Varying accounts report modest lines for Apple's Verizon iPhone 4



  • Reply 101 of 104
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Originally Posted by noexpectations View Post

    Congratualtions Verizon. First you cripple a great phone (pathetic global support, slower access, and no multitasking of voice/data), then you raised the price of entry with a mandatory $30/mo Data Plan, and now you embarress Apple with this failed product launch. I've never seen so many Apple employees stand around at one time. Has Apple ever had a product launch failure before this one?

    How is that VZWs fault? Apple waited way too long, plus why launch a iPhone a few months before a updated version comes out? Was that Apple's decision or VZWs?
  • Reply 102 of 104
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Originally Posted by Logisticaldron View Post

    Is there a carrier where iPhones sell less than equivalent Android-based devices?

    No of course not but I personally know of about 20 people that would've gotten a iPhone today if they had not purchased a Android device in the last few months. I myself got a Droid anode cannot upgrade until September. Will I get a iPhone? My answer used to be a definite yes but now I'm not so sure and there are many like me. I love my other Apple products but I've grown to really like my Droid.
  • Reply 103 of 104
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Originally Posted by Logisticaldron View Post

    7) Verizon isn't allowing early upgrades.

    Actually they are but only to select customers.
  • Reply 104 of 104
    Feb 3, Feb 9..............two huge opportunitties to order online with FREE delivery to your door,Plus freezing weather made it all too easy to avoid being online at a Verizon or Apple store today. Not to mention that Apple, Best Buy , Verizon, Walmart and other stores were selling the Verizon Iphone........which means big lines weren't a reality this time around.

    Wait till after the weekend when the final numbers are released and we'll know the answer

    (As if we don't already know the launch was a success)
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