Solipsism is the philosophical idea that only one's own mind is sure to exist...the external world and other minds cannot be known and might not exist... \
An ansible is a hypothetical machine capable of instantaneous or superluminal communication. I can also access Wikipedia.
According to Wikipedia, Wikipedia is a free, web-based, collaborative, multilingual encyclopedia project supported by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation.
WTF is with all these sexist and misogynistic comments?
To quote the prophet Tupac:
And since we all came from a woman.
Got our name from a woman and our game from a woman.
I wonder why we take from our women.
Why we rape our women, do we hate our women?
Yeah but it is white?
Thank you. I came late to this thread and was speechless at the depths of ignorance it had sunk to ... I wondered who was going to actually speak out as I read on.
There are plenty during his time and long before that didn?t feel their fellow man was inferior by design. It?s disgusting throughout the history of man not just today. Morality is a choice, not a convenience of the times.
It always has been disgusting. Your argument holds much greater weight when you discuss such ignorance wrt persons of influence in your own life time, not hundreds of years removed.
The reason it was called the Enlightenment Period wasn't because they painted a broad brush over the notion of superior/inferior hominid/hominoid origins of the human collective. It's because the overwhelming weight of their ideas were not common and forward thinking to a point they were branded heretics for their efforts.
But by all means, fixate on a statement by Jefferson he later recanted for it's ignorance and call him eternally an ignorant, ill-informed man from the year 2011.
Be sure to write down all of your thoughts, so in the year 2311 someone's forebears will bring forth a few of your thoughts [considered a relic of the Dark Ages], and carve out a few statements in the year 2311 to be shown as an example of how ignorant your thoughts were then, just so they can easily best their contemporary.
How a conversation regarding a white phone turned into a social commentary on the state of human equality tells me a lot of people have deep seated issues that have yet to be resolved.
Trashing a highly respected person of history by bringing them into this conversation is very small and overreaching to make your point.
I'm a guy, and I've always had a white iPhone since they started making them. White iPhones are cool because they are different. As a matter of personal preference, I think they look cleaner and more high tech than looking like every other black gizmo out there. White gadgets are very 2001: A Space Odyssey!
On another note: do commenters realize how sexist their white iPhone remarks are?
Aside from Liberace and the chicks from Sex in the City, what self respecting person would care about a white telephone, let alone particularly want one?
Most women are totally clueless when it comes to computers. There might be a few exceptions to that rule, but overall, females need help from males when it comes to any computer related issues beyond the simplest of problems. This may be due to cultural issues or perhaps due to genetics. Either way, most women are worse at computers than men are.
You can say this, but you don't know this...there is a big difference. The fact you write statements like this shows a big lack in people sensitivity. This is a pure ego statement. Opinion yes,fact no.
And if Thomas Jefferson lived Today it would be disgusting. He lived during the days when Slavery was a long tradition of suppression where one race felt intellectually superior to another.
To compare the moral compass of 1770 or earlier to 2011 is embarrassing and myopic, not to mention mentally stunted and one looking to strengthen their position artificially by comparing a well respected philosopher whose impact has brought about a myriad of modern thoughts to being less than your own, all the while ignoring your advantage of > 200 years of human causality to stand high on your horse.
You're missing the point, or conveniently choosing not to address it.
People and attitudes change very slowly. The same thought process Jefferson used for black people are echoed by apple ]['s thought process toward women.
The point he is making revolves around the axiom, those who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it
Ps. He wasn't trashing Jefferson. Just because he recanted it doesn't mean he didn't once say those things. The issue he was invoking was the quote itself, not Jeffersons character
I'm a guy, and I've always had a white iPhone since they started making them. White iPhones are cool because they are different. As a matter of personal preference, I think they look cleaner and more high tech than looking like every other black gizmo out there. White gadgets are very 2001: A Space Odyssey!
On another note: do commenters realize how sexist their white iPhone remarks are?
Well said. Some of the statements are beyond sexist. They betray a far deeper and troubling mind set I thought limited to the likes of radical Muslims. It is scary indeed to know these are supposedly educated people living right here in the USA.
I have no religious beliefs and do not get involved. However, if it turns out there are such things as 'gods' and 'after lives' i really hope each religion's god turns out to be a woman with a really bad attitude to women haters.
Aside from Liberace and the chicks from Sex in the City, what self respecting person would care about a white telephone, let alone particularly want one?
Sounds like you are a candidate for a Droid type phone, their silly ads must appeal to you as they are targeted specifically to immature mentalities.
and what sucks for Apple ; is someone or everyone will still find something wrong with the damn thing!
