Apple kills fall iPad 3 rumors by calling 2011 "Year of iPad 2"



  • Reply 61 of 131
    I think it opens up the possibility that there could be an iPad Mini or an iPad Nano because why would you release a 'different' device with as newer model?

    It could still happen, the only thing we know if that it won't be called the iPad 3.
  • Reply 62 of 131
    Originally Posted by ElmCityWeb View Post

    Damn, I guess I'll have to wait another year to upgrade iPad. iPad 2 is great, but it "ain't all that".

    and he's always talking jibberish like you about 'waiting until next year' when Apple will make a newer better model and he never BUYS JACK ** he just talks a lot of it like you... WTF are you expecting


    I am getting my next week a WHITE HOT ONE

    Edit:Mind your language, and no name calling.
  • Reply 63 of 131
    mdriftmeyermdriftmeyer Posts: 7,503member
    The iPad, iPhone, iPod, Macs are annual releases. They are not biannual releases.
  • Reply 64 of 131
    blueeddieblueeddie Posts: 112member
    looking to buy a first generation ipad for 200bucks... i really dont like the design of the new ipad2. I dont need cameras, the fast chip doesn't really interest me... All I want is an apple branded touchscreen beside on 23in hd display and mbp. id like to drag things over and have the option of "having" a touchscreen. anybody willing to sell me theirs?

    if this violates any appleinsider rules, please tell me, i will edit the post. although my main point for this post is that ipad 2 isn't "revolutionary", its simply an update to the ipad simply to catch up on the current technology. the speaker is absolutely horrendous. what happened to apple's design?!
  • Reply 65 of 131
    rabbit_coachrabbit_coach Posts: 1,114member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Good to see this thread totally useless after one post. Its like grade school around here.

    Don't worry in some years you will be old enough to join.
  • Reply 66 of 131
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Of course a year from now and still without an iPad 3 people willuse this as confirmation of the article. It won't be because the value or rationality of the piece is based on the articles content. The offered content proves nothing.

    As to fall 2011. I can easily see more Touch devices coming. There is a huge market here for these devices in different sizes and capacities. Also as many have said Applle could offer up a pro model very easily.

    The thing with a pro model isn't technology related. What will keep that from happening is Apples desire to keep consummer devices consummer.
  • Reply 67 of 131
    xsamplexxsamplex Posts: 214member
    Quote: "Jobs wouldn't have said that were he planning to introduce another iPad model this summer"

    Who are you, god? Now you know what another human being would or would not say?

    Stoopid. Just stoopid.
  • Reply 68 of 131
    Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post

    Naw, it'll be called the iPad 2e. Still the year of the iPad 2...

    He meant

    "2011 - year of the iPad too"

    "2011 - year of the 2 iPads"

  • Reply 69 of 131
    bubba_tbubba_t Posts: 80member
    I believe Apple is going to do something crazy insane with the whole iPad/touchscreen capabilities. I see a Macbook Pro in the future that is thinner than the one just introduced. It operates exactly like an MBP, but when you need an iPad, you simple slide screen down over the keyboard and voila, you have an iPad. Basically, it's a MBP/iPad combination. A MBP with touchscreen capabilities.
  • Reply 70 of 131
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Not this time. Even he says that.

    You might be right. We'll see what happens. I'm not bothered either way. I'm upgrading to iPad 2 anyway. I already sold my iPad 1 and will get VAT back on iPad 2 through my business, bringing the grand total of my upgrade to ?69.
  • Reply 71 of 131
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by jd_in_sb View Post

    As you say, look at what Apple does, and what they do is launch a new version ONCE a year.

    This is the first year a new model iPad came out, it's hardly set in stone that they are bound to an agreement where they must not release an upgraded iPad 2 this year. What they may do is simply call this model - if they do one in September - iPad 2 'something'. And price it at the top end. And then when they do in 2012 release one called iPad 3, they would add in the display of iPad 2 'something' at no additional cost. Nobody knows for sure yet, because if you are to look at what they do September didn't come around yet. You might be right, and probably are, we'll have to wait and see what they do.
  • Reply 72 of 131
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Bubba_T View Post

    I believe Apple is going to do something crazy insane with the whole iPad/touchscreen capabilities. I see a Macbook Pro in the future that is thinner than the one just introduced. It operates exactly like an MBP, but when you need an iPad, you simple slide screen down over the keyboard and voila, you have an iPad. Basically, it's a MBP/iPad combination. A MBP with touchscreen capabilities.

