Apple's iPad 2 unveiling viewed as 'crucial' to stay ahead of competition



  • Reply 21 of 143
    "Apple's iPad 2 unveiling viewed as 'crucial' to stay ahead of competition"

    Right now, essentially there IS no competition. At least, none that can be taken seriously. Apple has, what, 80% of this market? With such a lead, Apple's not concerned with 'staying ahead' of anyone. What Apple is trying to do is FORESTALL competition. That is - to keep it from getting a solid foothold in the 'tablet' market niche Apple has created.

    Right now, Apple's competitors lack both its resources and determination. That means they are struggling to hit the price/performance target that Apple has set with its initial iPad offering. To forestall competition, then, Apple's strategy is to keep moving the target. This should confuse and frustrate competitors who are, again, struggling to deliver products aimed at the CURRENT target.

    With that understanding: Yes, the iPad 2 is crucial in FORESTALLING Apple's competition.
  • Reply 22 of 143
    I've always been curious what these "notes to investors" look like. Is it an e-mail titled "BTW" or "I forgot to mention" or something more formal, like a Sticky?
  • Reply 23 of 143
    carmissimocarmissimo Posts: 837member
    The tablets coming to market this year will at best be competitive with the iPad, as it is today. So tomorrow, Apple raises the bar and leaves the competition behind, yet again.

    The reasons why Apple was always far behind in the personal computer market is that Macs have been pricier and with so many people using Windows-based PCs at work, it made sense for the home system to work well with work system.

    Well in the tablet space, it hardly matters what machines we're all using in a work environment and in terms of price, the tables are turned. The bang-for-the-buck advantage right now belongs to Apple. Amazing. And with it's clout as a volume buyer, Apple could conceivably maintain the price advantage for quite some time.

    I think an annual re-design, as is the case with the iPhone, the iPod, etc. will be just enough for Apple to maintain an edge for quite a few years.
  • Reply 24 of 143
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    "We believe Apple must make a convincing case for why the iPad 2 is better than the plethora of competitors coming to market, while at the same time persuading iPad 1 buyers to upgrade to iPad 2."

    I don't get the latter point, but that will be the easier sell as iPad lacks RAM etc.
  • Reply 25 of 143
    island hermitisland hermit Posts: 6,217member
    Originally Posted by 2 cents View Post

    And the competition is?

    Exactly what I was wondering.

    Where's the Xoom. (that's a rhetorical question)
  • Reply 26 of 143
    island hermitisland hermit Posts: 6,217member
    Originally Posted by Mister Snitch View Post

    "Apple's iPad 2 unveiling viewed as 'crucial' to stay ahead of competition"

    Right now, essentially there IS no competition. At least, none that can be taken seriously. Apple has, what, 80% of this market?

    When Samsung lies about their numbers then Apple has 80% of the market.

    When Samsung tells the truth about their numbers then Apple has 94% of the market.
  • Reply 27 of 143
    multimediamultimedia Posts: 1,056member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    "With over a hundred tablets expected to come to market this year looking to take on the iPad, ... we believe Apple must make a convincing case for why the iPad 2 is better than the plethora of competitors coming to market, while at the same time persuading iPad 1 buyers to upgrade to iPad 2."

    I doubt more than five competing tablets have much of a chance of survival past their press conferences. As a charter iPad 3G adopter and fanatical daily user since May 5th 2010, Apple doesn't need to make a convincing case to persuade me to upgrade. I'm pouncing on getting the first top model off the plane ASAP. I could really use a 128 GB unit though. I have 1469 apps installed on my iPad occupying 45 GB of space. So the 59.2 GB (net) model seems inadequate to me.
  • Reply 28 of 143
    smiles77smiles77 Posts: 668member
    This is Steve Jobs' baby--he's going to be there to give the keynote.
  • Reply 29 of 143
    Originally Posted by xSamplex View Post

    Unless Apple takes the restrictions off developers, there's going to be a lot of love for Android tablets, just like there is for Android phones. Apple will probably own more than half the market for quite a while, but the market is no longer cornered. Which is a good thing for all customers.

    Regarding tomorrow's announcement, I have a funny feeling they may pull a Mac Mini on us, and up the floor price by $100. Expecially now that they realize their competition can't match their price/performance ratio. But really, what's $100? I spent more than that on dinner with the family last Saturday without batting an eye. Spending that much more on a device I'd use daily for over a year? No big deal.

    No decision Apple (like any other corporation) makes is done in isolation of the circumstances or their development plan. Since you choose to be non-specific, I have to assume that you want ALL restrictions off the developers, which would be a significant change of process and highly unlikely. You cannot directly compare development for the iPhone to the dev for the iPad - two different platforms. And the market will develop naturally - Apple only owns the market because they have no effective competition in the device class. Anone who assumes a continuing complete ownership of the space has no clue as to how the tech device space works. There is no "cornered" of the segment at this stage - they are simply the first house in the development neighborhood so to speak.
  • Reply 30 of 143
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    Originally Posted by Elian Gonzalez View Post

    I've always been curious what these "notes to investors" look like. Is it an e-mail titled "BTW" or "I forgot to mention" or something more formal, like a Sticky?

