The fact that you can get so upset over relatively benign comments means you are the one with a fucked mind.
There is nothing wrong with making generalizations if they are true. I said nothing derogatory about women, they just have different priorities.
Men tend to get heavy into technology and performance autos simply for the sake of the tweaking the machines where women tend to be less interested in those things but are usually keen on fashion and conversation. One mindset is not better than the other, just different. Ironically each tend to look at the other's priorities as rather peculiar. The difference between men and women is a good thing.
But your generalizations AREN'T all that true. You're making the assumption that MOST men are into computers and cars and MOST women are into fashion and conversation. Amongst my group of friends, just as many women are into Top Gear as men, and we all trade an equal amount of gossip. I know lots of female gamers and quite a few men whom I can approach for fashion advice.
Oh, by the way: I'm a woman who loves sports, cars, and technology. I can shame most of my male friends when it comes to basketball stats, and I held a job in the computer industry for three years before deciding to go to law school. I'm also a "normal and fashion-conscious" (to use your phrasing from an earlier post) woman. I am not the exception in my group of friends.
I've interacted with people who make assumptions like you've made, and it can be infuriating. I've had men express genuine surprise that I could explain some relatively simple differences in hard drives to them and others second-guess everything I said with a male coworker standing nearby. They were nice people, but they operated under the misguided conception that men were experts on technology and I couldn't possibly know as much simply because I'm female, so everything I said was suspect.
You wouldn't say, "most black people are lazy" because that's racist and untrue. By the same token, you also shouldn't make positive or neutral generalizations, because they can be just as destructive (e.g., "Asians are good at math" or "women don't like cars and technology"). They are just as racist or sexist as something one might categorize as a negative generalization. Saying things like "women aren't great with technology" can make it difficult for a well-qualified woman to get a job in the technology field, because the perception is that she'll be inferior to her male counterparts. Additionally, perpetuating that Asians are good at math can do the same thing to anyone else seeking a math-related position--if that individual isn't Asian, perhaps he/she won't be perceived as being equally qualified, even if he/she is.
We're all people, and we have varied talents and interests. Lots of women like tech. Lots of men don't. I'd be hard-pressed to make a "most" generalization about either group, though.
While the White Iphone4 is nice does anyone really think that people have been waiting 10 months just to get a White IPhone? And even though rumors say IPhone5 will be a Fall release nobody has really made any statement at Apple thereby leaving the possibility still open for a June~July launch. So when you look at the White IPhone launch don't expect to see lines for this item
Most people that wanted An Iphone4 have a black one or settled for a black one
Yep, as someone who sells them I still get the odd person holding out for white.
Apple this weekend began preparing its retail segment for the imminent launch of the company's much-anticipated white iPhone 4 models, signaling the end of a somewhat embarrassing delay that has seen the handsets elude eager buyers since last July.
According to people familiar with the matter, Apple's U.S-based retail stores began receiving promotional information overnight that features the white iPhone 4, expected to launch for both Verizon and AT&T subscribers "within the next week."
In addition, several stores are said to have received shipment notifications for the various white iPhone 4 SKUs and have been instructed to hold those shipments in the back of the house until further notice. All indications point to an official announcement by Wednesday, April 27th.
Word that white iPhones are finally en route to Apple stores in the U.S. comes just days after the inventory systems of U.K.-based wireless carrier Vodafone indicated stock of the handsets while photos of a 16GB model in official retail packaging -- carrying model number MC604B/A -- were published online.
The arrival of white models is expected to serve as a boon for iPhone sales during a time of year when customers have historically held off purchasing new iPhones under the expectation of next-generation models making their debut during the summer.
This year, however, Apple is widely reported to have decided to forgo a summer iPhone introduction in favor of introducing so-called fifth-generation models in the fall, much closer to the holiday shopping season. According to AppleInsider's sources, these new models will go into production in September and sport a unified Qualcomm baseband capable of serving both GSM and CDMA networks.
