Varying accounts report modest lines for Apple's Verizon iPhone 4



  • Reply 61 of 104
    Originally Posted by lilgto64 View Post

    Wasn't the iPhone 4/ATT available on day 1 only at Apple stores? could not get them anywhere else - and what about pre-order - how much of that did they allow?

    In other words - if say for example the iPhone 4/Verizon is available at twice as many locations then lines half as long at each location might be expected.

    Best Buy and Walmart between them probably have ten times as many stores as Apple. Just a guess....
  • Reply 62 of 104
    Originally Posted by Elian Gonzalez View Post

    It's all in the timing. People's attention is fixed on Egypt and shirtless Congressmen.

    "I did not have shirtless relations with that woman, Ms..."
  • Reply 63 of 104
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post


    Theyve already demonstrated the patience to wait 3+ years for an iPhone. Most people like that are smart/patient enough to wait another week.

    Ok I hope so
  • Reply 64 of 104
    Congratualtions Verizon. First you cripple a great phone (pathetic global support, slower access, and no multitasking of voice/data), then you raised the price of entry with a mandatory $30/mo Data Plan, and now you embarress Apple with this failed product launch. I've never seen so many Apple employees stand around at one time. Has Apple ever had a product launch failure before this one?
  • Reply 65 of 104
    Originally Posted by Android4ever View Post

    Ahh..yet another Apple FAILURE!

    Compared to all the hype over the iPhone launch..this was dismal. Poor Apple fans.

    No one cares about your terrible/overpriced product. You all put a great spin on this. But let's get something straight:

    The real reason why there were not lines? No body cares, we are happy with our droids.

    Please don't compare the launch of ONE iphone with possibly HUNDREDS of Android devices. If there were ONE Android device sold on ONE network tomorrow. Better believe I would be lining up. and I wouldn't be alone.

    Enjoy your misery

    tell us how you really feel, haha.. but seriously, the fact that you felt the need to come over here and visit probabaly means you're a bit insecure about your beloved android. what is so great about android anyway, other than being a bad copy if the iPhone, I really don't see anything compelling about it. maybe you can educate us? hope you enjoy that honeycomb, whenever it reaches your current android, if ever
  • Reply 66 of 104
    No lines, an lack of demand because only a small fraction of users can buy it at the 199 & 299 price most are looking at 649 & 749. get real verizon not many will pay that. open it up to all your customers as an early upgrade and there will be a big demand. There banking on small demand to keep the network usages down.

  • Reply 67 of 104
    Originally Posted by android5ever View Post

    This is what I saw when I hit the forum:

    vBulletin Message

    You have been banned for the following reason:


    Date the ban will be lifted: Never

    Guys..I am not an apple user. You can't ban me "forever" by blocking my username..I'm smart and i find my way around these things. You think these people have never heard of things like temporary email's lol.

    Let me give your site administrators a word of advice: Don't try to fight truth with censorship. You only end up making yourself and those around you more ignorant.

    we have a persistant troll problem here, hence the sensitivity. thanks for the advice though.

    so what is so great about android that you felt the desire to come here and tell is about it?
  • Reply 68 of 104
    I think a lot of people are hoping the iPhone 5 has LTE, however unlikely. I know that I do not want to be locked out of LTE for 2 years.
  • Reply 69 of 104
    Originally Posted by noexpectations View Post

    Congratualtions Verizon. First you cripple a great phone (pathetic global support, slower access, and no multitasking of voice/data), then you raised the price of entry with a mandatory $30/mo Data Plan, and now you embarress Apple with this failed product launch. I've never seen so many Apple employees stand around at one time. Has Apple ever had a product launch failure before this one?

    Most Verizon customers do not care about global support, simultaneous voice and data because they have never had it. Unlimited internet for $30 is much better than 2GB for $25. For me, being locked out of LTE for two years is what is making me wait for the iPhone 5.
  • Reply 70 of 104
    Originally Posted by noexpectations View Post

    Congratualtions Verizon. First you cripple a great phone (pathetic global support, slower access, and no multitasking of voice/data), then you raised the price of entry with a mandatory $30/mo Data Plan, and now you embarress Apple with this failed product launch. I've never seen so many Apple employees stand around at one time. Has Apple ever had a product launch failure before this one?

    What "product launch failure"? How many Verizon iPhones will be sold this month? Do you know?

    Oh, you mean the LINES! Yeah, hundreds of places you can buy a phone from, including Best Buy and WalMart; colder than a witch's treat out there; the fact that the phone itself is just shifting to a new carrier and really isn't a "product launch" per se. BFD, guy.
  • Reply 71 of 104
    Originally Posted by tmallon View Post

    open it up to all your customers as an early upgrade and there will be a big demand...

    Verizon HAS opened it up. I'm a Verizon customer and currently carry three devices: An LG enV3, an 1G iPod Touch and a Virgin MiFi. I thought perhaps I could condense 3 devices into one.

    Even though my upgrade eligibility time doesn't roll around till September, I could upgrade to the Verizon iPhone at the 2-year contract price for only $20 extra. That's not bad, and a great incentive to existing customers.

    In the end, I'm still trying to decide whether tacking an extra $50 per month to my family plan is worth the extra $1200 over two years. It's far cheaper to upgrade my iPod Touch from the 1G to the 4G model, and only use the Virgin MiFi when I need it, with no contract and no taxes on my Broadband2Go Top-Off.

    That said, there's still the convenience of three devices in one. I've been using a Touch as a PDA for three years now and generally give it high marks for that. I'm still on the fence though, and may just wait till the end of the year to see what happens with the iPhone 5.