That is a certainty, as they type way on their PCs and BBs to blogs such as this. However, never fear ... sales will be through the roof to open minded people who love quality.
iPhone 5 will still come out in June/July, and then there will be a lot of complaints from people would bought into the "Sept launch" hype.
i think you are right on
i think that the iphone 5 is actually iphone 4S just as the 3g and 3gs had same form factor
true iphone 5 will be much later, geared to android adoption, as a ace in the hole in case they need it with those other features including iphone wallet, LTE, which needs better more efficient chips, and how to handle voice
also, as they wait more and more will simply go to android, they are not slowing down
yes they are fragmented, and which andoid os is important to know, i will agree android is very confusing
the form factor of ip4 is near ideal, if they make the screen a little bigger and bump the chips and graphics bingo, many will buy
if i knew what i know now, about verizon, my great deal with att since i've been there so long, unlimited data being kept
but i held on to the rumors, yea right, i don't want to wait till sept
but apple can't wait 15 months for a refresh when android is getting new stuff and buzz every month
i think that the iphone 5 is actually iphone 4S just as the 3g and 3gs had same form factor
true iphone 5 will be much later, geared to android adoption, as a ace in the hole in case they need it with those other features including iphone wallet, LTE, which needs better more efficient chips, and how to handle voice
also, as they wait more and more will simply go to android, they are not slowing down
yes they are fragmented, and which andoid os is important to know, i will agree android is very confusing
the form factor of ip4 is near ideal, if they make the screen a little bigger and bump the chips and graphics bingo, many will buy
if i knew what i know now, about verizon, my great deal with att since i've been there so long, unlimited data being kept
but i held on to the rumors, yea right, i don't want to wait till sept
but apple can't wait 15 months for a refresh when android is getting new stuff and buzz every month
SJ doesn't want to lose momentum
My thoughts exactly and I'm in the same position regarding a refresh.
Actual question for the PC crowd (that I pretty harshly went after in my last post ;-) )
I am actually curious to know the honest answer to this.
Is it sexist to even ASK if differences between men and women and their take on fashion have any place in the conversation about how and who the white iPhone will sell to?
You may have missed the really nasty post regarding women, it wasn't a fashion comment as you are perhaps alluding to, rather a put down as to their technical abilities in a broad sweeping and ignorant statement. That somehow got warped into comments about taste.
On the color selection, I have had almost every Apple product going from Apple ][s, ///s, Lisas, and Macs and now iOS devices. I loved my iBook G4 which was white and never considered myself feminine for liking it. I think I'll get a white iPhone as well as my next iPad in white. I prefer it over black. Just my 2 cents worth. I think it is subliminal for me as the Apple look and feel in ads has always been about white. Lots of white, clean space, be it print ad or TV ads. I see Apple I think white. Heck even the Apple Logo is now a white, glowing Apple!
Solipsism is the philosophical idea that only one's own mind is sure to exist...the external world and other minds cannot be known and might not exist...
An ansible is a hypothetical machine capable of instantaneous or superluminal communication. I can also access Wikipedia.
WTF is with all these sexist and misogynistic comments?
To quote the prophet Tupac:
Yeah but it is white?
Thank you. I came late to this thread and was speechless at the depths of ignorance it had sunk to ... I wondered who was going to actually speak out as I read on.
There are plenty during his time and long before that didn?t feel their fellow man was inferior by design. It?s disgusting throughout the history of man not just today. Morality is a choice, not a convenience of the times.
It always has been disgusting. Your argument holds much greater weight when you discuss such ignorance wrt persons of influence in your own life time, not hundreds of years removed.
The reason it was called the Enlightenment Period wasn't because they painted a broad brush over the notion of superior/inferior hominid/hominoid origins of the human collective. It's because the overwhelming weight of their ideas were not common and forward thinking to a point they were branded heretics for their efforts.
But by all means, fixate on a statement by Jefferson he later recanted for it's ignorance and call him eternally an ignorant, ill-informed man from the year 2011.
Be sure to write down all of your thoughts, so in the year 2311 someone's forebears will bring forth a few of your thoughts [considered a relic of the Dark Ages], and carve out a few statements in the year 2311 to be shown as an example of how ignorant your thoughts were then, just so they can easily best their contemporary.
How a conversation regarding a white phone turned into a social commentary on the state of human equality tells me a lot of people have deep seated issues that have yet to be resolved.
Trashing a highly respected person of history by bringing them into this conversation is very small and overreaching to make your point.
On another note: do commenters realize how sexist their white iPhone remarks are?
Most women are totally clueless when it comes to computers. There might be a few exceptions to that rule, but overall, females need help from males when it comes to any computer related issues beyond the simplest of problems. This may be due to cultural issues or perhaps due to genetics. Either way, most women are worse at computers than men are.
You can say this, but you don't know this...there is a big difference. The fact you write statements like this shows a big lack in people sensitivity. This is a pure ego statement. Opinion yes,fact no.
And if Thomas Jefferson lived Today it would be disgusting. He lived during the days when Slavery was a long tradition of suppression where one race felt intellectually superior to another.