Such a move is also expected to allow the Cupertino-based company to align fifth-generation iPhones for a simultaneous release on both GSM and CDMA networks, meaning both AT&T and Verizon customers should be able to buy the new handsets later this year at the same time.
Apple has publicly pushed back the release of the white iPhone 4 several times over the past 9 months. In late July of last year, the company revealed that it would not be able to launch the handset alongside black models that month as it had originally planned. Instead, Apple rescheduled the launch for "Late 2010" only to concede a few months later that it would miss that self-imposed deadline as well, telling customers not to expect white models until the Spring of 2011.
This March, however, AppleInsider exclusively reported that Apple had finally begun production of the white models, which would become available to customers by April. The company was said to have made changes to both the handset's original "film material" and paint mixture that were resulting in the production of a "huge" number of defective units.
Apple won't be able to win on this White iPhone deal. No matter what, those who have been waiting 10 months for it will cry and complain about scratches, the white isn't white enough, and on and on... I like the black one
But your generalizations AREN'T all that true. You're making the assumption that MOST men are into computers and cars and MOST women are into fashion and conversation. Amongst my group of friends, just as many women are into Top Gear as men, and we all trade an equal amount of gossip. I know lots of female gamers and quite a few men whom I can approach for fashion advice.
Oh, by the way: I'm a woman who loves sports, cars, and technology. I can shame most of my male friends when it comes to basketball stats, and I held a job in the computer industry for three years before deciding to go to law school. I'm also a "normal and fashion-conscious" (to use your phrasing from an earlier post) woman. I am not the exception in my group of friends.
I've interacted with people who make assumptions like you've made, and it can be infuriating. I've had men express genuine surprise that I could explain some relatively simple differences in hard drives to them and others second-guess everything I said with a male coworker standing nearby. They were nice people, but they operated under the misguided conception that men were experts on technology and I couldn't possibly know as much simply because I'm female, so everything I said was suspect.
You wouldn't say, "most black people are lazy" because that's racist and untrue. By the same token, you also shouldn't make positive or neutral generalizations, because they can be just as destructive (e.g., "Asians are good at math" or "women don't like cars and technology"). They are just as racist or sexist as something one might categorize as a negative generalization. Saying things like "women aren't great with technology" can make it difficult for a well-qualified woman to get a job in the technology field, because the perception is that she'll be inferior to her male counterparts. Additionally, perpetuating that Asians are good at math can do the same thing to anyone else seeking a math-related position--if that individual isn't Asian, perhaps he/she won't be perceived as being equally qualified, even if he/she is.
We're all people, and we have varied talents and interests. Lots of women like tech. Lots of men don't. I'd be hard-pressed to make a "most" generalization about either group, though.
Good post and I can't help but notice that you are the exception not the rule and you obviously feel the same way. I may also be the exception in my gender. I love smart women, I am not intimidated by them and I encourage them. I also am happy to let them be who they naturally are without judging them. I'm in technology but I try to turn it off when not at work. And I do love a good chick flick and not ashamed to admit emotional scenes can bring a tear to my eye.
Good post and I can't help but notice that you are the exception not the rule and you obviously feel the same way. I may also be the exception in my gender. I love smart women, I am not intimidated by them and I encourage them. I also am happy to let them be who they naturally are without judging them. I'm in technology but I try to turn it off when not at work. And I do love a good chick flick and not ashamed to admit emotional scenes can bring a tear to my eye.
Haha, I'm a mind reader too. When you get to know a woman really well and she starts telling you all of her secrets you can't betray them or let her know that you totally get her.
I used to care a couple of months ago about upgrading my iPhone this month, but my upgrade date has come and gone and I no longer really care about upgrading my 3GS to either an iPhone 4 or 5. At a certain point, all the tech stuff just become superfluous.
I used to care a couple of months ago about upgrading my iPhone this month, but my upgrade date has come and gone and I no longer really care about upgrading my 3GS to either an iPhone 4 or 5. At a certain point, all the tech stuff just become superfluous.