    It's not as easy as you think.
  • Reply 73 of 131
    shaun, ukshaun, uk Posts: 1,050member
    Apple have probably looked at the specs for the upcoming competitor tablets and said to themselves what do we need to stay ahead of those guys. Answer: keep the price down but improve the speed and performance. Non of the other tablets have a retina display as far as I know. When prices for retina displays and 128Gb flash memory fall over the next few months they can source them for iPad 3 next year.
  • Reply 74 of 131
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    Of course a year from now and still without an iPad 3 people willuse this as confirmation of the article. It won't be because the value or rationality of the piece is based on the articles content. The offered content proves nothing.

    As to fall 2011. I can easily see more Touch devices coming. There is a huge market here for these devices in different sizes and capacities. Also as many have said Applle could offer up a pro model very easily.

    The thing with a pro model isn't technology related. What will keep that from happening is Apples desire to keep consummer devices consummer.

    Consummer? Summer-consumers?

    Good point, though. The article above does actually prove nothing.
  • Reply 75 of 131
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Shaun, UK View Post

    hen prices for retina displays and 128Gb flash memory fall over the next few months they can source them for iPad 3 next year.

    I don't think price was the only reason. I was a reason, probably. I'd bet there were a number of reasons. But the main reason was most likely that no factory was ready to manufacture "millions" or iPad-size retina displays.
  • Reply 76 of 131
    shaun, ukshaun, uk Posts: 1,050member
    I did wonder if they would take this opportunity to switch around the iPhone and iPad annual update schedule so that we get iPhone updates in March and iPad updates in June. Would make the annual iPad update closer to the holiday buying season and I don't imagine many people buy an iPhone for Christmas. I also think the iPad sits better alongside WWDC as there so many more opportunities for app developers given the larger screen size.
  • Reply 77 of 131
    mike11mike11 Posts: 23member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I don't see a single one of you guys giving even one really good reason why Apple SHOULD come out with a new model in September. All you're doing is saying that you don't see why they couldn't, which is a waste of time. A double negative is not a positive.

    To crush the competition, to introduce a high-end/higher-margin "Pro" model (and as Jobs mentioned, only one of the six iPad 2 SKUs is more expensive than the competition), to shift the yearly release cycle closer to the holiday season, etc.
  • Reply 78 of 131
    rabbit_coachrabbit_coach Posts: 1,114member
    Originally Posted by Bubba_T View Post

    I believe Apple is going to do something crazy insane with the whole iPad/touchscreen capabilities. I see a Macbook Pro in the future that is thinner than the one just introduced. It operates exactly like an MBP, but when you need an iPad, you simple slide screen down over the keyboard and voila, you have an iPad. Basically, it's a MBP/iPad combination. A MBP with touchscreen capabilities.

    I am pretty sure in some of apples labs they are working on something alike. But as it happened with the 7'' iPad some pieces even of good engineering never see the daylight for various reasons.

    So I guess the posters suggesting an iPad 2.5 or a more pro oriented version of the iPad 2, or even the iPad 3 with more or less evolutionary improvements will be the most likely thing to happen. by the end fall 2011.
  • Reply 79 of 131
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    2011 is the year "I thankfully don't have to upgrade any of my devices"...

    iPad 1st gen

    MacBook Pro mid-2010 (just bought)

    iPhone 4

    Come on baby take me through 2011!!!
  • Reply 80 of 131
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I don't think price was the only reason. I was a reason, probably. I'd bet there were a number of reasons. But the main reason was most likely that no factory was ready to manufacture "millions" or iPad-size retina displays.

    iPad 3 March 2012 will have Retina Displays, no doubt. Samsung/? has been given strict orders to "Just get it done. And make 60 million of it!"
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