Apple's iPad 2 unveiling viewed as 'crucial' to stay ahead of competition



  • Reply 81 of 143
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    How many variations are there of Android?


    24 hours to go.

    Really hope the immediate availability rumor is true.

    The only Android version truly made for Tablets is 3.0. For phones there are many version but most of the current Android phones are either 2.1 or 2.2.
  • Reply 82 of 143
    macinthe408macinthe408 Posts: 1,050member
    I took a picture of the Xoom launch at a local Best Buy, and had to Photoshop people IN.
  • Reply 83 of 143
    Originally Posted by macinthe408 View Post

    I took a picture of the Xoom launch at a local Best Buy, and had to Photoshop people IN.

    Thats because the price point is way too high, apps are not really ready for 3.0 and if you want to have LTE added later you have to ship your Xoom back to Moto to get it updated.
  • Reply 84 of 143
    crift2012crift2012 Posts: 124member
    Originally Posted by Shaun, UK View Post

    I give up!

    Can you find any evidence that andriod has even put a dent in AAPLs iOS profit? Andriod can gobble all the marketshare they want on the race to bottom with zero sum profit margins. The tablet game is different than the cell phone game. If the competition can only get their tablets priced competitively with a 2-year contract then game over.
  • Reply 85 of 143
    crift2012crift2012 Posts: 124member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    The only Android version truly made for Tablets is 3.0. For phones there are many version but most of the current Android phones are either 2.1 or 2.2.

    *the handful of phones out in the last month that run 2.1 and 2.2. Many of those will never be able to run honeycomb

    *= the phones that do not need to be rooted, hacked and not bricked by over-the-air updates.
  • Reply 86 of 143
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    With 15 million iPads sold in calendar year 2010, the new device has become a very important product for Apple. White noted that the iPad and related products and services generated $4.61 billion in sales in the first quarter of Apple's fiscal 2011, amounting to 17.2 percent of the company's revenue.

    The analyst has given a "conservative" estimate of 27.36 million iPad sales in fiscal 2011, generating $16.92 billion.

    I'm no mathematician, but how does less than doubling iPad sales equal a revenue jump of almost 400%?

    Nevermind...I had to re-read it a few times before I realized it said "first quarter of Apple's fiscal 2011". I'm fighting a bad cold and running a high fever. LOL
  • Reply 87 of 143
    crift2012crift2012 Posts: 124member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Thats because the price point is way too high, apps are not really ready for 3.0 and if you want to have LTE added later you have to ship your Xoom back to Moto to get it updated.

    mountains and mountains of WIN-WIN! /sarcasm

    and this is motorola's strategy?
  • Reply 88 of 143
    rkprorkpro Posts: 28member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Thats because the price point is way too high, apps are not really ready for 3.0 and if you want to have LTE added later you have to ship your Xoom back to Moto to get it updated.

    Sounds like a winning strategy.
  • Reply 89 of 143
    Originally Posted by crift2012 View Post

    *the handful of phones out in the last month that run 2.1 and 2.2. Many of those will never be able to run honeycomb

    *= the phones that do not need to be rooted, hacked and not bricked by over-the-air updates.

    The handful of phones are have the best hardware. Just like older iPhones can not run the current iOS well if at all most of the older Android phones simply do not have the hardware specs to run v2.2

    I don't know if Honeycomb will show up on phones like the Evo or not.
  • Reply 90 of 143
    Originally Posted by RKpro View Post

    Sounds like a winning strategy.

    Considering how long Google has had the rights to Android and how long hardware companies have had to create hardware its pretty damn sad how far behind they are at this point.

    You would think they were trying to lose money.
  • Reply 91 of 143
    In my magical world, every analyst that publishes something so insanely obvious as this would get kicked in the nuts for the next month, just as they enter the office.
  • Reply 92 of 143
    Originally Posted by crift2012 View Post

    mountains and mountains of WIN-WIN! /sarcasm

    and this is motorola's strategy?

    Hard to believe they actually did this on purpose.
  • Reply 93 of 143
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Partial quote:

    A ton of guys will be passing iPad -1s to their kids and wives and buying version 2. Just watch.

    We have 2 64GB iPads (1 WiFi, 1 WiFi+3G) among 2 adults and 3 children.

    Each iPad gets 5-7 hours use per day.

    The oldest (14-year-old girl) is saving for an iPad -- has about $362.

    I suspect that Apple will reduce prices on the new iPad 2 (like configurations) and discontinue the iPad 1.

    I expect the lowest price iPad 2 to be $399 (or even $349).

    Anyway, we are considering an iPad for each family member.

    Individual's feature needs, price and availability will determine who gets what iPad 1 or iPad 2.

    We expect to get 3-5 years usage from each device!

    It's gonna' be a difficult iDecision when the iPad 3 and iPad 4 arrive...
  • Reply 94 of 143
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    We have 2 64GB iPads (1 WiFi, 1 WiFi+3G) among 2 adults and 3 children.