It can be a difficult decision. Obviously your subsidized phone is completely paid off but your payments are still the same. On the other hand a new phone is going to cost $200 out of pocket.
The difference between men and women is a good thing.
Men and women are indeed different. They're biologically and physically different. It's funny to see ignorant people wet their precious panties by simply pointing out that simple fact. Men aren't better than women, and women aren't better than men. Men are better at some things than women and women are better at other things than men, generally speaking.
Humankind needs both males and females and without both sexes the species will fail to propagate. Claiming that both are the same is ignorant BS and highly unscientific. Political correctness is the height of ignorance and it enables people who like to celebrate their complete disdain for facts and science by proudly and shamelessly flaunting their embarrassing lack of knowledge.
Most women are totally clueless when it comes to computers. There might be a few exceptions to that rule, but overall, females need help from males when it comes to any computer related issues beyond the simplest of problems. This may be due to cultural issues or perhaps due to genetics. Either way, most women are worse at computers than men are.
Originally Posted by Apple ][
I think that cultural issues make up probably 95%. Genetic issues might only account for a very small percentage, but there are slight differences between the male brain VS female brain and there are also hormonal issues involved.
I cannot believe someone in this day and age would actually believe this sexist tripe, let alone make their opinion known in public.
Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody
Thanks for the sexist nonsense.
If this was a racist instead of merely gender based slag, you'd probably be banned, but I guess it's okay to make stupid generalisations about women here.
Originally Posted by solipsism
WTF is with all these sexist and misogynistic comments?
I'm glad a couple of people at least have voiced their disgust. Truly appalling.
The political correctness in this thread is beyond incredible. I've not commented either way on this, but people are LOOSING THEIR F'ING MINDS over THIS statement: "Genetic issues might only account for a very small percentage, but there are slight differences between the male brain VS female brain and there are also hormonal issues involved."
My god, really? You people are lunatics to lose your mind over this and calling it sexist. It's like the world exists in one place with reality... And you guys actually live at PCU where the world is all unicorns and rainbows.
"In 2001, researchers from Harvard found that certain parts of the brain were differently sized in males and females, which may help balance out the overall size difference. The study found that parts of the frontal lobe, responsible for problem-solving and decision-making, and the limbic cortex, responsible for regulating emotions, were larger in women [source: Hoag]. In men, the parietal cortex, which is involved in space perception, and the amygdala, which regulates sexual and social behavior, were larger [source: Hoag]."
Ok, so all of the friggin PC lunatics here are more informed than this Harvard study.
Point 2
Ok, I'm not even going to bother linking to something that states that men/women have different hormones. The nutjobs here are convinced men and women are identical, so... I'm pretty sure the sane people have a fundamental understanding that men and women have different hormones.
Imagine if I put an (R) next to my name too. Just the fact that I'm a Republican must make me racist as well as sexist in your minds, right? No right thinking people can be Republicans unless they are racist and sexist, right?
I'm a pretty calm guy... but what I've just read here is absolute madness.
Imagine if I put an (R) next to my name too. Just the fact that I'm a Republican must make me racist as well as sexist in your minds, right? No right thinking people can be Republicans unless they are racist and sexist, right?
Stop baiting people with political nonsense. Most people here don't give a damn about whether you're (R) or (D) or (W)hatever, but only the fact that you see the need to wear it on your sleeve.
Stop baiting people with political nonsense. Most people here don't give a damn about whether you're (R) or (D) or (W)hatever, but only the fact that you see the need to wear it on your sleeve.
Most people came here to talk about the release of the white iPhone.
Seems there were a whole lot of people wearing the "PC God" badge on their sleeve. It's like they were checking in to foursquare to make sure they got enough in to get their "PC Badge" of the day. So... glad to see you finally started to crack down on this now.
The fact that you can get so upset over relatively benign comments means you are the one with a fucked mind.
There is nothing wrong with making generalizations if they are true. I said nothing derogatory about women, they just have different priorities.
