Apple attracts 70% new buyers with iPad 2 launch - survey



  • Reply 101 of 101
    firefly7475firefly7475 Posts: 1,502member
    Originally Posted by KiltedGreen View Post

    The difference between an iPod touch and an iPad is that an iPad open possibilities (like swimming) that are not possible on an iPod touch (where swimming is never going to happen).

    You say that... but then you give two examples of applications that are possible on an iPod Touch but much nicer to use on the iPad because it has more screen real estate.

    First, think of some examples of iPad applications that simply wouldn't be possible on an iPod touch.

    Second, explain how that example ties in to the analogy of two totally separate devices with totally separate functions and only the most superficial of similarities.

    Finally, explain how the iPad differs to an iPod Touch if Apple were to expand the screen size of the iPod Touch to 10" and customize the UI to fit (i.e. a big iPod Touch).

    Until then the analogy sucks.
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