Daily Show skewers AT&T over Verizon iPhone news



  • Reply 81 of 133
    ROFL good segment
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  • Reply 82 of 133
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by theobold View Post

    Multitasking? Like running more then one app at a time on an iphone...maybe more then two? Lets be honest here...you know it doesn't do that..

    It?s always done that.
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  • Reply 83 of 133
    Originally Posted by msimpson View Post

    Maybe Jon Stewart needs to get a life? I used to find him funny, but his routine has gotten old. If his iPhone troubles are such a top story, maybe he needs a reality check for his "news"? Flooding in Australia, US-China relations, Wikileaks, the tragedy in Arizona, our economy, the federal deficit, all of the problems in Africa, the list goes on and on - and the iPhone is that big of deal? I am surprised he hasn't blamed his iPhone problems on Rush Limbaugh. AT&T may suck in NYC, but if it is bad as people say it is, why do they still have iPhones? I would have turned mine in a long time ago. Maybe they are just posers who think they look cool with an iPhone? Most of our country seems to be slaves to media hype, and sadly Jon Stewart seems to be no better.

    Perhaps the reason Jon Stewart doesn't joke about the current natural disasters etc. is because he does a comedy show and it would not be funny!

    Although he sometimes chooses to discuss serious issues such as the shooting in Tucson, it's because there are certain political issues he's been hammering on for years and it's relevant to his show (e.g. the vitriol in current American political rhetoric). He likes to point out political absurdities (such as cross-hairs for Congressmen to be targeted) but these absurdities often turn into real issues so he confronts them in a serious manner.

    Discussing serious issues is not the job of a show on Comedy Central.
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  • Reply 84 of 133
    Originally Posted by Whozown View Post

    Where do you live? Everyone says the AT&T network coverage sucks. I live in FL and here AT&T is king, their network coverage dominates FL . I've never once dropped a call on my iPhone or had any issue. I know it's not that great in california or new York.

    Considering the jokes were entirely about how bad the service is in New York, I would venture a guess and say NEW YORK?
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  • Reply 85 of 133
    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    I wouldn't call it comedy. Glib - liberal glib that often insults those with an IQ higher then 20.

    People who watch the show also enjoy reality TV, shopping at Walmart, WWE Wrestling, Fast Food, listen to Top 40 radio, think Budweiser is good beer, and have never set foot in an art gallery or museum as an adult.

    Anyways, the show is full of vitriol - He was caught blaming Bush for not responding fast enough over the Gulf Oil Spill... then he realized his folly.

    LOL. You clearly don't watch the show. Otherwise, you would realize the kind of people you've listed are the ones who typically find him offensive. Regarding JS blaming Bush for the inadequate response to the Gulf oil spill, please find a reference to this. I'm extremely confident you are mistaken.

    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    Unfortunately, you don't have access to the Daily Shows (Viacom) media buying demographics.

    I'm not saying all Daily Show viewers are what has been described as the 'Failing college student' demographic.

    Try watching the commercials some time... you will see what I mean.

    Ummm. Media buying is based on many things... and we are talking about Comedy Central here. Aren't all their commercials somewhat brainless?

    Let's compare the people who went to Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert's Rally to Restore Sanity versus the ones who attended Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor rally. That's a much better indication of the demographics of the shows. I doubt the type of person you've described even understands what Jon and Stephen say on their shows, let alone pick up on the satire/sarcasm. The illiterates watch Glenn Beck: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ht8PmEjxUfg
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  • Reply 86 of 133
    Originally Posted by Bageljoey View Post

    Niiiiicccee! Anybody who doesn't agree with you or see the world like you is a slobering idiot. Must be nice to be you...

    He didn't say anybody, just the ones who watch this show. He has a point, it is not news, it is not funny, and it is more about bashing and blaming certain targets (AT&T, Bush etc.) than anything else. You have to wonder how much Verizon is paying the guy for the massive advertising campaign. If his iPhone really didn't make or receive calls he wouldn't still have it, so you can be sure there is something more behind all the pro Verizon, anti AT&T air time.
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  • Reply 87 of 133
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Again, viewers of the Daily Show (and the Colbert Report, for that matter) tend to be better informed than viewers of cable and broadcast news.

    They better answered a mere 3 questions 2 years ago. The statistical signifigance of that would be exactly 0.
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  • Reply 88 of 133
    Over-the-top comedy at its best.

    But I really do think it says more about New Yorkers than it does about Apple, AT&T and Verizon.
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  • Reply 89 of 133
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by AIaddict View Post

    He didn't say anybody, just the ones who watch this show. He has a point, it is not news, it is not funny, and it is more about bashing and blaming certain targets (AT&T, Bush etc.) than anything else.