Men tend to get heavy into technology and performance autos simply for the sake of the tweaking the machines where women tend to be less interested in those things but are usually keen on fashion and conversation. One mindset is not better than the other, just different. Ironically each tend to look at the other's priorities as rather peculiar. The difference between men and women is a good thing.
But your generalizations AREN'T all that true. You're making the assumption that MOST men are into computers and cars and MOST women are into fashion and conversation. Amongst my group of friends, just as many women are into Top Gear as men, and we all trade an equal amount of gossip. I know lots of female gamers and quite a few men whom I can approach for fashion advice.
Oh, by the way: I'm a woman who loves sports, cars, and technology. I can shame most of my male friends when it comes to basketball stats, and I held a job in the computer industry for three years before deciding to go to law school. I'm also a "normal and fashion-conscious" (to use your phrasing from an earlier post) woman. I am not the exception in my group of friends.
I've interacted with people who make assumptions like you've made, and it can be infuriating. I've had men express genuine surprise that I could explain some relatively simple differences in hard drives to them and others second-guess everything I said with a male coworker standing nearby. They were nice people, but they operated under the misguided conception that men were experts on technology and I couldn't possibly know as much simply because I'm female, so everything I said was suspect.
You wouldn't say, "most black people are lazy" because that's racist and untrue. By the same token, you also shouldn't make positive or neutral generalizations, because they can be just as destructive (e.g., "Asians are good at math" or "women don't like cars and technology"). They are just as racist or sexist as something one might categorize as a negative generalization. Saying things like "women aren't great with technology" can make it difficult for a well-qualified woman to get a job in the technology field, because the perception is that she'll be inferior to her male counterparts. Additionally, perpetuating that Asians are good at math can do the same thing to anyone else seeking a math-related position--if that individual isn't Asian, perhaps he/she won't be perceived as being equally qualified, even if he/she is.
We're all people, and we have varied talents and interests. Lots of women like tech. Lots of men don't. I'd be hard-pressed to make a "most" generalization about either group, though.
Q: Who was traditionally dressed in pink and called a girl?
You're on fire today, Solipsism!
Good stuff!
While the White Iphone4 is nice does anyone really think that people have been waiting 10 months just to get a White IPhone? And even though rumors say IPhone5 will be a Fall release nobody has really made any statement at Apple thereby leaving the possibility still open for a June~July launch. So when you look at the White IPhone launch don't expect to see lines for this item
Most people that wanted An Iphone4 have a black one or settled for a black one
Yep, as someone who sells them I still get the odd person holding out for white.
i) You've got some serious issues with, and about women.
ii) I kinda feel badly for the women in your life (including the ones related to you, who have no choice).
iii) You're embarrassing yourself and this board. Please stop.
100% agree. I find a lot of the remarks on this board just illiterate.
Apple this weekend began preparing its retail segment for the imminent launch of the company's much-anticipated white iPhone 4 models, signaling the end of a somewhat embarrassing delay that has seen the handsets elude eager buyers since last July.
According to people familiar with the matter, Apple's U.S-based retail stores began receiving promotional information overnight that features the white iPhone 4, expected to launch for both Verizon and AT&T subscribers "within the next week."
In addition, several stores are said to have received shipment notifications for the various white iPhone 4 SKUs and have been instructed to hold those shipments in the back of the house until further notice. All indications point to an official announcement by Wednesday, April 27th.
Word that white iPhones are finally en route to Apple stores in the U.S. comes just days after the inventory systems of U.K.-based wireless carrier Vodafone indicated stock of the handsets while photos of a 16GB model in official retail packaging -- carrying model number MC604B/A -- were published online.
The arrival of white models is expected to serve as a boon for iPhone sales during a time of year when customers have historically held off purchasing new iPhones under the expectation of next-generation models making their debut during the summer.
This year, however, Apple is widely reported to have decided to forgo a summer iPhone introduction in favor of introducing so-called fifth-generation models in the fall, much closer to the holiday shopping season. According to AppleInsider's sources, these new models will go into production in September and sport a unified Qualcomm baseband capable of serving both GSM and CDMA networks.
