Rumor: Apple may release 'iPad 2 Plus' with high-res display this year



  • Reply 61 of 107
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    Never heard of him before. That painting looks simplistic and looks like a 5 year old child made it. I've made much better paintings on my iPad, and I'm not a pro artist.

    Gawd, I hope that was sarcasm.
  • Reply 62 of 107
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by sennen View Post

    Gawd, I hope that was sarcasm.

    If you read his posts you'll see that he's been serious.
  • Reply 63 of 107
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Nice picture, thanks. He goes on to say, "I wish I could see the look on Apple ]['s face when it comes out."
  • Reply 64 of 107
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Those of you who dont like well substantiated rumours are on the wrong site. I believed this since they found hi-res images on the earlier unreleased builds. No, they wouldn't waste a designers time on that unless they had something to test it on. And no, they wouldn't be testing, in April this year, something they weren't releasing until next year.

    It makes sense. The counter arguments make no sense. If they are selling a lot of the iPad 2 then they can sell more of that and the iPad 2 HD, particularly if some factories come on line.

    Also, Apple produces an OS, not a virtual machine. They own the widget so they can do this - write the chip and graphics drivers themselves. You should play to your strengths. It also allows them to increase the price on all equivalent HD models by $100 or reduce the lower end models by $50-$100, maintaining margins if the sales of the HD models take off.

    So, no it hasn't been debunked.

    I am fairly sure that the present GPU would work too without performance degradations ( i.e. it is over-specced at the moment). Someone wrote a post on that before, but it was the last post on a thread, and no-one replied. Post again.
  • Reply 65 of 107
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    Those of you who dont like well substantiated rumours are on the wrong site. I believed this since they found hi-res images on the earlier unreleased builds. No, they wouldn't waste a designers time on that unless they had something to test it on. And no, they wouldn't be testing, in April this year, something they weren't releasing until next year.

    It makes sense. The counter arguments make no sense. If they are selling a lot of the iPad 2 then they can sell more of that and the iPad 2 HD, particularly if some factories come on line.

    Also, Apple produces an OS, not a virtual machine. They own the widget so they can do this - write the chip and graphics drivers themselves. You should play to your strengths. It also allows them to increase the price on all equivalent HD models by $100 or reduce the lower end models by $50-$100, maintaining margins if the sales of the HD models take off.

    So, no it hasn't been debunked.

    I am fairly sure that the present GPU would work too without performance degradations ( i.e. it is over-specced at the moment). Someone wrote a post on that before, but it was the last post on a thread, and no-one replied. Post again.

    Yes to all this, and I hope that post you're talking about reappears. kpluck, do you know about this? I'd really like to see some real info.
  • Reply 66 of 107
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by Flaneur View Post

    Nice picture, thanks. He goes on to say, "I wish I could see the look on Apple ]['s face when it comes out."

    You're right about that. I won't be happy if it happens.
  • Reply 67 of 107
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    If you read his posts you'll see that he's been serious.

    Sometimes I joke and sometimes I'm serious. And just for the record, I was being 100% serious in that post.
  • Reply 68 of 107
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    You are spot on.

    Apple will also get into a market expectations trap..... people will look for half-yearly cycles of new product announcements.

    If a hi res screen becomes do able on a mass amount , Apple would need to use it <rather than risk hp or some one else making there ipad clones with a hi res screen .

    i think it will be a ipad 3 if it ever see'e the light of day .

    chilly oct sounds right .

    I still hope for a middle sized IPAD to come out .

  • Reply 69 of 107
    cloudgazercloudgazer Posts: 2,161member
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    I am fairly sure that the present GPU would work too without performance degradations ( i.e. it is over-specced at the moment). Someone wrote a post on that before, but it was the last post on a thread, and no-one replied. Post again.

    The present GPU is probably about right for full 3D gaming on the existing iPad, but overspecced for GPU powered animations on a primarily 2D display - like page turning on iBooks. I'd imagine an iPad-HD wouldn't be able to game in the highest resolution, but that wouldn't be a huge problem.
  • Reply 70 of 107
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Originally Posted by cloudgazer View Post

    The present GPU is probably about right for full 3D gaming on the existing iPad, but overspecced for 3G powered animations on a primarily 2D display - like page turning on iBooks. I'd imagine an iPad-HD wouldn't be able to game in the highest resolution, but that wouldn't be a huge problem.

    "3G powered?" In my best Borat voice, "What is this??"
  • Reply 71 of 107
    cloudgazercloudgazer Posts: 2,161member
    Originally Posted by Flaneur View Post

    "3G powered?" In my best Borat voice, "What is this??"

    That will teach me to type while watching old Buffy episodes.
  • Reply 72 of 107
    rhyderhyde Posts: 294member
    Originally Posted by iDave View Post

    This is a rumor I'm truly tired of hearing.

