radiohead kicks ass.



  • Reply 61 of 88
    der kopfder kopf Posts: 2,275member

    Originally posted by torifile

    Memorize "Fake Plastic Trees" and learn what real depression is.

    Exactly. I remember I was listening to that the day after my first little girlfriend broke up with me, as I was sitting in the front seat of our car, driving down all the way to Portugal. (a two-day distance, not commonly travelled in car by Belgians - about 2000, 2500 kms). Fake Plastic Trees. Still have a hard time listening to it. Memories can be too powerful at times.

    OK Computer, I never got into though. I have always thought of the record as way too easy, strangely enough. Blatantly conceptual, but not enough concept to go by. Hard to know which song is Karma Police, which is Paranoid Android, or one of the other clone songs.

    I can imagine, however, that a few years from now, that I will realise that this 'simplicity', in reality is a very complex thing to succeed at. The most complex of all. I'm in doubt.\
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  • Reply 62 of 88
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member

    Originally posted by torifile

    They are the best band.... ever (maybe). Disagree? Agree? Post your thoughts HERE.

    I think they are the most over-rated band ever. The vast majority of their music is very homogenous, very predictable, and in my opinion they are trying too hard to do stuff that seems like it's effortless. It doesn't feel natural.

    A lot of it I don't consider it music. It's an overworked piece of avant garde lyrical poetry that impresses only the pretentious.

    I know that's pretty scathing, but I've heard a lot of Radiohead ond read a lot about them so i do know what I'm talking about, at least to a pretty good extent. There is some Radiohead I think is quite good. . perhaps great, but I find too much of it to be junk.
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  • Reply 63 of 88
    dviantdviant Posts: 483member
    Now I'm not a HUGE Radiohead fan. But I like them well enough and have listened to quite a bit. Some of my favorite songs are on Amnesiac... but their newest (and currently unreleased through conventional means) is really the best one yet. Accessible yet different.

    It's interesting to note how far their sound has progressed from the grunge days, and especially coming from a major label band. Some of it of late (some Kid A tracks come to mind) that Its like they are the "indie" band that's ok for the masses to like. Thats a good thing
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  • Reply 64 of 88
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member

    Originally posted by Splinemodel

    I think they are the most over-rated band ever. The vast majority of their music is very homogenous, very predictable, and in my opinion they are trying too hard to do stuff that seems like it's effortless. It doesn't feel natural.

    A lot of it I don't consider it music. It's an overworked piece of avant garde lyrical poetry that impresses only the pretentious.

    I know that's pretty scathing, but I've heard a lot of Radiohead ond read a lot about them so i do know what I'm talking about, at least to a pretty good extent. There is some Radiohead I think is quite good. . perhaps great, but I find too much of it to be junk.

    Fair enough. I guess I'm pretentious because I'm very impressed every time I hear their stuff. It's just that they are perhaps the most innovative and accessible band I've heard in a long long time.
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  • Reply 65 of 88
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member

    Originally posted by der Kopf

    OK Computer, I never got into though. I have always thought of the record as way too easy, strangely enough. Blatantly conceptual, but not enough concept to go by. Hard to know which song is Karma Police, which is Paranoid Android, or one of the other clone songs.

    Many of the songs on ok computer can sound alike if you're not paying attention. That is intentional, I think. But some of the songs are just so freakin' epic, it's unbelievable. Like Paranoid Android. It just keeps building and it's an understated sort of thing. Not just getting louder, but getting more and more powerful as it goes. Same goes for Exit Music... Frankly amazing music. I dunno, I'm just hooked on their stuff. Even the un-remixed version of hail to the thief that I downloaded (and I will be the first in line to buy it) is great.
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  • Reply 66 of 88
    sammi josammi jo Posts: 4,634member
    I like Radiohead, because they sound like... Radiohead. This band has some individuality, character and they have their own sound. They sound like a real band. Even if I absolutely hated Radiohead, I would still prefer them to the thousands of bland cookie-cutter bands and solo "artists" churning out generic plagiarized drivel en masse.
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  • Reply 67 of 88

    Originally posted by torifile

    Many of the songs on ok computer can sound alike if you're not paying attention. That is intentional, I think. But some of the songs are just so freakin' epic, it's unbelievable. Like Paranoid Android. It just keeps building and it's an understated sort of thing. Not just getting louder, but getting more and more powerful as it goes. Same goes for Exit Music... Frankly amazing music. I dunno, I'm just hooked on their stuff. Even the un-remixed version of hail to the thief that I downloaded (and I will be the first in line to buy it) is great.