Such a move is also expected to allow the Cupertino-based company to align fifth-generation iPhones for a simultaneous release on both GSM and CDMA networks, meaning both AT&T and Verizon customers should be able to buy the new handsets later this year at the same time.
Apple has publicly pushed back the release of the white iPhone 4 several times over the past 9 months. In late July of last year, the company revealed that it would not be able to launch the handset alongside black models that month as it had originally planned. Instead, Apple rescheduled the launch for "Late 2010" only to concede a few months later that it would miss that self-imposed deadline as well, telling customers not to expect white models until the Spring of 2011.
This March, however, AppleInsider exclusively reported that Apple had finally begun production of the white models, which would become available to customers by April. The company was said to have made changes to both the handset's original "film material" and paint mixture that were resulting in the production of a "huge" number of defective units.
[ View this article at ]
Apple won't be able to win on this White iPhone deal. No matter what, those who have been waiting 10 months for it will cry and complain about scratches, the white isn't white enough, and on and on... I like the black one
But your generalizations AREN'T all that true. You're making the assumption that MOST men are into computers and cars and MOST women are into fashion and conversation. Amongst my group of friends, just as many women are into Top Gear as men, and we all trade an equal amount of gossip. I know lots of female gamers and quite a few men whom I can approach for fashion advice.
Oh, by the way: I'm a woman who loves sports, cars, and technology. I can shame most of my male friends when it comes to basketball stats, and I held a job in the computer industry for three years before deciding to go to law school. I'm also a "normal and fashion-conscious" (to use your phrasing from an earlier post) woman. I am not the exception in my group of friends.
I've interacted with people who make assumptions like you've made, and it can be infuriating. I've had men express genuine surprise that I could explain some relatively simple differences in hard drives to them and others second-guess everything I said with a male coworker standing nearby. They were nice people, but they operated under the misguided conception that men were experts on technology and I couldn't possibly know as much simply because I'm female, so everything I said was suspect.
You wouldn't say, "most black people are lazy" because that's racist and untrue. By the same token, you also shouldn't make positive or neutral generalizations, because they can be just as destructive (e.g., "Asians are good at math" or "women don't like cars and technology"). They are just as racist or sexist as something one might categorize as a negative generalization. Saying things like "women aren't great with technology" can make it difficult for a well-qualified woman to get a job in the technology field, because the perception is that she'll be inferior to her male counterparts. Additionally, perpetuating that Asians are good at math can do the same thing to anyone else seeking a math-related position--if that individual isn't Asian, perhaps he/she won't be perceived as being equally qualified, even if he/she is.
We're all people, and we have varied talents and interests. Lots of women like tech. Lots of men don't. I'd be hard-pressed to make a "most" generalization about either group, though.
Good post and I can't help but notice that you are the exception not the rule and you obviously feel the same way. I may also be the exception in my gender. I love smart women, I am not intimidated by them and I encourage them. I also am happy to let them be who they naturally are without judging them. I'm in technology but I try to turn it off when not at work. And I do love a good chick flick and not ashamed to admit emotional scenes can bring a tear to my eye.
Good post and I can't help but notice that you are the exception not the rule and you obviously feel the same way. I may also be the exception in my gender. I love smart women, I am not intimidated by them and I encourage them. I also am happy to let them be who they naturally are without judging them. I'm in technology but I try to turn it off when not at work. And I do love a good chick flick and not ashamed to admit emotional scenes can bring a tear to my eye.
Quit trying to get in.
I do love a good chick flick and not ashamed to admit emotional scenes can bring a tear to my eye.
But would you buy a white iPhone?
Quit trying to get in.
Haha, I'm a mind reader too. When you get to know a woman really well and she starts telling you all of her secrets you can't betray them or let her know that you totally get her.
But would you buy a white iPhone?
I used to care a couple of months ago about upgrading my iPhone this month, but my upgrade date has come and gone and I no longer really care about upgrading my 3GS to either an iPhone 4 or 5. At a certain point, all the tech stuff just become superfluous.
