Daily Show skewers AT&T over Verizon iPhone news



  • Reply 41 of 133
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    I wouldn't call it comedy. Glib - liberal glib that often insults those with an IQ higher then 20.

    People who watch the show also enjoy reality TV, shopping at Walmart, WWE Wrestling, Fast Food, listen to Top 40 radio, think Budweiser is good beer, and have never set foot in an art gallery or museum as an adult.

    Anyways, the show is full of vitriol - He was caught blaming Bush for not responding fast enough over the Gulf Oil Spill... then he realized his folly.

    Daily Show viewers tend to be younger, better educated and better informed than the average Fox News viewer, so I think you may have your demographics confused.
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  • Reply 42 of 133
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by msimpson View Post

    Sure, it is a comedy show, but sadly for many people - it is their main source of "news". Not sure what that says about our other "news sources" like CNN, Fox, MSNBC, etc. Or what it says about our average citizen. Things that Jon Stewart says on his shows get repeated as if they were facts. Many of his viewers can't distinguish between reality and comedy.

    Originally Posted by Bageljoey View Post

    I agree. It is sad. The same thing happens when people try to get their news from FOX...

    Again, viewers of the Daily Show (and the Colbert Report, for that matter) tend to be better informed than viewers of cable and broadcast news.
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  • Reply 43 of 133
    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    Only sometimes. Honestly, cell coverage in the UK is abysmal.

    Have you tried spending all of your waking hours seething with hatred for O2 and life in general, goin online to lament (whaaaaa) all the hardships you have to endure because of that one place your phone doesn't work? Have you tried having a mental breakdown bordering on Tourettes syndrome every time you so much as notice a hickup in your phone? Do you idealize what the ideal network would be like, and cry yourself to sleep because current technology cannot possibly meet the unrealistic things you have come to expect? All of these things seem to work in America - you guys should try them too!
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  • Reply 44 of 133
    Originally Posted by hezetation View Post

    In New York I hear it is horrible, not in the city where I live though. Even works good downtown amongst all sky scrapers.

    I'm on the fence. Service for me really has been just fine, in fact my wife's Verizon drops way more than mine. What interests me is the free tethering, but then I'd be giving up simultaneous voice & data (which I use a lot).

    Waiting to see how AT&T responds, hoping they throw in tethering too.

    No one said it would be free, and it won't be.
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  • Reply 45 of 133
    Originally Posted by dm3 View Post

    Repeating ATT marketing line.

    Verizon is the biggest carrier. They have tons of android phones which use more data than iPhones. iPhone on verizon is a nonevent to their data network.

    No. Repeating what many of us have been saying ever since the Verizon/iPhone rumors first began. Data use on the Verizon network pales in comparison. And, as many are so quick to point out, so do the number of Verizon android users compared to the AT&T iPhone. Sure, android phone sales have roughly equaled iPhone lately, but not all were Verizon bound and, more importantly, Apple has had a several year headstart on android. The current numbers of in-service phones on these two networks is nowhere near equivalent. To suggest otherwise is ludicrous.
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  • Reply 46 of 133
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Again, viewers of the Daily Show (and the Colbert Report, for that matter) tend to be better informed than viewers of cable and broadcast news.

    Isn't that a bit like saying a rock is smarter than a brick?
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  • Reply 47 of 133
    rainrain Posts: 538member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Wow! So much stereotyping makes you sound like the rancorous one. I think you would have had a decent argument if you hadn?t resorted to pigeonholing.

    Unfortunately, you don't have access to the Daily Shows (Viacom) media buying demographics.

    I'm not saying all Daily Show viewers are what has been described as the 'Failing college student' demographic.

    Try watching the commercials some time... you will see what I mean.
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  • Reply 48 of 133
    rainrain Posts: 538member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Daily Show viewers tend to be younger, better educated and better informed than the average Fox News viewer, so I think you may have your demographics confused.

    Sorry, your data doesn't jive with mine. Mine is not made up btw.
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  • Reply 49 of 133
    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    Sorry, your data doesn't jive with mine. Mine is not made up btw.

    His data doesn't dance with yours? That'd be a sight -- sell tickets. Or perhaps the word you were seeking is "jibe."
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  • Reply 50 of 133
    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    Sorry, your data doesn't jive with mine. Mine is not made up btw.

    Sorry, but you're wrong. According to a study that is so well known I shouldn't be bothered to cite a source:

    People who watch the Daily Show are known to be more educated, knowledgeable, tech saavy, trendy, stronger, faster, easier to look at, spell better, comprehend more words, speak more languages, have better superpowers, grow better beards, eat more delicious foods, see through walls better, wear cooler jeans, have a more complete understanding of irony, smell better, jump higher, are less racist, have better ideas, breathe better air, shit better shit, have better hair, wield bigger swords, have better figures, save more animals, donate more money, care more about the important stuff, can sing better, are richer (in both spirit and cash money), are more tolerant, more mature, drink better juice, laugh better laughs, and of course...make their calls from the right service provider.

    You are stupid if you don't agree.
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  • Reply 51 of 133
    rainrain Posts: 538member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Again, viewers of the Daily Show (and the Colbert Report, for that matter) tend to be better informed than viewers of cable and broadcast news.