    paranoid android IS epic, on the head!(it's their stairway to heaven, bohemian rhapsody or whatever watershed moment, if you will) did you ever see the video?

    just tremendous. i saw it just once, and it was the first time i heard the song and i thought it was jeff buckley, not being familiar with radiohead at all at the time.

    still blows me away every time i hear it, i'd like to see the video again though.....
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  • Reply 68 of 88
    trevormtrevorm Posts: 841member
    Radohead are really good. I never got their music and then one day along comes OK computer and WOW that has to be one of the best sorta productions I have heard for that syle of music. Love it and love some of the older stuff!
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  • Reply 69 of 88
    gsfmarkgsfmark Posts: 210member
    radiohead is breathtaking... OK Computer is IMHO the best album of the 90s. Seriously, that record blows your mind. The bends, almost as breathtaking.. Stinking amazing.. Kid A, Amnesiac, both great and better than 90% of music coming out these days, but not my fave radiohead cds. Pablo Honey, an amazing first cd, great guitar rock, but they've progressed SO MUCH since then.

    Hail to the Theif, the new one, AMAZING!!! i have all the mp3s 192, if anyone wants to back up their copy....

    As for nirvana, they were good, but not great... but then again, i don't know enough about them to make a totally qualified decision.

    I read someone wrote about Appleseed cast.. Good call, they rule. They're doing really good stuff now. Anyone know who Frodus is?! their last cd, And We Washed Our Weapons in the Sea is great!

    Coldplay: A Rush of Blood to the Head... best cd to come out since amnesiac. that cd is a flippin masterpiece. I am ordering all their singles on amazon so i can get all the b sides..

    But to reply to torifile's original post, yeah, radiohead is amazing. I think they're the most original band around today.
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  • Reply 70 of 88
    well, it's months later and i have an hour left in my shift and i'm listening to Amnesiac and find this thread!

    since the last post, Radiohead has toured the USA and after seeing 2 stops - their music is even better live!

    i was lucky to score tix to the Boston area show that opened the US leg and DC show, and what a treat it is to hear the new music and beefed up arrangements of older songs!

    Johnny w/ his Ondes Martenot and iBook (running Ableton Live? anyone know?) (Radiohead is very much an Apple band)

    Thom was amazing running from piano,rhodes, guitar, midi keyboard(Kid A (!)live),

    they even played Creep (Thom actually enjoys it again, and changed the lyrics in boston show)

    My fav highlights were the live interplay between Thom singing and Johnny sampling it during Everything in its right place, - and the entire crowd building up to an eruption of cheering after the "bring down the gov'n, they don't speak for us" in no surprises...

    Whew! i'm gonna rock out this last hour at work
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  • Reply 71 of 88
    originally posted by torifile


    Something I can't say for my other favorite band, pearl jam.

    I love pearl jam, they do have a few misses, unlike radiohead. But when they hit the mark, it rips my heart out and makes me wonder if these guys ever new me in a past life. Hell, I even found a bootleg demo by Stone Gossard that has my name.

    The album of theirs that made the biggest impact on me is Yield, just so many lines in there that spoke exactly how I felt, I hadn't heard music that close to my heart until I heard Neutral Milk Hotel's Aeroplanes over the Sea. Get it if you don't have it yet, you won't regret it.

    As for Radiohead, they are just ing genius. Releasing their albums online ahead of their official release and still going #1. Their music and marketing is top notches. My fav track by them is idiotheque, I'll listen to it over and over again.

    Have you ever seen the vid for the UNKLE collab Yorke did.
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  • Reply 72 of 88

    Originally posted by Splinemodel

    I think they are the most over-rated band ever. The vast majority of their music is very homogenous, very predictable, and in my opinion they are trying too hard to do stuff that seems like it's effortless. It doesn't feel natural.

    A lot of it I don't consider it music. It's an overworked piece of avant garde lyrical poetry that impresses only the pretentious.

    I know that's pretty scathing, but I've heard a lot of Radiohead ond read a lot about them so i do know what I'm talking about, at least to a pretty good extent. There is some Radiohead I think is quite good. . perhaps great, but I find too much of it to be junk.

    i'm a big fan of Radiohead but cringe when they get hyped up as the 'the only band that matters' or 'greatest ever'...a lot of folks tend to over rate them...

    but i gotta ask: how can you have "heard a lot ...and read a lot" of Radiohead and concluded that the vast majority of their music is very homogeneous and very predictable (btw, some music feels natural at first few times listening 'cuz they are by definition homogenous and very predictable, such as dance music at a club)??

    if we're talking AC-DC or Boston, i can totally see that, but c'mon...

    they deserve some props, all u gotta do is hear how poorly everyone covers their tunes...

    and most articles from respected music critics (like from the New Yorker who know they use an ondes martenot and use pitch axis in their chord progression, not the citypaper where they assume using a rhodes piano and moog synth is "digital' ) and fellow musicians love Radiohead (well, 'cept for Kid Rock, who just didn't "didn't get them",but would never ever be quoted as calling 'em junk as he would call his crosstown buddies ICP)

    as for being pretentious art music: yeah, you're absolutely right, that they are...but so is classical music, which is undeniably good music...besides, what kinda music and are a 5piece w/ their background gonna make?
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  • Reply 73 of 88
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
    just wanna say,

    Music to crash your car to!