It can be a difficult decision. Obviously your subsidized phone is completely paid off but your payments are still the same. On the other hand a new phone is going to cost $200 out of pocket.
Embarrassing? Try a fu**ing disaster.
Apple sold 18+ million iPhones last quarter. Corporate activations for iOS are double that of Android.
Explain to me again how this is a "fu**ing disaster?"
The difference between men and women is a good thing.
Men and women are indeed different. They're biologically and physically different. It's funny to see ignorant people wet their precious panties by simply pointing out that simple fact. Men aren't better than women, and women aren't better than men. Men are better at some things than women and women are better at other things than men, generally speaking.
Humankind needs both males and females and without both sexes the species will fail to propagate. Claiming that both are the same is ignorant BS and highly unscientific. Political correctness is the height of ignorance and it enables people who like to celebrate their complete disdain for facts and science by proudly and shamelessly flaunting their embarrassing lack of knowledge.
Men and women are indeed different. They're biologically and physically different.
Thanks for the biology lesson.
Political correctness is the height of ignorance
Political correctness is complicated. To think otherwise is ignorant.
Most women are totally clueless when it comes to computers. There might be a few exceptions to that rule, but overall, females need help from males when it comes to any computer related issues beyond the simplest of problems. This may be due to cultural issues or perhaps due to genetics. Either way, most women are worse at computers than men are.
I think that cultural issues make up probably 95%. Genetic issues might only account for a very small percentage, but there are slight differences between the male brain VS female brain and there are also hormonal issues involved.
I cannot believe someone in this day and age would actually believe this sexist tripe, let alone make their opinion known in public.
Thanks for the sexist nonsense.
If this was a racist instead of merely gender based slag, you'd probably be banned, but I guess it's okay to make stupid generalisations about women here.
WTF is with all these sexist and misogynistic comments?
I'm glad a couple of people at least have voiced their disgust. Truly appalling.
Thanks for the biology lesson.
It wasn't my intention to give you a biology lesson. There are however a few others who appear to be in need of a lesson.
My god, really? You people are lunatics to lose your mind over this and calling it sexist. It's like the world exists in one place with reality... And you guys actually live at PCU where the world is all unicorns and rainbows.
To clarify the "sexist" comment:
Point 1
"In 2001, researchers from Harvard found that certain parts of the brain were differently sized in males and females, which may help balance out the overall size difference. The study found that parts of the frontal lobe, responsible for problem-solving and decision-making, and the limbic cortex, responsible for regulating emotions, were larger in women [source: Hoag]. In men, the parietal cortex, which is involved in space perception, and the amygdala, which regulates sexual and social behavior, were larger [source: Hoag]."
Ok, so all of the friggin PC lunatics here are more informed than this Harvard study.
Point 2
Ok, I'm not even going to bother linking to something that states that men/women have different hormones. The nutjobs here are convinced men and women are identical, so... I'm pretty sure the sane people have a fundamental understanding that men and women have different hormones.
Imagine if I put an (R) next to my name too. Just the fact that I'm a Republican must make me racist as well as sexist in your minds, right? No right thinking people can be Republicans unless they are racist and sexist, right?
I'm a pretty calm guy... but what I've just read here is absolute madness.
Imagine if I put an (R) next to my name too. Just the fact that I'm a Republican must make me racist as well as sexist in your minds, right? No right thinking people can be Republicans unless they are racist and sexist, right?
Stop baiting people with political nonsense. Most people here don't give a damn about whether you're (R) or (D) or (W)hatever, but only the fact that you see the need to wear it on your sleeve.
Stop baiting people with political nonsense. Most people here don't give a damn about whether you're (R) or (D) or (W)hatever, but only the fact that you see the need to wear it on your sleeve.
Most people came here to talk about the release of the white iPhone.
Seems there were a whole lot of people wearing the "PC God" badge on their sleeve. It's like they were checking in to foursquare to make sure they got enough in to get their "PC Badge" of the day. So... glad to see you finally started to crack down on this now.