War reenactors.

    Chew on that.

    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    I wouldn't call it comedy. Glib - liberal glib that often insults those with an IQ higher then 20.

    People who watch the show also enjoy reality TV, shopping at Walmart, WWE Wrestling, Fast Food, listen to Top 40 radio, think Budweiser is good beer, and have never set foot in an art gallery or museum as an adult.

    Anyways, the show is full of vitriol - He was caught blaming Bush for not responding fast enough over the Gulf Oil Spill... then he realized his folly.

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  • Reply 79 of 133
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by buckdutter View Post

    Sorry, but you're wrong. According to a study that is so well known I shouldn't be bothered to cite a source:

    People who watch the Daily Show are known to be more educated, knowledgeable, tech saavy, trendy, stronger, faster, easier to look at, spell better, comprehend more words, speak more languages, have better superpowers, grow better beards, eat more delicious foods, see through walls better, wear cooler jeans, have a more complete understanding of irony, smell better, jump higher, are less racist, have better ideas, breathe better air, shit better shit, have better hair, wield bigger swords, have better figures, save more animals, donate more money, care more about the important stuff, can sing better, are richer (in both spirit and cash money), are more tolerant, more mature, drink better juice, laugh better laughs, and of course...make their calls from the right service provider.

    You are stupid if you don't agree.

    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    You know this because John Stewart has told you so many many times.

    Funny, it's as if that link were invisible.
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  • Reply 80 of 133
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    I love how people say they don't use it or it's an obscure feature no one needs.

    Think about it this way for a moment.

    The iPhone is your computing device when away from your computer, right?

    So how many times have you been on a phone call while browsing the Internet on your real computer? Lots of times, I would imagine. So what is the difference? If you could do it on your iPhone, you would. I'm just guessing, but that is the way I use my iPhone and my computer quite often. I like multitasking.

    Multitasking? Like running more then one app at a time on an iphone...maybe more then two? Lets be honest here...you know it doesn't do that..
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