    My best band ever. Radiohead are cool too. Nirvana sux IMO.
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  • Reply 74 of 88

    Originally posted by MarcUK

    just wanna say,

    Music to crash your car to!

    My best band ever. Radiohead are cool too. Nirvana sux IMO.

    no luv for Nirvana?? aww...

    i grew up spending hours listening/reading the album sleeve for shout at the devil(haven't bought their book yet, though), but i have much luv for Nirvana,too...gotta give 'em another try!

    i've seen each band in their last tours(in original lineup)...uh,oh...(hopefully not Radiohead's, but you never know)
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  • Reply 75 of 88
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  • Reply 76 of 88
    Mmm - I (love)^10 radiohead.

    There, that was some good geek abbreviation. 8)

    The Bends has got to be one of the best albums I have ever heard.
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  • Reply 77 of 88
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member

    Originally posted by iDebaser

    no luv for Nirvana?? aww...

    i grew up spending hours listening/reading the album sleeve for shout at the devil(haven't bought their book yet, though), but i have much luv for Nirvana,too...gotta give 'em another try!

    i've seen each band in their last tours(in original lineup)...uh,oh...(hopefully not Radiohead's, but you never know)

    I do acknowledge the reasons why people say nirvana are like one of the greatest rock bands, and i do think that they did write some classic songs, but they didn't really do anything for me, also I have issues with the fact that Kurt seems to be more important than the music in some quarters. I dont appreciate the fact (IMO) that he was one of lifes wasters (IMO) and he found success by playing up too it and then killing himself - I pretty much only could laugh at the public misery when he did do it. I found it all a bit pathetic to be honest.

    Anyway, Ive been listening alot to the Crue's early albums, too fast for love, and shout. I think its pretty amazing the sound they had when they were like 18 years old, back in 1980, listening to the very earliest songs like Starry Eyes, Merry go round, its clear too see why the Crue became the success they were, apart from slight production issues of an early 80's recording, Its not hard too believe these songs could have come from any era, classics. Compare that with todays teen rock bands, (I wont name any to avoid the flamewar), but they're in a different league. Though how much of this is the fault of the record companies is anyones guess.

    Mick Mars - completely underrated as a guitarist, I dont know of any other guitarist that sounds like him, it has a kind of quirkyness too it, but there is a kind of raw, unpolished diamond in his style, sound and performance, like the solos in Piece of your action, there just totally raw and rude. I dont think any of the other big guitarist from that era sound like him, or would want too!, just Micks style, rude, raw and kind of a professional amateurish. But these songs just dont appear to be dated.

    Anyhow, the crue havn't released much of a good album since 94, and I guess they're all wrapped up now, looking forward to hearing Nikki's new band 'brides of destruction'.
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  • Reply 78 of 88

    Originally posted by Splinemodel

    If yau ask me, You know you're Right is a pretty weak track...his music was clearly deteriorating, if you can even consider it "solid" in the first place

    Well, Kurt had stated many times that he had grown tired of being a ?death rocker?. But that doesn?t mean his love for music had died. He had actually made plans to go out east and record an all acoustic album with Michael Stipe of REM. There was even a plane ticket in his pocket when they found him. Makes you wonder.


    Originally posted by Splinemodel

    his heroin addiction was slowly killing him..

    I dunno, it seemed like he was trying to get cleaned up drug wise. He was really worried about the influence he had on his daughter, he stated several times I think that he didn?t want her to be teased about her parents? drug addiction(s). During the last tour, his band mates & company stated that the only substance he was infamous for using was evian water. Krist said after his death that ?smack was only a small part of his life?.

    I will also add that he had begun filing for divorce. And had called his lawyer to have Courtney removed from his will, as the current agreement stated that if he died, she would get everything.

    But what do I know?

    As for Radiohead. They kick ass?.
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  • Reply 79 of 88
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  • Reply 80 of 88
    I keep hitting that damn reply button instead of the edit button. Delete me.
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