    I suspect that Apple will reduce prices on the new iPad 2 (like configurations) and discontinue the iPad 1.

    I expect the lowest price iPad 2 to be $399 (or even $349).

    I am not sure if the price will drop seeing no one is meeting Apple price point. What would be nice is to have the 16GB go away and the 32GB at 499.00. I think the odds on that are higher. Apple rarely drops its price point.
  • Reply 95 of 143
    d-ranged-range Posts: 396member
    Originally Posted by mytdave

    You know I agree with you, and I didn't want to imply that iOS was inferior or in trouble, my point is just that Honeycomb fixes the 'scaled up phone apps' problem of Android among other things, and that competitors have access to powerful hardware, whether it be Tegra 2 or OMAP4 chips.

    Well, yes and no, Honeycomb is _supposed_ to fix the 'scaled up phone apps' problem, and even though the way by which it should do this remains conspicuously non-apparant to me, I suppose it probably has everything needed to write applications that are at least as good as on iOS. But that's not enough, someone first has to do it.

    Personally, I'm a really big fan of almost all Apple hardware and software, and as a developer I absolutely love the tools I have at my disposal to create great applications with. But I'm not narrow-minded enough to refuse to refocus on other platforms if they attract my attention. The WebOS slate for example might turn out to be a very interesting platform.

    Honeycomb on the other hand, to me is just a whole lot of hot air for now. I don't like how it looks, I don't know what it has that makes it so great, and I don't see the strategy, determination and vision behind it that I see with the iPad or the WebOS slate. It all seems too much like a tool to serve Googles interest, which is conveniently adopted by 100% hardware manufacturers like Samsung and LG, who don't have the resources or intent to develop or maintain a platform themselves. HP invested (I think) $2 billion dollars buying Palm, which to me lends them some credibility (and the funny thing is that I absolutely hated everything else coming from HP the last few years).

    Samsung, LG, Motorola, MSI, on the other hand, they have nothing but hardware and buoys marketing clearly directed at the wrong audience (people who like technology for more than just how well it works in practice).

    Originally Posted by mytdave

    hey can now build tablets that are 'good enough' to be serious contenders to the iPad. There is no shortage of people who compare products by their spec sheet - they don't know any better. Apple has to stay on top of these things to stay ahead.

    I think everything is there for Honeycomb tablets to be serious iPad contenders, but I'm still extremely skeptical if someone will be able to get all the pieces together and actually grab that opportunity. Right now, I predict the various Android tablets will mainly compete against each other, the hardware manufacturers will be fast to abandon their products in favor of releasing new ones, rush unfinished products to the market and alienate customers while doing it.

    Someone needs to step in an steer Android in one direction instead of mindlessly repeating the 'choice is good, Android is open, anything is possible' mantra. In terms of building a platform that can reach critical mass, you need direction, vision, long term strategy, and execution. Since Google doesn't make its own hardware, and the manufacturers that do are only interested in selling volume, not in building the platform, I don't know where any of this should come from.

    So summarizing, I don't think Apple has a lot to worry from Android tablets for now, no matter how good the Android tablet hardware is, and no matter how much potential Honeycomb has.
  • Reply 96 of 143
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    When Samsung lies about their numbers then Apple has 80% of the market.

    When Samsung tells the truth about their numbers then Apple has 94% of the market.

  • Reply 97 of 143
    mactelmactel Posts: 1,275member
    iOS 5 is more crucial than the iPad2 device. There are many lacking features and annoyances in that OS.
  • Reply 98 of 143
    rob55rob55 Posts: 1,291member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Thats because the price point is way too high, apps are not really ready for 3.0 and if you want to have LTE added later you have to ship your Xoom back to Moto to get it updated.

    Which stinks of a product that was rushed to market, unfinished, in an attempt to get some traction in the tablet race.
  • Reply 99 of 143
    Originally Posted by johnboi1978 View Post

    I'm no mathematician, but how does less than doubling iPad sales equal a revenue jump of almost 400%?

    Nevermind...I had to re-read it a few times before I realized it said "first quarter of Apple's fiscal 2011". I'm fighting a bad cold and running a high fever. LOL

    Some of us believe that Apple will sell 60 million iPads (all models) in CY 2011.

    This compared to 15 million iPads sold in CY 2010 (9 months).

    So, YOY growth in units sold would be 400% -- revenue... it depends on a lot of things.
  • Reply 100 of 143
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Originally Posted by mytdave View Post

    There is no shortage of people who compare products by their spec sheet - they don't know any better. Apple has to stay on top of these things to stay ahead.

    Apple doesn't lag behind on specs with their iOS devices. They are always better than or at least equal to anything else on the market at the time of launch, unless you're talking about HDMI ports or SD slots or something. CPU, graphics and battery are always top notch.
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