    Amen. How many times can it be recycled?
  • Reply 73 of 107
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Originally Posted by rhyde View Post

    Amen. How many times can it be recycled?

    How many times? I'd say about 10 until it comes out, maybe more. Better get used to it.

    It's just as important as the appearance of the iPhone 4, or the new Macbook Air, or any other technical and production breakthrough they have come up with.

    There has never been anything to equal what this screen will look like in your hands. You will all have to eat your words when you realize that you were stamping your feet when you should have been investigating the possibilities, or at least using your imagination. You don't have to join the chorus like me, but why complain yourself into a corner?

    Still waiting for a definitive analysis on why some think the A5 with current RAM could handle it, and why some don't.
  • Reply 74 of 107
    unicronunicron Posts: 154member
    Well, it only makes sense as Apple released the iPhone 4Plus+ midway through the year. Oh wait, they didn't. Because Apple has never done that!

    They can barely make enough iPad 2 as it is. And you want to further constrain supply?? No, Apple will hold back such a major feature for iPad 3.

    This rumor has all the weight of the electrons it's displayed with.
  • Reply 75 of 107
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,122member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Unless Apple wants to really kill the competition during the holiday buying season... insurance so to speak. Apple has been known lately to up the ante to a position that completely shuts out the competition...

    Apple already is "really" killing the competition in the tablet market! I mean come on! They're selling every iPad that comes off the production line. Months later, they STILL have a hefty backlog of iPad orders.

    There is no reason whatsoever for Apple to disrupt what they are doing now by shooting themselves in the foot and coming out with another model mid-cycle. The tech is just not there yet. New CPU, heavier GPU to handle the almost quadrupling of pixels, etc... just not there yet this year.

    However, for the sake of argument, if they did decide to come out with an iPad "2s" or whatever it would be mid-cycle, it will most likely be at a much higher price-point and may not sell well due to the fear of disrupting current iPad2 orders.

    But if they did, I'd have to bang my head on the wall a few times to numb the pain of buying the new one... I do love my iPad2!
  • Reply 76 of 107
    cloudgazercloudgazer Posts: 2,161member
    Originally Posted by Unicron View Post

    Well, it only makes sense as Apple released the iPhone 4Plus+ midway through the year. Oh wait, they didn't. Because Apple has never done that!

    The iPhone is sold primarily through carriers, which means that Apple's ability to increase market share is limited by more than models and supply. Apple cannot crush the competition on the phone platform, no matter how many they build - not without long slow negotiations.

    The iPad, like the iPod is a pure consumer device that doesn't require a carrier contract. Much like the iPod, in the tablet sector Apple CAN crush all the opposition and own the segment without pesky negotiations.

    It's a completely different situation breaking into an existing market with a complex channel distribution than creating an entirely new market where you primarily are the channel.

    There's a really good reason that apple might not ship a retina iPad, and that's supply of display panels. That's really the only good reason though, and speaking only for myself I don't know enough about the LCD component market to know the real situation there.
  • Reply 77 of 107
    applecationapplecation Posts: 147member
    I've read thru all the various comments on this thread, and I still don't buy it.

    I do not believe Apple needs to rush out another iPad at this point, and I disagree that there is any real competition out there. Do you see them pushing iPhones out quicker? There is definitely competition in that arena.

    Also, with the iPhone5 expected in the Fall, I would think that including a new iPad as well would hurt sales to early adopters. I know I could not justify both at the same time. I need time for my wallet to heal

    One thing we can all agree on: Time will Tell.
  • Reply 78 of 107
    tinman0tinman0 Posts: 168member
    Originally Posted by Applecation View Post

    It is hard to see a business justification for releasing a new model so quickly, without any real competition to drive that decision. There is cost with switching models. I think Apple will stick to the schedule on this one. It's not like there is a major flaw in iPad2 to overcome.

    It still takes up to 2 weeks to ship the current model, so sales are certainly staying high.

    It's not about iPad 2 having a flaw or selling like hot cakes.

    It's about Apple working to a Christmas release date for iPads. They need a warm update of the iPad2 in September/October for the Christmas market - exactly the same as iPods. They need to work on Christmas releases for iPads as soon as they can.

    Same with when they update the MacBooks just before the new school year. This is exactly the same for the iPad.

    An iPad 2S also hurts the rest of the tablet market as a bonus. People will now start holding off on sales of iPad2 and the rest of the competition to see what happens with the iPad 2S. Apple can afford for a few people to hold off on iPad 2, but Samsung, RIM, HP can't afford for people to hold off on their products.

    The tablet business for the rest of the manufacturers is turning from a horror film to a nightmare.
  • Reply 79 of 107
    I never bought ipad one because no camera, I never bought ipad 2 because no retina display but I will but ipad 3 on the day it is out.
  • Reply 80 of 107
    joindupjoindup Posts: 80member
    New iPhones. New iPads. I think it's my wallet that's going to be thinner and lighter.
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