    You know this because John Stewart has told you so many many times.
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  • Reply 52 of 133
    ATT in San Francisco is pretty good, but I went to NYC last summer and was pretty shocked at how unreliable it was. I was still able to make all my calls, but I was in the Central Park area the whole time.
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  • Reply 53 of 133
    rainrain Posts: 538member
    Originally Posted by buckdutter View Post

    Sorry, but you're wrong. According to a study that is so well known I shouldn't be bothered to cite a source:

    People who watch the Daily Show are known to be more educated, knowledgeable, tech saavy, trendy, stronger, faster, easier to look at, spell better, comprehend more words speak more languages, have better superpowers, grow better beards, eat more delicious foods, see through walls better, wear cooler jeans, have a more complete understanding of irony, smell better, jump higher, are less racist, have better ideas, breathe better air, shit better shit, have better hair, wield bigger swords, have better figures, save more animals, donate more money, care more about the important stuff, can sing better, are richer (in both spirit and cash money), are more tolerant, more mature, drink better juice, laugh better laughs, and of course...make their calls from the right service provider.

    You are stupid if you don't agree.

    Funny how some 'Daily Show' fanatics took offense to actual demographics. I never said anything about being 'better' or 'superior'. Just listed off the demographic metrics Viacom uses for media buying/selling.

    If you don't believe me... watch the ad's next time it's on.

    It's not a personal attack because you happen to like John Stewart. Just so happens the majority of Bud guzzling - fast food eating - top 40 listening - reality tv watching - Walmart shopping - WWE / UFC watching Americans like to 'feel smart' and 'superior' by watching the show too...

    Dr Millmoss said it best, "Isn't that a bit like saying a rock is smarter than a brick?
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  • Reply 54 of 133
    tbelltbell Posts: 3,146member
    That is the thing. Network coverage is depend on the area. Verizon may have a larger Network, but in many areas AT&T is equal with Verizon or even better. Personally, I don't care, as I prefer T-Mobile and the coverage is good where I live.

    Interestingly enough, on the iPhone there is an application for T-Mobile that shows me the location of the towers. I wonder if the other carriers have such a thing.

    Originally Posted by Whozown View Post

    Where do you live? Everyone says the AT&T network coverage sucks. I live in FL and here AT&T is king, their network coverage dominates FL . I've never once dropped a call on my iPhone or had any issue. I know it's not that great in california or new York.

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  • Reply 55 of 133
    mazda 3smazda 3s Posts: 1,613member
    Originally Posted by sandor View Post

    or, god forbid, you try to use google maps for directions while you are talking on the phone... i cannot even count the number of times i have been talking to someone on the phone while searching for/making reservations at the establishment we are meeting at...

    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    I love how people say they don't use it or it's an obscure feature no one needs.

    Think about it this way for a moment.

    The iPhone is your computing device when away from your computer, right?

    So how many times have you been on a phone call while browsing the Internet on your real computer? Lots of times, I would imagine. So what is the difference? If you could do it on your iPhone, you would. I'm just guessing, but that is the way I use my iPhone and my computer quite often. I like multitasking.

    No offense, but don't Verizon smartphone customers already know this and deal with it everyday?

    This has always been the case with Verizon's network... this isn't some new revelation. That being said, I do find it to be a handy feature.
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  • Reply 56 of 133
    Originally Posted by sandor View Post

    ...just wait till 6 million iPhone users crowd onto Verizon's CDMA 3G network...

    It is a popular misconception that ATTs problem stems from the number of iPhones. ATT S real problem is lack of signal due to a poorly designed network(still lots of 1900 Mhz sites and few total cell sites).

    Weak signal causes data transmission speed to slow to a crawl in addition to the dropped calls.
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  • Reply 57 of 133
    Originally Posted by Gunslinger View Post

    I do find it interesting that people continue to complain about the AT&T network. It is the best network I have ever had and I live in a small town.

    ROTFLMAO!!! Then you sure haven't seen much.
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  • Reply 58 of 133
    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post

    a year from now he will be asking the all important questions "why can I check email and talk on my VZ Iphone at the same time" damn that grass was not greener

    A year from now anybody getting a phone will be on LTE with Verizon not a 3G phone. Then it is not an issue and is not an issue in a couple of months with the new Androids. Today if you are using WiFi you can talk and do data at the sametime.....not quiet the same but that is just the limitation with CDMA.....go to LTE and it is a whole different game.
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  • Reply 59 of 133
    Originally Posted by msimpson View Post

    Maybe Jon Stewart needs to get a life? I used to find him funny, but his routine has gotten old. If his iPhone troubles are such a top story, maybe he needs a reality check for his "news"? Flooding in Australia, US-China relations, Wikileaks, the tragedy in Arizona, our economy, the federal deficit, all of the problems in Africa, the list goes on and on - and the iPhone is that big of deal? I am surprised he hasn't blamed his iPhone problems on Rush Limbaugh. AT&T may suck in NYC, but if it is bad as people say it is, why do they still have iPhones? I would have turned mine in a long time ago. Maybe they are just posers who think they look cool with an iPhone? Most of our country seems to be slaves to media hype, and sadly Jon Stewart seems to be no better.

    Easy there Tiger. Before you went off on your rant, you should have watched the previous day's episode.

    And for the record, it's not a "New's" show... it's a comedy show... a great one at that.
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  • Reply 60 of 133
    I live in France, and the iPhone works very well on the Orange network, the flow rate is 5 MB in town on 3G +, 1mb minimum in the campaign, I've never lost a call.
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