    Stickies are more in-depth.
  • Reply 31 of 143
    lilgto64lilgto64 Posts: 1,147member
    In other news, sensationalized headlines draw huge numbers of page hits and heated debate in the forums, one poster observes.
  • Reply 32 of 143
    stuffestuffe Posts: 394member
    Originally Posted by Multimedia View Post

    I doubt more than five competing tablets have much of a chance of survival past their press conferences. As a charter iPad 3G adopter and fanatical daily user since May 5th 2010, Apple doesn't need to make a convincing case to persuade me to upgrade. I'm pouncing on getting the first top model off the plane ASAP. I could really use a 128 GB unit though. I have 1469 apps installed on my iPad occupying 45 GB of space. So the 59.2 GB (net) model seems inadequate to me.

    The Xoom just got priced here in the UK, and at only £10 more than a base iPad it's going to be very tempting for a lot of people. Not that I would buy one now and have to post it away for 8-10 days to get a hardware upgrade in the next couple of months, I'd just wait for it to be included...mind you, I am not sure that we will get that option at there is no 4G network here to speak of...(mind you neither is there in the US )
  • Reply 32 of 143
    sipadansipadan Posts: 107member

    Surely the burden of proof is on the iPad competitors to demonstrate that THEY are better, not the other way around.

    Amen to that. What kind of twisted logic brings analysts to portray Apple as on the brink of meltdown unless they somehow "prove" their upcoming IPad will be better than vaporware/half baked concepts that will for the most part never even make it to market?

    Last time I checked I still have to see a competing tablet that delivers HALF AS GOOD an experience as the Ipad1, let alone the Ipad2, Dear analyst Sir. Maybe before pathetically trying to create a potential disaster scenario for Apple out of thin air you could actually evaluate products...

    When any non Apple tablet actually matches the Ipad1, let's see then how far ahead Apple will already be Ipad3 at least (spoken like an analyst....)
  • Reply 34 of 143
    island hermitisland hermit Posts: 6,217member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Stickies are more in-depth.

    Actually, doodles on a napkin are much more comprehensive...
  • Reply 35 of 143
    hatunikehatunike Posts: 34member
    Originally Posted by Sipadan View Post

    Amen to that. What kind of twisted logic brings analysts to portray Apple as on the brink of meltdown unless they somehow "prove" their upcoming IPad will be better than vaporware/half baked concepts that will for the most part never even make it to market?

    Last time I checked I still have to see a competing tablet that delivers HALF AS GOOD an experience as the Ipad1, let alone the Ipad2, Dear analyst Sir. Maybe before pathetically trying to create a potential disaster scenario for Apple out of thin air you could actually evaluate products...

    When any non Apple tablet actually matches the Ipad1, let's see then how far ahead Apple will already be Ipad3 at least (spoken like an analyst....)

    It's hard to convey this message to a traditional android/window user. They get all starry eyed when they look at spec sheets, but they are entirely blind to the actual experience of using the device. They need spec sheets to tell them which device is better. They need to be able to say "Mine is THIS much better than your device.". In reality, Apple has been creating incredibly well designed hardware and software products that you have to Experience to really 'get'.
  • Reply 36 of 143
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by 2 cents View Post

    And the competition is?

    Having a hard time rolling out a 10" tablet that's priced at or below Apples (now 1 year old) iPad... Oh and NO it doesn't count if you're forced into a carrier deal.
  • Reply 37 of 143
    wigginwiggin Posts: 2,265member
    Originally Posted by Elian Gonzalez View Post

    Given peoples' fickle attitudes, I can easily imagine the word "disappointing" being readied for the iPad 2's debut: "The screen resolution is the same, and that's disappointing unlike the XOOM." Or, "It only has double the RAM of the first iPad, while other tablet offerings are 1GB. That's disappointing."

    To be honest, I fully expect the hardware announced tomorrow to be quite boring. And that's what much of the world will focus on when they say the event was disappointing. But, assuming they also uncover the plans for the next OS, that will be of much more interest to me. Sure, Apple will fine tune the hardware, add a Facetime camera; but I don't expect anything exciting on the hardware side until iPad 3.
  • Reply 38 of 143
    Originally Posted by xSamplex View Post

    Unless Apple takes the restrictions off developers, there's going to be a lot of love for Android tablets, just like there is for Android phones. Apple will probably own more than half the market for quite a while, but the market is no longer cornered. Which is a good thing for all customers.

    Regarding tomorrow's announcement, I have a funny feeling they may pull a Mac Mini on us, and up the floor price by $100. Expecially now that they realize their competition can't match their price/performance ratio. But really, what's $100? I spent more than that on dinner with the family last Saturday without batting an eye. Spending that much more on a device I'd use daily for over a year? No big deal.

    Must be nice to be you....since $100 is nothing, you can paypal me $100. Being a single dad makes things tough. My daughter would sure like an iPad, I could use the help.
  • Reply 39 of 143
    lilgto64lilgto64 Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by hatunike View Post

    It's hard to convey this message to a traditional android/window user. They get all starry eyed when they look at spec sheets, but they are entirely blind to the actual experience of using the device. They need spec sheets to tell them which device is better. They need to be able to say "Mine is THIS much better than your device.". In reality, Apple has been creating incredibly well designed hardware and software products that you have to Experience to really 'get'.

    In my experience - 99.9% of the folks who bash Apple products have never used one - or at least not long enough to "get it"
  • Reply 40 of 143
    Originally Posted by j1h15233 View Post

    Considering that the iPad 1 is better than most of the "plethora" of products coming out this year, I think they could put a sticker on that one that said 2 and be fine. Apple has nothing to worry about here.

    I have (just because it was available) tried the new Moto Xoom and it feels rushed and unstable, and over-priced for what it is. It would be fairly nice if the Ipad were not in existence. I am not even including the fact that Ios Apps are of much higher quality in large part than any Android App.
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