  • Reply 72 of 104
    In a few weeks Apple and/or Verizon will post the sales results and, regardless if there were long lines or not, they will have sold more Verizon iPhones in that period of time then any other phone, in an equal amount of sales time, that Verizon has ever released.

    Say what you want about people waiting for the next iPhone, or no LTE support, no world phone (GSM) support, etc... etc. They will sell a ton of Verizon iPhones and, for the most part, people are going to be very happy with their decision. Some people have lots of spare money and will pay for the phone they want, with or without a contract renewal being available.

    I dumped my Droid Incredible for the iPhone 4 and I am very happy. The Droid was a good phone, but it wasn't a great phone. It had a few too many quirks for me.

    To each his or her own, of course... but those of you who say,"Fail".. lol. Apple is laughing all the way to the bank. They are going to make a ton of money by bringing the iPhone to Verizon. They only wish they would have done it sooner.
  • Reply 73 of 104
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Just out of curiosity, were you thinking of switching due to being in one of the poorer AT&T coverage areas or some other reason?

    Because of poor call-quality.

    Data is fine
  • Reply 74 of 104
    HAHAHAHA android5ever identitfies himself as purposely being an ass to throw the thread offtopic and is using Appleinsider for his political soapbox. I wonder if can get even more pathetic when he comes back as android6ever.

    Fracking iPhobes! What the hell is he scared of? Apple hasnt attacked the low end of the market where his people mostly dwell.
  • Reply 75 of 104
    Originally Posted by addicted44 View Post

    This is really simple folks...

    1) Verizon has already had 2 online launches before this.

    2) Sales are spread between Apple/Verizon/Best Buy/Walmart

    3) The hardcore Apple fans are probably on ATT already

    4) People found out about this 1 month ago. They are still waiting to get done with their 2 year contracts to upgrade (even the original iPhone had a 6 month warning, so folks whose contracts were ending in the 6 months preceding the launch could wait for it. For the iPhone 4, ATT allowed some folks to upgrade early, allowing people who once again, fell into a 6 month window to upgrade...besides, people knew the iPhone 4 was coming out then).

    5) Most are waiting for iPhone 5.

    6) 1 month after the holiday season is not really the best time to release a product. Most have just got done spending significant sums of money, and are likely to scale back a bit.

    7) Verizon isn't allowing early upgrades.
  • Reply 76 of 104
    This news report may explain why lines are thin today:
  • Reply 77 of 104
    Originally Posted by android5ever View Post

    Trolls are not bad. People have always fought against something, whether it be tyranny, oppression or what have you. The American revolutionaries were trolls. So were the people that ran the underground railroad. So were the anti apartheid movement. The trouble with "combatting" trolls is that you leave yourself and your community more and more isolated. This leaves your views more and more narrow and more and more fringe.

    Attempting to control trolls is attempting to control a message. People will always want a voice. People will always want to be able to tell you things you don't want to hear while you are inside your box.

    Nokia have been fighting trolls for years. Trolls that said that Symbian was old, unusable, unweildy. They stubbornly stuck to their guns..and are now on the brink of utter failure as a world smartphone leader. Sometimes trolls are bad, obnoxious, conniving, true. But sometimes...just sometimes...trolls are good. And we should listen to them.

    you're not the kind of troll that bothers us, generally. if you have a legitimate point to make you typically will not find much opposition from the members. there are a lot of trolls on this site with malicious intent, who's only purpose is to disrupt, not debate. so sorry if you feel you've been wronged, but I'd rather have our mods be too sensitive than too permissive.
  • Reply 78 of 104
    Originally Posted by cwfrederick View Post

    you're not the kind of troll that bothers us, generally. if you have a legitimate point to make you typically will not find much opposition from the members. there are a lot of trolls on this site with malicious intent, who's only purpose is to disrupt, not debate. so sorry if you feel you've been wronged, but I'd rather have our mods be too sensitive than too permissive.

    Check out his post as android4ever. Everything about his post was to instigate, not add an alternative rational viewpoint.
  • Reply 79 of 104
    I personally have been with AT&T since the original iphone launch back in 2007. I live in Tampa,Florida and I am currently a free agent and can opt for Verizon if I choose so.

    I dont have any complaints about AT&T at all. I was just curious to know from AT&T users wanting to switch to Verizon. IS IT REALLY THAT BAD?

    I mean seriously for $60 bucks you get 450 landline minutes and unlimited mobile to mobile on any network with rollover and 5,000 nights and weekends. Data some are grandfathered in at $30 but its $25 for 2gigs. So basically its dang near unlimited at THE PRICE OF $85 or $90 at worse.

    Seriously go to Verizon you get 450 minutes NO ROLLOVER,NO UNLIMITED MOBILE TO MOBILE for $60 bucks.

    P.S Oh by the way no voice/data multi-tasking SO WHY WOULD ANYONE CHOOSE VERIZON ?
  • Reply 80 of 104
    grkinggrking Posts: 533member
    Originally Posted by Wurm5150 View Post

    Still pretty good considering it's not really a new phone and it came out 8 months ago. You don't see any lines for new Android phones or any other phone.

    That is because of the business model. Apple only releases 1 model a year. Hence, demand and interest builds, which results in lines. Furthermore, there are only a limited number of places to get the phone - which also generates lines. Typically, initially new models are only available via preorder, or at Apple. Thus, generating lines.

    In contrast, other phone makers release multiple models a year, and have widespread availability - carriers, bestbuy, etc. This approach will not generate lines.

    Of course the interesting thing is that if this were a description of the release of any other phone, it would be described as a failure, etc.
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