To compare the moral compass of 1770 or earlier to 2011 is embarrassing and myopic, not to mention mentally stunted and one looking to strengthen their position artificially by comparing a well respected philosopher whose impact has brought about a myriad of modern thoughts to being less than your own, all the while ignoring your advantage of > 200 years of human causality to stand high on your horse.
You're missing the point, or conveniently choosing not to address it.
People and attitudes change very slowly. The same thought process Jefferson used for black people are echoed by apple ]['s thought process toward women.
The point he is making revolves around the axiom, those who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it
Ps. He wasn't trashing Jefferson. Just because he recanted it doesn't mean he didn't once say those things. The issue he was invoking was the quote itself, not Jeffersons character
I'm a guy, and I've always had a white iPhone since they started making them. White iPhones are cool because they are different. As a matter of personal preference, I think they look cleaner and more high tech than looking like every other black gizmo out there. White gadgets are very 2001: A Space Odyssey!
On another note: do commenters realize how sexist their white iPhone remarks are?
Well said. Some of the statements are beyond sexist. They betray a far deeper and troubling mind set I thought limited to the likes of radical Muslims. It is scary indeed to know these are supposedly educated people living right here in the USA.
I have no religious beliefs and do not get involved. However, if it turns out there are such things as 'gods' and 'after lives' i really hope each religion's god turns out to be a woman with a really bad attitude to women haters.
Aside from Liberace and the chicks from Sex in the City, what self respecting person would care about a white telephone, let alone particularly want one?
Sounds like you are a candidate for a Droid type phone, their silly ads must appeal to you as they are targeted specifically to immature mentalities.
and what sucks for Apple ; is someone or everyone will still find something wrong with the damn thing!
That is a certainty, as they type way on their PCs and BBs to blogs such as this. However, never fear ... sales will be through the roof to open minded people who love quality.
iPhone 5 will still come out in June/July, and then there will be a lot of complaints from people would bought into the "Sept launch" hype.
i think you are right on
i think that the iphone 5 is actually iphone 4S just as the 3g and 3gs had same form factor
true iphone 5 will be much later, geared to android adoption, as a ace in the hole in case they need it with those other features including iphone wallet, LTE, which needs better more efficient chips, and how to handle voice
also, as they wait more and more will simply go to android, they are not slowing down
yes they are fragmented, and which andoid os is important to know, i will agree android is very confusing
the form factor of ip4 is near ideal, if they make the screen a little bigger and bump the chips and graphics bingo, many will buy
if i knew what i know now, about verizon, my great deal with att since i've been there so long, unlimited data being kept
but i held on to the rumors, yea right, i don't want to wait till sept
but apple can't wait 15 months for a refresh when android is getting new stuff and buzz every month
SJ doesn't want to lose momentum
i think you are right on
i think that the iphone 5 is actually iphone 4S just as the 3g and 3gs had same form factor
true iphone 5 will be much later, geared to android adoption, as a ace in the hole in case they need it with those other features including iphone wallet, LTE, which needs better more efficient chips, and how to handle voice
also, as they wait more and more will simply go to android, they are not slowing down
yes they are fragmented, and which andoid os is important to know, i will agree android is very confusing
the form factor of ip4 is near ideal, if they make the screen a little bigger and bump the chips and graphics bingo, many will buy
if i knew what i know now, about verizon, my great deal with att since i've been there so long, unlimited data being kept
but i held on to the rumors, yea right, i don't want to wait till sept
but apple can't wait 15 months for a refresh when android is getting new stuff and buzz every month
SJ doesn't want to lose momentum
My thoughts exactly and I'm in the same position regarding a refresh.
Actual question for the PC crowd (that I pretty harshly went after in my last post ;-) )
I am actually curious to know the honest answer to this.
Is it sexist to even ASK if differences between men and women and their take on fashion have any place in the conversation about how and who the white iPhone will sell to?
You may have missed the really nasty post regarding women, it wasn't a fashion comment as you are perhaps alluding to, rather a put down as to their technical abilities in a broad sweeping and ignorant statement. That somehow got warped into comments about taste.
On the color selection, I have had almost every Apple product going from Apple ][s, ///s, Lisas, and Macs and now iOS devices. I loved my iBook G4 which was white and never considered myself feminine for liking it. I think I'll get a white iPhone as well as my next iPad in white. I prefer it over black. Just my 2 cents worth. I think it is subliminal for me as the Apple look and feel in ads has always been about white. Lots of white, clean space, be it print ad or TV ads. I see Apple I think white. Heck even the Apple Logo is now a white, glowing Apple!
anyway the apple culture has changed i guess .
moving forward a white phone must be a elegant look . well worth the wait ,
THIS IS THE worst topic in months . some sick stuff was said here. if someone loves a white iphone that does not make him ....
anyway the apple culture has changed i guess .
moving forward a white phone must be a elegant look . well worth the wait ,
teck stud is missed