    Where exactly do you feel Jon Stewart isn't telling the truth?

    Did Bush not send us to war under false accusation?

    Did Bush not cut taxes at the same time he sent us into two wars that were not paid for?

    Did Bush not turn a $230 billion surplus (the largest in US history) into a $485 billion deficit (the largest in US history)?

    Has it not been shown many times that Verizon has better service than AT&T? Is that something entirely fabricated by Jon Stewart?


    You have to wonder how much Verizon is paying the guy for the massive advertising campaign. If his iPhone really didn't make or receive calls he wouldn't still have it, so you can be sure there is something more behind all the pro Verizon, anti AT&T air time.

    No, no one wonders about that. Its something you've entirely made up.
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  • Reply 90 of 133
    Originally Posted by buckdutter View Post

    No one said it would be free, and it won't be.

    Not what I heard, pretty sure I heard them say it was included. Yeah, free may not be right word but if pricing for the plan matches AT&Ts then in a way that would be free for me.
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  • Reply 91 of 133
    Originally Posted by theobold

    Multitasking? Like running more then one app at a time on an iphone...maybe more then two? Lets be honest here...you know it doesn't do that..

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    It’s always done that.

    Since version 4 anyway.
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  • Reply 92 of 133
    Originally Posted by nagromme View Post

    AT&T customer service is another matter... that?s a nightmare zone everywhere (I still don?t think I could give up simultaneous voice and data... but ask me again once we know the cost of Verizon?s plan with hotspot!)

    Amen, don't ever call them expecting to actually sort out technical issues, they run through their canned stuff & then ultimately blame it on the phone. "Call Apple" they say, I might do that if my phone was actually still under warranty!! Nevermind that I've already isolated the issue to 3G (wifi works fine) and know that it worked find one day then suddenly did not (no updates to blame). It's also kind of strange that the issue occurred not long after my 2 year contract was up. Buy a new phone & renewed contract? Yeah, I bet you'd like me to! Unfortunately my experience with Verizon has been the same, they're all a bunch of crooks. T-mobile is looking more & more tempting, waiting for Apple to work out a deal. If the tethering really does turn out to be extra charge then that would remove any temptation I have to switch to Verizon.
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  • Reply 93 of 133
    Originally Posted by hezetation View Post

    Originally Posted by theobold

    Multitasking? Like running more then one app at a time on an iphone...maybe more then two? Lets be honest here...you know it doesn't do that..

    Since version 4 anyway.

    Third party apps got multitasking just recently, but the iPhone has been capable of and has been doing multitasking since the original iPhone.
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  • Reply 94 of 133
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    The iPhone has always run Apple's built in apps in the background. Apple did not allow 3rd party apps to run in the background. With iOS 4 now 3rd party apps are allowed to run limited API's in the background.

    Originally Posted by hezetation View Post

    Originally Posted by theobold

    Multitasking? Like running more then one app at a time on an iphone...maybe more then two? Lets be honest here...you know it doesn't do that..

    Since version 4 anyway.

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  • Reply 95 of 133
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member
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  • Reply 96 of 133
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    edit: Pipped.
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  • Reply 97 of 133
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Its not so one sided. Most people want to use their phone as an appliance and not a computer.

    Few people want to have to deal with CPU cycles and allocation of RAM. They would prefer the phone deal with its own operational minutia. And is the reason why Apple made the multitasking API's. Its a good compromise.

    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    ...in a limited way that amounts to a sort of freeze-tag.

    Welcome to Mac OS 6.7's MultiFinder.

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  • Reply 98 of 133
    Originally Posted by JupiterOne View Post

    Third party apps got multitasking just recently, but the iPhone has been capable of and has been doing multitasking since the original iPhone.

    From a purely technical standpoint that is true, but I think most people would consider lack of 3rd party support pretty much no better than not having it at all. Tit for tat I guess.
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  • Reply 99 of 133
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member
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  • Reply 100 of 133
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    I don't think that the definition of multitasking needs to be that inflexible. Especially given the vast difference in purpose and functionality between a computer and a phone.

    Given the fact that a phone can only display one app at a time, there is little need for it to run every aspect of multiple apps. The iPhone allows apps to perform their necessary tasks in the background without wasting resources on unnecessary tasks.

    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    But in all honesty, given modern definitions of "multitasking" the iPhone implementation stretches things just a bit. Not necessarily in a bad way, just not in the way most folks think about multitasking today.

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